MTL - Accidentally Entangled with the Rich-Chapter 12

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Zhou Guang didn't know how he ended that meal, but Meng Yungui's gaze always swept over him vaguely. That suffocating feeling made her irritable, and she wished she could run away immediately.

After eating, Meng Yungui and Shen Mengfei left together.

A man with a corrupt private life, Zhou Guang glanced at Meng Yungui's leaving back and looked away.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to see the opera."

"The tickets are all bought." Wang An was taken aback, and looked at Zhou Guangguang with a frown: "What's going on?"

"The rain has stopped." Zhou Guang looked up at the sky, then turned his head to look at Wang An, and said with a smile: "Just now, my classmate called me to go back to school, and I have to go back to the set at night. If I go to the opera, I'm afraid it will be time Too late."

Wang An was let go by Zhou Guang for no reason, and his tone became bad: "What is there to do with your broken film crew? When my film and television company is established, I will only praise you. Then you want to act You can act whatever you want, and you don’t have to go to the crew to get angry.”

If this sentence is true, Zhou Guang will probably be moved, but Wang An's words are too watery.

"Wang An." Zhou Guang interrupted him: "What is our relationship?"

Wang An was taken aback: "Friend."

"Yes, they are friends, so why do you praise me alone? You are not allowed to mess around now, and your father gives you money, so you don't mess around and do a good job."

Wang An looked at her without speaking for a while.

Zhou Guang laughed, his brows and eyes curved, and he said in a friendly manner, "I'll be back on the weekend, and I'll meet you for dinner then."

Good friends, that's all. Not a couple. Don't say that his film and television company is not open now, even if it is, will he really support Zhou Guang by himself? Is it possible? When we met for the first time, Wang An went to visit the crew, a heavyweight star. These boys and buddies, are their private lives not chaotic?

Zhou Guang rejected Wang An. She went back to school and asked for a leave of absence. After picking up a few clothes, she hurried to City K.

The weekend is coming soon, and despite the reluctance of the weekend, we still have to pass.

Since Zhou Meng asked, Zhou Guang went to disgust her to death.

Zhou Guang is really poor, so I rented a dark blue knee-length skirt. After all, if the color is too light, it will get dirty and cannot be washed off after being rented by several people. Stepping on the high heels, Zhou Guang braided his hair on both sides and left it loose. Because I had a good relationship with the makeup artist of the crew before, I just put on a light makeup.

Life is like a play, only shameless can perform this play well.

It was already eleven o'clock in the morning when she arrived in S City, Wang An came to pick her up, and Zhou Guang didn't refuse. Her affection for Wang An was limited, so it was naturally impossible to have other thoughts, but Wang An was different.

Zhang Yang's sports car stopped at the station, and Wang An was taken aback when he saw Zhou Guangguang.


Zhou Guang walked over quickly, met his gaze, raised his chin and put his hands on the car: "Does it look good?"

Only then did Wang An come to his senses, Zhou Guang's outfit was so stunning that it almost blinded him. Zhou Guang was originally white, and wearing a dark blue skirt was absolutely perfect.

"It's not pretty." Wang An calmly took a breath, turned his face away: "Get in the car."

Along the way, Wang An was uncharacteristically silent.

Zhou Guang took out a bag of bread from his bag and ate it, and then fell off the altar. Wang An frowned, "Hey, let me tell you." Can you be more particular?

"What?" Zhou Guang took another bite of the bread, choked, and asked him, "Is there any water?"

"Why don't you choke yourself to death." Having said that, Wang An still handed over a bottle of water: "Didn't you eat this morning?"

"Well, I got up at six o'clock in the morning for filming. Didn't I come here in a hurry just after work?" Zhou Guang was almost sleepy, and pressed his eyebrows: "I'm so busy, I have to go back to the set in the afternoon."

"You are busier than the president of the country."

When he arrived at the place, Wang An looked back at Zhou Shiguang: "Since we're here, don't make trouble no matter what happens for a while, you know?" Zhou Wang's two family friends, if Zhou Guangguang quarrels on such a big occasion, no one will look good.

"I'm not stupid." Zhou Guang raised his chin and smiled, "Don't worry."

What's the fuss? What is her position? She came here with Wang An, if something happened, wouldn't it be to find trouble for Wang An?

"We've all grown up."

Wang An stretched out his arms: "Let's go."

Zhou Guang didn't take his arm, Wang An paused, and stepped forward to wrap his arms around Zhou Guang's shoulder.

Zhou Guang looked back at him.

"Good buddy." Wang An cocked his lips and explained, "Last time we acted as a couple in front of Meng Hao."


What should come must be faced.

Zhou Guang imagined it was tragic, but in fact, the hotel was so big that she didn't even see Zhou Meng's face. Pass the invitation and enter the hotel. There were many guests, and Zhou Guang also saw a few familiar faces.

“The venue is well furnished.”

"Hmm." Zhou Guang walked with her head down, pinching the hem of her skirt with her fingers, she was a little nervous.

Wang An's phone rang, and he connected: "Dad?" He looked up and searched, looked around and locked on the target: "Okay, I'll go there right away." After hanging up the phone, he turned around and said to Zhou Guang: "You are here first. Find something to eat here, my parents are here, I have to go."

Now that Zhou Guang's status is embarrassing, Wang An is not ashamed to take her to his parents.

"Don't worry about me if you're busy."

Zhou Guang nodded, and she watched Wang An walk towards the door.

Turn around and walk to the restaurant inside. The hotel environment is very good. The melodious cello was flowing in the air, and Zhou was bored, so he found a place to sit down and eat.

Both the Zhou family and the Meng family are well-known families in S City, so they naturally invited countless celebrities. The engagement scene surrounded by flowers is as beautiful as a dream. The cello was replaced by piano music, and the passionate music sounded.

