MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 119 Overlord (5)

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Assistant Tang knew that at this juncture, he must not panic.

The more panicked the more accidents are likely to happen, he must calm down as much as possible, and then explain clearly to Shi Jingge.

It doesn't matter if you can't explain it so clearly, even if Shi Jingge doubts him, he just needs to lurk in secret, wait for the opportunity slowly, and always wait until the day when Shi Jingge uses him.

"Mr. Shi," Assistant Tang's expression was very sincere, with tears streaming down his face, "I know that you may not believe what I say now, but I really don't need to lie to you."

"If I deliberately pretended to misunderstand the person, wouldn't that be annoying? I'm stupid, but I can't be so stupid, right?"

"It was really dark at that time. I have been paying attention to that gentleman recently, and I wanted to give you a surprise. I misread it for a while, thinking that you and that gentleman had a good relationship, so I..."

After a pause, Assistant Tang wiped his face, "I know you don't believe me, and I don't know how to prove my innocence, I..."

He smiled bitterly and was speechless.

Shi Jingge watched his performance quietly, and after a while, he was able to ask leisurely: "Since you said so, I can't doubt you for no reason."

"However, you are also wholeheartedly thinking about me, so I have to give you a chance."

"How about it," Shi Jingge said lazily, "Since you said you've been paying attention to that gentleman recently, why don't you tell me, what does that gentleman look like?"


So **** treacherous.

Assistant Tang scolded several times in his heart, how could he have met that gentleman?

Assistant Tang could only bite the bullet, imagine Wan Yijiang's appearance, and describe that gentleman.

Wan Yijiang is that gentleman's stand-in, so he should look similar, right?

Assistant Tang thought with some luck.

That gentleman is low-key, cautious enough, and has a strong sense of security and protection. How can anyone secretly take a photo of him? How can you see him if you can't photograph him? Can I still fly abroad to see it?

Even the news that the gentleman was going back to the country was one of the people who wanted to welcome him. He accidentally leaked it when he was showing off at a certain banquet, and it got into the ears of others. The person who sent him the message told him to use it with caution. This news, but he felt that this was undoubtedly an opportunity for Shi Jingge to trust him and rely on him more, so he came to tell Shi Jingge.

Assistant Tang's heart sank again and again, and he vaguely felt that he seemed to have done something wrong.

Perhaps it was because the time went so smoothly, and he didn't take Shi Jingge too seriously, which caused him to lose his due vigilance and defenses, so much so that he made such a big omission!

And at this moment, Shi Jingge's voice suddenly sounded.

His voice was very soft, even with a little smile, but it made Assistant Tang feel cold in his heart.

"It seems that you also know where your flaws are."

"Even I don't know the news that he's coming back. How could my assistant just know about it?"

"A coincidence once is a coincidence, what about a coincidence twice? How about three times?"

"Although I pay attention to employing people without suspicion, but Lao Tang, you can't really treat me as a fool, and take my trust in you as a way to fool me, can you?"

Assistant Tang tried desperately to explain, but what else could he explain?

"Tell me," Shi Jingge said indifferently, "Who is that person behind you? What is your purpose?"

At this point, what else can Assistant Tang do? I can only kill him and deny it.

Shi Jingge didn't care, just watched Assistant Tang repeatedly denying his dying struggle until someone knocked on the office door.

Assistant Tang tensed up and subconsciously asked, "Who?"

"Who else could it be?" Shi Jingge said with a half-smile, "Such a big incident happened, of course I have to report it to my immediate superior."

Who is Shijingge's immediate boss?

It's Shi Jingrong!

Assistant Tang's expression changed suddenly, and he almost shouted in horror: "No!"

He ran towards Shi Jingge, as if he wanted to attack Shi Jingge.

In the next second, he was knocked down by Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge shouted loudly: "Come in."

Shi Jingrong pushed the door open and came in. After seeing this scene, he immediately closed the office door with his backhand, frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

Shi Jingrong's actions made Shi Jingge's eyebrows widen, but he still asked with a half-smile: "What am I doing, shouldn't my cousin be very clear?"

