MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 123 123

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6 Xi Junjie and Zhen Zhen took a short break for two days. After the jet lag, they went back to work. Compared to Xi Junjie, Zhen Zhen’s working hours are much more flexible and the intensity is not as strong as in China So big, there is more time to arrange by yourself, so the recovery of cultural relics has been put on the agenda.

According to the degree of difficulty from easy to difficult, Zhen Zhenxian spent two months visiting various antique stores and art stores, and came back after buying a lot of good things. Of course, Zhen Zhen doesn't buy everything back, and folk kilns will definitely not collect them. Even official kilns will look at the amount of stock in the world. If there is a large amount of stock in the world, they will give up. Only those rare and refined treasures will be bought back.

He went to exchange the collections that he was interested in. This time, Zhen Zhen visited a collector named Farlock. The ancestor of this collector went to China with the army many times at the end of the 19th century and brought back a lot of cultural relics.

The doorbell rang, and an old man in his fifties or sixties with gloomy eyes came out of the room and saw Zhen Zhen without a smile on his face, but looked at him impatiently Glancing at her: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Zhen Zhen smiled and handed out the gift she brought, which was a small purple clay pot. Farok doesn't have many hobbies, the only thing he likes is a small teapot like Huaguo, Zhenzhen is also doing what he likes, and he went back to China and bought a hand-made purple clay pot as a stepping stone: "Hello, I'm from Huaguo. Li Mingzhen from China, this time I specially wanted to see your collection. This is the 9 China Zisha teapot I brought, and a small gift is not a tribute."

Farlock's eyes fell on the purple sand pot in Zhen Zhen's hand, and turned twice on Zhen Zhen's face, then he reached out and took the purple sand pot, rubbed it slowly for a long time Let the door open: "Come in."

Farlock's ancestors had many famous people, and the rows of medals on the wall can show the inheritance of this family. After Farlock's father died, Farlock inherited all the family's property. From the place where he lives today, it can be seen that the ten hectares of vineyards belong to Farlock. When Farlock became an adult, he moved out of his ancestral house and built a love hut with his wife in the manor. Now that Yiren has gone, only Farlock lives in the hut. The decorative furniture still shows the luxurious look of the year. , but the lack of people to take care of the reasons, the house looks a little messy.

Are you going to buy Chinese collections?"

"Yes." Zhen Zhen nodded: "I want to bring the lost cultural relics back to the motherland as much as possible. According to me, you have a lot of cultural relics from China. I don't know. Can you sell them all to me?"

Farlock smiled, looking at Zhen Zhen with a trace of disdain in his eyes: "Little girl, this can't be bought for a few thousand francs, you should go home and ask you Do Mom and Dad have so much money for you to buy these things?"

"Since I said that, I must have made a purchase plan." Zhen Zhen smiled humbly.

Farlock gave him a deep look, suddenly stood up, and took out a large set of keys from the safe on one side: "Then come with me."

Walking through a long corridor, Farlock stopped in front of a house, Zhen Zhen looked at a wooden sign above, which said "Huaguo Collection".

: "If you want to see it, take a look."

Carefully took out the jade seal, Zhen Zhen carefully looked at the dragon pattern carved on it and the words "Treasure of Qianlong's Royal Pen" at the bottom.

"This is the seal of your country's past emperors?" Farlock suddenly asked, "It's not a small sum to buy this."

Zhen Zhen didn't speak, she put the jade seal in place and went to a table next to it, there were more than twenty books on it, Zhen Zhen picked up one carefully, When she saw the name above, her eyes narrowed quickly: "Yongle Grand Ceremony!" Zhen Zhen quickly counted the books on the table, there were as many as twenty-three volumes.

Carefully put the Yongle Ceremony back to its original place, and the exhibits on the next stage are even more precious, which are ten oracle bone inscriptions. Zhen Zhen stretched out her hand and slowly took it back, it was too precious and she was worried that the weight of her hand would damage the oracle bone inscription.

"It seems that you like these collections very much." Farlock's tone was a bit mocking: "After all, it has been lost for so many years, and it should be bought back, right?"

Zhen Zhen didn't say anything, she carefully looked at all the collections in the house, except for the bronzes of Shang and Zhou Dynasties, the twenty-three volumes in the "Yongle Grand Canon", and the ten oracle bone tablets. In addition to this relatively important collection, there are 25 paintings and calligraphy, 8 pieces of porcelain, 5 pieces of lacquer ware, 30 pieces of jade ware, and there is actually a Buddha head in the last big box.

Zhen Zhen's face sank slightly, and her chest was also uncomfortable. This is only a small collector in France who owns so many Chinese cultural relics. The big museum and other big collectors don't know it yet How many looted treasures there are.

