MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 7

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Seeing her son being beaten and screaming, Mrs. Li suddenly looked refreshed, put the stick aside again, curled up a three-inch golden lotus and smoked a cigarette bag, and glanced at Li Mulin: "What do you think I'm raising you for? When I was young, I made my mother worry about it. When I was older, I didn't show my filial piety and disappeared for a day. Your eldest brother didn't come back for a few years because of the war. Later, after being sent to Fujian, he left Beibei. Cha crosses the whole country, and there is really no way to come back. Your brother is excusable, and I don't blame him, what reason do you think you have?"

Li Mulin's tears came down when he was asked. Over the years, Zhang Chunhua used work, pregnancy, and small children as excuses to drag him out and didn't want to go home, but he didn't use the same excuse to prevaricate his unease. Speaking of which, although Zhang Chunhua is not good, the responsibility still lies with him.

Seeing her 30-year-old son standing beside him with red eyes and weeping, Mrs. Li was not happy, she took two more puffs before saying, "You are now a father too. , I have said so much, you can know what you have in mind."

"There are numbers! There are numbers!" Li Mulin wiped his tears and nodded, glanced at Mrs. Li's crutches, and took a step forward cautiously: "Mother, I also applied for a house last year, Go to the ice city with me to live for a while!"

"Don't go!" Mrs. Li gave him a white look and snorted: "I didn't let Dongzi reply to you when you wrote last year, I'm not going anywhere, I'm just here Staying at home is comfortable!" Mrs. Li knocked off the ash, and knocked the cigarette bag in her hand and tapped the edge of the kang: "Besides, your second brother and second sister-in-law are filial, and I live with them happily every day. Do you think the two of you can serve better than your second brother and the others?" Saying that, Mrs. Li knocked on the edge of the kang, making a loud "dong" sound. Zhang Chunhua was frightened and shook his head subconsciously.

Mr. Li was very happy, pointed at Zhang Chunhua with a cigarette bag, turned her head and said to Li Mulin: "Look, your daughter-in-law admits that you can't do what you can't do. Having said this, I feel ashamed for you when I hear it."

Li Mulin was either beaten or scolded this afternoon, and was tortured madly. The daughter-in-law over there was either adding fuel to the fire or demolishing the platform, and kept holding him back. Li Mulin couldn't help but glared at Zhang Chunhua, then turned his head and immediately assured his mother, "If my mother doesn't want to go to Bingcheng, we will come back to see you twice a year from now on."

Mr. Li snorted arrogantly: "If I don't return my love, I will save food if I don't come back."

Li Mulin couldn't help but wanted to kneel down to the old lady: "Whatever you say is justified, or you can hit me twice."

Mr. Li raised the cigarette bag and pot, Li Mulin nervously shrank his neck and closed his eyes, ready to continue being beaten, Zhang Chunhua was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, the mad villain in his heart shrank away In the corner, the two were teary-eyed: I agreed to fight with each other, pinching my waist and cursing the street, how come it is a style of beating up every time I disagree? This is different from what I thought at the beginning.

Ms. Li raised the cigarette bag high and put it down gently, and tapped her son's head lightly: "Come on, it's not ashamed to pretend to be like that. You are not afraid of pain. I'm also afraid of breaking my cigarette pouch, it's a family treasure."

Li Mulin glanced at the white edge of the kang, and couldn't help muttering: "Why are you not afraid of breaking it when you knock on the edge of the kang?"

"What did you say?" Mrs. Li slowly touched the cigarette bag in her hand again, Li Mulin hurriedly laughed and said, "I mean, I brought cigarettes to my mother, you can try it later. Cigarettes are good."

"Here!" Zhang Chunhua jolted, sitting on the stool with his legs trembling.

Mr. Li put on a kind face and said with a smile: "You didn't come home when you got married, Mu Linguang wrote to you about your home situation, and it stands to reason that I should go to Bingcheng to visit I'm your parents, but I have small feet and I can't go far, so I didn't go there, talk to your parents later, don't let them take offense."

Zhang Chunhua wiped the fine sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, then forced a smile and said, "'s not surprising..."

Lady Li nodded: "That's good, I'll prepare a few gifts when I leave, and you can take it back to your parents for me, even if you've seen your in-laws."

Zhang Chunhua glanced at Li Mulin at a loss, Li Mulin smiled and said, "Well, mother, they have been married for so many years..."

