MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 152 Lord (eleven)

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The funeral was grand and solemn.

The people of the Shi family obviously didn't get over their grief. When the ice coffin was sealed, the lady who had always been elegant and self-restraining still lowered her head, and when she raised her head again, the corners of her eyes were red.

Shi Lingyi stood beside her, occasionally reaching out to wipe the corners of his eyes, his figure was a little stooped.

Only Shi Jingge stood there quietly, without any expression or action, looking like an outsider, even calmer than outsiders.

This kind of time scene song is undoubtedly very eye-catching, and it will always get the eyes of other people who are either surprised, puzzled or annoyed.

But these lines of sight usually can't last more than two minutes, and when they notice Shi Jingge's eyes, they will quickly dissipate.

There was a void in those eyes, as if he had locked himself in another world, leaving only his body as a walking corpse.

Jiang Minghuan looked at Shi Jingge more than once, and within two minutes he would look away and look elsewhere. At this time, words of comfort always surged in his mind, but when he looked at Shi Jingge involuntarily again, those words They will all disappear in Jiang Minghuan's mind.

not suitable.

Those words only turned around in his mind, and they seemed so pale and powerless, how could they be presented to Shi Jingge's ears?


Jiang Minghuan didn't know what was going on, seeing Shi Jingge so sad made him feel sad too.

Maybe because of guilt?

Thinking of those malicious speculations about Shi Jingge before, Jiang Minghuan pursed his lips, feeling even more regretful.

Why on earth did he miss Shi Jingge so much?

Obviously from those contacts, it can be seen that Shi Jingge is not the dude that is rumored outside at all, and he is also very concerned about Dong Linghua and the residents of the territory. At first glance, he is not a cruel person. Go and ignore it?

Even if Shi Jingge really did that, it's impossible for Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu to agree!

Unless...unless Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu wanted Shi Jingge to do this.

Then why did Zhu Muyu and Shi Lingyi want Shi Jingge to do this?

Not because of...

Jiang Minghuan looked up at Shi Jingge again, and for a moment, as if being pricked by a needle, he quickly retracted his gaze.

... Shi Jingge couldn't take it anymore.

He has a deep affection for his brother.

I couldn't bear the fact that my brother had left.

Shi Jingge is in this state now, let alone a few days ago?

I heard that all the famous therapists in Shi's territory were called a few days ago.

For whom, do you even need to think about it?

What did Shi Jingge, who couldn't accept the facts, do to make the Shi family recruit so many therapists?

Thinking of those possible crazy actions, Jiang Minghuan's face turned pale.

Then yesterday... what did he say and do?

Jiang Minghuan simply didn't want to recall his hints, and in the end it could even be said to be explicit.

I can't blame that paternity for being so angry when he sent them away.

Jiang Minghuan was even more annoyed.

The more Jiang Minghuan was annoyed, the more he wanted to make amends.

...But how to make up for it?

This day is a very difficult day for Zhu Muyu.

The elder son's funeral, the moment the ice coffin was sealed, meant that the elder son really left them, forever, and no illusions could exist.

This undoubtedly made her very sad.

At the same time, the condition of her youngest son made her worry even more.

After the funeral, she put her arms around her youngest son's shoulders and opened her mouth to comfort him, but found that she couldn't say anything.

I don't know if the youngest son noticed her weakness, and suddenly reached out to give her a hug, "I'm sorry for making mom worry."

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Zhu Muyu reached out and patted his younger son's shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice, "Then you should eat more in the future."

"Don't blow it away with a gust of wind."

"...Well." Shi Jingge said in a low voice, "Okay."

They ended the hug and politely went to see off some departing guests.

This may be the time when Shi Jingge has the best etiquette since he was born, and he can even say those social expressions that bore him endlessly, as if he had grown up between sex.

In the past, Zhu Muyu always looked forward to the day when his youngest son would grow up. Although they all doted on him, they occasionally felt that his youngest son was so unreasonable.

But when that day really came, Zhu Muyu was not happy at all.

When Shi Jingge saw off the last guest, he turned around and saw Zhu Muyu staring at him in a daze, and was startled for a moment.

"Mom?" Shi Jingge said in a low voice, with a little anxiety in his eyes.

It was an emotion that would never have appeared in the young master's eyes before.

"It's okay, baby," Zhu Muyu said hoarsely, "let's go back."

