MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 80

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When Zhen Zhen arrived at Mr. Zhang's house, Zhang Renze had already packed up and was ready to go out, he saw Zhen Zhen's energetic appearance and red face, he immediately showed a very satisfied look on his face, he smiled. He asked: "Zhen Zhen, did you go out for a run this morning?"

"Yes." Zhen Zhen took the basket from Zhang Renze's hand and said with a smile, "I ran around Hou Yang in the morning and read French again."

Zhang Renze nodded in relief: "That's good, young people should be full of vigor, like the rising sun." He was wearing undershirts, shorts and a big fan, and he could not be seen from the outside. He is a famous doctor known as the Holy Hand of Chinese Medicine.

Nowadays, the state's policy on private ownership has been fully liberalized. Although buying things from supply and marketing cooperatives, shops, grain stores, non-staple food stores and other places still have to be purchased with tickets, there are also some scattered spontaneous formations. The small market sells some home-grown vegetables and chicken, duck, fish eggs, etc. Although the price is slightly more expensive, the good thing is that there is no need for tickets, and the things are fresher.

Lively synonym.

Although Zhen Zhen occasionally went to the supermarket to buy vegetables in her previous life, she has always grown her own vegetables in her life. It was the first time to buy vegetables in the market for so many years, and she couldn't help but feel very fresh.

However, Mr. Zhang is very familiar with the vegetable market here, and he brought Zhen Zhen to the depths of the alley, which is different from the outside, selling chickens and ducks raised by himself. Fishing in the lake.

Mr. Zhang stopped in front of a chicken and duck vendor, picked up a chicken and pinched it left and right, and soon picked the fattest one and another duck , also bought some vegetables, and then took Zhen Zhen home.

Zhen Zhen got up early in the morning, ran and practiced French, she was very hungry. As soon as she entered the door, she immediately put her purchases aside, and couldn't wait to ask Zhang Renze, "Sir, what do we have for breakfast?"

Mr. Zhang looked at Zhen Zhen with a smile: "I already made it, you go wash your hands first."

"Good!" As soon as she heard something delicious, Zhen Zhen responded immediately, ran to the side of the pool in the yard, turned on the faucet, bent over to wash her face and hands, because she was anxious, She didn't even bother to wipe the towel, she wiped it with her hands and it dried in a while.

At this time, Mr. Zhang had already moved a small table to the yard, and brought out a crock pot from the kitchen, Zhen Zhen's eyes lit up, she immediately came over and couldn't wait to lift it up He opened the lid and asked, "Sir, what are you cooking?"

While speaking, a strong aroma of rice mixed with the coolness of lotus leaves spread as the lid was opened, Zhen Zhen took a deep breath and looked down at the pale green rice in the jar The porridge is covered with red goji berries. Just looking at the color combination makes people move.

Zhen Zhen took a deep breath, with a happy smile on her face, sighed: "It's really fragrant!"

"This is lotus leaf wolfberry porridge, which is best for summer." Mr. Zhang handed Zhen Zhen a spoon: "Take the porridge out, and I'll serve the buns."

Zhen Zhen immediately took the spoon from her husband's hand when she heard the words, scooped up two bowls of porridge, placed chopsticks, and looked at Mr. Zhang with a drawer of steamed buns on the table: "Poria buns."

"Poria buns?" Zhen Zhen stared at the buns for a long time: "How is this done?"

Mr. Zhang put a plate of scallion oil kohlrabi on the table, took a bun and took a bite, then slowly explained: "To make this Poria bun, you need to put water in the casserole, Add the tuckahoe and boil it on low heat for half an hour, wait for the tuckahoe to boil the juice, then use the concoction to mix the noodles, so that the mixed noodles have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, and eating it is good for the body.”

"So that's how it is!" Zhen Zhen suddenly realized that she couldn't wait to pick up a steamed bun and took a big bite, her eyes narrowed due to the deliciousness.

It's done. The finished buns have thin skin and a lot of stuffing. As soon as the skin is bitten, the broth in the stuffing flows out. Even taking a bite of the belt stuffing, the chewy dough is mixed with the fragrant meat stuffing, oily but not greasy, and the fragrant is almost swallowing the tongue.

