MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 10 Young Master (10)

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On the day when he went to the set, Shi Jingge deliberately dressed up in disguise.

First of all, those rather individual clothes that the young master liked before can no longer be worn.

Shi Jingge rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally found two simple casual styles. They matched with hats of the same color, masks, and a black shoulder bag. student fan.

People who are not particularly familiar with him, or who observe him very carefully, generally cannot recognize him.

But if you take a picture and observe carefully, you can still tell the difference.

Shi Jingge is still very satisfied with this effect.

The crew's arrangement is relatively careful.

All the selected fans first go to the designated place to gather, where the production team arranges a car to pick them up, board the vehicle according to the number plate sent by the production team, and check them one by one.

It wasn't too early for Shi Jingge to pass, someone checked his number plate and let him get in the car.

Seats are also assigned by number plate.

Shi Jingge sat next to a young girl.

"Handsome guy." The girl next to him smiled at him, revealing two dimples, she looked lively and cheerful, "Do you want to eat snacks?"

She handed over a bag of plums.

Shi Jingge hesitated, "...Thank you."

The voice was very low, a little cramped, and the girl didn't think much about it, she just smiled and said, "Shall we discuss it?"

"My best friend and I came together, but the number plates are separated. We want to sit together. Can you change the number plates?"

Shi Jingge frowned, very reluctant.

The girl saw his reluctance, clasped her hands together, and begged: "Please handsome guy, please help me."

"Handsome guy, whose fan are you? Have you prepared any support items?"

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment, "Aid?"

His voice was full of doubts.

The girl became interested, and carefully explained Shi Jingge's science.

Shi Jingge didn't even know what the aid was, so how could he prepare it?

The girl opened the backpack, took out a bunch of things, then took out a bag from the inside, and stuffed it into Shi Jingge's arms.

It was full of fans, cards, stuff like that, and some markers.

"These are brand new, haven't been used, look, there's nothing on them."

The girl took out a fan on the spot, made of paper, pure blue, really nothing.

"Although there are no photo stickers, but there are markers, you can write your idol's name."

"Handsome guy, let's help each other, these things are given to you, just change the number plate, okay?"

"Think about it, if you see your idol on the set, everyone else is carrying support items, but you don't bring anything, how bad it is, isn't it?"

"handsome guy-"

Shi Jingge bowed his head, "Okay."

The girl was in a good mood, "Thanks, handsome guy!"

The girl waved to the other girl with an excited expression, the two exchanged number plates, and Shi Jingge left with the pile of things.

Before leaving, I heard the two girls talking softly.

"This brother is quite easy to talk to."

"Yeah, it seems that I am a true fan. People didn't want to agree to it. As soon as I mentioned the aid, they agreed."

"It seems that those things that haven't been used in time are really brought right."

"Isn't it? I'll just take it with you, just in case it's needed. If it doesn't work, we can do a few more in the car. It's not bad to change the position now."


When Shi Jingge found the location, he curled his lips slightly.

He took out his mobile phone, sent a message to Li Zhuoyun, told her that the number plate had changed, and told her the new number plate.

The person next to him hadn't come yet, so he took out his fan, looked around, and then carefully wrote Wen Xusheng's name on it.

It's just ugly.

Shi Jingge took out two more fans and strictly controlled his handwriting. Although the handwriting was better this time, it was not much better.

He took a deep breath, then shuffled everything straight into his backpack.

He looked out of sight and out of mind.

The two girls who had just exchanged number plates with him looked this way from time to time and happened to see this scene.

"This little brother is quite funny."


"Don't tell me, it really looks like it."

"It's not easy to write with a fan on your lap, and it's normal to write badly."

"But the little brother obviously doesn't think so."

"It's so cute."

When Li Zhuoyun received the news, he was quite confused.

But it wasn't a big deal, Li Zhuoyun replied with an "ok" emoji and didn't care about it anymore.

