MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 125 Overlord (11)

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The old man Shi's expression was very ugly, and the aura of rain was coming, and the building was full of wind, so Butler Zhou quickly looked away.


Steward Zhou opened his mouth, but he really didn't know how to continue the topic, so he silently took out a few small notes from his pocket, trying to find a way to break the situation from the notes.

But what is disappointing is that I searched through the small note and couldn't find a solution.

Butler Zhou was heartbroken, and it was impossible to cheat temporarily, so he had to bite the bullet and perform on the spot.

"Master Xiaoge," Steward Zhou lowered his voice, "Think about it, who am I representing?"

"If it's not what the old man meant, would I dare to call you this time?"

The distance between Steward Zhou and Mr. Shi is not far. When Mr. Zhou said this, he was a little worried that Mr. Shi would go berserk.

But fortunately, Mr. Shi didn't do anything other than his complexion turned worse.

Steward Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and became bolder.

"Grandpa, I miss you too."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, butler Zhou was very upset.

Can you give me an accurate word, don't let silence be golden from here!

As time went by, Steward Zhou became more anxious when he felt the increasingly unpleasant aura around the old man.

Finally, Shi Jingge spoke, every word was firm and full of stubbornness.

"I do not believe."

"I only believe what the old man says."

After all, without giving Butler Zhou a chance to speak again, Shi Jingge hung up the phone directly.

"Hey little—"

Steward Zhou heard the "beep" sound coming from the mobile phone, so he could only swallow his unfinished words.

Why didn't I know before that this young master Xiaoge was so stubborn?

He is a housekeeper, if it wasn't for the gesture from the host, how could he talk so much on the phone?

But on second thought, Butler Zhou could understand.

This time, the old man really went too far.

The project that Young Master Xiaoge finally won, the old man opened his mouth and wanted to give it to Young Master Rong, and he didn't discuss it with Young Master Xiaoge. He just held a meeting and announced it. What's the matter?

What happened last time made Master Xiaoge quite uncomfortable. In the end, Mrs. Li didn’t take it with her. She hired someone from outside and never went back to the old house. After making such a decision, who can bear it?

Steward Zhou put down his cell phone, showed an awkward but polite smile to the old man, and said as tactfully as possible: "Master Xiao Ge has identified you."

"A heart of fists and fists can be seen from this."

The old man sneered, "Really?"

Steward Zhou suddenly had some bad premonition in his heart.

Grandpa Shi smashed the teacup on the spot, only to hear a "bang", the teacup was smashed into pieces, the fragments jumped horizontally in mid-air, and fell back to the ground, the shattering was even worse.

"He is waiting for me to bow to him personally!"

"How can an elder bow his head to a younger generation?"

"Isn't my point obvious enough?"

"Don't push me too far!"

When the old man's chest rose and fell violently, it was obvious that he was very angry.

Butler Zhou lowered his head and looked at the floor. A smart butler should learn to turn himself into a dumb person in a certain period of time.

The old man smiled coldly.

In the past few years, he has cultivated his personality and never got angry. The second child's family really thinks that he has a good temper, right?

You still want to ride on his head and threaten him?


"I haven't bothered with him about the conference room, and I haven't paid attention to the matter that the second child went to the company to make trouble."

"Have I not been kind enough to them?"

The old man's voice was surprisingly cold.

"What's the contribution of the second couple to the group? They didn't do anything worthwhile!"

"Didn't I still raise them for so many years? Let them pamper them for half of their lives?"

"There's also Shi Jingge!" Mr. Shi slapped the table hard, causing Butler Zhou to almost jump up, "I don't know how many times I've been asked to wipe his **** since I was a child. Seriously?"

"Blackmail me? The child I've raised for so long turned around and tried to blackmail me?"

"Okay, have the backbone, I want to see how long they can last!"

"and also-"

The old man turned his head to look at Butler Zhou, and said coldly: "Tell Xiaorong, I will kill everything that the second child's family can give me."

"Isn't it patience?"

Butler Zhou opened his mouth, wanting to say that this would push the Second Young Master's family further away, but looking at the old man's expression, Butler Zhou knew that these words could not be said.