Zhen Zhen ate a large one in one go, feeling that it was not enough, and couldn't wait to get the second one, she had no image at all. Zhang Renze didn't mind either, just looked at her with a smile, not forgetting to remind: "Drink some porridge first, don't choke."

Zhen Zhen nodded and scooped a spoonful of lotus leaf wolfberry porridge into her mouth. The taste of this porridge was different from what she had eaten before. There is also a hint of sweetness in it, and it should be seasoned with rock sugar!

Compared with Zhen Zhen's gobbling, Zhang Renze is much more restrained. He is already old, and he mainly eats health preservation. He only ate three steamed buns and a bowl of porridge for breakfast. Feeling almost 70% full, I put down my chopsticks and stopped eating.

So the rest of the delicious food was cheap. Zhen Zhen, she not only ate all the remaining seven buns, but also drank a bowl and a half of porridge. .

Zhang Renze saw that she was burping when she was eating, and couldn't help shaking her head: "Zhen Zhen, you have eaten too much, just eat 70% full."

Zhen Zhen touched her stomach and thought for a moment, then asked Zhang Renze with a tangled face: "Sir, what does it feel like to be 70% full?"

Zhang Renze sat in front of the tea table beside him and slowly started to boil water to make tea, he poured the water to wash the tea on the tea table and looked at Zhen Zhen with a smile: "These seven It’s the feeling of being full and not hungry.”

Not full or hungry? Zhen Zhen seriously recalled her feelings while eating, and suddenly felt that the answer given by her husband was too abstract, so she might as well not talk about it. She scratched her head and looked at Zhang Renze with some embarrassment: "Sir, I think I'm either hungry or full. If I'm not hungry or not, I'm sure I'm not full. That's not enough. I'll eat half a meal less at night. Can't sleep."

It seemed that it was no use telling her, Zhang Renze shook his head with laughter: "Forget it, you can eat more if you like, anyway, if you are young and strong, eating more is nothing. Bad thing, come, go and brush this bowl and crock."

After eating her husband's breakfast, she always had to work hard, Zhen Zhen immediately went to wash the dishes and the crock pot, but sat quietly opposite Zhang Renze.

Zhang Renze was very satisfied with Zhen Zhen's performance, and after pouring her a cup of tea, he began to tell Zhen Zhen the basics of making medicated diet: "Although this medicated diet is food, it has the same origin as medicine and food, so it should not be messed up. Otherwise, not only will it not be able to provide nutrition to the body, but it will become the main culprit in inducing diseases.” Speaking of which, he took a sip of tea and continued: “Sour enters the liver, bitter enters the heart, sweet enters the spleen, pungent enters the lung, Salty enters the kidneys, and medicated meals must vary from person to person and time to time, so you must understand the yin and yang and five elements of traditional Chinese medicine, the theory of zang-fu organs, the medicinal properties and compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine, and only then can you make a good medicated meal.”

Listening to Mr. Zhang's words, Zhen Zhen's small face wrinkled involuntarily, this Chinese medicine has a long history, extensive and profound, involving thousands of medicinal materials, if you can understand each one thoroughly, It is estimated that it will not be able to work in ten or eight years.

Zhang Renze understood what she was thinking when he saw Zhen Zhen, he smiled and shook his head, got up and went back into the room, took out two books and handed them to Zhen Zhen: "I have two books here, the first is One is the basic knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and common medicinal materials that I have compiled. You can read more when you are free, and how much you can understand. And this thick book is the medicinal recipes that I have compiled over the years. Your foundation is weak, since you have reached If you don’t have the ability to prepare medicated meals yourself, you can only memorize them by rote, write down all these commonly used ones, and they are enough for you.”

Zhen Zhen's eyes suddenly lit up, she hurriedly opened the thick book given by her husband, and saw that it was arranged very carefully. There are also the specific methods for each medicated diet, and it can be seen how much effort Mr. has spent writing this book.

