MTL - Accidentally Entangled with the Rich-Chapter 107 (4)

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Clothes: "Huh? How sudden?"

His hands slipped in from the hem of his clothes, scraping Zhou Guang's waist.


Zhou Guang's head was sober from the pain, and he grabbed his arm: "Meng Yungui."

Meng Yungui immediately turned on the light and opened her clothes to see, good guy, there is a big scrape on her waist.

His complexion couldn't be described as ugly anymore, he got up and went to fetch the medicine box.

"The clothes are off."

Zhou Guang was still lingering, Meng Yungui was furious, and came over to take off her clothes a few times. The heating is on in the room, but it is not too cold. Zhou Guang was wearing underwear and wanted to shrink into the quilt, but Meng Yungui saw that there was still a wound on her leg.

Grabbing her ankle and pressing it on her leg, she patted her waist: "Don't move."

Zhou Guang'an passed away, and she even met Meng Yungui's little friend, poking herself hard.

"Why did you go?"

"Join a reality show."

"Is it Xiu Ren or Xiu Ming?"

Meng Yungui snorted angrily, applied medicine to her, and stuffed it under the quilt.

Go to put the medicine box, come over and take off your clothes and get into the quilt. Kissing her ears and neck, squinting her eyes: "It smells like disinfectant."

As for his good nose, Zhou Guang was tickled by his kiss, and shrank his head: "Shen Mengfei and I are in a group. After completing the task, we will be promoted. There are a total of ten episodes, and one group will be eliminated in two weeks. Originally, I wanted to be eliminated in the first episode. Stop playing, who knows if you accidentally overdo it."

Meng Yungui took off her last dress, and turned her over to face him.

"What pose do you want?"

Zhou Guang's face turned red, and he didn't know where to bury it.

"Will it cause scratches?"

He turned over and pressed on Zhou Guang's body, leaning over to kiss her lips. Zhou Guang raised his head and kissed him, it took him a while to pull out his reason, panting: "——slow down."

It was really difficult to make him slow, at first he could control it, but gradually lost control.

Panting and groaning intertwined, Zhou Guang was half exhausted during the day, and he was still tossing him when he came back at night.

Only once, he collapsed on the bed panting.

Meng Yungui didn't have enough, so he asked her to lie on her side and did it again before cleaning up and hugging Zhou Guanghui.

"Week time."

"Yeah." Zhou Guang curled up into a ball, very tired and sleepy.

"You've gotten a little close to Wang An recently."

"Is there?"

Zhou Guang was already about to fall asleep, but he woke up when he heard the words. He opened his eyes and looked at Meng Yungui in front of him: "Why did you bring this up?"

Meng Yungui squeezed her chin, and snorted coldly, because he had just done it, and his voice was hoarse, the effect of the snort was reduced: "Why don't you come to me for Taiwan's affairs?"


He knows? Weekly time quickly flipped in his head.


"Playing stupid, aren't you?"

Meng Yungui slid down his fingers, scratching her throat with rough fingertips: "Zhou Guang, do you think I dare not deal with you?"

"No, what about Taiwan? What happened to Rongxin?"

Meng Yungui's face darkened: "Rong Xin?"

Zhou Guang slipped his tongue and looked at him: "The male lead of that play."

"He touched you?"

Meng Yungui's complexion could no longer be described as livid, it was very ugly: "Say."

"He was thinking about it, and I offered him one."

Zhou Guang observed Meng Yungui's expression, moved his leg, and was immediately suppressed. His skin was a bit rough, Zhou Guang's skin was delicate, and his hairs were prickly, Zhou Guang felt a little painful, and he didn't move. "I came back after filming. The director stood on the same line with him and wanted to punish me. Wang An has been working on the million-dollar matter recently. He knows a lot of people, so I asked him to pay attention. The film If he cannot enter the mainland, I will make him pay for his death."

"The idea is that there is no problem, but why did you go to Wang An? I can't do this?"

Zhou Guang suddenly thought of a question, how did he know?

"How did you know?"

Meng Yungui snorted, "Don't change the subject."

He had heard from Zhou Guang once before, and he had already arranged for someone to investigate. Recently, I was going to do something and found out that Wang An was also thinking about it, so I didn't know what happened. Zhou Guang avoids him and goes to find Wang An, it's too late!