In the blink of an eye, Steward Zhou suddenly understood that the old man actually looked down on the second young master's family.

Just like Young Master Rong, as he gets older and has his own ideas, he will disagree with the old man on the direction of the group's development, and there will be disputes, and sometimes he will lose face to the old man.

But although the old man would be unhappy occasionally, with a cold face on Young Master Rong, but in private, he was still proud.

Then why can Young Master Rong have a conflict with the old man, but Young Master Xiaoge can't?

Even that couldn't be considered a frontal conflict, Master Xiao Ge didn't argue with the old man, and in the end he just flung his sleeves and left. It was Young Master Rong who really had a conflict with the old man afterwards.

Then why is the old man angry at Master Xiaoge, not Master Rong?

Because young master Rong is the heir carefully cultivated by the old man.

And Master Xiaoge is an "abandoned son" who was kicked out of the house by the old man.

Butler Zhou suddenly felt a little sad.

Even if he is also the grandson of the old man, there are some things that Young Master Rong can do, but Young Master Xiaoge cannot.

At this moment, Steward Zhou suddenly understood why Shi Jingge was so "stubborn".

Who can know this kind of differential treatment better than the parties concerned?

"it is good."

After a while, Steward Zhou responded respectfully, but his voice was a little hoarse.

With that said, Butler Zhou slowly walked towards the door.

And at this time, the old man added another sentence, coldly.

"Tell Shi Jingge to get back to work."

"Absent from work for no reason, you want to get out, don't you?"

Steward Zhou responded respectfully, and quickly withdrew, but at that moment, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

—If it was not Master Xiaoge who happened to this, but Master Rong, would your reaction be different?

Steward Zhou went to find Shi Jingrong, translated and replaced the meaning of the old man in his heart, and then told Shi Jingrong.

Shi Jingrong nodded, and said in a calm tone, "I see."

What does you know mean?

This doubt flashed in Zhou Butler's mind, but he didn't ask it out. His words have been brought, and the task is completed. Other things have nothing to do with him.

Butler Zhou quickly withdrew.

But because of Mr. Shi's low pressure, this matter was quickly understood by the eldest couple of the Shi family.

The boss of the Shi family and the second child of the Shi family have been fighting for half of their lives, and the old grudges can be traced back to the past when they were three years old. After hearing this, it was a gloat, mocking the second child of the Shi family for thinking about it. Knowing how to climb up the pole, cry and complain to the old man at home and play the emotional card, nothing came? The second child really can't think about it.

Zhao Yunya glared at him, and said coldly: "What if this happened to Xiao Rong?"

The boss of the Shi family touched his nose and said with a dry smile, "How could the old man treat Xiao Rong like this?"

Zhao Yunya didn't speak.

The boss of the Shi family slowly put down his hands, and smiled wryly, "Who is the old man? It's not that the second child doesn't know, it's really unnecessary."

He just gave birth to a good son, and in the old man's heart he overwhelmed the second child. If there was no Shi Jingrong, he would be no different from the second child in the old man's heart.

The old man doesn't like the second child, so does he like the eldest brother?

In the silence, Zhao Yunya said in a low voice: "I'll go and see Xiaorong."

The boss of the Shi family nodded, and after seeing her go out, he took out his mobile phone, typed half of the mobile phone numbers, and deleted them one by one.

What are you calling?

As far as the relationship between him and the second child is concerned, what's the difference between this phone call and provocation?

The boss of Shi's family was a little irritable, and opened the bedside drawer to find a cigarette, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it, and then remembered that he had quit during this period of time.

Annoyed, he opened the VX, found the head portrait of Shi's second child, and started transferring money without saying a word.

There is a limit to transfer money. The boss of the Shi family transferred it many times. After the transfer, he went to transfer it to Ding Yuxi, and then went to find Shi Jingge. He stopped until he had transferred all the money in the VX and reopened it. The portrait of the second son of the Shi family, with five fingers flying, typed quickly.

