MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 69 69

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Mingbei walked in with a petite girl, the girl was full of happiness and a little shy, greeted Zhen Zhen and entered the room: " Mom, I'm pregnant."

"Really? This is great, your mother would be so happy if she found out." Mrs. Li happily closed her mouth and stretched out her hand to greet Wang Xinwen: "Wenwen sit on the kang and sit down. Take a break."

Mingbei hurriedly came over and helped Wang Xinwen sit on the kang, and helped her take off her shoes, Wang Xinwen's face was full of happiness, she took Mingbei's hand and pulled up: "You come up too Sit down." Mingbei responded and sat behind Wang Xinwen, carefully supporting her waist, for fear that she would be tired.

Wang Xinwen is two grades younger than Mingbei.

At that time, Mingbei had been in the youth point for three years, and the work points earned every year ranked first in the twelve youth point. It saves a lot of time and effort, so when the hydrolysis factory sent a group of educated youths to the youth station, the factory let Mingbei as the captain to lead these new educated youths to work.

Wang Xinwen's ancestral home is Suzhou. When the hydrolysis plant was built, her father recruited workers and brought her family from the south of the Yangtze River to the bitter cold land. Wang Xinwen is a typical Jiangnan person, with picturesque eyes and soft words, which makes people care for her at first sight.

Mingbei's first impression when she saw Wang Xinwen for the first time was that this girl couldn't do heavy work, so she directly arranged for her to cook in the kitchen. Who is this girl? Although she looks like delicate china, she has an unwillingness to admit defeat in her bones. She found Mingbei and looked up at him, her delicate face full of dissatisfaction: "Why did you assign me to the stove to cook, do you think I can't do the job?"

Listening to the soft and glutinous voice, Li Mingbei suddenly said, "Comrade Wang Xinwen, it's really hard to go up the mountain to plant trees and open up wasteland, and some elders can't stand it. , let alone you..." Mingbei thought about the words for a long time, and finally came up with a sentence: "...let alone a girl as young as you."

Wang Xinwen's face suddenly flushed with anger. In the eyes of northerners, her height and size are indeed a little petite. From childhood to adulthood, from classmates to teachers, they like to say that she is small, just because of this she I'm particularly unconvinced. What's wrong with being short? She can still study well if she's short, and she can still work if she's short. She has to be the best in everything she does, and she won't let others look down on her.

Wang Xinwen turned her head to look, moved four bricks together, stepped on them, looked at Li Mingbei and said word by word: "You are sexist, I ask Work with other comrades."

Just kidding."

Wang Xinwen lightly jumped off the brick and smiled proudly towards Mingbei. Mingbei breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat that frightened his head. There was only one thought in his heart: This little aunt is too difficult to serve.

After that, Wang Xinwen, like everyone else, carried the Korean pine seedlings up the mountain to plant trees in the spring, and planted trees together, because Mingbei was really worried that she would not be able to do such a job, so she paid special attention to her , for fear of what kind of injury she has suffered, and it will not be easy to explain at that time.

Fortunately, Wang Xinwen is not a foolish person. Others carry four or five saplings, she carries one; others plan three acres of land, she plans one mu of land, although she does less work, But with extra care, the soil she dug out was always the finest. Mingbei is the captain. Sometimes when she finishes her work, she will help her out. After going back and forth, the two have more contact, and Wang Xinwen falls in love with Li Mingbei.

Different from Mingbei's long-term secret love, this gentle-looking southern girl has a more straightforward personality than the northern girl. She found Mingbei directly, reached out and grabbed his The collar dragged him down: "Li Mingbei, I like you, and I want to date you." Mingbei swore that if he had drank water at that time, he would have sprayed the girl's face.

Wang Xinwen looked at Mingbei's shocked expression and smiled sweetly: "If you agree, we will get along and see. If you don't agree, I will chase until you agree."

Mingbei was a little overwhelmed when he looked at the girl who had just reached his shoulders. Since he got married in late autumn, he hadn't thought of liking this word for a long time. Like it? He looked down at the girl in front of him, and he seemed to pay attention to her unconsciously. Every day, he was always the last one to go down the mountain, because he was afraid that this silly girl would not finish her work and fall down the mountain. At night, Mingbei couldn't help but think of the bits and pieces of working with her during the day, and then laughed silly.

scratching his head, Mingbei looked at Wang Xinwen a little overwhelmed: "I'm a little stupid, stunned, and not likable..."

"Who said that." Wang Xinwen puffed up her cheeks and looked at Ming Bei with focused and serious eyes: "I think you are very good, and I like your sincerity and sincerity. ."

Mingbei smirked a few times, looking at Wang Xinwen who didn't know what to say, Wang Xinwen smiled, and her face turned a little red, "Then you will be my object from now on. ?"

Mingbei felt numb when he heard this. With a silly smile on his face, he nodded vigorously at Wang Xinwen: "Okay, I will be your partner in the future."

According to the arrangement in the factory, Mingbei brought a new educated youth back to the factory for one year, but in order to accompany Wang Xinwen, he became the captain of the youth point for three years, and the two began to work together. Back to work. At that time, Mingbei was already twenty-four, and he was already an older youth at that time, but Mingbei brought Wang Xinwen home to see it. Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen liked such a beautiful girl. It was Ming Bei, and he was even more satisfied.

When their work was settled, the two families sat down and talked about marriage. There are brick houses in between, the front yard and the back yard are very large, and it is not a problem to grow rice and cabbage. Because the home is far away from the hydrolysis plant, the two or eight bars at home were given to Mingnan and his wife to ride to and from get off work, and Mrs. Li also bought one for Mingbei.

Mingbei got married late, and when Mingnan was at this age, all his sons ran all over the place, so Wang Sufen was in a hurry. The old lady suppressed her: "It's just two or three months of marriage, it's the time of firewood and fire, it's not good to be pregnant early, let it be, let it be."

Wang Sufen always listened to Mrs. Li's words. Until last month, Wang Xinwen was yawning and crying all day, and Wang Sufen thought that her daughter-in-law was probably pregnant. In order not to be happy for nothing, Wang Sufen waited patiently for a month. Seeing that Wang Xinwen's reaction became more and more like pregnancy, she finally couldn't help reminding her to go to the hospital for a check. Only then did Wang Xinwen think of herself. My period is more than a month late.

Three people were talking on the kang, Wang Sufen came in from outside, heard Wang Xinwen's voice, and quickly asked, "How is the investigation?"

"The doctor said I'm pregnant." Wang Xinwen clutched her still unbulging belly, unable to hide the joy on her face.

"This is a big happy event." Wang Sufen laughed: "What do you want to eat? Mom will cook it for you? Can you eat fish? Will it make you sick?"

Wang Xinwen shook her head: "I don't feel sick, I feel like I want to eat everything."

"You want to eat everything, don't cook for a while, come back to eat at night. Wenwen, don't be polite, tell Mom, Mom will cook it for you. I have one in my stomach, so I can't feel wronged." Wang Sufen rolled up her sleeves and glanced at Ming Bei: "I know you're sitting silly, so hurry up and pour a glass of water for your daughter-in-law."

Mingbei hurriedly got off the kang to pour water, and Mrs. Li called Wang Sufen: "Did you go to see Zhen Zhen and go to the room to do the questions again? Why is this child not reading enough? Woolen cloth."

Mingbei handed the water tank to Wang Xinwen and looked at Zhen Zhenzhile who was brought over by Wang Sufen: "Now there is no college entrance examination, what are you doing all the time, how good it is to go out and play so hard what."

Zhen Zhen sat on the kang and asked Mingbei and Wang Xinwen: "Fourth brother, fourth sister-in-law, do you want to go to university?"

Wang Xinwen held the jar and thought for a while: "Actually, I still really want to go to college. I always feel that if this goes on, I will see it all my life, and I will have no passion at all."

Mingbei leaned on the cabinet and smiled: "I don't have anything to think about, anyway, I can't go to university."

"What if I could take the test?" Zhen Zhen stared at his expression tightly.

"If I can go to university..." Mingbei thought for a while, his eyes fell on Wang Xinwen, his face was full of warm smiles: "It depends on your sister-in-law, anyway, where does she go? Where are you going?"

Zhen Zhen turned her head and went back to the house. After a while, she took a few books and said, "Then you can read more books while you have nothing to do, maybe the college entrance examination will resume at some point."

"No way." Mingbei scratched his head: "It's been ten years since the college entrance examination."

"It's not like you don't know what happened in the past ten years. Now the country is in need of talents. Maybe we can catch up with this good time." Zhen Zhen looked at Ming very seriously. Bei: "Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Let's review in advance. If we can take the exam, we will catch up with this wave of opportunities."

"What if I don't take the test?" Mingbei asked subconsciously.

"If you don't take the exam, it's just a waste of review." Zhen Zhen glanced at him: "It won't hurt to read more books, maybe you will become smarter."

Zhen Zhen smiled and snatched her braid, turned to look at him: "Then do you want to learn?"

Mingbei squeezed Zhen Zhen away and put him next to Wang Xinwen: "Daughter-in-law, do you think we should study?"

"Learn, why don't you learn?" Wang Xinwen nodded decisively: "Just like what my sister said, in case it's a good time."

"Then what about our child?" Mingbei touched Wang Xinwen's unpregnant belly and was a little worried. It looked like she was born today and could go to college tomorrow.

"What's the matter, if I really get admitted, we will take our children to go to college together, then our children will be college students since childhood, I don't want to live in this mountain for a lifetime without knowledge, I have to take the test Go out." Wang Xinwen said happily, she took the exercise set given by Zhen Zhen and opened it one by one: "Zhen Zhen, is this a question you copied by yourself? It's really hard work."

Zhen Zhen smiled: "I also copied a set for the third brother and the others, I wonder if they have this idea?"

Ming Nan and Meng Xiaoxi now have two sons. The eldest son, Shaobing, goes out with his parents every day to go to the kindergarten in the hydrolysis plant.

While talking, Mingnan came to pick up the dumplings and went home, Zhen Zhen handed over the set of books and repeated what He Mingbei said.

Ming Nan pondered for a moment, and then shook his head with a little regret: "Now I'm in my late thirties, if I have children and a wife at home, who will take care of them if I go to school. He moved his eyes away from the exercise book, but there was no expression on his face: "We are doing fine now. Mom and Nanny must be taken care of by their side. We will take care of them at home. If there is a college entrance examination day, as long as there is a We are at home, and you have nothing to worry about even if you pass the test."

It won't be too bad.

In the blink of an eye, the twelfth lunar month, Li Mingdong and Osmanthus came back from Anbei with meat buns, bean buns, and sugar buns. Mrs. Li holding her little granddaughter's sugar buns is not rare enough. The Mu Lin family, Mingxi and Xie Yanan also arrived home. In all these years, it was the first time that the old Li family had gathered together like this, and Mrs. Li was happy to sleep every morning.

Li Muwen's family has been transferred to the imperial capital. Li Muwen is the chief of staff in the imperial capital military region. He lives in a separate two-story building in the military compound. Li Muwen's two sons and daughters-in-law are also in the army.

Li Muwen's favorite among the children of his three younger brothers is Zhen Zhen, one is because she is the only girl in this generation, and Mrs. Li loves her the most, and the other is also because Zhen Zhen is the smartest child he has seen all these years.

Li Muwen's wife Xue Wenhua has heard Li Muwen mention this niece for so many years, saying that she is smart and cute, Xue Wenhua looked at Zhen Zhen carefully, she was too smart to know if she got in touch, but she looked like A very spirited girl.

Xue Wenhua took out a light blue wool coat from the suitcase and handed it to Zhen Zhen: "I went to the Wenhua Road mall in the imperial capital a while ago and fell in love with this wool coat at a glance, thinking about home You are a girl, I will buy it for you."

Zhen Zhen hurriedly smiled and said, "Thank you auntie, this dress is so beautiful!"

Xue Wenhua stood up and helped Zhen Zhen to put it on: "I don't know if you are fat, thin, tall or short, and I don't know if it's suitable or not."

Zhen Zhen is tall and slender, she looks like a clothes rack when you go there . Zhen Zhen buttoned up and turned around in front of the family, and Mrs. Li immediately boasted, "Our family Zhen Zhen is so pretty, how foreign-style it is to wear this dress."

Zhen Zhen smiled and took the braids behind her: "It's the aunt who has good eyesight and the clothes she picked look good, I just borrowed the clothes."

Xue Wenhua looked at Zhen Zhen with a smile, with a bit of liking on her face: "As long as you like it, when you have time to play in the imperial capital, I will take you to buy some more clothes."

Speaking of the imperial capital, Mrs. Li remembered what Zhen Zhen said about the college entrance examination, she hurriedly touched something from the box and hid it in her arms, and then found an excuse to drag her eldest son to the I went to the courtyard and asked this matter quietly: "Is it true that the resumption of the college entrance examination is true? Zhen Zhen said to prepare early, and also asked Ming Bei and the others to review with them. You have contact with many people in the imperial capital. Do you think this is true or not? If it is not true, I will not let her suffer that tired. Zhen Zhen's eyes are so beautiful, if she wears glasses every day when she reads books like Ming Dong, she will be blinded by those big eyes. "

Li Muwen pondered for a moment, and then said: "This matter has been mentioned, but it is still under debate, and the result is not clear. Zhen Zhen's acuity is very high, and she is very caring. She learned that even if there is no news this year, it can be put on the agenda next year. This recommendation to go to university has never been a long-term solution, and it will be abolished sooner or later."

Once Mrs. Li heard what Li Muwen said, she immediately came to a conclusion. She looked around, and sneakily took out a large yellow croaker from her arms and handed it to Li Muwen: "Zhen Zhen said that she wanted to buy a courtyard house in the imperial capital. See if you can help."

Li Muwen looked at the big yellow croaker that Mrs. Li took out and jumped: "Mother, how many big yellow croakers do you have?"

"One is not enough?" Mrs. Li put her hand in her sleeve again, and took out another: "Are two enough?"

"Enough is enough." Li Muwen hurriedly put one back for her, looked around vigilantly, and took Mrs. Li a few steps towards the wall: "Although it is not like before. It's so tight, but it's quite eye-catching to take out the big yellow croaker at first glance." Li Muwen stuffed the big yellow croaker into his clothes to make sure it wouldn't fall off before whispering, "If you are short of money, tell me, don't worry about it. Don't go to change the big yellow croaker without permission, it's not good if people catch it."

The golden bricks that were returned were stuffed back: "Mu Wen, if you have a way, you can help replace this big yellow croaker together. If there is danger or difficulty, just say it directly, don't be embarrassed."

Li Muwen smiled slightly: "Mother, if your son can't even do this, he doesn't need to live in the second-story building of the Imperial Capital Military Region, and build a house directly next to our house."

Then Mrs. Li breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, the mother will tell you straight, this big yellow croaker was dug from the mountain by Zhen Zhen, after you change the money, follow the She said, buy a better courtyard house, Zhen Zhen said don't worry about buying a good one with money, I guess I won't be able to buy it in the future."

Li Muwen looked at Mrs. Li in surprise: "Zhen Zhen is also very lucky, our Red Pine Mountain is not small, how did she find the gold?"

Old Mrs. Li thought for a while: "It is said to be digging ginseng, don't look at your brothers who have gone up the mountain since they were young, but no one knows this Red Pine Mountain as thoroughly as Zhen Zhen. The ginseng and ganoderma sent to you are all dug up the mountain by Zhen Zhen, don’t eat other people’s children’s things in vain, you can sincerely help our family Zhen Zhen if you have anything in the future.”

"I know." Li Muwen said: "I don't have this ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, why should I not take care of her? We have four brothers, and she gave birth to a girl, and everyone has to take her. Be a treasure."

Old Mrs. Li liked to hear this, and nodded quickly: "It's best if you think so, you just need to be honest with Zhen Zhen, this child is not the kind of white-eyed wolf. people."

"The designated person, there is no such person in our family." Li Muwen thought of what Zhen Zhen said about resuming the college entrance examination, and couldn't help but praised Zhen Zhen with Mrs. Li: "My eldest niece Don't look at being born in a small place like us, but with enough brains, I don't think it's any worse than a child in the Imperial Military Region."

Back when he went up the mountain to hunt with a hunting rifle, Zhen Zhen beat him with a slingshot, how dare he be a sharpshooter." Thinking of this, Mrs. Li couldn't help laughing twice: "Now our hunting rifles have been handed in, Mingming Xi is even more afraid to mention the competition."

Li Muwen rubbed his hands and pushed Mrs. Li into the room: "If you can really resume the college entrance examination, you can ask Zhen Zhen to take the imperial examination, and Mingxi and I are both there and can take care of her. "

"I guess she thinks so too, otherwise she can't buy a house in the imperial capital." Old lady Li saw the door, and added in a low voice: "If there is money left to buy a house, Don't send it back, just give it to Zhen Zhen when she goes."

Li Muwen was very attentive about what Mrs. Li explained. When he returned to the imperial capital, he handed it over to his cronies. , the money has been exchanged, and I have also looked at a few courtyards. There are a few near the Lama Temple, but it was changed to a large courtyard in the past. Although it has been recovered, it is somewhat damaged.

Li Muwen frowned slightly, he felt that his niece wanted to buy a courtyard house not just for living, but Mrs. Li emphasized to buy the best one.

"Where else?" asked Li Muwen.

"There are many well-preserved courtyard houses behind Houyang. Several of them of suitable size and price have been bought by Commander Li, Major General Zhang, and General Li. There are seven or eight smaller ones. It is good to say that there is a mansion with four entrances and four exits that is the most exquisite, but it has a lot of money, and it is still left there and no one cares.

Li Muwen's eyes fell on the suitcase full of money brought by his cronies: "Is the money enough?"

The cronies immediately replied: "Enough, but you can think about it, Chief of Staff, it's too expensive."

Li Muwen took a deep breath and stood up from the chair: "I'll go and see what the yard is like first."

The two came to Houyang in a small car and stopped at the entrance of a courtyard. This was once the residence of a county king in the Qing Dynasty. There were four entrances into the courtyard. The gate at the entrance is still very intact. and was not damaged.

Two security guards went up and pushed open the door, went around the shadow wall, and walked past the hanging flower door. Li Muwen walked into the second yard, which is the main room of the prince's mansion, and pushed open the faded door , Li Muwen went in and turned around, the ancient frame and the carved bed are still there, but the area is covered with thick ash, and no one has lived there for a long time.

Li Muwen pondered, if this doesn't match, then he really can't find a better courtyard than this, he blew the ashes on his gloves and took out a Zhang Zhi: "Go and go through the formalities here, the owner of the house will write this name."

The cronies took over the paper, looked at the three big characters on the top, and couldn't help but read: "Li Mingzhen!"

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