"I'm not worried about you." Zhou Guang thought for a while, but acting coquettishly still worked: "I'm afraid you are in a hurry, your temper, what if you get hurt by impulsiveness?" She raised her hand on Meng Yungui's shoulder, her face was a little hot : "Meng Yungui, don't you believe me?"

There was a rumbling sound in the stomach, and the conversation suddenly became less serious.

In the middle of the night, Meng Yungui put on his clothes and went downstairs to cook a bowl of noodles for her, and served them to Zhou Guangguang. He sat on the side and lit a cigarette. His pajamas were unbuttoned, and he was very bold, showing the scar on his chest and six-pack abs.

Zhou Guang ate two bites, which is the level of cooking. Not daring to show it, nodded: "It's delicious, you should smoke less."

Meng Yungui put out the cigarette butt, came over and sat beside her, took her chopsticks and tasted it.

He returned the chopsticks and patted her head.

"Then eat more."

It's **** unpalatable.

Zhou Guang swallowed the noodles hard, half lying on the bed and talking to Meng Yungui.

"How is your company going? Wang An wants to cooperate with you, what do you think?"

"He can't, this project can't be given to him." Meng Yungui pushed her away, lifted the quilt to go to bed, and turned off the light: "I have a partner over there, so you just try to push it away, don't promise anything to Wang An .”


Zhou Guang rolled his eyes and lay back.

"It's fine to make a movie, and participate in any show?" Meng Yungui frowned, and said in an unhappy tone: "Have you signed the contract? If you don't sign it, you won't go, you will suffer."

Zhou Guang nodded: "Well, I understand." He added: "Listen to you."

Meng Yungui snorted: "Leave that little artist from Taiwan to me, Time, you should believe that your man has the ability to take them down."

Zhou Guang laughed out loud, she believed it.

Once busy, the two of them don't even have time to meet each other.

While Zhou Guang was rushing to make a movie, Wang An wanted to sign a contract with her on the other hand.

Originally, Zhou Guang refused, but Wang An raised the price to five million, and Zhou Guang was a little moved.

They adopted the method of filming one episode and broadcasting one episode, and the ratings on the first day created a miracle.

The online evaluation of this program was also very enthusiastic. She had a brief talk with Qi Kang, and Qi Kang was more in favor of participating in the reality show.

Zhou Guang hesitated for two days, and Wang An raised the price to seven million. Zhou Guang and Shen Mengfei had youth movie backgrounds before, and they are popular CPs themselves.

The two have good looks. As soon as the photos without make-up were released, the Internet became abuzz. Zhou Guang's facial features are very worthy of scrutiny, and they are the most popular pair when the show is broadcast.

Zhou Guang happily signed the contract, seven million, not low.


"Meng Yun returns."

After six years, she stood in front of herself again.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Meng Yungui looked at her, turned around and left.

"Meng Yun returns."

Xu Ziqi frowned: "Why don't we talk about it?"

"What can I talk to you about?"

Meng Yungui walked in front of her again, looking down at the woman in front of her.

Xu Ziqi is very beautiful, and she is mature and beautiful.

They are classmates at the same table, from junior high school to high school.

Later he went to the army, and she went to the best university in the country.

She has changed a lot, with her long hair permed into curls, high heels and a long windbreaker.

Meng Yungui suddenly thought of Zhou Guang, she didn't look good in a windbreaker like Zhou Guang.

"About what?"

Xu Ziqi looked into his eyes for a long time, then sighed: "We are not enemies."

"what is that?"

Meng Yungui's clenched fingers gradually loosened, and he laughed out loud, "Xu Ziqi, why did you come back?"

Xu Ziqi brushed the broken hair beside his ears, and remained silent for a while.

"There is a coffee shop in front, let's go in and chat."

Meng Yungui turned around and left first.

She stirred a cup of coffee many times, Xu Ziqi looked up: "Actually, I don't want to come to see you."

Meng Yungui got up and was about to leave, Xu Ziqi smiled and said, "After so many years, are you still so irritable?"

Meng Yungui looked into her eyes.

"My sister forced me to come here." Xu Ziqi took a sip from his coffee cup, squinted his eyes, and looked up at Meng Yungui: "When we broke up, it was my problem. I didn't hear about your family until later. It's God's will to trick people."

