MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 85

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Here, the old Li family ate dinner happily, and Xi Junjie next door was sitting on pins and needles. As soon as he came home, Xi Changbo stared at Xi Junjie with great interest, and put a blank The face turned black. After finishing the meal, Xi Junjie helped to clean up the dishes, and couldn't wait to escape back to the small courtyard where he lived alone, but even so, he still didn't get rid of his tail.

"Dad!" Looking at Xi Changbo who followed him into the room, Xi Junjie exclaimed angrily, "What do you want?"

It's the first time ever."

"What kind of change? I don't always like this." Xi Junjie sat on the table, took out the magazines he subscribed from his schoolbag with a blank face, turned on the lamp on the table, and looked serious learning pattern.

Xi Changbo was lying on the desk, raised the teapot and took a sip of tea, then looked at Xi Junjie with a sneer: "acting in front of me? You underestimate your father too."

Lazy stretched, Xi Changbo walked to the tea table next to him and sat down with the teapot in his hand, rinsed the kettle, and filled a pot from the barrel next to it from Xishan Spring water, after plugging in the electricity, he fiddled with the tea set on the tea tray.

The hot water boiled, Xi Changbo quickly washed the tea, the first and second brews were used to flush the small teapot, and the third brewed tea, Xi Changbo slowly poured it out .

Having a sip of tea, seeing Xi Junjie who seems to be studying hard at the desk, Xi Chang Bolton is bored: "You can't take a break when you go home after studying for a week? Come here? Tell me a few words."

Xi Junjie paused, closed the magazine helplessly, got up and sat opposite Xi Changbo, washed himself a cup of tea and poured a cup of tea: "What do you want to talk about?"

Xi Changbo was immediately amused, and winked at his son with gossip: "Why are you so enthusiastic about Uncle Li next door?"

"Is there?" Xi Junjie smiled lightly: "I don't always treat your friends like this."

"It doesn't feel the same." Xi Changbo recalled for a while, and said firmly: "You are just polite to others, the corners of your mouth are bent at most thirty degrees, with obvious alienation. But yes Your uncle Li is so enthusiastic, you can't wait to turn your ears behind your mouth, tell Dad the truth, do you like the little girl from the Li family next door?"

Xi Junjie lowered his eyes and took a sip of tea: "What little girl?"

"Huh? You really don't know him?" Xi Changbo looked at him in surprise: "It's the tall, thin, fair-skinned one with big eyes that always looks like a Laughing, that little girl with a particularly beautiful appearance."

Listening to Xi Changbo's compliment that Zhen Zhen was beautiful, Xi Junjie's expressionless face couldn't hold back for a moment, and he couldn't stop the smile on his face, so he hurriedly lowered his head and drank tea to cover it up. After pouring three cups of tea in a row, Xi Junjie was finally able to control his facial expressions, and then looked up at Xi Changbo blankly: "Huh?"

Xi Changbo looked at him speechlessly: "You can really pretend."

Suddenly a series of footsteps came, Xi Junjie stood up quickly, Xi Junjie's mother Ling Xiulan came in from the door, looking at the appearance of her husband and son, Ling Xiulan knew that her husband was fine on time and teased her son played.

Xi Junjie is cold-hearted, and Xi Changbo is also a person who likes to make fun of boring people. Every time Xi Junjie comes home, Xi Changbo can make him a **** face. In other words, Xi Junjie has a good temper. No matter what, he will never lose his temper with Xi Changbo.

"What are you two talking about?" Ling Xiulan sat next to Xi Changbo, Xi Junjie immediately raised his head, and said before Xi Changbo spoke: "Speaking about the final exam last semester, I took our exam The first place in the French major, and the first-class scholarship."

"It's not bad." Ling Xiulan looked at him with a smile, although Xi Junjie often got all the best results when he was studying in France, but he was able to return to China and get the No. It is something to be proud of and get a first-class scholarship.

Xi Changbo also had a proud smile on his face when he heard Xi Junjie's achievements, but when he thought of his son not chatting with him, his mouth became a lot meaner: "He spent so much time in France. For many years, it would be a shame if you can't get the first place in the exam."

Ling Xiulan glanced at him angrily: "How can you say that about children, this French major is not only French. You don't know how to praise children."

As soon as Xi Changbo sneered, he saw Xi Junjie calmly raise his head, and added in a calm manner: "The international relations major was second in the exam."

Xi Changbo smiled contentedly: "Let me just say, my son's designation is not bad, but you did well in both majors, why did you get the first-class scholarship? I remember that your school is not Is there a special scholarship?"