"We can't let people say that our family is rude." Mrs. Li interrupted her son's words, and a trace of sarcasm flashed on her face: "It was your mother who prepared the money for your daughter-in-law. It's just one for each of the brothers. It's just that you didn't go home for the wedding event from Bingcheng. The money was useless." He turned around and took out a handkerchief from his pocket. After opening it, there was a roll of money inside. : "The money for your marriage came from the Yue family? Go back and pay them back for me."

Li Mulin hurriedly pushed it back: "It's the money I saved for work, and I asked my colleagues to borrow some, but it was all paid back. Mother, take the money back. My son earned money from work, I haven't been able to serve you for so many years, I should have given you the money."

"One yard is one yard!" Mrs. Li couldn't refuse and rolled the handkerchief into her son's hand: "I have never done anything in my life to get people off my hands, this money It's just to pay you back the money for marrying a daughter-in-law, so that outsiders can say that the son's marriage and the mother don't contribute at all."

Li Mulin thought about it and put the money up: "Okay, but it's okay, you can't push the pension money for you when I leave."

"I specified not to push." ​​Mrs. Li said, "Even your eldest brother sends money back every year. I rely on him for food and lodging at your second brother's house, and I can't let him suffer. , you have to subsidize him."

"Mother said yes." Li Mulin nodded: "Actually, I take part of the salary every month and collect it. to my mother."

Zhang Chunhua's eyes widened when he heard this, pointed at Li Mulin and shouted in disbelief, "How dare you keep private money?"

Li Mulin glanced at his wife calmly: "Not much, how much is given to my father-in-law every month, and I also leave one for my mother."

Zhang Chunhua blurted out subconsciously: "That's different!"

"Why is it different, daughter-in-law, sit down with your mother and talk to your mother." Mrs. Li suddenly interjected with a smile and waved to Zhang Chunhua.

Zhang Chunhua glanced at Mrs. Li's crutches standing at the base of the wall and the cigarette bag pot in her hand, and silently retracted her hands, her legs trembled again: "Mother, why don't I still sit here? Bar."

"That's fine." Mrs. Li adjusted a comfortable posture: "Then tell me, what's the difference?"

Zhang Chunhua glanced at Li Mulin, whose face was a little ugly, and said boldly: "We lived in my house for several years after we got married, and I have always been my mother when I gave birth to a child. Take care, I think I should give my family more money."

Mr. Li nodded: "Chunhua's words are also reasonable."

Li Mulin glanced at Zhang Chunhua and said in a low voice, "When I lived at my father-in-law's house, except for food money and money for my mother, all other money was handed over to my mother-in-law, It's only been two years since I moved out, and I haven't given so much."

Zhang Chunhua said confidently: "I used to ask for money to live in my house for food and drink. What's wrong with turning it in? I'm talking about now!"

"Then how do you give it?" Li Mulin asked.

Zhang Chunhua glanced at Mrs. Li and quickly turned around and said, "My parents are my only child. Give them more money, and they will feel at ease."


Zhang Chunhua's eyes were red, and he wiped his tears with his sleeve: "Do I still need to say these words? He should have thought of it himself."

Mr. Li sighed, looked at Zhang Chunhua and said, "Actually, I can guess what your family thinks."

Mr. Li sneered: "I have lived so old and have never seen anything, don't look at my feet, I have even killed two devils before." Zhang Chunhua's face became more and more serious. When it became clear, Mrs. Li said, "But I'm not an unreasonable person. I don't like the kind of people who play tricks on others as fools. What if you want Mu Lin to give his father-in-law and mother-in-law a pension in the future?"

Li Mulin was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Mrs. Li and then at Zhang Chunhua, a little dazed.

Mr. Li pointed at Li Mulin and Zhang Chunhua with a cigarette bag and pot and said, "Look at my stupid son, I have been with your family for so many years, but I don't understand these twists and turns."

Zhang Chunhua's tears fell to the ground like beads, she lowered her head and bit her lip, not daring to say a word.

Mr. Li took some tobacco leaves and stuffed them into the cigarette bag, lit the fire and took two puffs, and then slowly said: "It's definitely not acceptable to enter the family, but I read the name of the book and Mingxin. I also know that you don't have this in mind. As for asking Mu Lin to give your parents the care and death, there is no problem. Your father is his master. In the past, his master was just like his father. What's more, after you get married, your parents are also his fathers. Mom, being a son-in-law is the same as being a son, what's so hard about it?"

Zhang Chunhua covered his face and started crying, Li Mulin looked at Zhang Chunhua and was still confused: "The father-in-law doesn't have a son, it's not who we care for the old age? What is there to cry about? of?"