She squinted slightly as she spoke, with clear lines at the corners of her eyes.

"Feel sorry."

"no need."

Meng Yungui said, "Do you have anything else to do?"

There was a song playing in the coffee shop, and the woman's hoarse voice was low and dark.

Meng Yungui sounded familiar.

"My brother-in-law's matter, I hope you can hold your hand high."


Meng Yungui stood up and looked down at Xu Ziqi: "I don't want to see you again."

Turning around and striding outside, passing the bar, he suddenly turned back: "Who sang that song just now?"

"Time, the actress who played youth."

Meng Yungui raised the corner of his mouth: "Thank you."

He left without looking back.

After Xu Ziqi finished her coffee, she turned to look out the window.

Bustling streets, pedestrians coming and going.

The phone rang and she answered.


"How did he say?"

"Sister, I have broken up with him for six years. What do you think he will say? Why do you take such a chance? Brother-in-law killed him with solid evidence, and he deserves it!"

"Are you my own sister? Are you speaking human language? He likes you, otherwise it would be impossible to find a partner for so many years. Ziqi, you can, he will definitely listen to what you say."

Xu Ziqi laughed: "Thank you for your trust, I can't do it."

After hanging up the phone, she sighed, lit a cigarette and held it to her lips.

He squinted his eyes, and a hoarse female voice flowed in the air.

Let go, the feast of youth...

She watched this movie and heard that the heroine is Meng Yungui's new love.

A very beautiful girl, isn't she gentle and pleasant? Hope Meng Yungui is happy.

They ended six years ago, bickering and fighting desperately just to be together. But after all, he lost to reality. He just graduated from high school, and he was doing well in the army, and his monthly allowance was only four to five thousand at most.

And she was admitted to the best university in China with excellent grades. With a bright future, foreign colleges and universities extended olive branches, and she went out to study for a few years, and she was covered in gold.

Her parents and elder sister scolded her for having no brains with the most harsh words, and chose a poor and hard-working mud-legged martial artist. Without money, can love be eaten? cannot. The number of times he comes back a year is limited, is she willing to marry such a person?

Twenty-five years old, the rank of lieutenant, how many years does it take to climb up?

What if you can never climb up?

She didn't regret making the choice, but what happened later made her feel funny.

It turned out that he was not a poor boy.

Back this year, my parents asked me to contact him again, which is really funny.

After Xu Ziqi finished smoking a cigarette, he got up, took his bag, put on his overcoat and went outside.

There is no turning back in time.


They were quarreling on the street, Zheng Chen grabbed Zhou Guang and pressed it against the wall, leaning over and kissing.

"You bastard!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught sight of a person, and Zhou Guang pushed Zheng Chen away abruptly. He thought Zhou Guang wanted to add more scenes, and the director had to continue acting without calling a card, so he pressed her against the wall even more violently.

"Try moving again!"

Zhou Guang rolled his eyes: "My boyfriend."

Zheng Chen snapped back to his senses, was stunned for a while, and quickly let go of Zhou Guang.

"Cut!" The director frowned, "What's going on?"

"It's okay, my question, I forgot the words."

Zheng Chen also saw Meng Yungui, and nodded in greeting from a distance away. Passing by, Zhou Guang explained: "The family education is strict, sorry."

"Understood." Zheng Chen nodded seriously.

Zhou Guang walked in front of Meng Yungui, because it was an off-site scene and there were crowds of onlookers.

Zhou Guang blinked his eyes and said solemnly, "Mr. Meng."

Meng Yungui pulled Zhou Guang over, and brushed her lips with his fingers: "Kiss?"


He exerted force on his fingertips, and Zhou Guang's lips were a little sore, so he hurriedly grabbed his hand: "Misplacement, no kiss—uh."

Meng Yungui blocked her lips and kissed her extremely fiercely. He pinched Zhou Guang's head. Lips and tongues fought, poking in to search for entanglement, almost swallowing Zhou Guang into the stomach with such force.

The onlookers and the squatting reporters all took pictures with their mobile phones and cameras, and Zhou Guang was breathlessly kissed. He was very fierce, pestering her all the time, Zhou Guang's lips and tongue were numb, and his mind was blank.

Unable to stand up, he grabbed his suit. After a while, Meng Yungui moved away from her lips, and raised his hand to wipe the drool from her lips. Walking into the set with Zhou Guang's shoulders in his arms, Zhou Guang was dizzy.

The rest of the scene were also stunned, Meng Yungui suddenly broke in, grabbed the protagonist and kissed him, this is a courteous posture.

"How many shows are there in the afternoon?"

Zhou Guang was at a loss for a while: "Two games."

"Can you release the filming tomorrow?"

Meng Yungui turned to look at the director: "Can you take someone away today?"

"Mr. Meng." The director stood up and shook hands with him, then turned to look at the assistant director: "Notify all departments to shoot the next scene first."

People like Meng Yungui are really annoying, they will plot against you endlessly and waste you. Old Wang didn't want to offend him, let alone Xiao Wang.

It wasn't until he got in the car that Zhou Guang realized, "I haven't removed my makeup or changed my clothes yet."

"No need to change."

"Why are you so sudden? What's the matter? Do you want to make it public?"


Meng Yungui glared at her: "How wronged are you and Lao Tzu? You don't even want to make it public?"

Zhou Guang was dumbfounded, what happened to him?

He drove the car into the air all the way, speeding like lightning, Zhou Guang held on to the seat belt tightly, for fear of being thrown out.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Meng Yungui didn't speak, Zhou Guang looked at his frozen face: "Who messed with you?"

"Mr. Meng?"

Meng Yungui still didn't speak, he slammed on the brakes at the red light ahead. When Zhou Guang jumped out of his chest, he was severely strangled by the seat belt, covered his chest in pain and coughed twice.

"what are you doing?"

Only then did Meng Yungui turn his head to look at Zhou Guang, he stared at Zhou Guang with deep eyes for a long time, then raised his hand to stroke Zhou Guang's head. Squinting her eyes, she ran her fingers through her soft black hair.



Zhou Guang was taken aback by him, raised his eyes and looked over, with his hands still covering his chest: "Mr. Meng?"

"Marry me." Meng Yungui said, "Go to the airport now, and go back to City S to get the certificate."

"Meng Yun returns!"

Zhou Guang was taken aback, really shocked, did he really mean it or was he joking?



The horn blared in the back, and Meng Yungui started the car.

"real or fake?"

Meng Yungui glanced at her, Zhou Guang rolled his eyes, and came back to his senses: "Married?"


Meng Yungui made an affirmative sentence with a deep tone.


Zhou Guang nodded, why don't I dare you to marry me?

Meng Yungui drove the car directly to the airport and bought a ticket temporarily. The flight ticket at seven o'clock in the evening, it's only four o'clock now, Zhou Guang felt that his mood was abnormal, and turned to look at him: "What's wrong with you?"

Meng Yungui leaned over Zhou Guangzi and kissed her. The long kiss ended. He scraped Zhou Guang's cheek with his thumb and stared into her eyes: "It's nothing. I want to get married and be my wife, Mrs. Meng."

Zhou Guang's heart was pounding and he looked into his eyes.

Meng Yungui laughed and said in a low voice, "What are you looking at?"

"Are you the real Meng Yungui or a fake?"


Meng Yungui held her in his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head.

His plan was to get married at twenty-six or twenty-eight. At that time, he said that it seemed dangerous for women to have children after twenty-eight, and he was the same age as Xu Ziqi. He is thirty-one this year, he and Xu Ziqi have broken up for six years, and the girlfriend he has been talking about is only once a week, like raising a child.

Meng Yungui's lips were burned on the top of Zhou Guang's head, and his heart was hit by something, and it hurt.

"Meng Yun returns."

Zhou Guang called his name softly, "What happened?"

He didn't speak all the time, got on the plane, and arrived in S City at nine o'clock at night. The plane meal was really unpalatable, Zhou Guang's eyes were blackened from hunger, and Meng Yungui was not hungry like an iron man. When he entered the door, he pressed her against the wall and kissed her. Zhou Guang finally found some fresh air and mumbled: "Don't press so hard, you hit your back during filming in the afternoon."

Meng Yungui carried her to the living room, turned on the light and lifted her clothes to look at her back, it was really purple.