Shi Jingrong frowned, what does Shi Jingge mean?

Also, what the **** is cousin? Shi Jingge never called him that before.

Can this matter have anything to do with him?

Shi Jingrong looked at Assistant Tang, doubts gradually appeared in his eyes, "Assistant Tang?"

Isn't this Shi Jingge's special assistant? What is this doing?

Assistant Tang closed his eyes in pain, the corners of his lips trembling slightly.

Shi Jingge said in a bad tone: "Cousin really recognizes him."

Shi Jingrong said inexplicably: "He is your special assistant, the company's senior management must know him."

"Cousin is good at pretending," Shi Jingge said eccentrically, "I can't blame the old man for coaxing him to recognize you as the only one."

Feeling Shi Jingge's resentment, Shi Jingrong was a little annoyed, "You called me here just to watch this scene?"

"Do you need me to open the door for you so that everyone in the company can have a look?"

"Cousin still doesn't admit it?" Shi Jingge sneered, "Didn't you send this person to disgust me?"

Assistant Tang struggled hard and shouted, "It's not him!"

"Yo ho, you still protect him?" Shi Jingge looked at Shi Jingrong even more unkindly.

Shi Jingrong was speechless, "First, why did I send someone to disgust you?"

Firstly, he doesn't care about Shi Shi, secondly, the gap between Shi Jingge and Shi Jingge really exists, so why should he deal with Shi Jingge? Think you are not tired enough?

"Second, I will not use this method against you."

If you want to fight, everyone should fight openly, everyone depends on their ability, and they are all a family. Is it really the same as dealing with enemies?

"Third, even if I use this method, I will not choose your special assistant. The goal is too big."

"This is your confidant, who knows if he will betray me and sell me, or cooperate with you to design me?"

"Even if you really want to use this method, with so many people in your secretarial department, choose an inconspicuous one, wouldn't it be better than your special assistant?"

Of course Shi Jingge didn't believe it, "My cousin is so good at talking, of course I can't compare to my cousin."

Shi Jingrong frowned and looked at Shi Jingge. Although Shi Jingge was eccentric, he really didn't feel much hostility.

These yin and yang strange qi are really floating on the surface.

In an instant, Shi Jingrong wasn't so irritable anymore.

Shi Jingrong suddenly said, "In other words, I can also say that this is a play put on by you and your special assistant to deliberately frame me."

Shi Jingge glared, "You!"

"Of course," Shi Jingrong intercepted Shi Jingge's words, "I know you won't do this."

"You wouldn't do that to me."

"I think," Shi Jingrong looked at Shi Jingge quietly, "this is the tacit understanding between the two of us."

Shi Jingge wiped his face and said viciously: "Who the **** has a tacit understanding with you?"

Shi Jingrong shrugged, looking quite indifferent.

Shi Jingge let go of Assistant Tang, and said sarcastically, "Why don't you take him away quickly? You don't even know there are spies in the company, so what else can you do?"

Shi Jingrong frowned and looked at Assistant Tang, "How did you find out?"

Shi Jingge refused to speak out about those things, and simply threw all the folders about that project that Assistant Tang had given him to Shi Jingrong, then pointed to Assistant Tang and said, "He gave it."

The corners of Assistant Tang's lips trembled. It turned out that Shi Jingge had suspected him since then?

Fortunately, he still thinks that Shi Jingge is an egomaniac.

How is he not an egomaniac?

Shi Jingrong turned two pages, his expression became serious, "Do you really want to take this project?"

"Is it up to you?" Shi Jingge said with a bad expression.

"There is too much competition for this project, and there are already internal candidates. It is basically a process, and there is no need to involve too much energy." Shi Jingrong persuaded a few words tactfully.

Shi Jingge said disdainfully: "Why, if you can't get it, you're afraid that others will be able to? I'm afraid that someone else will replace your position in the old man's heart?"

Shi Jingrong didn't know why the topic was brought up to the old man again.

Just when he wanted to persuade him a few more words, when he looked up, he saw the flash of jealousy in Shi Jingge's eyes.