Zhang Renze was willing to give her all his hard work, obviously he gave her all the money without reservation, Zhen Zhen couldn't help but be moved, holding the book and hurriedly said: "Thank you Mr. !"

Zhang Renze smiled and looked at her: "Thank you, you don't have to, don't come and learn from me if you have recipes, I didn't write so detailed on the processing methods of some ingredients and herbs, Only with this hands-on teaching can you know that you don’t want to be lazy this summer.”

Zhen Zhen nodded again and again when she heard the words: "Mr. is willing to teach me painstakingly, I have designated to study hard, please rest assured sir!"

"That's good." Zhang Renze drank all the tea in the cup: "Now kill chickens and ducks with me."

"Okay!" Zhen Zhen followed him.

Zhang Renze is not only good at picking chickens and ducks, but also killing chickens very smoothly, Zhen Zhen squatted on the side and watched Zhang Renze kill chickens swiftly and shed their feathers. I couldn't help sighing: "Sir, you are really a good cook who has been delayed by the cause of Chinese medicine."

The chicken must be cleaned of chicken blood and the chicken fat should be removed, otherwise the stewed soup will be very cloudy, which will not only look ugly, but also affect the taste.”

"There is still so much knowledge!" Zhen Zhen looked at the string of fatty chicken fat and couldn't help asking: "Sir, since the chicken fat will spoil the taste, then you What's the use of keeping this chicken oil?"

Zhang Renze took the slaughtered chicken and rinsed it under the faucet and said, "Don't look at this chicken oil for making soup, but the chicken oil can be eaten in fried pancakes. Huang Yangyang's is fragrant and crispy. Not to mention how delicious it is."

Zhen Zhen listened to Mr.'s description, and her saliva suddenly flowed out. The chicken oil that she wanted to throw in the bag was also solemnly placed in the bowl, and she was sent in with both hands. kitchen.

Zhang Renze is going to make two meat dishes today, one is the famous Yunnan dish Cordyceps steamed pot chicken, and the other is eight treasures duck that nourishes the kidneys and solid teeth. Zhen Zhen listened to Mr. Zhang and introduced them The main points of the two dishes always feel that something is wrong: "Sir, these two dishes don't seem to be suitable for me?"

"Yes!" Zhang Renze glanced at her: "It wasn't for you."

Seeing that chicken nuggets, bamboo fungus, and Xuanwei ham were all placed into the steamer, I immediately pressed down on the Cordyceps: "Sir, this stuff is very expensive and hard to buy, so I want it. Don't let it go if we don't save it."

Seeing Zhen Zhen's pitiful appearance, Zhang Renze snorted coldly: "Don't call me master, and you just want to eat my stewed chicken, how can it taste so good."

Zhen Zhen looked at him with a black face: "You are too careful."

Zhang Renze immediately took out another piece of Cordyceps and prepared to put it in, Zhen Zhen rushed over and held Zhang Renze's hand: "Master, Master, Master...don't put it!"

Zhang Renze's hand paused and looked at Zhen Zhen very reservedly: "You called this on your own initiative, I didn't force you."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! You are always right." Zhen Zhen grabbed the small medicine bag in his hand and put it aside: "Master, what should I do next?"

Zhang Renze heard this sound, and Master suddenly felt very pleasant, and nodded with satisfaction: "For your sincerity, I will accept you and me as my apprentice."

"Whatever you say!" Zhen Zhen looked at him dumbfoundedly: "Master, you are already happy to be an old child."

"It's not because Su Weiran is in front of us all day long saying that you are his apprentice, forgetting me to be your teacher, even Xie Shu let that kid teach you French, I can't be too far behind That's it." Zhang Renze said happily, "When you learn my medicated food skills in the future, I have to take you out to show off and be envious of them!"

"Okay, I'll study hard." Zhen Zhen patted her chest to make a promise, and then asked diligently, "Master, do you have any other dishes that I might wash?"