I went upstairs to get the medicated oil, rubbed it on the wound for her, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed: "If it doesn't work, stop acting. I'll give you a brokerage company to play by yourself."

Zhou Guang lay on his lap, the air was a little colder, and the south had no more heating than the north.

If we talk about the south, it is not the right way. South is not north, south is not north, there is no heating, and the early spring is very cold, cold with moisture. With the air conditioner turned on, the room is too big to warm up so quickly.

His palms were hot again, rubbing the medicine, it was scalding hot.

Zhou Guang's body was also a little hot, and his thighs were strong.

Zhou Guang thought, why did he suddenly mention marriage?

Meng Yungui felt that she was being dishonest, and when Zhou Guang turned her head, her clothes were lifted up. Struggling quickly, Meng Yungui pressed her on his lap, and did not completely take off his clothes, for fear that she would be cold.

Biting Zhou Guang's neck, he spread her legs and straddled himself.

Zhou Guang was so ashamed that he couldn't lift his face, Meng Yungui bit her chin and lips: "How much do you want to film?"

"I like it very much."

He took off Zhou Guang's clothes, stroked and kissed her. Until her breathing became heavier and she gasped slightly, Meng Yungui entered in this posture. Hugging her waist, Zhou Guang lay on his shoulders and grasped his fingers very tightly, almost sinking into his flesh, Zhou Guang was scared.

"Another position will weigh on your back."

Only in this position, she doesn't need to be too tired, and it won't hurt, but it may be a little deep.

Zhou Guang grabbed Meng Yungui's shoulder, Meng Yungui smiled, turned her face and kissed her.

I didn't think too much about it, so let's just end it.

He likes week time.

After doing it on the sofa, Meng Yungui carried her upstairs.

Zhou Guang was tired, and he refused to give up. He insisted on pulling her to do it again, and then fell asleep with his arms around her.

The next day, Meng Yungui got up early, and all the morning news focused on the picture of Meng Yungui hugging Zhou Guanghui and kissing. He looked at it for a while, um, it's not bad, the reporter took a beautiful picture of the time.

The newspaper was still on the side, and he stopped by to buy breakfast for his morning run and brought it back.

Entering the door, Zhou Guang still hasn't woken up.

After putting breakfast on the plate, I heard movement upstairs. Walking up, she saw that she had come out of the shower, wrapped in a wet towel, with bruises and purple marks on her neck, he did it. Meng Yungui narrowed his eyes, walked over to put Zhou Guang in his arms and kissed him.

"Early morning."

Zhou Guang was so fed up, he pushed away: "I'm starving and exhausted."

"The restaurant has something to eat."

"I changed my clothes and went down."

Meng Yungui looked at her all the time, Zhou Guang's face was hot, and he glanced at him: "You go out."

"No matter how shy you are, I can't help but want to do it again."


Zhou Guang changed his clothes and went downstairs, the living room was littered with clothes, it was a mess.

With a slight blush on his face, he picked up a piece and put it in the laundry room.

Walk to the restaurant, a cup of warm water, fried buns and millet porridge.

Glancing across at Meng Yungui, he was reading documents with a tablet.

Did he buy breakfast?

After Zhou Guang finished drinking water, drank porridge slowly, took out his mobile phone to check the news, and sure enough, the headlines of every page were her kiss with Meng Yungui. The corner of Zhou Guang's mouth twitched, is it open?

"Can't you be serious when you're eating? What kind of phone are you playing with?"

Zhou Guang put down his phone and looked up at Meng Yungui: "All the news has been reported."

"Report what?"

Meng Yungui ate the steamed stuffed bun, he ate very fast, but it wasn't ugly.

"Forget it, let's make it public."

Zhou Guang bowed his head and drank porridge: "In the future, you don't have to worry about being chased by reporters."

Meng Yungui glanced at her: "Find out the ID card in a while, and go to apply for a marriage certificate."

Zhou Guang choked on a mouthful of porridge, so he really went.

Went there, both of them went out at nine o'clock, Meng Yun returned and changed into a suit.

On Thursday, the Civil Affairs Bureau opened its doors.

Arrived, it turns out that registration of marriage requires a household registration book...