All eyes were on the newcomer in the center of the venue, and the host was a popular host in S City. Zhou Guang leaned back on the chair and squinted to see the past. From a distance, she could only see clearly a pair of people in red and black in the center of the venue.

When he was seventeen, Meng Hao said, "We'll get married when you graduate."

At the age of nineteen, Meng Hao said: "Zhou Guang, you make me sick, you are too vicious. Zhou Guang, from now on I will never know you again."

At the age of twenty-two, Meng Hao and Zhou Meng got engaged.

The two confessed their love to each other, and the parents of the two families finally got married, and the atmosphere at the scene was warm.

Zhou Guang sits in a corner, holds a glass of wine and drinks it with his head up, red wine can be so heartburning?

"Why are you here?"

A man's deep and cold voice suddenly sounded behind him, Zhou Guang suddenly turned his head to look over, and then bumped into the man's dark eyes. He raised the wine glass in his hand and shook it at Zhou Guang, then raised his head and finished drinking.

He was wearing a black suit today, with a silver-gray neckline without a tie, casually revealing a section of wheat-colored skin. Mr. Meng's illegitimate son, Meng Yungui. His tall figure leaned lazily on the dining table behind him, his Adam's apple rolled, his eyes narrowed and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Huh? Zhou Guang, what a coincidence."

"Rub the meal."

Zhou Guang has always been afraid of this person, she poured her own wine glass and then raised it to finish drinking. She didn't like looking up at people, so she stood up and looked directly at Meng Yungui: "Then why are you here?"


Meng Yungui frowned, raised his chin and put away his smile, staring at Zhou Guangguang.

"You do not know who I am?"

"How would I know?"

Zhou Guang squinted his eyes, drank the remaining half glass of wine, and turned to look at the couple in the center of the venue. After a while, he turned his head to look at Meng Yungui, his sly clear eyes blinked: "Are you a movie star? Everyone knows the kind?"

How can you get a man's attention? Meng Yungui was impatient with Shen Mengfei's flattery, it can be seen that he likes women who are more challenging.

Meng Yungui's expression froze, and his facial features became cold. Stand up straight, this woman—

Zhou Guang pretended not to see the change in his face, turned her eyes away and continued to look at the person in the center of the venue, her hand holding the cup was a little tight. Take a gamble? bet? If you don't bet, she will be stuck in the mud for the rest of her life and won't be able to get out. Lost the bet? I have nothing, what else can I lose? dare? Are you afraid of Zhou Guang?

Zhou Guang put down his cup, turned his head to look at Meng Yungui again, and after a while, the corners of his lips curled into an intriguing smile.

"I only know that others call you Mr. Meng."

Meng Yungui walked in front of her with heavy steps. The two were very close, he handed a glass of champagne to Zhou Guang, heavy pressure, Zhou Guang raised his hand to take it. The little finger touches her skin, Zhou Guang almost throws the cup into the cup, turns around and runs away, but reason suppresses himself to stay where he is.

He stared at Zhou Guang for a while with a half-smile, then raised his head and looked at the couple: "Your surname is Zhou, what's the relationship with Zhou Quan?"

"Why should I tell you?"

Zhou Guang raised her chin, her eyes were open, she is definitely an acting school, even though she was terribly scared, she jumped up and ran when she wanted to. But the body was still able to stand where it was, and continued to chat with a smile.

Meng Yungui drank the remaining half glass of champagne, put down the glass and turned to look over.

"I heard that there is a fake princess in the Zhou family, is that you?"

With bad eyesight, Zhou Guang's heart froze suddenly. Subconsciously backing away, he bumped into the dining table behind him, and his waist hurt a little.

"Run what?"

Meng Yungui snorted, and looked down at Zhou Shiguang condescendingly: "I don't eat people."

No matter what expression he made, there was a coldness in the depths of his eyes. Zhou Guang didn't like this person. From the very beginning, she knew that she didn't like this kind of man with a murderous look all over him. He knew it all, so he was just kidding himself? Very humiliating. Zhou Guang pretended to be calm and raised his chin.

"Are you Meng Hao's uncle?"

"My name is Meng Yungui."

Meng Yungui stepped in front of Zhou Guang, and Zhou Guang could not retreat. He squinted his eyes in a half-smile, raised his hand to grab Zhou Guang's chin, and approached her face. From a very close distance, she could smell the tobacco mixed with alcohol on his body, and her nerves were tense.

"Mr. Meng."

Zhou Guang was forced to lift his chin, his lips almost touched his own skin, and Zhou Guang's heart was in his throat. She laughed and raised her eyebrows: "Are you going to chase me?"

His fingers were rough, and it hurt to scratch his skin.

Meng Yungui was startled and then laughed out loud: "Chasing?"

He let go of Zhou Guang, wiped his fingers on his body, and said lightly: "I never chase people."

you fucking!

Zhou Guang still had a smile on his face, looking at him, he pinched his fingers a little tight, his nails almost sank into the flesh, and it hurt.

"Is it?"

The light in Meng Yungui's eyes gradually sank. After looking at her for a while, he calmed down. He took out the cigarette case, took out one, held it in his mouth, and lit it. He squinted slightly and stared at Zhou Guang: "Are you interested in following me?"


Zhou Guang is not stupid, he can see that he is interested in her, but she did not expect to bring it up so directly. I just felt that a basin of ice water was poured over my head, it was so cold that my whole body was numb from the cold.

"Come with me to bed, the price is up to you."

He took out a business card from his suit pocket with a cigarette in his mouth and handed it to Zhou Guang: "My contact information, I'll give you time to think about it."

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