Zhang Renze and Zhen Zhen had a busy morning, cooking two kinds of meat dishes, four kinds of vegetarian dishes, and a plate of crispy and fragrant chicken pancakes. Zhen Zhen filled a bowl of steam pot chicken with tender meat and clear soup, while blowing the heat, she couldn't wait to take a sip, the delicious taste lingered between her lips and tongue, annoyed Zhen Zhen patted her thigh: "The pheasants I ate before were all white. blind."

There were a lot of dishes at noon, so Zhang Renze didn't bring the duck. When Zhen Zhen came home, Zhang Renze handed her the eight treasures duck that nourishes the kidneys and solid teeth: "Go back and bring you milk Eat with your parents, and come back tomorrow morning."

Zhen Zhen rubbed her bulging belly, and asked Zhang Renze worriedly: "Master, how much weight do you think I gained from studying this summer?"

Because Zhen Zhen’s way of eating is really stimulating appetite, Zhang Renze also ate more than usual, hearing Zhen Zhen’s question, Zhang Renze was a little worried: “I think I also Maybe fat!"


Zhang Renze came to Lao Li's house every ten days to take Xie Yanan's pulse and change the prescription according to the symptoms. Xie Yanan knew Zhang Renze, the master of traditional Chinese medicine, so he regarded his words as an imperial edict, not only every day The time for taking the medicine is strictly fixed, and even the little common sense in life that Zhang Renze said casually, she also meticulously implements it like doing experiments at work.

After taking the medicine for a month, Xie Yanan clearly noticed the changes in her body, not to mention, at least the original problem of soreness in the waist is gone. The cold problem has also improved. Even Mingxi said that her feet are hot and steamy, unlike before, which are cold all year round.

After recovering the body, the director waved a long pen, and everyone took a three-month vacation, and then took a good rest for a while before talking about it.

After Mingxi had just graduated and left with the two PLA troops, it was the first time off in these years. When I thought that Mingxi could stay at home for two more days, let alone Mr. Li Tai, Wang Sufen, even Zhen Zhen was extremely happy.

In order to test Zhen Zhen's skill in making medicinal diets, Zhang Renze came to Lao Li's house to help him take a pulse for Mingxi, and wrote a pulse case in a regular manner, letting Zhen Zhen think about a medicinal diet by himself.

Mingxi was young and went to a military academy for many years. She was in good health, but since she started working in scientific research, she had fewer opportunities to exercise, and she spent more time staying up late, which hurt her qi and blood to some extent. Zhen Zhen chose a medicated meal that nourishes qi and nourishes blood. From the beginning of the purchase of ingredients to the later production, they were all done by one person. Zhang Renze just watched silently by the side, without a single word of advice, until the medicated meal was ready. Later, Zhang Renze explained one by one the problems that occurred when Zhen Zhen was making medicated meals. However, although Zhen Zhen made some mistakes in making the medicated meal, the recipe she chose was very symptomatic, so this medicated meal was still brought to Mingxi.

Mingxi looked at the casserole in front of her in surprise, and heard Zhen Zhen say that it was specially stewed to replenish her body, tears filled her eyes instantly, while eating the soup, she chatted with Zhen Zhen: "Originally Your second sister-in-law thinks that if she can give birth to a daughter this time, she won't give her a name for food, and change to a unique nickname, something like Xixi or Chuchu." After drinking a bowl Soup, Mingxi filled a second bowl: "But now I think you are really good to brother, or my daughter's nickname will make you affordable." He ate a piece of stewed soft rotten The ribs, looking at Zhen Zhen expectantly: "What do you think if I had a daughter, what would it be called?"

Zhen Zhen looked at Mingxi with tears in her eyes, and deliberately teased him, "Why don't you call it bread."

Mingxi, who was drinking soup, suddenly lit up when he heard it: "Look, how, heroes see the same thing, I think so too, your second sister-in-law is not happy."

Xie Yanan looked up at Mingxi and couldn't help complaining: "Did you mean bread? You clearly mean Daliba!"

Mingxi looked at Xie Yanan and said, "Da Lieba is not bread anymore? Da Lieba is delicious, lean and hungry, how sincere!"