Meng Yungui's household registration book is kept in his mother's old house in city b, so he is considered to be a registered permanent residence in city b. Zhou Guang's household registration book has not yet been completed, and he could have done it a long time ago, but it was delayed for a while due to various reasons, so he forgot about it.

What do you register without an account book? Let's do it.

Walking out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Zhou Guangguang and Meng Yungui looked at each other.

Zhou Guang laughed first, smiled and laughed, and almost sat on the ground and laughed.

With a gloomy face, Meng Yungui lifted Zhou Guangguang's collar and stuffed it into the car.

"Go and get your account book today."

Just transfer Zhouguang's account to his account book.

Go back to city b, hurry up and get things done.

Meng Yun's calculations are very good, but things always have surprises.


As soon as the two of them arrived at the airport, Zhou Guang's cell phone rang, and the registration broadcast was played in a loop above his head.

"Shut down."

Zhou Guang took out his mobile phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, he didn't know whether to answer it, he hesitated for a moment to connect: "Hello?"

"Zhou Guang? This is Nanshan Prison. Your mother had an accident here."

Zhou Guang's heart skipped a beat: "What?"

"She committed suicide."

The phone fell to the ground with a snap, and the battery was separated from the body, scattered in all directions.


When Meng Yun turned his head, Zhou Guang lowered his head to pick up his phone, tears rolled out and hit the floor.

That poor woman all her life is gone.

Zhou Guang didn't know how to deal with it. Since she came back to this home, the number of times she talked to her was very limited. She asked for money, and Zhou Guang went to make money for her.

Zhou Guang wouldn't talk to her too much, neither hate nor love.

Without the grace of nurturing and limited affection, she can send the money she earns from part-time work to her mother for medical treatment every month, which is already the best of humanity. If they hadn't pushed themselves too hard later, Zhou Guang would never have turned against them.

But now she committed suicide.

She hid a blade and cut a blood vessel to commit suicide. She was discovered only after the blood was drained, and everyone was sent to the hospital with cold.

Listening to what the supervisor said, Zhou Guang looked down at her fingers.

She is the only relative, so the body has to be collected.

From the prison to the crematorium, Zhou Guang looked at Meng Yungui who was standing beside him: "Go ahead, what are you busy with, I'll send her away."

Meng Yungui rubbed her hair, didn't say anything, and didn't leave.

He can understand Zhou Guang's mood quite well, and he was the same when his father died.

Hate it, I really hate it, but he is really dead, there is no such person in the world anymore.

Coming out of the crematorium with the urn in his arms, Meng Yungui wanted to hold it for her, but Zhou Guang's hands were a little tight.

It was the Zhou family who sued her to change the child. Zhou Meng asked herself to ask Zhou Quan to withdraw the lawsuit, but Zhou Guang refused after hesitation.

Everyone should be responsible for the wrong things they have done, black and white.

But in this world, how can there be any pure black and white?

Just walked out of the crematorium, not in the car yet.

A white Audi came on a rampage, Meng Yungui pulled Zhou Guang's collar and lifted it aside, the car brushed Zhou Guang's arm and passed with screeching brakes. Zhou Meng pushed open the car door and got out, and she rushed over to play Zhou Time.

"Miss Zhou!"

Meng Yungui grabbed her hand and frowned.

"Zhou Guang, I curse you to die!"

Zhou Meng burst into tears suddenly, choking with sobs, she tried desperately to grab the urn in Zhou Guangguang's hand: "You drove her to death! You drove her to death!"

Zhou Guang kept stepping back, looking at Zhou Meng's face, her fingers tightly grasping the urn.

Is she wrong?

"Stop making trouble, let her go to the ground first."

Meng Yungui let go of Zhou Meng, and he pulled Zhou Guang behind him: "Zhou Meng, what's the use of making trouble now? If you had had this kind of heart, she wouldn't have gotten to where she is today."

Meng Yungui's voice was serious, and his thick eyebrows were frowned: "If you want to come, then send her a ride. She has raised you for more than ten years and it is not in vain for a mother-daughter bond. If you don't want to come, please come back."

He pulled Zhou Guang into the car, Zhou Meng gritted her teeth and looked at Zhou Guang, she never thought that this would happen.

She raised her hand to wipe the tears on her face, her makeup was all gone. Constantly rubbing, biting his lips tightly.

Zhou Guang didn't want to say anything, she closed her eyes: "If you want to see her off, then get in the car."

Meng Yun returned to look at Zhou Shiguang, she lowered her head and kept looking at her fingers.

Zhou Meng raised her hand to cover her face, and after a while, she got into the car and snatched the urn, biting her lip and rolling down tears.

Meng Yungui saw that they would not fight, so he started the car and headed to the cemetery.

Rest in peace, she at least has a home.

Because Meng Yun is here, basically everything is taken care of by him.

In the afternoon, it started to rain suddenly, the urn was put in, and the tomb was filled up.

Zhou Guang knelt on the bluestone slab and kowtowed in her direction. If you die, you can be reincarnated. I hope you will find a good family in your next life, so that you don't have to suffer any more, and stop ruining your life for an unworthy scumbag.

Zhou Meng hugged the tombstone and cried loudly. The spring rain was very cold, bitingly cold.

Zhou Guang stood up with his back straight. The cold rain washed over his face, and Zhou Guang took a deep breath, all the grievances and resentments disappeared with death.

Zhou Meng's snot and tears came out from crying, and he didn't even have any grace.

After eighteen years of raising her, it would be a lie to say that she has no feelings at all. Human hearts are fleshy, and her feelings for Liu Cuihua and Chen Jianwei are very contradictory. While hating them for being selfish and ruining her life, she also knows that she will never forget the kindness of nurturing them for eighteen years.

Zhou Guang pursed her lips, and after a long time, she took Meng Yungui's hand and turned to walk down the mountain.

Meng Yungui wanted to take off his coat for her, Zhou Guang shook his head: "Is the wound okay?"

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and I don't know who is sad for it.

Going down the mountain, sitting in the car, Zhou Guang looked down at his fingers: "Am I wrong?"

Meng Yungui rubbed her head, he couldn't make any comments.

After a long time, Zhou Guang turned his head to look at Meng Yungui's profile: "She's up there alone, is she okay?"

"It should be fine."

Zhou Guang thought about it and sent a message to Zhou Quan.

She and Zhou Meng don't have any hatred, but Zhou Meng has hatred for her.

This time, Zhou Guang turned his head and looked out the window, Zhou Meng was afraid that he would hate himself even more.

Come whatever you want.

Fate is always in such a rush, no one can stop what should come.

Because of his mother's death, Meng Yungui didn't mention the marriage anymore.

In the evening, Zhou Guang went back to City B with him. At night, Zhou Guang developed a high fever and cried indiscriminately. Meng Yungui sent her to the hospital. The fever didn't subside after the infusion until dawn, and when Zhou Guang opened his eyes, he saw Meng Yungui sitting on a chair and sleeping.

A certain part of her heart suddenly melted into a puddle of water, she was still a little dizzy when she got up, and there was tape on the back of her hand. Getting out of bed and walking to Meng Yungui's side, he suddenly opened his eyes, but he was still dazed because he saw Zhou Guanghui.

"Is it still burning?"

"You lie on the bed."

Zhou Guang pulled him: "Lie on the bed and sleep for a while."

Meng Yungui hugged her waist, kissed her face casually, raised his wrist to look at his watch, and raised his hand to touch the center of her eyebrows: "I have to go to the company, I have saved a lot these days."

Zhou Guang hugged him, and buried his face on Meng Yungui's neck: "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

Meng Yungui pressed his fingers on the back of her neck, and his voice was hoarse because he hadn't slept all night: "Time, be fine, don't cause any trouble."

Yesterday, Zhou Guang's high fever persisted and she was talking nonsense at home. Meng Yungui hugged her and ran outside. She was sent to the hospital with a fever of 40 degrees. Meng Yungui hadn't experienced such a thrilling mood for a long time, and he was really afraid that something might happen to Zhou Guang.

It's been a long time, I can't bear it.

Meng Yungui leaned over and kissed Zhou Shiguang's lips, picked her up and put her back on the bed: "Okay, it's getting late, you can ask your assistant to come over later and buy some food." He really has to go to the office , I've been busy with my week time these days, and I've piled up a lot of work.