The next scene was her rivalry with Wen Xusheng, and she was a little nervous.

Wen Xusheng probably saw her nervousness, and nodded to her before going on stage, as if to confirm something.

Li Zhuoyun was shocked instantly.

She played this scene very well and passed it in one pass.

After stepping off the stage, Wen Xusheng nodded to her, "Not bad."

Li Zhuoyun:! !

Li Zhuoyun was really excited. Wen Xusheng has high requirements for acting skills, and to get him to say yes is already a very high affirmation for young actors.

"Thank you." Li Zhuoyun said gratefully, "Thank you for bringing me into the show."

Wen Xusheng shook his head, but he didn't recognize the credit. It happened that Du Yi and other assistants came over, and soon surrounded Wen Xusheng with three layers inside and outside.

Li Zhuoyun stared at it for a while, his eyes slowly burning with fighting spirit.

Li Zhuoyun's little assistant also came over to hand her water, Li Zhuoyun thanked her, took out her phone and found several messages.

They are all from Shijingge.

She was a little puzzled, so she clicked in and saw that it was full of news about the change of the number plate.

After a rough calculation, it actually changed seven or eight times.

How is this going?

Li Zhuoyun was a little dumbfounded.

"Is there any use for the number plate of the fan visit event?" Li Zhuoyun asked the little assistant, "Will fans still exchange number plates?"

"Yes," the little assistant explained, "The numbers on the number plate are the order. For the convenience of management, queuing up, getting on the bus, and signing, as long as there is an order, do it in that order."

"Generally speaking, everyone wants the number plate at the front. People who are at the bottom of the sequence are definitely willing to switch to the front, but those at the front are definitely not willing to switch to the back, so generally there will be no exchange."

"If someone changed, he must be a good guy."

The little assistant said with a smile.

Li Zhuoyun looked down at the phone and found that the young master's number had been changed from the front to the back.

The young master has changed so many times, each time getting later.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Li Zhuoyun's eyes.

The little assistant is right, isn't the young master a good person?

He is still the kind of good person who pretends to be fierce and evil, and is afraid that others will thank him.

How silly.

Li Zhuoyun held his forehead and couldn't help smiling.

It is because he is so stupid, used to giving and giving without asking for anything in return.

That's why people want to fulfill his wish desperately.

Li Zhuoyun made up his mind and turned to look for Wen Xusheng.

Almost everyone around Wen Xusheng dispersed, except for Du Yi.

Li Zhuoyun counted the time and felt that the young master should come here, so he took a deep breath and walked towards Wen Xusheng.

It happened that I heard Du Yi's persuasive persuasion: "...Don't try to perfuse me! You didn't eat this morning!"

"You didn't eat last night!"

"I ate." Wen Xusheng said coldly.

"Drinking a bowl of millet porridge, are you embarrassed to call it a meal?" Du Yi retorted, "If you don't eat at noon, do you think your stomach can take it?"

Wen Xusheng didn't speak.

"Brother, young master, ancestor—"

"I beg you."

"Let's eat something for lunch, you can't get used to the crew's box lunch, we can order takeaway."

"If you don't want to eat takeaway, let's go out to eat."

"If you think that the nearby ones are not to your taste, let's go further away. Anyway, there is a driver. What are you afraid of?"

"Brother Wen-ancestor-ancestor, please say something."

Wen Xusheng wrote lightly: "I have no appetite."

Du Yi rubbed his temples, feeling like he was about to explode.

—Why the **** do you have no appetite!

You had a good appetite when you ate with the young master that day!

Wait—young master?

A light flashed across Du Yi's mind.

Then he turned his head and bumped into Li Zhuoyun.

Du Yi: "..."

This is bad luck.

Li Zhuoyun hesitated and said: "I know there is a small lamb chops nearby, and the taste is very good."

But Brother Wen doesn't like to eat mutton.

Before Du Yi had time to say this, he heard Wen Xusheng say: "Little lamb chops?"

"Yes," Li Zhuoyun nodded, "It's on the street next to it, and you can see it after walking a hundred meters inside. The restaurant is not big, but it's very fresh. The owner's craftsmanship is good, and the taste is pretty good."

"Then go and try," Wen Xusheng made a final decision.

Du Yi: "..."

Lamb chops—isn’t the young master’s favorite lamb chops?

Wen Xusheng turned his head to thank Li Zhuoyun, Li Zhuoyun shook his head quickly, and several of them walked out together.

After a pause, Li Zhuoyun said with some embarrassment: "I have a friend who is your fan and really, really likes you."

"Because you are a mentor, you are pulling us to vote for the students under your name. Every night at twelve o'clock, you are very punctual, rain or shine."

"He also participated in this fan visit, and wants to ask you for an autograph..."

"No problem," Wen Xusheng said happily, "You bring him to my lounge."

Unexpectedly, Wen Xusheng was so eloquent, Li Zhuoyun's eyes lit up, and he thanked him again and again.

Just when Li Zhuoyun was about to send a message to the young master to tell him the good news, she saw a group of people in the distance, lined up and led by someone in front, just like a tourist group.

It should be the fans who came to visit the class.

Li Zhuoyun's spirit was shaken, and he looked for the young master intently, but before he found it, he found that Wen Xusheng's footsteps also stopped.

Li Zhuoyun: "?"

Du Yi: "?"

Du Yi thought what was going on, and asked a few questions, but Wen Xusheng didn't speak.

Du Yi followed his gaze, several question marks popped up on his head, then turned his head to look at Wen Xusheng, and actually saw a smile in Wen Xusheng's eyes.

Du Yi:! !

There is only one young master who can make his family Wen Shao show such an expression, right now?

Could it be... the young master is here?

Du Yi concentrated his attention and observed carefully, and he really found a person who looked very much like the young master!

But at this time, a small episode suddenly happened.

Someone in the back seemed to be absent-minded, and bumped into the person who looked like a young master, and the milk tea in his hand was turned over, spilling all over him!

Du Yi:! !

At that moment, Du Yi only felt that Wen Xusheng's body froze beside him.

"I'll go and have a look." Du Yi said immediately.

"No." Wen Xusheng squeezed out the word with difficulty.

Du Yi:? ? ?

Before Du Yi could react, Wen Xusheng strode forward.

"I go."

Du Yi:! !

"That person may not be the young master, so don't be so nervous."

"I'll go, you wait here."

Wen Xusheng said lightly, "Are you doubting my eyesight?"

Du Yi: "..."

That person is wearing a mask, and the distance is so far away that he can't even see the other person's face clearly. He has fart eyesight!

But Du Yi didn't dare to say that.

I don't know if it was influenced by Wen Xusheng, but Du Yi also thought that person was the young master.

"You are too conspicuous, Grandfather."

"You wait here, I can bring the young master in three minutes."

"If you go there, you won't be able to come back for thirty minutes."

Wen Xusheng finally stopped.

Du Yi breathed a sigh of relief, took out a mask from his pocket, put it on, and put on his hat, then walked over in a dawdly manner, and chatted with the leader in front of him.

"What's going on here?"

"Did you get splashed with milk tea?"

"Leave it to me if you have nothing to do. You can take other fans to play. I'll deal with it for him, and then I'll go find you."

"No problem, don't worry."

"No need." Shi Jingge frowned, "It's okay, there's no need to deal with it, let's go on."

"How can I do that!" Du Yi hugged Shi Jingge's shoulder, but was pushed away by Shi Jingge, "When you go to visit later, you will meet your favorite idol, and you also want to leave a memory for idol. Good impression, right? How bad it is to appear in front of idols in such a state of embarrassment."

Shi Jingge gritted his teeth, Du Yi continued his efforts and took the young master away.

The young master obviously didn't recognize Du Yi, he was breathing heavily and looked depressed.

Soon, he simply lowered his head and stared at Du Yi's feet without even raising his head.

And at this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed Shi Jingge's arm.

Shi Jingge cursed on the spot.

"I **** you—"

Then when he raised his head, he met Wen Xusheng's extremely handsome face.

I couldn't continue the words behind, and just looked at Wen Xusheng in a daze.

Wen Xusheng raised his eyebrows, and said in a calm tone, "What?"

Time Scene Song: "..."

Wen Xusheng looked at Shijingge up and down first, and found that the milk tea was just spilled on his clothes, so he was relieved.

Seeing Shi Jingge's faltering and unclear explanation, Wen Xusheng inevitably felt a little teasing.

"what did you just say?"

"I didn't catch it."

"What grass?"

Shi Jingge's face was completely reddened, and he shouted with shame and anger: "I do! I do! The particle! I was just startled by your sudden outstretched hand!"


"Young master is not scared!"

"I just expressed my feelings!"

"It's just a modal particle! Do you know the modal particle!"

"What kind of ears are you!"

Wen Xusheng looked at him silently, Shi Jingge's hands clenched into fists involuntarily, his face became more and more red.


Wen Xusheng said lightly: "I have bad ears, I misheard, I'm sorry."

Shi Jingge's face turned even redder.

"It's not your fault..." Shi Jingge muttered something, but Wen Xusheng couldn't hear clearly, he only vaguely heard these four words, and the smile in his eyes deepened.

Wen Xusheng patted his head, "Is there really no need to change clothes?"

Shi Jingge's body froze, and he said in a low voice, "Is it yours?"

"Then who do you want to change?" Wen Xusheng raised his eyebrows, "Du Yi is fatter than you, no, twice."

Du Yi said with a blank face: "...Please call him Zhuang, thank you."

When Shi Jingge heard this, he looked at Du Yi with a look of sudden realization.

"So you asked him to find me."

Wen Xusheng chuckled and said, "Otherwise?"

Shi Jingge blushed, hesitated and couldn't say anything.

Wen Xusheng deliberately teased him, "Should I change it?"


Shi Jingge said categorically that even the roots of his ears were red.

"Master doesn't wear such sticky clothes."

"This sticky stuff is an insult to the young master!"

"Since you have brought it up, young master... I will reluctantly...give you a chance..."

Shi Jingge's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he couldn't continue.

It's just that pair of eyes, which are surprisingly bright.

He seemed a little embarrassed, lowered his head, seemed a little uncomfortable, reached out and rubbed his ears.

The contrast between the glowing red ears and the white fingers is particularly sharp.

Wen Xusheng watched Shi Jingge's movements steadily, his eyes darkened.

...It's so beautiful.

Wen Xusheng's Adam's apple moved up and down, and it took him a long time before he said, "Let's go."

Shi Jingge obediently followed.

Only then did Wen Xusheng realize that Shi Jingge's attire today was extraordinarily obedient.

Du Yi who was ignored: "..."

Li Zhuoyun, who has never been thought of by anyone: "..."

It may sound like no one will believe it.

But in the ten minutes just now, the young master didn't look at her.

He didn't even give her a look.

Didn't spot her at all.

Absolutely not-

Li Zhuoyun's heart hurts.

Li Zhuoyun followed.

Du Yi turned his head and saw her with surprise in his eyes.

as if asking—

—[Why are you still here? 】

Li Zhuoyun was hit by an arrow in the heart.

Immediately afterwards, Du Yi suddenly realized: "Is it because of the signature?"

"You also saw that Brother Wen met his friend, maybe..."

"How about another day?" Du Yi asked tentatively.

After being silent for a long time, Li Zhuoyun raised his head and said sincerely: "If you tell me, you may not believe it."

Du Yi: "?"

"My friend," Li Zhuoyun said sincerely, "was taken away by Senior Wen."

Du Yi: "..."

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