Xi Junjie paused, and then said: "There are only three places for the special scholarship, and there is a girl who is among the best in all three majors. Overall, her grades are better than mine, and she won the special scholarship. ; The other is a law student. Not only is he the first in their major, but he is also the founder and president of the student union of our school, and has also won a special scholarship; the last one who won the special scholarship is Students who have created the largest community in the school on the basis of excellent academic performance.”

Xi Changbo nodded after hearing this: "When you arrive at the university, you will not only consider students' grades, but team building and student union work are still very important. This is an important starting point for you to expand your future contacts. It is an important platform to improve your work ability. Your future career is not about academic research, so don’t just study, you should participate in more activities.”

"That's right, your dad is right." Ling Xiulan sat next to the apple and cut a few pieces and placed them in a small plate: "Besides, there are quite a few in the student union and club. Little girl, you have more contact at work before you know what your character is like, you should have a relationship in college."

Ling Xiulan spent several years in France, which is famous for its romance. She was very influenced by the open mind there. She always felt that Xi Junjie was too strict with herself. However, looking at her son's handsome face, Ling Xiulan was also a little worried, what kind of beauty could open up her son's elm-knotted heart.

Thinking that her son is almost 20 years old and has never liked a girl, Ling Xiulan suddenly began to sigh: "Junjie, tell mom, do you have a little girl you like?"

Xi Junjie poured her a cup of tea and refused to say a word.

"Tell me your little secret?" Ling Xiulan looked at him pitifully.

Xi Junjie looked at his mother and sighed, but the gossip in his eyes immediately shook his head firmly: "Don't worry about my affairs."

Because Xi Junjie has been so good-looking since he was a child, both his classmates and elders like to touch his face when they see him. After a long time, Xi Junjie has developed a straight face when he sees everyone habit. But the more like this, the more Xi Changbo and Ling Xiulan liked to tease him, how boring it would be to have this virtue at such a young age.

Ling Xiulan finally let him go, seeing her son's uncooperative look. While eating apples, she looked at Xi Junjie's room curiously, and suddenly Ling Xiulan was attracted by the row of dignified orchids in front of the window. She saw that each pot of orchids was very graceful and elegant. The big one was suddenly surprised: "When did you move the orchid home? It looks so good! Hey, what species are these? I've never seen it before."

Xi Junjie has a strong sense of territory since he was a child. When he is not at home, Xi Changbo and Ling Xiulan never come to his room. Usually, Xi Junjie takes care of it by himself.

And raising flowers and birds in Xi's house is what Ling Xiulan loves to do. In the past, in Xi Junjie's house, apart from tea, there were books, such as flowers and grasses, which were never moved into the house. Ling Xiulan felt that she had only been here for two or three months, so why did her son have one more hobby.

Looking at the pots of orchids with different postures, Ling Xiulan looked at Xi Junjie with a little smugness: "Did your taste improve under the influence of your mother all day?"

Thinking of the group of wild ducks in the garden pond, Xi Junjie didn't say a word. He tasted the tea a little bit weaker, and then boiled a pot of water to make tea again.

Xi Junjie changed the tea for Xi Changbo and Ling Xiulan: "The orchid from my friend, so I can't give it to you no matter how much you like it." He made a suggestion: "Mom, if you have nothing to do, you should raise a few more ducks, or enrich the breeds. I think pigeons and pheasants are good."

Ling Xiulan smiled immediately: "No, we want to go together, I just bought a batch of pigeons the day before yesterday and are going to put them in the backyard, but your grandfather saw the pigeons I bought and said I said that I bought it wrong, and I bought it as a meat pigeon. I thought that I don’t really want pigeons to deliver letters, and meat pigeons and carrier pigeons don’t matter, just keep them in the garden as a wild fun.”

"Meat pigeon?" Xi Junjie raised his eyebrows: "Are you fat?"


At five o'clock in the morning, Xi Junjie turned off the alarm, heated a pot of hot water and started to get dressed. After October, the morning in the imperial capital was a bit cold. Xi Junjie put on his clothes and brushed his teeth and face with hot water. He also didn't forget to wipe some men's moisturizer in front of the mirror.

Looking at the watch on his wrist, it was only 5:12 when Xi Junjie opened the door and saw that the sky was turning white, so he walked towards the garden and waited for 5:20 When Jiu Xi Junjie ran from the backyard to the gate, he already had a huge cage in his hand. Looking at the closed door, Xi Junjie put down the cage, opened the plug of the door, opened the door and found that Li Mingzhen was already waiting outside.