Zhang Chunhua raised his head and looked at Li Mulin in disbelief, with a mixture of surprise and annoyance on his face, Mrs. Li couldn't help laughing when she saw this: "If you say it earlier, you'll have to do it all. What a mess, it looks really annoying!"

Liu Xiulan watched the audience with relish, seeing her sister-in-law crying like tears, she couldn't help laughing: "It's not that my brother-in-law thinks too much, it's not old The thoughts of the generation are all the water poured out by their married daughters, and they are also afraid that no one will care about them in the future."

Mr. Li snorted coldly: "Do you see me like that? Don't talk about how many of your wives are, it was the sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus that I raised when I used soybeans in exchange for it. I didn't do that either. Treat her harshly, I won't let her take her things home and look at it during the Chinese New Year and festivals."

Liu Xiulan couldn't help laughing: "It's not like a sensible old lady like Mother!"

"It's okay, don't flatter me!" Mrs. Li waved her hand and smiled: "I heard that the East House is very lively, you went over and asked your second sister-in-law to carry Zhen Zhen over to her. Look at her uncle, this is the first girl in our family."

Zhang Chunhua went out to find a sink to wash her face and came in. Mrs. Li simply and rudely untied her many years of heart knot, which made her look much more cheerful than when she was in Bingcheng. The smile on the top is also a lot more sincere.

Liu Xiulan got up to call someone, Zhang Chunhua was a little embarrassed to sit there, so she could only find herself to go down the steps: "Mother used to like girls, but now there are not many girls like you."

Old Mrs. Li was instructing her son to take a fan to fan out the smell of cigarettes, she glanced at Zhang Chunhua: "Don't eat this sour vinegar in front of me, I will tell you clearly, in my place The granddaughter is more precious than the grandson, and Zhen Zhen is the only golden flower of the five generations of my family."

Zhang Chunhua blushed with shame and said with a smirk, "I didn't say anything?"

Old Mrs. Li pouted: "I like to talk about ugly things in my head. Some people in the province who are celebrating the new year make me uncomfortable."

Zhang Chunhua closed his mouth and didn't dare to say any more, staring at the door to see what kind of golden treasure made her mother-in-law like this.

Without much effort, Wang Sufen came with Zhen Zhen, followed by four stalkers, holding small toys such as rattles and making Zhen Zhen laugh.

Once Mrs. Li saw Zhen Zhen come in, she couldn't help laughing, she sat on the kang and hurriedly stretched out her hand: "Hurry up and let me see if our Zhen Zhen has gained weight again?"

Mingbei couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Milk, you read it eight times a day, what can my sister eat to gain weight so fast?"

Mr. Li picked up her crutches and hit Mingbei's ass, turned her head and smiled and hugged Zhen Zhen in her arms: "Oh, see us Zhen Zhen smiling at grandma, This little appearance is getting more and more handsome." Zhang Chunhua called his second sister-in-law, and without any hesitation, he hurried over to look at Zhen Zhen.

It stands to reason that the shape of the child's head during the confinement period is not good-looking, the face is not open, and most of them are a little ugly, but Zhen Zhen is very cute, and the black grape-like eyes are particularly charming and long. Her eyelashes are like a small fan, her tender white skin and delicate red mouth, she is born a beauty. Although his heart is a little sour, Zhang Chunhua has to admit that this little girl is strangely beautiful.

Mingxin squeezed in front of Zhang Chunhua, raised his face and asked sincerely: "Mom, tomorrow you will give birth to a younger sister, as good-looking as younger sister Zhen Zhen!"

Zhang Chunhua subconsciously replied: "What's so good about the girl..."

Halfway through the words, Mrs. Li couldn't help but want to touch the cigarette bag, Zhang Chunhua turned her words abruptly: "This girl is so good-looking, I'm afraid I won't give birth to a child. come out."

Mrs. Li put the cigarette bag back in its original position, and continued to look at her granddaughter happily, without letting Zhang Chunhua take a blank look: "It's true that you can't give birth to your virtue."

Zhang Chunhua covered her chest, her mother-in-law was too upright and heartbroken!

The author has something to say: Zhen Zhen: Milk, why did you kill the two devils?

Mr. Li waved her cigarette bag and held her head high: back then, I was both intelligent and brave, and I set up a net for the enemy, and sent two devils to the west without a single shot!

Zhen Zhen: ? ? ?

Li Muwu: Those two unlucky devils fell into our cellar, knocked their heads and fainted, and your milk was poured into it. I don’t know how many tanks of water were born and the devils were drowned.

Zhen Zhen: ! !

Mr. Li raised her cigarette bag and pot and ran after Li Muwu: I will make you talk more, I will make you talk more!

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