Zhen Zhen looked at the couple, you and I were making fun of each other, and was going to sneak away quietly so as not to get involved in the affairs between their husband and wife, who knew that she had just turned around and heard Xi asked: "Zhen Zhen, do you think what I said makes sense?"

Zhen Zhen turned around and gave him a thumbs up: "No problem, anyway, when my sister-in-law wants to kill you, we will never stop you."


Mingxi moved into the house, and before the family made out for two days, Mingbei and Zhen Zhen started school.

Originally, Zhen Zhen, Ming Bei and Wang Xinwen took the bus to and from school and home when she went to school and after school. Although Zhen Zhen felt that the wattage of her light bulb was a little brighter, it would be ok if it was on. got used to.

However, this time was different from the past. Xi Junjie asked her to take the bus back to school on the grounds of practicing spoken French on the tram. At the same time, Wang Xinwen was relaxing in the summer vacation. I was pregnant with one, so the three originally planned to go back to school a few days earlier to read books in the library and review their homework plans were disrupted. After discussing with Wang Xinwen, Mingbei and Wang Xinwen decided to go back the day before the start of school, stay at home for two more, and take good care of them.

Zhen Zhen stayed at home for a month, although she was busy talking every day, running, practicing French, and learning how to cook medicated meals, but out of the systematic study, let Zhen Zhen Zhen was not used to it, so she decided to follow the original plan and go back to school with Xi Junjie a week earlier to review their homework.

At this time, the students of the school had already returned, and as soon as Zhen Zhen entered the school gate, she ran into Guo Xiaoqiao. Guo Xiaoqiao happily ran over and grabbed Zhen Zhen's arm: "I was wondering if you would arrive at school earlier, otherwise I would be scared to sleep alone in the dormitory at night."

Zhen Zhen smiled and scratched her nose: "How old are you, don't you sleep in your own room at home?"

"That's different." Guo Xiaoqiao smiled and took Zhen Zhen's hand: "I won't be able to sleep well without you."

Xi Junjie followed behind Zhen Zhen with a stern face, looking at the two girls who were sticking together in front of him and couldn't help sighing: What exactly are these two girls to hug , you look at you look, that girl's head is drooping on Zhen Zhen's shoulder, if it is crushed, what can be done?

Just after muttering his dissatisfaction with Guo Xiaoqiao, Guo Xiaoqiao took the opportunity to hold Zhen Zhen's hand again, Xi Junjie's face suddenly darkened, and his delicate eyebrows were a bit sharper than before because of unhappiness , looks a little less "beautiful" than before, and a little more majestic.

I originally thought that she could spend more time with Zhen Zhen after she went to school, and let her know more about herself. After graduation, the matter between the two of them would be a matter of course, but now it seems, why is it so hanging Woolen cloth. Xi Junjie followed behind Zhen Zhen, eagerly watching Zhen Zhen turn a corner and head towards the dormitory building of the Chinese Department, obviously forgetting himself.

Xi Junjie lowered his head in despair, feeling that he was still a long way from chasing his daughter-in-law. He silently counted the number of wild ducks in the pond at home, and wondered if he should go home next time. I would suggest that his mother keep a few more ducks. The daughter-in-law can't chase half of them, and the ducks are gone.

"Xi Junjie." Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out, Xi Junjie raised his head in surprise and looked at Zhen Zhen, at that moment, the look of joy on his face was like a ray of sunshine, which was particularly dazzling.

Zhen Zhen was in a trance for a while before she came back to her senses, which was also due to the fact that she had been watching for more than a month during the summer vacation, and she was somewhat used to it. She let go of Guo Xiaoqiao's hand and walked in front of Xi Junjie, dragged his sleeves and took two steps to the place where no one was beside her: "I'm afraid that what you said today about having dinner together won't work, I have to eat with Xiaoqiao, But let's continue the run tomorrow morning?" Seeing Xi Junjie nodding his head, Zhen Zhen chuckled: "It's still 5:30 in the morning, we'll see you at the playground."

Xi Junjie nodded happily: "See you tomorrow!"

Read The Duke's Passion