MTL - Accidentally born in the ’60s-Chapter 117 lively

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The large two-person bathtub was now filled with hot water, Xi Junjie gently put Zhen Zhen into the bathtub, and turned to turn off the faucet. Seeing that her nightdress was submerged in water and drenched on her body in an instant, Zhen Zhen couldn't help throwing a handful of water at Xi Junjie: "The nightdress I just put on, how can I wear it when it's so wet?"

Xi Junjie looked at Zhen Zhen's nightdress clinging to his body, the graceful curves were unobstructed, and suddenly a hot air rose from his lower abdomen, and his breathing gradually became heavier. Zhen Zhen was sitting in the bathtub just to see Xi Junjie's changes at a glance, although she liked to take the initiative when she confessed her love and even kissed Zhen Zhen, but after all, she was a young girl with no experience, she still blushed a little when she saw this scene His heart beat, and he turned his face away uncomfortably.

Looking at his newlywed wife sitting in the bathtub, Xi Junjie threw aside his expensive suits and shirts. Zhen Zhen couldn't help but look back when she heard Xi Junjie undressing, and was immediately caught by Xi Junjie's six-pack abs. But before he could enjoy the beautiful scenery enough, Xi Junjie undid his belt, the moment his trousers fell down, Zhen Zhen turned her head away in a panic, her white ears and slender neck were dyed beautiful pink.

With his pants still on the ground, Xi Junjie stepped into the bathtub and pressed against Zhen Zhen's back, wrapping her in his arms with both hands, pressing his fiery lips to her ears, The voice was a little more tempting under the lingering heat: "Can I help you take off your pajamas?"

Zhen Zhen blushed and did not speak, but her movement towards Xi Junjie's chest had already given him great encouragement. Gently took off the nightgown and threw it out of the bathtub, Xi Junjie put his fingers on Zhen Zhen's delicate shoulders and slowly turned her around.

"It's so beautiful!" Xi Junjie sighed softly, reached out and raised Zhen Zhen's blushing face, lowered his head and kissed her lips.


A night of romance, even with such a good physical strength as Zhen Zhen, she couldn't help but sleep until the third day. Opening her eyes, looking at the side face of Xi Junjie with her eyes closed, Zhen Zhen couldn't help but leaned over, stretched out a finger and gently slid on his face.

Xi Junjie opened his eyes, turned his head and grabbed that naughty finger, Zhen Zhen laughed and pulled her hand back, then turned around and wrapped herself tightly with the quilt.

Xi Junjie was hugged by the quilt, trying his best to reach into the quilt to feel the silky smoothness again, Zhen Zhen looked at the wall clock while dodging, I just realized that I woke up too late. Pushing Xi Junjie on her body, Zhen Zhen's voice was a little more charming and lazy than before: "Get up, I'm hungry."

Xi Junjie kissed Zhen Zhen's forehead contentedly, then turned around and stood up, went to the closet to take out their clothes and put them on the bed. Zhen Zhen buried herself in the bed, only revealing a pair of big smart eyes, under Xi Junjie's burning gaze, she was embarrassed to come out and dress naked. Xi Junjie went over and dragged the quilt down, and his hoarse voice was a little more ambiguous: "I'm afraid you have to take a shower to get dressed."

Zhen Zhen remembered everything last night, and immediately picked up a pillow and patted at Xi Junjie: "Shut up, don't talk."

"I won't say it, I won't say it." Seeing Zhen Zhen's somewhat shy expression, Xi Junjie stood up thoughtfully: "You go to the bathroom first, then I'll wash." Zhen Zhen looked suspiciously, Xi Junjie raised his hand and swore, "I promise not to peek."

Zhen Zhen snorted: "If you are so sincere, can you put on your underwear first?"


Washed up clean, Zhen Zhen still chose a red skirt, Xi Junjie wore a casual suit. Putting his hand on Zhen Zhen's shoulder, Xi Junjie pushed Zhen Zhen to the full-length mirror, looking at the pair in the mirror, Xi Junjie showed a satisfied smile: "A perfect match, this is what the old people often say about a pair of beautiful people. "

Zhen Zhen stretched out her hand and squeezed his waist with laughter, her smiling eyes crooked: "How can you praise yourself like this, I'm not ashamed."

Xi Junjie and Zhen Zhen's eyes crossed each other in the mirror, with a confident smile on his face: "If we both look like we can't be called bi people, then no one dares to use this The word is over." He stretched out his hand and put his arms around Zhen Zhen's chest, Xi Junjie's chin rested on Zhen Zhen's black hair: "My Zhen Zhen is the most beautiful."