[Accidentally smashed your collection. 】

【Everyone is a brother, I didn't mean it, so don't blame me. 】

[Isn’t it okay for my brother to compensate you? 】

[Let's go and get another one. 】

After posting, the boss read it carefully again, and felt that these words were very suitable for his relationship with the second child, and he deserved a beating, so he was relieved, turned his head and lay back on the bed.

Anyway, the second child won't come back for a while, so why don't we go over there tomorrow to get another second child's collection and hide it?

But what the boss didn't know was that the collections of the second child were all sold not long ago!

So when seeing these VXs, the second child of the Shi family was very confused.

He was just about to send a few words to make fun of, when he saw his wife and son holding up their mobile phones.

"Uncle just transferred some money to me."

"I have them here too."

Ding Yuxi and Shi Jingge looked at the second son of the Shi family together, and it was obvious that both of them hadn't confiscated the transfer.

"What are you looking at me for?" The second child of the Shi family moved his fingers, flipped up the VX page, and showed it to the two of them calmly, "The boss also forwarded it to me."

As he said that, the second child of the Shi family accepted the transfers unceremoniously.

"What are you doing in a daze? Take it."

"It's all a family, what can't you accept?"

"Remember to thank the old Daoist."

The boss is in a hurry, can he still refuse?

The second son of the Shi family picked out some "Thank you boss" emoticons and sent them to the boss of the Shi family.

One or two was not enough, so I swiped the screen.

In the end, I still felt that it was almost tasteless, so I called on my wife and son to brush it together.

Although both of them ignored him, they both sent thank you.

When the boss of the Shi family saw the long string of Q-version emoticons of "Thank you boss" and "Boss is generous" by the second child, it was inexplicable, and he couldn't help shaking twice.

Is the second child finally driven crazy by the old man?

On the other side, Shi Jingrong was on the phone with Shi Jingge.

Before making this call, Shi Jingrong was still a little apprehensive, afraid that Shi Jingge would not answer.

As a result, after two rings, Shi Jingge's voice came from the other end, "Hello?"

At that moment, Shi Jingrong suspected that Shi Jingge didn't note his mobile phone number, so he didn't know that it was him who answered so quickly.

But in the next second, he heard Shi Jingge call "Brother".

You's him...?

"Brother? Can't you hear me? Why don't you speak?" Shi Jingge frowned, raised his hand and hung up the phone.

At that time, Shi Jingrong's mind was blank, and he was preparing his tone of lines. Before he could make a sound, he heard a "beep" sound from the mobile phone.

The phone was hung up.

Shi Jingrong felt a pain in his heart.

He was just one second slower!

Then, the screen of his phone suddenly lit up.

Caller ID, Xiao Ge.

Shi Jingrong was stunned for two seconds, pinched his palm, took a deep breath, and then pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Xiao Ge?" Shi Jingrong heard himself say so.

"It's me," Shi Jingge quickly replied, "Can you hear me now? Can you hear me clearly?"

"Yes." Shi Jingrong arrived concisely, but his fingers curled up at some point, he cleared his throat, and felt that he still needed to explain.

So, Shi Jingrong came to add a bunch of superfluous.

"There may be something wrong with my mobile phone," Shi Jingrong explained, "I couldn't hear anything just now, I thought you didn't answer it."

"Oh," Shi Jingge responded, "Mobile phones, consumables, always have problems every now and then. It's been like this for the first half of the year. I'm used to it. I'll buy a new one at worst."

After a pause, Shi Jingge coughed lightly, and quickly said, "I'll buy it for you."

Shi Jingrong: "!" The next second, Shi Jingrong blurted out, "What?"

Happiness came so suddenly, Shi Jingrong really couldn't react.

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and the voice suddenly became louder, with a smell of shame turning into anger.

"...Anyway, this money is also given by uncle!"

"I'll buy you a mobile phone for you, what's the matter?!"

Shi Jingrong shrank his pupils and was even more shocked.

—Cooperating with his father and walking ahead of him?

"Hello? Hello? Can't you hear it again?" Shi Jingge asked with a frown.

Shi Jingrong hurriedly said, "I can hear it."

After a pause, he said again: "Can you hear me? You can't seem to hear what I just said."