At that moment, something flashed through Shi Jingrong's mind like a gust of wind, but he didn't catch it in time.

"I'm warning you," Shi Jingge stared at Shi Jingrong, "I've settled this project, and I'll definitely impress the old man, I'm the old man's arrogance—" Just after the word "arrogance" was pronounced, Swallowed by Shi Jingge.

But Shi Jingrong took it on for Shi Jingge very naturally in his mind.


"Take care of yourself," Shi Jingge forced himself to change the subject, and said in a very unkind way, "Don't make something happen every now and then to make the old man worry about it. I wonder if the old man is getting old?"

Shi Jingrong: "?"

Shi Jingge was talking about him?

And at this moment, Shi Jingge threw something over.

Shi Jingrong grasped it subconsciously, and looked down, it was a card.

A membership card for a florist.

"Auntie likes roses." Shi Jingge rolled his eyes, "I bought it for my aunt myself, don't let my aunt stare at my mother's flowers all day long, I just like sending flowers to my mother, what's wrong?"

Before Shi Jingrong could speak, Shi Jingge suddenly strode over, and then opened the office door, "Now, immediately, take this guy and get the **** out of here."

"I don't want to see you for a second."

Shi Jingrong looked at the card in his hand, then at Shi Jingge at the door, and suddenly realized something.

This is embarrassing.

At this moment, Shi Jingrong suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know this cousin.

The bad-tempered and arrogant Shi Jingge in my memory is actually a shy guy.

Shi Jingge also knew that his mother liked Qiangwei.

He doesn't know.

The moment he walked out of the office, Shi Jingrong suddenly turned his head, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you shy?"

In an instant, Shi Jingge exploded.

Shi Jingrong's angry words flew by Shi Jingrong's ears, but Shi Jingrong didn't listen to a word.

He only remembered Shi Jingge's trembling arms.

Well, I'm really shy.

After Assistant Tang threw it to Shi Jingrong, he didn't need to worry about Shi Jingge.

Anyway, Shi Jingrong will give Shi Jingge an explanation.

Shi Jingge picked two more assistants from below to take over Assistant Tang's duties temporarily.

Then Shi Jingge devoted himself wholeheartedly to that project.

Shi Jingrong tried to persuade Shi Jingge a few times, but Shi Jingge turned him back.

Shi Jingrong stopped persuading him, and even offered a little help to Shi Jingge, in exchange for Shi Jingge's astonishment.

Shi Jingrong knew that Shi Jingge would not give up on this project, because it was not Shi Jingge who wanted this project, but the old man.

The reason why Shi Jingge did this was just to please the old man.

This guy who looks indifferent and perverse is actually just a kid who hides himself with awkwardness.

... Shi Jingge actually loves his family very much.

...especially the old man.

This made Shi Jingrong no longer able to ignore Shi Jingge.

There was one thing that he didn't want to admit, but this idea became more and more clear during these days.

His cousin may be the one the whole family has the deepest affection for him.

Obviously the two of them are in a competitive relationship, and every time they met in the past, it was swords and swords. In the end, it turned out that this cousin remembered that he was allergic to mangoes.

Speaking of which, Shi Jingrong felt a little funny.

Working overtime that day, Shi Jingrong asked his secretary to order drinks for everyone, but when they arrived at Shi Jingrong's place, it was a cup of poplar nectar.

Before Shi Jingrong said anything, Shi Jingge took the cup of poplar nectar, casually stuffed him with his own fruit tea, and said arrogantly, "I just like to drink poplar nectar."

Shi Jingrong was a little surprised, but he didn't think too much about it. Instead, Shi Jingrong's assistant showed some strange expressions.

Shi Jingrong asked casually, and the assistant said, "Mr. Shi's assistant, Xiao Bai, said that Mr. Shi likes to drink this fruit tea the most."

Shi Jingrong froze for a moment, a bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

...Does Shi Jingge know that he is allergic to mangoes?

After that, Shi Jingrong tried a few times, and became more and more sure of this idea.

If his drinks, sweets, etc. had nothing to do with mangoes, Shi Jingge would just laugh at him and turn a blind eye.

If it was related to mango, Shi Jingge would **** it away, with quick movements and a tough attitude, without giving Shi Jingrong any chance to react.

If Shi Jingge himself likes mangoes, it makes sense, but Shi Jingge himself doesn't like mangoes.

Then, the conclusion is only that one.

The whole family, including his parents, did not know he was allergic to mangoes.

But Shi Jingge knew it.

They have always been tied on both sides of the seesaw, and they are opposites. In some people's eyes, the two of them are enemies.

In the end, this enemy is the one who cares most about himself.

It's ridiculous to say it.

Suddenly, Shi Jingrong thought of Shi Jingge again.

And since he had more desserts and drinks, the chance of Shi Jingge appearing in front of him has increased a lot, as if he just heard the news.

Reluctance was written all over his face, and sometimes he rushed over from the project planning in a hurry, and his body was a little embarrassed.

Shi Jingrong couldn't hold back, and smiled with his lips curled up.

In exchange for an assistant, he said frankly, "Be careful not to buy mangoes in the future."

There was some doubt in the assistant's eyes.

Shi Jingrong said softly, "I'm allergic to mangoes."

In an instant, the assistant suddenly realized, but then, he became a little confused.

...then why didn't you say it before?

Even if the assistant didn't ask this point, Shi Jingrong could guess it.

Why didn't you say it before?

Because I want someone to find out.

Why did you say it now?

Because someone really found out.

Shi Jingrong raised his head and rubbed his temples, suddenly he couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that he would have such a childish stubbornness.

Shi Jingrong looked at the time and called Shi Jingge. Soon, he heard a mechanical voice from the other end of the phone, "Hello, the user you dialed cannot be connected, please try again later." dial."

Shi Jingge didn't answer his call at all.

Shi Jingrong thought for a while, and sent a text message to Shi Jingge.

"Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

No reply.

After a while, Shi Jingrong sent another one.

"Talk about your assistant?"

After a while, there was a reply.

"I have something to do tonight."

Shi Jingrong replied again, "Then tomorrow, add a VX appointment?"

Shi Jingge didn't reply, and Shi Jingrong didn't care, he turned to open the family group, found Shi Jingge's name, and sent him a friend request.

All of a sudden, Shi Jingrong started laughing, the louder he laughed, as if he remembered something happy.

Shi Jingge at this time must have a complicated and strange expression, right?

After all, he is such an awkward person.

Too bad I can't see it.

Shi Jingrong shook his head regretfully.

Where is Shi Jingge now?

On the way to the box.

Although there may be a trap here, the person who should be seen should also be seen.

Therefore, Shi Jingge specially brought a few bodyguards along.

The confidentiality and security of this club is actually quite high, and there are also a lot of contacts behind it. Otherwise, those people would not have chosen to hold this reception banquet here, after all, that person really pays attention to privacy.

The original owner and his Bai Yueguang actually had nothing to do with each other. They were in the same class in high school, but Bai Yueguang was weak, so it would be good if he could attend class one day a week. Neither of them had a single conversation.

And during the semester after get off work, Bai Yueguang transferred to another school and left.

Before leaving, his friends called on everyone to take a class photo together, which was also the only photo of Bai Yueguang owned by the original owner.

Afterwards, the original owner wanted to hire a private detective or something to find information about Bai Yueguang, etc., but Bai Yueguang came from a prominent family, and because of his frailty, he was surrounded by bodyguards. Who could break through the bodyguards' encirclement and take pictures of Bai Yueguang?

No one dared to take this job at all.

The original owner cut out the group photo, leaving only Bai Yueguang, enlarged it and put it in his wallet.

Later, Assistant Tang saw the photo of Bai Yueguang in his wallet and knew that this person meant a lot to the original owner, so he passed the news to the people behind the scenes, who then found a substitute for the original owner.

The so-called substitutes were all found according to that photo.

As for what Bai Yueguang looks like now, the original owner has never seen it, so he really doesn't know.

At that time, Jingge... didn't even know it!