Shi Jingge nodded hesitantly and followed, but his breathing was slightly heavy.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, "I just...did I do something wrong?"

"Perhaps," he gritted his teeth, a little embarrassed, "I still have time to make up for it?"

Zhu Muyu froze for a moment, "Why do you think so?"

Shi Jingge hesitated for a moment, as if he was considering whether he should speak or not. Finally, he said slowly, "After saying goodbye to that guest, you are a little weird, I thought..."

"You use honorifics to me?" Zhu Muyu didn't hear what Shi Jingge said after that, her attention was all on "you".

"...Did you use it wrong?" Shi Jingge pinched his palm hard, feeling even more embarrassed, "I just made up these etiquettes yesterday. It was too hasty, I didn't fully learn them, and I forgot some of them. I..."

He seemed to be explaining, opening and closing his mouth, moving faster and faster, and faintly anxious, but almost none of these entered Zhu Muyu's ears.

She pinched her forehead hard, and said in a low voice, "So last night, you didn't sleep?"


"Answer me." Although Zhu Muyu's voice was soft, it was exceptionally powerful.

"...I can't sleep." Shi Jingge said in compromise.

"You have done a good job, no mistakes, perfect, but I am your mother, you don't need to use honorifics for me, I never want to hear honorifics from your mouth, Xiaoge."

Shi Jingge hurriedly wanted to explain, Zhu Muyu hugged him, and gently patted his head, "I know, Xiaoge, you don't need to explain to me."

"Compared to these, I hope that you can lie on your bed at night, close your eyes, and sleep."

"Promise me, okay?"

Shi Jingge was silent for a while, then nodded hesitantly.

"You will do it, right?" Zhu Muyu asked again.

"Yes." Shi Jingge replied firmly.

But Shi Jingge didn't do it.

Although he acted very covertly and vigilantly, and escaped Zhu Muyu and Shi Lingyi's detection time and time again, he was finally caught by Zhu Muyu.

"I don't think it's meaningful for you to toss your body like this." Zhu Muyu snatched the book from the Singer, "You need to rest and sleep. Don't forget what you promised me!"

Shi Jingge also grabbed the book, "Mom, you have to give me some time to get used to it. Compared with daydreaming and nightmares, books are obviously more interesting, aren't they?"

"You trust me, okay?"

"You only have me, and I won't let anything happen to my body."

Zhu Muyu only felt short of breath, "Your brother wouldn't want you to be like this."

"Then he will come and beat me up." Shi Jingge laughed, "If he can't come and beat me up, who knows what he wants?"

At this moment, he even looked a little cold.

cruelty to himself.

Zhu Muyu was almost suffocated.

Shi Jingge snatched the book. He seemed to finally realize that he had scared his parents, and said in a low voice, "I know my body very well."

"Don't worry, I'm very healthy, and now there are so many guests at home, I can't lose face in front of them, can I?"

"You know," Shi Jingge hugged Zhu Muyu's arm, shook it twice, and said coquettishly, "I am the strongest."

The young master of the Shi family can be arrogant, dandy, wicked and stupid, but the young master of the Shi family can't.

In the eyes of others, he is the heir of the Shi family, the future ruler of the Shi family's territory, and his every move represents the Shi family.

He can't lose face of the Shi family.

"Okay," Ling Yi finally opened his mouth after a long silence, "but after the guests leave, if you still behave like this, we have to take some coercive measures, Xiaoge."

Shi Jingge lowered his head and said dryly, "I see, father."

The title changed from "Dad" to "Father", which was what Shi Lingyi used to do every time Shi Lingyi didn't satisfy him, and when he and Shi Lingyi got into trouble.

Very childish.

But this childishness now makes Shi Lingyi happy and sad.

After Shi Lingyi and Zhu Muyu left, another person appeared in the room.

It's Wen Xusheng.

The tall man walked around the room, saw the good books hidden in every corner, and sighed: "It's not so easy to be an heir."

"Others have learned something for more than 20 years. If you want to learn it in a short time, how can it be so easy?"

Shi Jingge didn't look up, "What does it have to do with you?"

Wen Xusheng was stymied by these words, but then he became confident again, "I am the therapist your parents hired for you."

"Things related to your health are related to me!"

"Oh," Shi Jingge said coldly, "then you are fired now."

Wen Xusheng: "..."

"I don't need a liar to be a therapist." Shi Jingge added another knife.

Wen Xusheng felt aggrieved, "I'm not a liar."

"But you lied to me." Shi Jingge finally raised his head with sharp eyes, "Aren't you a liar to me?"

Wen Xusheng suddenly found himself unable to refute.

What Shi Jingge so **** reasonable!

So Shi Jingge added his third knife, "I fired a liar, is there a problem?"

"Believe me," he said without sincerity, "if my parents know that you even have a fake name, they will definitely fire you immediately."

"Who knows what kind of dangerous person you are?"

Shi Jingge said the last sentence very casually.

"Well, what you said makes sense," Wen Xusheng shrugged, and said sincerely, "Then is there any way to make up for it?"

He knew it was a trap, but when he stepped on it, he was always willing.

Who told that person... to be Shi Jingge?

"Yes." Shi Jingge laughed, "When a lie becomes a reality, who can call it a lie?"

Shi Jingge paused, and said again: "You said, after I finish Dong Linghua, I can see him."

Wen Xusheng nodded, "Of course."

Shi Jingge seemed to be relieved, he lowered his head and continued to read, "Please go ahead."

Even the address has become "you".

Wen Xusheng frowned, "Then why are you still watching these?"

Shi Jingge said lightly, "To see him."

Wen Xusheng: "?"

"When I see him again, I want to tell him that I think what he said before is true. I have changed according to what he said. I have learned a lot and done a lot. I am popular and changed. excellent."

"What he wants to see and what he wants me to have, I have it and I have done it."

"I think..." Shi Jingge paused, his voice was a bit vague, "He has been a good brother for so many years."

"Even if it's my turn... it's my turn to be a good brother, right?"

Wen Xusheng was silent for a long time, and he suddenly realized that Shi Jingge admired his brother very much.

Even though Shi Jingge never said this.

But there is no doubt that in Shi Jingge's heart, his brother is the best.

Wen Xusheng walked slowly to Shi Jingge and asked, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

Shi Jingge said sullenly: "There are too many."

"You can ask me." Wen Xusheng recommended himself.

Shi Jingge said unceremoniously: "Then I will be impolite."

So, Shi Jingge put down the book and took out another book.

There are several gilded large characters on it.

- "Exploring the Mystery of the Eastern Spirit Flower".

"Shall we take a look together?" Shi Jingge offered an invitation.

He also seemed a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, and turned his head away.

Wen Xusheng's eyes lit up slightly, and he pointed to the seat next to Shi Jingge calmly, "Then can I sit here?"

Shi Jingge nodded, "Of course."

Wen Xusheng sat down, and was so close to Shi Jingge that their arms could bump into each other.

Shi Jingge frowned slightly, "Can you sit next to me?"

"It's too crowded."

Wen Xusheng said innocently: "My eyes are not very good, especially at night, I can't see clearly."

Shi Jingge turned his head to look at the bright lights, and said dryly, "The light is quite good now."

"My eyes have nothing to do with light, they have something to do with time. It won't work when it gets dark." Wen Xusheng said calmly.

Shi Jingge glanced at him suspiciously, "Your eyes were fine yesterday."

"There was a little accident today, which caused my eyes to go wrong. I am the therapist myself, so I don't need to see the therapist." Wen Xusheng was very calm, and he didn't forget to block Shi Jingge's words in advance.

Shi Jingge looked at the book in his hand again, and reminded, "Did you promise me that you would never lie to me again?"

Wen Xusheng thought to himself, you promised your parents to go to bed early, but if you can't say this, you will be beaten.

"Of course." Wen Xusheng said it very confidently. Isn't it easy to make something wrong with his eyes?

"Besides, there is only such a book in your hand. If I move a little further away, my eyes really can't see anything."

Shi Jingge was silent for a few seconds, "...Okay, next time I will prepare an extra book."

Wen Xusheng didn't care.

Aren't there many ways to make a book disappear?

The author has something to say: Wen Xusheng: Not only can I make the book disappear, but I can also make it disappear at a fixed time and come back later!

Wen Xusheng: Am I great?

Wen Xusheng: My dear eyes, for the sake of my future, let me be wronged for a while

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

My mother and I haven’t reconciled yet. I ignored each other on my birthday and the Dragon Boat Festival, so I felt very sad. I will try my best to adjust and try to update normally.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-12?00:13:25~2021-06-15?01:31:27~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Meng Baobao? 14 bottles; Yanwu? 2 bottles; R Luo Qijiu, Kekou Sprite? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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