He let out a heavy breath, Zhen Zhen closed her eyes for a while, until her emotions stabilized, then slowly opened her eyes: "Make a price."

"I am not short of money, and these things are not measurable by money." Farlock smiled and picked up a lotus leaf lotus seed bowl with flowers in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Interested in admiring the pattern above.

"Then what do you want?" Zhen Zhen's expression remained the same, but her tone became slightly colder.

Farlock put down the blue and white bowl, walked out of the room with Zhen Zhen, and returned to the living room again: "Actually, I don't care about money, my child is dead, my wife is dead, money is for me It's worse than toilet paper."

Zhen Zhen's face changed color slightly, it is the easiest way to buy it directly at the marked price, the most fearful is this kind of people who don't play cards according to the routine.

Farlock opened the window, and the warm sunlight shone on his face, which made him even more uncertain: "Actually, these treasures were stolen from your country by my grandfather." Farlock returned Leaning on the windowsill, he sneered, "Maybe God wants to punish this kind of crime. Although my grandfather has a lot of treasures, he contracted a serious illness not long after he returned to China. He has been entangled in the sickness for decades, suffering from pain. So did my father. Now in my generation, although there is no serious illness, but my child died at the age of forty, and my wife was lost at the age of fifty. What's the use of living alone, it is better to die Happy. You said that our family was cursed by your country?"

Zhen Zhen looked at the teacup in front of her and did not speak. The shame of history is the hatred of every Chinese. She was unable to change the past and could only do her best to return some cultural relics.

Farlock didn't need Zhen Zhen's answer, he drank a drink and suddenly talked about his wife: "It must have been my surname that brought me misfortune, if I had known this, I should have left The family and her are far away." Farlock drank glass after glass of red wine, and started talking about his acquaintance with his wife, and finished the two people's love.

"Did you see that potted flower on the windowsill?" Farlock asked suddenly.

Zhen Zhen's eyes fell on the pot of dead branches on the window sill, which can no longer be called a flower, except for a few roots that are still alive, other parts are completely dead.

"This is the last gift my wife gave me, but I didn't take good care of him." A cloudy teardrop slid down Farlock's face: "As long as you save it, you can Let it bloom again, and I will donate all the Huaguo collections in my collection to you free of charge."

Zhen Zhen laughed immediately, she retracted her previous thoughts, it is too easy for collectors who don’t ask for money to make conditions.

Seeing Zhen Zhen's confident smile, Farlock gave her a mocking look: "Don't play those useless little abacuses, a Japanese came before, just to take my flowers Does he think I'm stupid for the idea of ​​bringing it back and replacing it with a new plant? I told you, if you want the cultural relics of your country, you will treat it here, and I will watch this flower come back to life with my own eyes. "

According to Zhen Zhen's ability, it will be able to grow leaves and bloom in one second, but you have to restrain your ability outside, it can't be too exaggerated. Zhen Zhen took out a plastic bottle from her bag: "It just so happens that I have some research on plants. This is a nutritional supplement that I specially prepared. I originally planned to give it to a friend, but I didn't expect it to come in handy here."

Zhen Zhen took the vial and walked to the flower pot, Farlock couldn't wait to follow, after opening the bottle cap, Zhen Zhen suddenly turned her head and said, "Since you decided to let me save this pot of flowers, just Don't get meddled again, or who's to blame for saving lives?"

"I know." Flock's eyes flashed with anticipation, and he kept urging Zhen Zhen: "Come on, let me see if your nutrient solution is effective."

In fact, this is an ordinary bottle of mineral water, which is used by Zhen Zhen to quench her thirst, but in Zhen Zhen’s hands, let alone mineral water, even tap water can work. Zhen Zhen unscrewed the bottle cap, slowly poured the water in, and gently pressed the wet soil with her fingers. A little bit of power drilled into the surviving roots along the soil, controlling them to absorb the water in the soil, and when the bottle of water was poured in, the power had already saved all the roots, but this Everything happens in the dirt, and nothing changes can be seen with the naked eye.

Farlock patiently stood by and waited for a long time, and found that a bottle of "nutrient solution" was poured in, and there was not much liquid left from the bottom of the basin, which showed that the roots absorbed a lot Nutrient content, which has never been done before. This year, many people came with the purpose of saving this pot of flowers, but no matter how many methods those people used, most of the water that was poured into it quickly flowed out, and there was very little time to save it.

Farlock breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Zhen Zhen with a much kinder look: "It seems that your nutrient solution really works, but how long will it take you to save my flowers?"

Farlock lives far from Paris, it takes three hours to drive, Zhen Zhen calculated the time on the bright side, once a week is the limit: "I come once a week, After one month, the dead branch will rejuvenate, three months will sprout new shoots, and four months will sprout flower bones."

"Four months?" Farlock seemed a little regretful, but soon he nodded again: "Four months is four months, after all, for more than a year, you have The only person who can be sure to save my flowers. If you can do what you said, I will give you all my Huaguo collections."

"What do you plan to exchange for the other countries' collections?" Zhen Zhen blinked and asked slyly.

Farlock smiled: "Girl, you are a little cunning, that's not your country's."

"I know." Zhen Zhen said seriously: "But our country also has a lot of collections in their country, I can exchange these collections with them."

"It's quite clever." Farlock said indifferently: "Anyway, it's all to be sent out, you can challenge it if you want." Farlock took Zhen Zhen to a dilapidated place not far away The manor: "This is left by my ancestors. When I first met my wife, I took her to visit here. At that time, we wrote down what we wanted to say to each other, and then hid in a place for each other to find. At that time, the game was still Before it was over, we left because of some unexpected things. At that time, I didn't find the note she wrote to me. Since my wife died, I suddenly remembered this incident, but I went in many times and couldn't find it. A letter, if you can help me find it, I can send it to a country's collection."

Zhen Zhen scanned every corner with her consciousness and asked casually, "What else do you want?"

"Also, I hope to plant a rose of her favorite in front of my wife's grave, but I have cultivated it carefully for many years, but still can't grow the rose I want, if you can Fulfill my wish and send another country's collection." Zhen Zhen nodded, compared to the previous two things, this matter is not too difficult for me, not to mention that there is soil here, it's just a piece of bare stone , she can also make it bloom.

"Are there any more?" Zhen Zhen asked.

"The last one..." Farlock looked at Zhen Zhen seriously: "You know, I have no relatives or friends, when you see where I live, you will find that I even have neighbors. No. To tell you the truth, I have cancer. The doctor said that I can live for up to six months. In fact, for me, death is not terrible. I can't bury my worries with her. So my last wish is, When I die, please help me and my wife be buried in a tomb."

Zhen Zhen has a sour nose: "It looks like you really love her."

"Yes." Farlock smiled: "I love it very much, by the way, don't forget to put my purple clay pots in our graves, Lily likes those things."

Gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Zhen Zhen showed a smile: "Is it convenient for you to find that letter with me now? I think I can guess where it is."

Farlock followed Zhen Zhen to the dilapidated manor, pushed open the door, Farlock looked a little more nostalgic: "My grandfather lived here, I still Came to be with him for a while. But my father didn't want to live in it since he died, he thought it was too old."

I waved my hand gently, the dust brought by the two people walking quietly fell to the ground, because of disrepair, all the circuits here are broken, except for the broken windows Except for some sunlight, it was all illuminated by the flashlight in Farlock's hand.

Zhen Zhen didn't go around in circles with him, she stopped directly under a photo, Farlock looked at the photo above with a bit of recollection on his face: "This is when I was a child and I Grandfather's photo."

Zhen Zhen stood on tiptoe and took off the portrait, a yellowed white paper fell from it, Farlock looked at the white paper floating to his feet, tears popped The ground fell, as if some did not expect the letter that he had been looking for for so many years to be hidden behind a painting.

"Actually I should have guessed." Farlock picked up the letter and smiled: "In this house, this is the only photo I have."

Zhen Zhen reached out and took the flashlight to help Farlock read the words on the paper. Farlock's eyes filled with tears, and it took a long time to see what was written on the paper. I don't know what was written, but after reading it, Farlock felt a little less sad and a little more smiling. He carefully folded the paper and put it in his breast pocket like a treasure.

"Is your second wish a rose?" Zhen Zhen came to the tomb, looked at the roses that looked small and pale, and once again took out a bottle of mineral water from her bag water.


After leaving Farlock's house, Zhen Zhen and Xi Junjie discussed and decided to donate all the cultural relics obtained from abroad to the country, hoping to bring the cultural relics back to work. It is too difficult to buy back all the lost cultural relics.

The next week, Zhen Zhen came to Farlock's house again as promised. Now, if you look closely, you can vaguely see one or two small buds.

Zhen Zhen poured a bottle of mineral water and then went out to loosen the roses, Farlock sat in front of Lily's tomb and said softly: "Lily, look, the roses have grown bigger than before. Many."

Three months later, the flowers on the windowsill have bloomed brightly, and the roses in front of the tombstone have become a garden, although the last thing is not completed, to Farlock still put all the The collection was given to Zhen Zhen, and a token fee was charged, which was considered a sale.

Five months later, Farlock passed away, leaving a will to give all the property and manor in his name to the Chinese girl Li Mingzhen free of charge, and thanked her for her care during this period.

According to Farlock's last wish, after Zhen Zhen buried him and Lily together, she transplanted the plant that had been restored to life and produced beautiful flowers next to their tombstones.

Gently spit out the turbid air that accumulated in her chest, Zhen Zhen bowed respectfully to the tombstone. Although she got a valuable collection, Zhen Zhen's heart was still a little heavy due to Farlock's death.

Farlock's matter was settled, Zhen Zhen handed over all the Chinese collections acquired during this period to the Chinese Embassy in France, and asked the Embassy to help transport these cultural relics back to China and donated them free of charge to the country.

The return of this cultural relic caused a lot of shock. The Buddha's head, jade seal, oracle bone inscriptions, part of the "Yongle Grand Ceremony", and Western Zhou bronzes are all valuable cultural relics, especially the oracle bone inscriptions and "Yongle" The Dadian has a high research value.

The return of the national treasure to the country is a major event for the whole country to celebrate. Yu Shoujing was a little dazed after finishing the news, and after thinking for a long time, he went to the office of Jiang Mengxuan, director of the International News Department: "I think I'm at a loss for transferring Li Mingzhen to your department."

"It's not a loss for the country, do you see how she can recover so many cultural relics if she doesn't go to France?" Jiang Mengxuan was enjoying the photo of the jade seal with joy: "Where did you find it? Li Mingzhen is such a powerful reporter, she writes well, and she can collect a batch of cultural relics, this little girl is really amazing."

Li Mingzhen still didn't know that her two leaders were praising her differently. At this time, she just adjusted her mood and was about to visit another collector, but there were several differences National collectors are knocking on the door.

Looking at the guests from different countries sitting in the living room, Zhen Zhen smiled: "If you want to buy back the cultural relics of your country from me, I only have one condition, take the cultural relics of our country. Let's change it." Looking at one of the favorites with black hair and yellow skin, Zhen Zhen intensified her tone: "I also have a lot of research on the subject of collections, so don't be ashamed of the common ones."

After half a month, Zhen Zhen's collection of Farok has been exchanged with collectors from all over the world, Zhen Zhen called Xi Junjie: "I exchanged a lot of precious cultural relics again. , ask the embassy to help transport it back home!"

Xi Junjie smiled softly on the phone: "Does Ms. Li need to donate all these cultural relics to China?"

Zhen Zhen's big eyes are as cute as crescent moon: "Must!"

Another batch of cultural relics was sent back to China. Although there were not as many national treasures as the first time, the number of this batch was enough to shock the country. Like the first time, the cultural relics were directly sent to the Huaguo Museum and the Palace Museum, and the expert team identified the cultural relics one by one, and they were all genuine without exception.

"This reporter Li is really amazing, not only has a patriotic heart, but the key is to see the cultural relics with accurate eyesight. These two batches of cultural relics are not only precious boutiques, some of them fill our domestic There are many blanks in cultural relics, and at first glance, you have a full understanding of domestic cultural relics knowledge." An expert with white gloves said happily.

Xu Mengguo immediately raised his head proudly when he heard the words: "Don't look at who taught it, this Li Mingzhen is my student."

"True or false." The members of the expert group all looked at Xu Mengguo and saw that he was holding his head proudly, a few people responded: "This Li Mingzhen is indeed the Imperial Capital University. Graduated, but she is not from the history department, how can she be considered your student?"

Xu Mengguo said very proudly: "I have some relationship with this child, it is a long-term friendship, and I teach her knowledge of cultural relics. Before you didn't sometimes ask me why I couldn't find me on weekends Well, that is to go to Li Mingzhen's house to see the cultural relics, this child received a lot of good things when she was in China, and she has three of Guangxuande stoves in her hands, which are of different colors."

"Wow!" The eyes of all the experts lit up, and an old man about the same age as Xu Mengguo was envious: "This girl is not only good-looking, but also lucky, I have collected antiques all my life. I didn't receive a Xuande stove either."

Also hastened to establish a relationship with Xu Mengguo: "Old Xu, when Li Mingzhen returns to China, you will invite him to the museum on our behalf, and then we will also go to her house to sit and communicate with each other."

Xu Mengguo smiled: "She really likes to communicate this, but her expatriate this time is three years, and it has only been half a year. Let's talk about it in two years."

: "It's only been half a year, so many cultural relics have been brought back. If you stay for three years, the cultural relics that Li Mingzhen sent back are estimated to be able to fill this room."

This is a newly opened warehouse, the others looked at the empty room, and shook their heads in unanimous agreement: "If this room is filled, there will be at least tens of thousands of cultural relics. It's not easy to come back with these hundreds of pieces."

At this time, Yu Shoujing of Huaguo Society was immersed in writing, and the news of a large number of fine cultural relics returning to China was enough to make the headlines tomorrow. After checking the content, Yu Shoujing was quite content: "This Li Mingzhen is really good, let her She went to France to write news, and she ended up making headlines by herself.”

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