"I can do it now." Shi Jingge said honestly, "It seems that your phone problem is really serious."

"Yeah." Shi Jingrong apologized to the phone in his heart. In fact, he just changed his phone not long ago. "It's been like this for the past few days, maybe it was accidentally dropped a few days ago."

Shi Jingge suddenly remembered that in the conference room that day, Shi Jingrong dropped the phone, and the sound of the drop was quite loud.

...It couldn't have been broken that day, could it?

While Shi Jingge was thinking, Shi Jingrong spoke again, and the two of them chatted about something else. Shi Jingrong found that today's Shi Jingge was surprisingly magnanimous. Five or six sentences are not awkward.

That's great.

Shi Jingrong smiled silently, he knew that Shi Jingge probably let go, or found his own way, so he was so natural and frank.

Then the old matter here should be resolved.

In this way, Xiaoge can fly higher and farther.

Shi Jingrong felt a little bit reluctant, but he still said, "You come to work tomorrow."

"That project belongs to you, and no one can take it away."

Shi Jingge said cheerfully, "Okay."

The atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while, Shi Jingrong held the phone firmly, and whispered: "Good night."

"Good night." Shi Jingge spoke quickly, and at the moment before hanging up the phone, said softly, "Thank you, brother."

Shi Jingrong was stunned.

Those three words lingered in his mind, round and round, making him involuntarily raise the corners of his lips, relaxed and happy.

...what can I thank you for?

...He hasn't even thanked Xiao Ge yet.

The next day, Shi Jingge returned to Shi's, and attracted the attention of many people in the Shi's building.

On the way to the office, there were many people staring at him vaguely, but he didn't care at all, and he didn't forget to sigh that his office was quite clean, and it didn't look like there was no one around during this time , so that the assistant didn't know how to answer the call.

"Is my brother here?" Shi Jingge put the folder on the desk and asked.

The assistant nodded.

Shi Jingrong took the coat he had just taken off, "I'll go find him."

The assistant opened his mouth behind him, but in the end he still didn't ask. find Mr. Rong, do I need to bring a coat?

In the coat is the mobile phone that Shi Jingge bought for Shi Jingrong.

When Shi Jingrong received the gift, before he had time to say anything, Shi Jingge waved his hand and ran away.

Still awkward.

Shi Jingrong smiled and opened the box. He vaguely remembered that Shi Jingge's cell phone was also this model.

Just the color is different.

Shi Jingrong's is silver, and his is black.

It would be nice if it was the same color.

That's not bad though.

Shi Jingrong took a picture with his old mobile phone, then cut another VX number, and sent a Moments.

There is no Shi family in this VX number, so he can show off boldly with confidence.

Soon, someone below commented: [Buy a mobile phone to show off? Time is too long, you can't do it [Heartbroken.jpg]]

Shi Jingrong replied: [My brother gave it to me. 】

At that moment, Shi Jingrong suddenly understood the fun of Moments.

Returning to Shi Shi, Shi Jingge is more motivated and motivated than before, and only works overtime.

At the beginning, it wasn't that no one had doubts. After going through such a big event, could Shi Jingge still work seriously when he came back?

Soon, the reality told everyone that he really could.

This made everyone curious about what happened to Shi's family during this period of time. Did the old man promise something to Shi Jingge?

This kind of topic, everyone can chat and guess in private, no one dares to ask the real master.

But those project principals who were close to Shi Jingge still noticed something.

Time flies, and the progress of the project is also fast. Shi Jingge still has his own affairs to deal with, so he is too busy to separate himself from others.

Wen Xusheng felt sorry for him and didn't want to disturb him during this time, so Young Master Tang's cactus "died" again, and the banquet was not held.

In this regard, Wen Xusheng's explanation is as follows.

"That **** was so excited, even after drinking, he became even more excited. He forgot that he had watered the pot of prickly pears during the day, and then watered it again at night. You know, people who drink too much are not right. Count, this is not pouring more."

"When I woke up in the morning, it was hopeless."

"That guy is going to cry to death, let alone the banquet, he doesn't even want to go out."