On the promenade, a group of people walked by.

They are dressed in bright and gorgeous clothes, and the accessories on their bodies are even more valuable. There are some bodyguards behind them, and they are mighty. One can tell that they have extraordinary backgrounds.

And the person surrounded by them is even more extraordinary like a god, cold and pure, making people feel ashamed and dare not look at him at all.

"Ah Xu, you're back." A person next to him laughed, "We're looking forward to the stars and the moon and day to day for you to return to China. I didn't expect that I would actually wait for it in my lifetime."

"Isn't it? When I heard the news that Axu was going back to China, I thought I was hallucinating."

"Look at how brave you are," the tallest man laughed, "I hung up the phone on the spot, thinking that I hadn't woken up yet, turned around and fell asleep again, and I didn't know I missed it until the old man called me." Morning meeting!"

"Hahaha, the old man didn't ask for family law?"

"After I told the old man about A Xu's return to China, the old man decided to let me go."

A group of people talked and laughed, and every word was inseparable from the person in the middle. Although that person seldom spoke, he would smile a little in conjunction.

That slight smile dilutes the icy aura on his body, but does not damage his aura, giving him a unique elegance.

"Cousin Xu is finally back," a handsome man gestured to wipe away his tears, "You don't even know how much I need you!"

"I was competing for a project. I thought it was a sure thing, but the second young master of the Shi family jumped out of nowhere and wanted to **** it from me!"

Someone laughed and said, "No, no, are you afraid of the second young master of the Shi family?"

The handsome man rolled his eyes, "At this time, there is a boss behind the second child! I don't know what happened to these two people. It is said that they are brothers and sisters now? I think it may be that the boss does not want to take responsibility and pushes the second child out." , so that he doesn’t have to be responsible if he fails, everything will be blocked by the second child.”

"The second brother's plan doesn't look like he made it himself at all. Isn't it great to have a cousin?"

"But it doesn't matter," the man changed his mind and smiled, "he has a cousin, and I have a cousin."

"Can my cousin help me?"

The man who was surrounded in the middle said lightly: "You have said that, can I still refuse?"

The handsome man smiled and said, "Then I'll thank my cousin here first."

"With my cousin here, I'm not afraid even if the eldest and second child of the Shi family get together."

Their box was right in front of them, and the service personnel had already stepped forward and opened the box door for them.

And at this moment, the box next to them suddenly opened the door.

A somewhat impatient young man came out, seeing them with a little surprise in his eyes.

"Shi Jingge?" The handsome man who spoke just now frowned slightly, and there was no smile in his eyes, "It's really destined, the box we reserved is next to you."

Shi Jingge turned his head slightly, stared fixedly at the handsome man, and suddenly realized something in his eyes, "Master Tang?"

The handsome man's eyes turned cold.

He can accurately call Shi Jingge's name, but Shi Jingge only calls him the young master of the Tang family. What does that mean? It shows that Shi Jingge doesn't take his competitor seriously at all!

But he is like an enemy to Shi Jingge.

... Fuck.

Shi Jingge didn't pay attention to the young master of the Tang family's expression at all, his gaze involuntarily showed on the man surrounded by him.

The man looked at him too.

Suddenly, the man laughed.

"You guys know each other?" He pointed to the young master of the Tang family and said to Shi Jingge.

The young master of the Tang family turned his back to him, thinking that he was telling him, so he reluctantly said: "...well."

The man didn't speak, but just looked at Shi Jingge fixedly.

Shi Jingge hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Since we know each other, let's go together."

He tilted his head, looked at Shi Jingge, and slowly extended the invitation.

There was a bit of shock in the eyes of the other people around.

...was that what A Xu said just now?

...Ah Xu invited someone else?

...This is definitely a dream!

The author has something to say: Young Master of the Tang family: Then my cousin, will he still be my cousin in the future? 【Big cry.jpg】

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-04?23:40:37~2021-05-05?23:57:31~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: one nonsense Chinese class representative;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: please update? 35 bottles; Yanxiu? 10 bottles; Shen Muci? 9 bottles; wow? 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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