Zhen Zhen smiled and stretched out her hand to pull Xi Junjie's neck down, turned her head and put a forceful "boo" on his lips: "I'm so excited, this is a reward for you."

Xi Junjie quit immediately: "This reward is too simple, why should I come for a minute."

"You think beautiful." Zhen Zhen turned around and escaped from Xi Junjie's arms, laughed and ran towards the door, Xi Junjie immediately opened his legs and ran after him. Originally, Zhen Zhen felt that she could easily run into the yard, but Xi Junjie, who had been outperforming her in morning runs for four consecutive years, actually caught up with her in a few steps, and held her in her arms as soon as she reached out. Zhen Zhen looked at him in disbelief, her face full of astonishment: "How did you catch up with me? You are obviously not as fast as me." Seeing Xi Junjie's smiling expression, Zhen Zhen suddenly realized: "You've been hiding clumsily all the time."

Xi Junjie pressed against Zhen Zhen's forehead, with a full smile in his tone: "Otherwise, how could I successfully catch your naughty kitty." Seeing Zhen Zhen angry He puffed out his cheeks, and Xi Junjie gave him a kiss, urging him in a coaxing tone: "Come on, come on, reward me with a one-minute kiss."

Zhen Zhen looked at him speechlessly: "Can you think of some healthy things in your mind in the morning? Otherwise, go and recite the basic principles of Marxism to calm down."

Xi Junjie directly ignored this suggestion, and his deep eyes circled around Zhen Zhen's red lips: "What I do is the healthiest thing. One more kiss every day can prolong my life by ten years."

"Absurd." Zhen Zhen smiled, but she took the initiative to put her lips there, and after the dexterous tongue slipped on Xi Junjie's lips, she knocked on the door lightly, and then slowly Drilled in.

It was said to be a one-minute kiss, but five minutes had passed when Zhen Zhen pushed Xi Junjie away, looking at the skirt that had been torn half off, Zhen Zhen stepped on Xi Junjie kicked: "I knew I couldn't trust you."

Zhen Zhen rearranged her makeup, Xi Junjie took the opportunity to stand in front of the window to take a deep breath, and more than ten minutes passed after the two were ready. Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock, Zhen Zhen pushed open the door angrily: "It's really late this time, auntie should laugh at me for being bored."

Xi Junjie smiled and reminded: "It's time to call me mom."


The young couple came to the main courtyard hand in hand, Xi Changbo and Ling Xiulan were sitting in front of the window playing chess, watching the two come over, Ling Xiulan took the opportunity to touch the chessboard and stood up happily: " You are here, I asked Aunt Yang to make soup for you, just drink it right now."

Zhen Zhen stood in front of Ling Xiulan and Ling Junjie with a blushing face, smiled and replied, "Thank you, Mom." Then she quickly greeted Ling Changbo next to her, "Dad, today Are you not working?"

"Well, I took a day off, and I will pass tomorrow." Ling Changbo looked at his newly-baked daughter-in-law, and was very happy: "Don't stand, Junjie leads Zhen Zhen to sit down. , I was tired all day yesterday, and it will take several days to recover."

Ling Xiulan smiled and said, "That's right, when my dad and I got married, it was more troublesome than you are now. I was so tired that night after the wedding that I almost couldn't even go up the stairs. Seeing that the blush on her daughter-in-law's face faded a little, Ling Xiulan stood up: "I'll go and ask Aunt Yang to bring the dishes. I won. Your father was too troubled in the morning. He's already hungry now. back."

"When did you win me? Didn't you lose three games in a row?" Looking at his wife's figure, Xi Changbo shouted from the window unwillingly, Ling Xiulan pretended not to hear, hurry up Step out of the yard.

Although it's noon now, but because Xi Junjie and Zhen Zhen didn't finish their meal in the morning, this meal is mostly light. The black-bone chicken and chestnut soup boiled all morning not only has no oil, but also has a bit of chestnut sweetness. In addition to this, there are several dishes on the table, such as stewed round fish, scallops with garlic, agar-agar in clear soup, and stir-fried water jasmine with shrimp. Although there are not many of them, the taste is very good. Eat a bowl full of rice.

Ling Xiulan likes Zhen Zhen's delicious food, she used the public chopsticks to put a few shrimps in Zhen Zhen and asked, "Would you like another bowl of chicken soup?"