Shi Jingge was amused by Wen Xusheng, then estimated his progress, and made an appointment for another time.

It's a beautiful name, give Tang less time to be sad, and then teach him the secret of raising prickly pears.

Can Wen Xusheng refuse Shi Jingge's invitation?

Of course not!

He was just thinking, is there any chance to turn a multi-person banquet into a sweet world for two?

After all, we won't be able to see each other for several months.

Time flies, although Shi Jingge and others did not return to the old house, but Mr. Shi came to the company to inspect it.

Naturally, meeting is inevitable.

Mr. Shi was very enthusiastic about this project, so he specially came to inspect it.

Shi Jingge was very calm, without any emotional fluctuations during the introduction, as if he was really facing his boss.

This made Shi Jingrong slightly relieved, with admiration and pride on his brows.

But Mr. Shi, it was not so pleasant.

People with a strong need for control are always like this. They cannot tolerate the indifference of others, nor can they accept that things are not under their control.

Old man Shi held his breath to find fault, and wanted to watch Shi Jingge change his face, but Shi Jingge did not change his face, and his attitude was so respectful that no one could fault him.

The old man picked the thorns to the end, but he was so angry with himself.

Even the back is full of anger.

Shi Jingge's expression was very calm, as if nothing had happened, he continued to assign tasks and called on everyone to work together.

This concentration is impressive.

The few people behind him exchanged a look, with a little determination.

Not long after, when a person was reporting the progress to Shi Jingge, he suddenly said, "Mr. Shi."


The man was silent for a while, then said in a low voice, "I can submit a letter of resignation to the company."

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment, "What?"

Seeing Shi Jingge's expression, the man became more certain, and said with a chuckle, "Mr. Shi, I'm still young, I have brains, and I have choices."

"But here," the man pointed his finger upwards, and said in a low voice, "I really won't be angered?"

He laughed, "You have the courage to go out and do it alone, why can't I jump ship?"

Shi Jingge didn't say anything, just smiled lightly, with determination and confidence in his smile, his whole body seemed to be shining.

At this moment, the man suddenly sighed, at this time, Jing Ge must be someone who can make a big career.

It's a pity that Mr. Shi was blinded and mistook this pearl for a fish eye.

And now, Pearl is finally about to shine.

Shi Jingge was so busy that he didn't forget to find a time to hand over the letter of resignation to Shi Jingrong.

Shi Jingrong was quick to approve, "Let's do it."

He patted Shi Jingge's shoulder, and said softly, "Even if..."

Paused, perhaps because he felt unlucky, before finishing speaking, he only said softly: "There is me."

Shi Jingge nodded heavily, and gave Shi Jingrong a hug back.


"No," Shi Jingrong smiled, "I won't even say thank you."

"So, don't say thank you to me."

"I do not want to hear."

Shi Jingge was silent for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't want to listen to me? Why am I so obedient?"

"Just say it!"

"You don't have to listen, but I have to say it!"

That arrogant little appearance made Shi Jingrong laugh out loud.

It was the night before the appointment with Wen Xusheng that Shi Jingge was finally not so busy.

Wen Xusheng had already greeted everyone else, and turned the gathering into a date for two. When he was preparing what to wear tomorrow, the young master of the Tang family came over.

"Cousin," Young Master Tang asked mysteriously, "Shi Jingge has a white moonlight in his heart, do you know that?"

Wen Xusheng was taken aback for a moment, and said firmly, "Impossible."

At the same time, Young Master Tang's voice also rang out, "That Bai Yueguang is you!"

The author has something to say: Wen Xusheng:? ? ?

Wen Xusheng: Oh yes, the little song has white moonlight

Wen Xusheng: Yes, absolutely, there must be

Wen Xusheng: What? I refuted? how is this possible? You must have heard wrong! hallucinations!

#化脸技术Which is strong, Huaguo X Province is looking for Brother Wen#

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-10?23:59:00~2021-05-11?23:59:26~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: wx? 1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: wx? 10 bottles; liang? 8 bottles; Wuyan went to the West Building alone? 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion