MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 52

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Fen Guards was originally an organization established by college and middle school students. A group of students gathered together to write big-character posters, "destruct the four olds", search homes, and engage in sports. Generally speaking, the students in the Fan Guard organization are relatively simple and down-to-earth activities, but some people who are good at taking advantage of it find that this is not only a very honorable job, but also take advantage of the opportunity to reap a lot of benefits, so they immediately joined. The faction of the Pink Guards.

In their opinion, if you join the pink guards to raid the house, you can smash and rob the capitalist in a fair and honest way. The capitalist's home not only has no shortage of rice and noodles, but also a lot of gold antiques, only a fool will give it If it is smashed and burned, they are all brought back and hidden, and they will rely on these things to make a fortune in the future.

Rob, others have to praise her revolutionary active.

The fan guards who came to Mr. Meng's house to raid the house were mainly second-rate fans. When they first joined the fan guards, they only made excuses to criticize the people they didn't deal with. Until a few days ago, "I still read The current fighting team looted the home of wealthy businessman Zhang Xiuming. Not only did they loot a lot of silver bills, silver dollars and Great Unity, but they also looted a lot of rice and went back. One of the bosses also hid two bottles of Maotai in his clothes. This wine is a high-priced wine. A bottle is worth sixteen dollars.

The younger brother and sister also set up a fan guard organization called the "Today's Fighting Team". These days, they are on the street to see whoever is not pleasing to the eye and shave their heads, enjoying the pleasure of ravaging others, but when I go home in the afternoon, my mother talks about the ten The matter of the six-dollar wine, and then looking at the cornmeal noodles that he grabbed back, he was suddenly full of anger.

Thinking about going to copy the capitalists, there is a lot of designated oil and water, Miao Fuhai not only called the people from the combat team, but also called a group of relatives of his own brothers and sisters. After gathering the people, Miao Fuhai raised his arms and shouted: "We must fight against the reactionary authority of the bourgeoisie! Go to seize the houses of the capitalists and drag them to the streets." Their greed betrayed their hearts.

Ye Luo, who was close to Miao Fuhai, immediately joined up: "I used to be exploited by the capitalist Meng Qingxiang all day long when I was working in the fur farm. The excuse of deducting my salary is like a week in the capitalist family." He waved his arm and shouted, "Down with the capitalist Meng Qingxiang."

Miao Fuhai quickly responded with everyone, and was very excited. In the past, when he went to the fur factory to drag Ye Luo to go fishing and chase rabbits, he saw that big factory. He heard that every month I can make a lot of money, and this is just one of the factories in Meng Qingxiang's hands. With everyone like this, there must be a lot of treasures in Meng Qingxiang's family.

Miao Fuhai patted Ye Luo on the shoulder and asked, "Do you know the address of the capitalist Meng Qingxiang's house?"

"I know, I followed him." Ye Luo volunteered to lead the way, and a group of people rushed to Meng Qingxiang's house menacingly. Who knew that the door was locked and the door closed.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old student stuck his head out from behind and asked in a low voice, "You won't move out, will you?"

Miao Fuhai frowned: "Even if people walk away, they can't walk. Now there are various fighting teams on the streets. If they walk with great fanfare, they will be stopped early."

Ye Luo nodded and rammed towards the door first. A group of sturdy young people rammed and pushed and quickly broke the delicate lock on the door. A group of people shouted slogans He entered the yard aggressively.

If the outer lock is a decorative lock that prevents gentlemen but not villains, the inner lock is very strong. When Meng Qingxiang left, he was worried that people who collected antiques would not be able to get in. After thinking about it, there was still no lock. The door is just closed lightly. When Zhen Zhen came, she was not walking the usual way, so she didn't even notice that the door was unlocked.

Miao Fuhai walked at the front, looked at the thick wooden door in front of him, and kicked with all his strength. The door was kicked open with a bang, Miao Fuhai didn't hold back his strength, and fell straight in, his big face slammed firmly on the marble floor tiles, his face was covered in blood when he looked up, and his front teeth moved a little.

Wiping his nosebleed, Miao Fuhai raised his head and wanted to scold his mother when he was held back by the empty room in front of him. Getting up from the ground, he turned his head and asked Ye Luo fiercely, "This is Meng Qingxiang's house?"

The delicate curtains that had hung on the windows were gone.

"Damn, when did you run away? The day before yesterday, I watched him drive back, and the door was open and the room was full." Ye Luo spat on the ground, face indignant.

"The day before yesterday? Impossible, I've been watching people shave their heads at the street entrance these days, and I haven't seen a big car going from here." Miao Fuhai's cousin said with an oath: "It's all cars that come in and go out."

"Could it be haunted? A three-story western-style building can't be silently removed, right?" There were even a few girls who looked at Fang Zi, who was getting darker and weaker, and said, "Will... or... let's go first."

Zhen Zhen's consciousness smiled beside her and hooked her hand slightly, and soon one after another huge mice ran from all directions, and moved to the door of Meng's house in an instant, lined up to leave Come in at the door. Miao Fuhai's sister stood at the end. She heard a rustling voice that became clearer and clearer, and when she remembered the haunted words just now, her scalp could not help tingling.

Just thinking about how to persuade Miao Fuhai to retreat, he felt something on his feet ripping at his trousers, and looking down his trouser legs, two huge mice were following his own The trouser legs climb up.

"Ah!" A scream resounded through the whole building, and there were echoes due to the spaciousness of the room.

A mouse on top kicked it out. This move angered the mice, and all the mice went crazy in an instant, rushing to Miao Fuhai's feet and biting him one by one.

Miao Fuhai felt pain in his leg again and again. He didn't dare to stay in this weird house anymore, he flung away a few mice and fled in a hurry. A group of people ran outside, but the mouse stopped in the yard and stood neatly looking at the group of people.

Miao Fuhai glanced at the already dim sky, and then glanced at the western-style building next door. The lights inside were flickering, and there was a vague figure behind the curtain.

Ye Luo stepped forward and looked at the beautiful western-style building next to her, very moved: "Captain, why don't we go to the one next door?"

Looking at the already dark sky and the mice in the garden, Miao Fuhai was a little timid: "There is a bit of evil here, let's come back tomorrow."

Ye Luo looked at the figure behind the curtain and asked worriedly, "What if people run away at night?"

Seeing that there were no outsiders beside me, Miao Fuhai didn't want to hide it anymore. He tried his best to suppress his anger and whispered: "What we want is something, you don't care if he goes or not." With a sore nose, Miao Fuhai still explained: "They can't take much with them even if they leave tonight. Let me tell you, silly boy, this capitalist has a lot of valuable things besides gold bars, silver bars and RMB. We just happened to divide everything in their house." Looking at the people he brought with him, Miao Fuhai instructed: "Let's come out early tomorrow morning, and don't let others grab it first.

A few people made an appointment and then left in a hurry, Zhen Zhen looked at the rats in the yard and couldn't help rubbing the goose bumps on her body, the rats came back to their senses and went around Glancing at it, he walked away.

The owner of the four western-style buildings next door, the fan guard, noticed the movement here, and waited for them to withdraw. Originally, they were hesitant to wait and see. It can be seen that today's fan The guards looked frantic, and they were all annoyed by their indecision. At this time, I couldn't care about anything, and I hurriedly brought some important things, all preparing to evacuate that night.

Thinking that the group of people will come to raid the house tomorrow, Zhen Zhen didn't want them to take any advantage, she hurriedly fetched eight large yellow croakers, hurriedly wrote four pieces of paper and wrapped them in gold : "Two large yellow croakers bought all the belongings in your western-style building. If you want to buy things back, please publish a missing person notice in the newspapers and the code is today's date."

As they moved things from time to time, Zhen Zhen threw the gold and the notes into their trunks respectively, which was regarded as the money for the purchase. I haven't been to these people's homes before, and whether the things in their homes are worth the gold, Zhen Zhen didn't have time to think about it, at this time, it's the most important thing to move the things away to prevent the group of pink guards from harming them.

When these people left, Zhen Zhen appeared in the middle of the alley in a flash, looking at the darkening sky, Zhen Zhen was a little anxious, it was too late to clean up, I just hope not tonight It's good to come. Looking at the four western-style buildings in front of her, Zhen Zhen stomped her feet angrily: "If only there was room in the novel, I would just move the buildings back to save so much effort.

As soon as the voice fell, the five western-style buildings disappeared in front of me, leaving only five big pits.

Zhen Zhen was stunned: "What happened..."


Zhen Zhen finally got home when the last rays of light dissipated, Mrs. Li was standing at the door with a sullen face, and when she saw Zhen Zhen, she became angry: "You still know how to come back Don't you see it's getting dark? If you don't come back, I'll think you were taken by a tiger." Mingbei was standing in the yard chopping firewood, and when he heard this, he quickly covered the laughter in his hands, and his face suddenly became sullen. of redness.

Zhen Zhen listened to the sound of "puff puff" in the yard, and she didn't have time to settle accounts with Ming Bei, she took the hand of Mrs. Li, acting like a spoiled child and guaranteeing, and finally put Mrs. Li He laughed, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Pinch Zhen Zhen's hand, while Mrs. Li dragged her to the house, she rambled: "It's okay to go out to the wild, why don't you come back for dinner at noon? Let the milk take a look..." Taking advantage of the dim light bulb in the kitchen room, Mrs. Li glanced at Zhen Zhen, her distressed face twitched: "My little face has lost weight."

Zhen Zhen looked at Mrs. Li speechlessly: "Milk, you are exaggerating too much."

Wang Sufen stuck out her head from the stove and poked Zhen Zhen's forehead angrily: "This is when you are not hungry, you can even forget to eat when you are playing, like Mingbei and the others. I used to starve a lot, and I can’t remember the next person, but I can remember this meal firmly, no matter how far I run, I can know to go home to eat.”

"Mom, I will definitely not be like this next time." Zhen Zhen quickly put her arms around Wang Sufen and grinned at her.

Wang Sufen glared at her angrily, but couldn't help laughing again, and opened the basin on the stove, with a bowl of dumplings in it: "Your mother is thinking about you starving Now, ask me to pack it for you in the afternoon."

Zhen Zhen hurriedly took the bowl, picked up the chopsticks, took a dumpling and stuffed it into her mouth, chewed it, and said vaguely, "It's stuffed with cucumber, egg, and fungus."

"It's pretty good at eating." Wang Sufen looked at Zhen Zhen's delicious food, and her face was full of smiles: "Go in and eat, today Mingbei caught fish, and my mother made you a stew Yes, eat some more later."

Zhen Zhen responded and walked out with a plate while eating, just sitting on the kang, she heard Ming Bei shouting from the courtyard: "Second brother, third brother, what are you doing? came back together?"

I hurriedly put the plate and chopsticks on the cabinet, Zhen Zhen hurriedly greeted them and went out, only to see Mingxi and Mingnan carrying a set of salutes and a large bag in their hands .

Ms. Li was talking about Mingnan's time to get home these two days, but she didn't expect Mingxi to come back. Although Mingxi also graduated this year, his university is different from ordinary universities. It belongs to a military academy. According to the past, students who graduated from this military academy will be directly assigned to various units. Like Mingxi, who comes back directly is still First time.

"Why are you back?" Wang Sufen asked subconsciously, Mingxi's eye circles immediately turned red, he hoarse voice with a bit of crying: "Mom, the military academy has withdrawn, and we have all been discharged from the army. already."

Mingxi was a white and tender young man before going to college, and he was a little gentle in his gestures. But since he entered the military academy, his skin has darkened, his stature has grown, and his body is covered with hard muscles. In recent years, let alone cry, even if the skin on his shoulders was worn off during training, he did not say a word. .

However, being forced to leave the army this time, Mingxi was really sad. He wiped away tears in Mrs. Li's house for a long time. The worried Mrs. Li didn't know how to coax him.

Taking advantage of the time she came out to give Mingxi Duan honey water, Mrs. Li quietly instructed her family over and over: "Don't ask about Mingxi School, and don't mention Dongzi's mother this month. Let him find a job, this child will not be able to let him go for a while, you let him slow down."

Wang Sufen responded quickly, but there was a bit of worry on her face: "Mother, can Mingxi turn around? I think he has dark circles under his eyes. Sleep."

Mr. Li sighed: "It will be fine after a long time, one has to look forward."

Originally, it was a joy for the children to come back, but because the atmosphere in Mingxi's house was a little gloomy, after eating dumplings and some fish, Zhen Zhen made an excuse that she was too tired to play, and slipped to Go to sleep in the house.

Listening to the voice of the house, Zhen Zhen sat on the kang and was tangled. Where did it go, Zhen Zhen was at a loss.

What Zhen Zhen didn't know was that the one who was even more embarrassed than her was the "Today's Combat Team", their legs were softened when they looked at the open space: what about the house? What about the garden? Omg, this place is haunted!

The author has something to say:

Don't worry about Mingxi~~~~We Mingxi are missile majors~~~

Read The Duke's Passion