Zhen Zhen smiled and rubbed her stomach: "I've eaten enough, and the dishes made by Aunt Yang are especially delicious."

Ling Xiulan said with a smile: "It's not because Junjie is in his mouth that he has trained Aunt Yang from a home-cooked expert to a famous chef."

Zhen Zhen looked at Xi Junjie's particularly standard figure and couldn't help but ask: "Junjie eats a lot, why doesn't he gain weight at all?"

"He loves beauty." Ling Xiulan immediately sold her son: "Don't look at how much he eats, he also exercises a lot, and his weight has not changed over the years. He eats more during the day and sits more at night. Push-ups, for fear of getting fat."

Zhen Zhen patted Xi Junjie on the shoulder with admiration: "I really have perseverance, people like me who don't get fat no matter how much I eat can't experience the joy of this kind of exercise."

Xi Junjie laughed dumbly, reached out and took Zhen Zhen's hand and squeezed it lightly, then he raised his head and said to Ling Xiulan, "Mom, Zhen Zhen and I will go around the garden."

Woolen cloth."

Zhen Zhen is also very helpless about this: "There will always be a chance to go out and play in the future."

After getting through the garden, I went directly to my house.

There is nothing to do after the wedding, Ming Nan led a group of nephews out to play, and several adults sat and talked. Wang Sufen sat in front of the window, while chatting, she looked at Zhen Zhen's window and lost her mind. Although Zhen Zhen used to be away from home for a week when she was in school, but at that time, knowing that her daughter would be back on Sunday, it was very different from the feeling of loss that she feels after getting married now.

Liu Xiulan and Zhang Chunhua couldn't persuade Wang Sufen with a long sigh. , trying to divert Wang Sufen's attention.

Just as she was talking vigorously, Wang Sufen stood up abruptly: "Zhen Zhen is back!" This time even Mrs. Li, who was lying in the room with no energy, jumped up and ran out. .

Pushing open the door, seeing Madam Li running out and Wang Sufen with flushed hands and face, Zhen Zhen laughed immediately: "Nanny, Mom, where are you chatting at home?"

"Why did you come back?" Wang Sufen was happy and a little worried: "How bad is it to run home on the first day of marriage?"

"This is also home." Zhen Zhen took an apple from the plate and handed it to Xi Junjie and said with a smile: "Our yard has been opened up, and there are still two connected gardens. ?"

Only then did Wang Sufen smile with relief, and she stroked Zhen Zhen's hair, Wang Sufen looked at her lovingly: "Our family Zhen Zhen is blessed, whoever girl is married is like living in her own home of."

Zhen Zhen picked up an apple and took a bite, smiled happily, seeing that Zhen Zhen ate the apple deliciously, she felt that her stomach was empty, she looked at the wall The clock turned, only to realize that it was already noon: "Oh, it's time to eat after lying down all morning. Junjie, have you two eaten? Let's eat here!"

"We just ate it." Xi Junjie smiled while holding a big apple: "I'm not like Zhen Zhen, I just said that my stomach is very bloated, now I can eat apples again already."

Zhen Zhen said vaguely: "This is called slipping."

The advantage of living together is that it saves trouble. During the day, Zhen Zhen and Xi Junjie are sitting here and there, and it is more convenient when they return to the door in three days. .

Zhen Zhen felt that she came back several times a day, and she would go home for a meal with her family. But Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen still decided to have a big banquet. They didn't ask their aunt to cook at home, but called a few tables from the big hotel. In addition to their relatives, they also invited Xi Junjie's parents and Zhen Zhen's gentlemen. coming.

Tiangong is beautiful, although it is the end of September, it is a sunny day just to return home. Just like Zhen Zhen's wedding day, the mat was placed in the garden. At this time, when the garden was full of fruit, the breeze was blowing, and the garden was fragrant and beautiful.

The elders of the two families were sitting at a table, Xi Changbo looked at Li Muwu with a glass of wine, "I said, Lao Li, when I first met you, I didn't expect to marry you. Oh, looking at you smiling, are you happy to be in-law with me?"

"What am I so happy about?" Li Muwu picked up the glass and touched Xi Changbo's glass, but his mouth was hard: "You couldn't beat me fishing before, and now you work all day, even more so The worse it is, the worse it is, to be honest, I don’t want to play with someone of your level right now, we are all experts in fishing together now.”

Xi Changbo almost didn't spit out the wine in his mouth: "I don't believe that people who couldn't catch a fish a day ago will be greatly improved. After dinner, let's make some gestures."

"Gease." Li Muwu looked around and pointed to his own pond: "Just in my home?" Seeing Xi Changbo nodding, Li Muwu was instantly happy: "Then you If the designated loser, my fish can't be sure to run towards me."

Xi Changbo took a sip of wine and looked at Li Muwu, who was getting more and more energetic, and couldn't help asking: "Do you just go fishing every day? Do you still go to play chess with Lao He and the others? "

"They don't take me." Li Muwu got angry when he mentioned this: "You said I was a stinky chess basket. I'm so stinky.

"Deliberate." Xi Changbo couldn't help adding this sentence.

"Yes, well thought out." Li Muwu patted the table: "I have thought about it, they are all wise, they don't understand anything and they think I stink." Li Muwu was angrily After taking a sip of wine, he turned his head to look at Xi Changbo: "I said my in-laws, we can't fish in vain, how can we win some prizes?"

Xi Changbo glanced at him: "Then what do you want?"

Li Muwu chuckled: "If I win, then you have to come and play two games of chess with me every night after dinner."

Xi Changbo took a slow bite: "What if I win?"

Li Muwu said immediately: "I'll go to your house to play two games with you."

As soon as the voice fell, not only Xi Changbo laughed, but also Xi Junjie and Zhen Zhen who came to toast. Xi Changbo was suddenly unhappy: "Have you seen it, even the children think you are thick-skinned."

Li Muwu pretended not to hear, and stretched out the glass to let Xi Junjie pour the wine: "Let's settle it, everyone will be a witness later!"

Su Weiran turned his head and smiled: "Simply let's compare, we also love fishing, let's see who catches the bigger fish."

Li Muwu was overjoyed when he saw that there were so many likes: "The relationship is good! To tell the truth, Zhen Zhen has bought me fishing rods in the past two years, and you will be fine in the future. Just come to the house to fish, you can take the fish you caught, or come to my house to do it, and I also manage the wine."

The imperial capital will be more cheerful than before."

Li Muwu recalled the days in Beicha and couldn't help sighing: "In the past, when I opened my eyes every day, I counted how many sacks would be enough for the family to eat. At that time, I was worried that I would not be able to make money to support my family, and I was worried all day long, how could I have the mood to talk and laugh. Now it is different..." Li Muwu looked at Zhen Zhen's expression with special emotion: "My girl has grown up and can make my father Enjoying happiness with you. There are a few sons and daughters who are filial. Now I think about whether fishing or drinking tea every day. My heart is open, can I not be happy. "

Li Muwen immediately picked up the wine glass: "The second child is right, we have also reached the age of happiness, come come, we parents and mothers all picked up the wine glass, and worked hard for a lifetime It's time to relax for a few days."

A group of people touched a glass and toasted a drink for two or three hours. This time, let alone fishing, walking is a problem. Fortunately, there are not many others in the two families, but there are many courtyards. Many relatives of the old Li family have filled their rooms, but the Ling family's room is basically empty. Ling Xiulan asked Meat Bun and Dou Bun to help the gentlemen to their own courtyard, and each of them poured a cup of strong green tea before letting them lie down on the bed and go to sleep.

Except for Mr. Zhang Renze's house, the other families lived quite far away. When he thought of how old these gentlemen were and drank a lot at noon, Zhen Zhen prevented them from walking at night, and Xi Changbo also persuaded them directly. : "We've already agreed at noon that we still have a fishing competition."

Several gentlemen are not hypocritical people, it is indeed difficult to walk back to see the watch this time, so a few people decided to have a good night, and went fishing in the garden after dinner. In the garden, a lot of wires have been pulled up and down because of the wedding, and a bunch of light bulbs have been hung up. When the switch is turned on, the light in the garden is as bright as day, not to mention fish, even the shrimp in the water. It looks really bright.

Zhen Zhen and Xi Junjie were sitting on the swing chairs at the back of the yard, listening to a group of old men fishing and pouting, each one could talk more than the other. With Zhen Zhen's supernatural ability, the fish and shrimp in the pond are all raised well, and it didn't take long to hear Xi Changbo's surprise shout: "You are hooked, you are going to lose this time, Lao Li."

"Impossible!" Li Muwu immediately replied: "The fish in my family can't be partial to you, and you will see me for you in a while."

Zhen Zhen listened to the noisy bickering, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she gently leaned on Xi Junjie's shoulder, looked up at the bright moon, felt the most beautiful moment life is no more than that.


The marriage leave was over in a blink of an eye, Li Musen, Li Mulin and the Ming Nan family packed their bags and prepared to go back to Hei Province. Zhen Zhen prepared a lot of specialties for each family for them to bring, and Mrs. Li even more Sent them to the gate of the courtyard and refused to go back. Looking at her two elderly sons, Mrs. Li had tears in her eyes: "You don't have to worry about me here, just call me if you have anything."

"Hey, mother, don't worry." Li Musen wiped his tears: "I will come to celebrate your birthday next year."

Mr. Li nodded, her eyes were a little red: "Okay, I'll wait for you to make me a birthday peach."

On the other hand, Wang Sufen also grabbed Ming Nan and asked directly: "You all have to take care of yourself at home, don't be too tired at work, your health is important."

Ming Nan agreed one by one, Wang Sufen hugged the children again, then waved and watched them leave.

The house, which had been lively for half a month, suddenly walked away from a dozen people, and suddenly it was deserted. Xi Junjie and Zhen Zhen also resumed their daily work life, and Mrs. Li turned around and went to the next door. Ling Xiulan called, "Let's just play mahjong."

Li Muwu played two games with him at first, but he couldn't stand it after two days. He was not allowed to smoke after sitting for a whole morning. He was so dizzy that he couldn't even understand the cards Stop playing.

Fortunately, when he couldn't stand it anymore, Mrs. Xi came over to ask Mr. Zhang for pulse. After getting the pulse of Ping'an, she went to rest at her son's house and saw that the two had formed a fixed match. Immediately, he regained his energy, hung his coat on the hanger, rolled up his sleeves, and kicked Li Muwu out.

The two pairs of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are more than 300 years old together, but one is more serious than the other. After each round, three people stare at Ling Xiulan and ask her to settle the account with a pen. Only after the calculation can continue Play. Every morning, they play cards for two hours. When they wake up and take a nap, Mrs. Xi will teach them to sing, and sometimes Yan Baozhu will come over to point out with a bright voice. With such a lively three people, I can often hear the master's live cappella singing. Old Mrs. Xi didn't even want to go home. Her eldest daughter-in-law came to pick them up a few times before picking them up. ran again.

The house was lively and lively, but Zhen Zhen was busy again, and Wang Xinzhi's acquisition of the garment factory also came to the fore. At the beginning, Wang Xinzhi persuaded Si Yaren, the director of the garment factory, to sell the factory, but after thinking for a few days, Si Yaren decided to give it a go again to see if he had the ability to make the factory well.

If the factory wants to make money, it still has to produce. After thinking about it for a few days, Si Yaren gave up the fleece that no one wears now, but bought a batch of army green cloth. He is going to make a batch of fat and big green military uniforms, which are very practical for wearing sweaters in autumn.

The clothes have to be sold if they can't be made. I'm afraid of the backlog of products. This time Si Yaren is much smarter than the last time. After getting the samples, I took the samples to the supply and marketing cooperatives in various shopping malls to sell them. After I got the order, I would start mass production. After a month, I just got the money to pay the workers.

The idea is very good, but the reality is very cruel. Nowadays, it is popular every day, and there are all kinds of new styles of clothes. Who would want to wear baggy military uniforms. If you are smarter, you can see what you are wearing on the street, even if you study it, you will not lose money, but Si Yaren and the others are all old-fashioned. I don't know what else I can produce besides the clothes I have produced for more than ten years.

Si Yaren and several directors took samples to several nearby stores and supply and marketing cooperatives to sell clothes from the garment factory, but the stores and supply and marketing cooperatives still had some old green uniforms that were not sold I went, so when I saw the samples of the garment factory, I shook my head and said no.

This time it was changed from backlog of inventory to backlog of raw materials. Si Yaren had no choice but to go to Wang Xinzhi again. Not to mention that the salary was not paid, Si Yaren was dejected and could only go to the deputy mayor in charge of the factory and beg him to think about it.

The vice mayor of the garment factory has also seen the dilemma of these years. Now the government's funds are also tight, so the city decided to hold a meeting to help promising and profitable factories, such as garment factories, which are half-dead. It's best to have someone take over.

Zhen Zhen received a call from Wang Xinzhi on her first day at work: "Boss, the government is going to sell a garment factory."

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