Zhou Guang suddenly reached out to wrap his arms around his neck, kissed his chin without being too dirty, and let go.

His face was hot and red, and he pursed his lips: "Be careful, remember to eat breakfast."

Meng Yungui sneered, got up, straightened his clothes, turned and left.

There were very few sweet words between them, and there was no need to say them.

In the next few days, Meng Yungui was so busy that he couldn't find anyone.

Zhou Guang delayed the shooting for a few days, and when he came back, he rushed to shoot, and had to find time to record the show.

The second stop is to Yunnan. In two days, when I first arrived in Lijiang, Zhou Guang was fascinated by this beautiful place.

It must feel good to want to come here with him and walk around aimlessly.

Zhou Guang took a photo and sent it to Meng Yungui, and soon he called Gulai: "Where is it?"


"What are you doing in Yunnan?"

Zhou Guang suddenly remembered that she signed the contract and did not let Meng Yungui know. She rolled her eyes and said, "Participate in a show, the scenery here is so beautiful, when do you have time? You can come here to have a look, it's pretty good."

"What program?"



"challenge the limit."

Zhou Guang heard the director team shouting in the distance: "Mr. Meng, the shooting is about to start, let's talk tonight."

"You dare to hang up and try."

Meng Yungui lowered his voice: "Have I agreed? Why do you want to participate?"

"Ten episodes, a total of 20 or so days, is more than making a few movies. Mr. Meng, I have a sense of proportion."

"Your sense is to hurt yourself all over?"

"I will not do it again."

Shen Mengfei came over, saw Zhou Guang was on the phone, and said, "We're going to record a show."

"Well, right now."

Zhou Guang said to Meng Yungui on the other end of the phone: "It's really fine, Shen Mengfei is here, if it's dangerous, why would she come?"

He was silent for a while, Zhou Guang raised his wrist to look at his watch, a little anxious, the time was up.

"Time." Meng Yungui bit his voice a little bit ruthlessly: "You'd better be a little bit measured, if something happens, you didn't die outside, and I can torture you to death when you come back."

He hung up the phone, Zhou Guang raised his eyebrows.

In the past few days, Weibo and major websites have been circulating news about her and Meng Yungui. Meng Yungui's company's public relations department issued a statement that he and Zhou Guang are in love and plan to get married. Zhou Guang also responded on Weibo and disclosed their relationship . It can be regarded as the most aboveboard disclosure. The fact that Meng Yun is a businessman has no effect on him. Zhou Guang has been blocked by reporters for the past few days, and he was caught asking about his relationship as soon as he went out.

She has been rumored by many people, from Wang An Liuyi to Shen Mengfei, homosexuality has been rumored for a long time. In the end, it turned out to be an outsider, a person that the reporters didn't expect.

Variety shows became popular, Zhou Guang got more attention, and the love version of her and Meng Yungui was everywhere on the Internet.

After digging out all her previous black history, Zhou Guang himself still doesn't know what's going on? So don't watch the news at all.

After the host introduced the scores, they asked them to hand over their mobile phones and wallets.

"You have to pay the phone too?"

"The game is over, and the phone will be returned to you two days later."

Zhou Guang glanced at Shen Mengfei, she had already stuffed her phone into her bag. Zhou Guang only needs to turn off the mobile phone, stuff it into a bag, seal it, and hand it over to the program team for safekeeping.

They can choose to reach Jade Dragon Snow Mountain with the money earned from completing the task, and the one who spends the shortest time wins, ranked according to the points, and the loser will be eliminated.

The program team had a lot of fun, zipped up the jacket, and Zhou Guang drove the two towards their destination.

In a group of two, relatively speaking, Zhou Guang is at a disadvantage. Only they are two girls, a newly signed pair by Wang An's company, they are young, they just came back from Korea, they play rock and dance, they have good physical strength. Liu Yi and Chen Feng, two men, needless to say, playing any game is very easy. The husband and wife file is the strongest and has always been far ahead.

"The only ones who can fight are Li Xuan and his daughter."

Zhou Guang shrugged: "Don't be eliminated too early."

Shen Mengfei laughed and raised his chin: "Gamble."

It's okay to play games, but it's completely life-threatening here.

The second level is the racing car. Zhou Guangguang and Shen Mengfei looked at each other.

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