Xi Junjie smiled brightly and handed over the cage in his hand: "I bought a lot of meat pigeons at home and can't finish it, you can try it."

If you take Xi Junjie's things, you have to return it as a gift. Remembering that you have already given Xi Junjie a lot of orchids, it feels a bit repetitive to send it again. Zhen Zhen was silent for a moment and suddenly her eyes lit up: "I built an oven by myself during the summer vacation, I was just going to try it today, if it's ready, please try it."

Xi Junjie was surprised and a little embarrassed when he heard that he could eat the dishes made by Li Mingzhen himself: "Are you going to cook for me?"

Seeing Xi Junjie's look of anticipation, Zhen Zhen pursed her lips in joy: "My stove is not big, I can only roast three roast ducks in one stove, I will give you one to try when I arrive. Isn't that the taste of Quanjude?"

Although I didn't even see duck feathers, Xi Junjie was still very confident in Zhen Zhen: "It's definitely better than Quanjude's."

Put a cage of pigeons in the concierge, Zhen Zhen and Xi Junjie continued to run around Beiyang according to their summer vacation habit. Seeing that the sky was already bright, Zhen Zhen stopped and smiled apologetically at Xi Junjie: "Today I'm going to the market to see if there is any fresh poultry, maybe I won't be able to practice French with you."

"It doesn't matter, I've lived here for so long, and I still don't know where to buy vegetables." Xi Junjie's original intention was to spend alone time with Zhen Zhen. It doesn't matter what you do: "If you don't mind, can I accompany you? You can also lead me to experience, and I can also help you carry some things."

"Yes, but I didn't expect you to be interested in the vegetable market." Zhen Zhen looked at Xi Junjie's neat appearance and immediately smiled: "It doesn't suit you."

"What's wrong with this." Xi Junjie blushed a little: "When I become a home in the future, I will go to these places often."

Zhen Zhen didn't notice Xi Junjie's obscure expression, she walked with Xi Junjie to the market, while she used her consciousness to look all over the nearby places selling vegetables, where is the fat chicken The fat duck and the fat goose, Zhen Zhen could see clearly.

Zhen Zhen originally built a stove in the garden, because the two wild ducks that Xi Junjie sent at the beginning suddenly gave her the idea of ​​making roast ducks at home. It's just that the weather was hot at that time, and I was learning how to cook medicated meals with Mr. Zhang. The two ducks finally made soup, so the built stove has been idle.

When she came to the market, Zhen Zhen didn't stop at the hawkers outside, she took Xi Junjie straight to the innermost place selling poultry. A middle-aged man was selling here with a cage of white ducks, with three poultry tethered beside him.

Although it was a handsome couple of young men who came to get the poultry, the middle-aged man was still very sincere and didn’t ask for a high price. They were slaughtered, and they tied their legs and stuffed them into a wicker basket given by the stall owner. Xi Junjie looked at this wicker basket with two handles, one on the left and one on the right, and immediately reached out to hold one, and said impatiently, "I'll carry it back with you."

After breakfast, the lakeside in Beiyang became lively again. Li Muwu came out with a fishing rod and a bucket, and went to the place where he often sat by the river. The fishing crowd looked around to see if Xi Changbo was there.

Xi Changbo came out a little late today, because Ling Xiulan eagerly went to see the pigeons she bought in the morning, and she counted and found that there were ten fewer pigeons, so she bought fifteen pigeons in total , this time too much was lost.


Ling Xiulan was relieved when she heard that there were no weasels at home. She put the feather duster in the vase and sat opposite Xi Junjie curiously, looking at him: "What are you doing with the meat pigeon?"

Xi Junjie put down his handkerchief and stood up, calmly looking at Ling Xiulan: "It's a gift."

"Who did you send it this morning?" Ling Xiulan looked at Xi Junjie curiously. Seeing that he was cleaning the table with a blank face, he would not be willing to answer her questions, so Ling Xiulan did not continue. Q, after all, he is his own son. Ling Xiulan knows Xi Junjie's temperament very well. If he doesn't want to say anything, he will ignore you even if he asks him again.

"Just give it to someone." Ling Xiulan said indifferently, "I just happened to buy a few carrier pigeons, and your grandfather laughed at me."

Ling Xiulan didn't care about this matter, but Xi Changbo always felt that there was something inside, so he chased and asked Xi Junjie for a long time, but Xi Junjie didn't tell him a word, Xi Changbo could only carry it boringly Fishing rod out the door.

Seeing the figure of Xi Changbo from a distance, Li Muwu waved to him excitedly, Xi Changbo put Maza next to Li Muwu, and looked at Li Muwu curiously while arranging the fish food: "You today Why are you so happy?"

Li Muwu felt that it was too bland to tell Zhen Zhen's grades directly, and it was a bit of a foreshadowing, he pretended to shake his head deeply, and then said slowly: "This is not listening to my daughter in the morning. Reading French in the yard, I couldn't help but be happy to see her love to study so much."

"French?" Xi Changbo looked at him in surprise: "If I remember correctly, I remember you mentioned that your daughter should be a journalism major."

Seeing that Xi Changbo was really interested in this topic, Li Muwu couldn't wait to say: "My daughter is more capable. She has majored in three majors in total. In addition to journalism, there are French and classics..." Li Muwu yesterday After memorizing Zhen Zhen's professional name all night, who knows if she's ready to show off or she'll get stuck.

Li Muwu frowned and kept recalling that Li Muwu has always been very attentive when it comes to showing off his daughter.

"Department of Economics?" Xi Changbo asked tentatively.

"Yes, the Department of Economics." Li Muwu smiled and patted his head: "Look at my memory, I can't even say the words."

"I don't know about the other majors, but if you are a French major..." Xi Changbo smiled proudly: "My son's French major took the first place."

The fishing man next to him immediately turned his head and smiled and said, "It's amazing to get the first place in Imperial College, Lao Xi, you have to celebrate for your son when you go home."

"You don't know this kid's temper, so he doesn't want to do those messy activities." Xi Changbo replied proudly.

Seeing that Xi Changbo was chatting with people, and his daughter had not had time to show off, Li Muwu suddenly became anxious: "Then what, my daughter also took the first place in the journalism test." Seeing everyone Looking at the surprised eyes, Li Muwu didn't want to sell anything, he said all the words in his stomach in one breath: "I also won a special scholarship."

"It turns out that the recipient of the special scholarship that Junjie said was your daughter." Xi Changbo laughed suddenly: "Last night, my Junjie also mentioned this..." Halfway through speaking, Xi Changbo After knowing it later, I thought that Xi Junjie didn't look like he didn't know the girls of the Li family yesterday. This is obviously a major and he knew that he had won a scholarship, so how could he not know him? This stinky boy must be fooling me again.

At this time, Xi Changbo didn't even have the mind to fish, he put the fishing rod aside, and moved the bench to be closer to Li Muwu: "I said Lao Li, your daughter This achievement is really amazing, and most people can't compare it. With such a long face, you said you shouldn't congratulate her? "

Looking at Li Muwu's agitated look, Xi Changbo quickly added: "I led my wife and son to help your daughter celebrate, speaking of which we are next to each other, I haven't I came to visit your house."

It is common for neighbors to visit each other for dinner in the Beicha neighborhood, so Li Muwu agreed: "Today at noon, come to my house for dinner, bring your wife and children, and have a lively and lively together!"

"Okay!" Xi Changbo stood up: "I'll go home and tell my wife, and ask her to prepare some gifts for the elderly."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, it's just a meal." Seeing Xi Changbo hurriedly leaving, Li Muwu scratched his head a little uncomfortable: "Why are you being polite?"

Xi Changbo hurriedly entered the house, put the fishing rod and bucket aside, and walked directly to the backyard, pulling Ling Xiulan, who was watering the flowers, and said, "You clean up, we will go to Li's house next door for lunch."

Although she knew that her husband often fished with the people next door, Ling Xiulan was a little surprised when he suddenly said that he was going to eat at someone's house: "What's the reason for this? What gift should I prepare?"

Xi Changbo hesitated before saying: "It's richer, the girl next door is also from Imperial College, the girl who got the special gold."

As soon as she heard that there was a girl next door, Ling Xiulan immediately regained her spirits. She stopped watering the flowers and feeding the ducks, and hurried back to the main room. It took more than half an hour. Dressed up a bit, and prepared a generous gift.

Taking advantage of Ling Xiulan's eyebrows and makeup, Xi Changbo went to Xi Junjie's house to inform him that he was going to a private banquet. Because he often participates in such activities with Xi Changbo, Xi Junjie changed into a set of casual clothes, and his whole body showed a free and easy appearance.

When the mother and son were ready, Xi Changbo took the two out of the door. While Xi Junjie was thinking about why he didn't drive out, he saw Xi Changbo knock on the knocker of the next door a few times: " Old Li, here we come!"

Xi Junjie: “…”

Read The Duke's Passion