MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 99 Military school student-099

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Chapter 099.

Lin Yuan didn't know what kind of way to vent his own sadness, watching the black and white portraits on the TV screen. The man in the photo was serious, his eyes were cold and calm, and it seemed that it was hard to get close. Only Lin Yuan knew that it was What a warm person.

- Rosen Bessemer, his biological father.

He once embraced him and said: Son, father will protect you, will not let you suffer any grievances.

He once looked at him tenderly and said: Xiaoyuan, I will bring your father back, and our family of three always have a day of reunion.

Before the expedition, he smiled and said to him: Don't worry.

Such a strong, warm, reassuring father, now buried in the wormhole of the universe, has no bones, leaving only a large number of mechanized debris, and was transported back to the capital star by the military.

- The father and son have just recognized each other, and the number of times they call his father is not more than ten.

- How can he leave like this?

- Dad is still missing, the day of the so-called family reunion, is it so ruined?

Lin Yuan buried his face in the arms of Nishizawa and burst into tears.

From small to large, he never shed so many tears, but he couldn't help it.

Losing the pain of the most important relatives can't be described by any pale words. Tears are madly rushing out like a river, and the line of sight becomes vague. The throat is as blocked as it can't say anything. .

I can only use my tears to vent my feelings that are sad and to the extreme.

Lin Yuan shed tears in his own arms. Nize gently stroked his hair over and over again. Even the persuasive lines of "Don't Cry" could not be said - because he knew that Lin Yuan needed a kind of moment. Tears are the best way to vent your emotions.

Losing the pain of a close relative, although Nishizawa did not experience it personally, but if the incident is a mother or a father, Nishizawa believes that ... he may not be able to endure tears.

Not to mention Xiaoyuan.

He has admired the marshal since he was a child, and it hasn't been long before he recognized the marshal. This bad news for him is just like the new world that has just been established has been completely killed.

After the surprise of the father and son, it is a stronger pain than parting.

Just knowing that Rosen is his father, his father died, and this feeling is more sad than never having a father.

Under the patient appeasement of Nishizawa, Lin Yuan’s emotions were calmed down, tears had stopped, but the red eyes seemed pitiful.

Nize looked at the little monster's red eyes, couldn't help but reach out and distressedly wiped away the tear marks on his face. He said softly: "Small, let's go to the bedroom and calm down... I am going to say to your mother..."

Lin Yuan nodded and hung his head to the bedroom.

His current state is obviously not in the mood for dinner, but the words that Mrs. Lin perceive will be more troublesome.

Nishizawa sent Lin Yuan back to the bedroom, and then he turned and walked to the kitchen. Mrs. Lin was busy smiling and said: "Czech, are you hungry? The dishes are ready, ready to go."

Nishizawa said: "Auntie, Xiaoyuan, he is not feeling well. He went back to sleep first. He didn't have dinner with us. He gave him some food. I will send it to him later."

Mrs. Lin groaned and worried about the truth: "I don't feel well, what happened to him?"

Nishizawa said: "It’s cold when I go out to play today. You can rest assured that I have let him take the medicine and sleep."

Seeing that Nishizawa is serious, and his son’s body has always been very good. It’s not a serious illness to catch a cold. Mrs. Lin will let her down, and Lin Yao will bring the food to the table, and the three will cook together.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the news channel for the entire empire, once again heavily reported the news of the marshal's sacrifice.

Mrs. Lin looked at the portrait in the screen, groaned and said with confusion: "How does this person look familiar?"

Lin Yao said: "Mom, you forgot? The instructor who had been to our house before, looks a bit like a marshal." Suddenly, and regretfully said, "It is a pity that our empire has lost such a good marshal."

Mrs. Lin also sighed and said: "This is the case on the battlefield. It is possible to lose your life at any time."

Listening to the arguments of the mother and the daughter, Nishizawa's mood is particularly complicated - for the ordinary people, the marshal's sacrifice may be regrettable or sad, but the most painful person who knows the news is Lin Yuan.

Because Rosen is not only the marshal of the empire, but also the idol of the people, or his biological father who is rich in water.

Knowing that Lin Yuan wanted to be alone and quiet, Nishizawa gave him plenty of time to adjust.

After dinner with Mrs. Lin and Lin Yao, the mother and the daughter returned to their rooms to rest, and Nishizawa gave some food specially reserved for Lin Yuan and turned to Lin Yuan’s room.

Lin Yuan was sitting on the edge of the bed and looking down at something seriously.

When Nishizawa walked over to him and sat down, it was discovered that Lin Yuan’s hand was the electronic notebook that Rosen had personally given him in the mech training room—a large number of mechs were recorded in the notebook. The operation skills, each one is written by Rosen himself. Many important places have carefully written the labels, and the handwriting is just as neat as the printed body.

It is also this self-recorded note that has significantly improved the level of Lin Yuan's manipulators, even standing out during the school competition, and obtained the qualification to represent the school to participate in the National Mecha Competition.

Lin Yuan can't believe such cruel facts until now.

The father has passed away. This notebook is the only relic left for him.

The fingers of the electronic notebook were pale because they were too hard. I thought that not long ago, the man was hiding in the cockpit of Black Dragon to personally guide his own picture. Lin Yuan felt that his heart was like a knife.

When Nishizawa saw this notebook, he knew what Lin Yuan was thinking.

At the beginning of the mech training room, the scenes of the father and son operating the mechs were still vivid, but now I think about it, but as a bystander, Nishizawa is the person who can understand Lin Yuan’s pain.

Seeing Lin Yuan’s lost head, Nishizawa couldn’t help but reach out and gently hold Lin’s back. The other hand gently held him into his arms and whispered: “I’m crying when I’m sad. Don't hold back..."

Lin Yuan did not cry, but put down his notebook, and reached out and hugged Xize.

In his most painful time, only the embrace of Nishizawa made him feel a little warm.

After a long time, Lin Yuancai whispered: "I just checked the Internet. The official website of the military has given a detailed explanation of his father's death. He was involved in the cosmic wormhole a month ago. The power of space shock can't bear it. He and the Black Dragon have already...they have been shattered into pieces by the space shock..."

Perceiving the tremor of Lin Yuan, Nishizawa could only gently and gently touch his back with patience and gentleness.

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and stabilized his mood. Then he looked up at Nishizawa and said seriously: "Xize, I want to go back to the constellation of Cepheus, even if I can't pay him as a son, but I should at least go to his grave. Look. I can't even know where he was buried..."

Nishizawa stunned and immediately understood the nod and said, "Okay, I will accompany you. I will arrange this for you."

Lin Yuan nodded and hugged Nishizawa again.

In this most sad and helpless time, it is already the luckiest thing for him to have Nishizawa around.


That night, Lin Yuan didn't eat a bite of rice. The food that Nishizawa sent was delicious, but he didn't have any appetite.

Lin Yuan’s mood was low and there was no sleepiness. Nishizawa had been chatting with him all the time, and both of them were sleepless at night.

In the early hours of the morning, Nishizawa's communication device suddenly rang, and the special platinum-gold cipher numbers formed a complex pentagon shape, which was the password from the Imperial Palace.

Nishizawa immediately locked the door and opened the communication device -

Surprisingly, what appeared on the screen was actually Uncle Berg, who was wearing a military green uniform and wearing a military cap to cover the big half of his face, but Nishizawa recognized him at a glance. Surprised: "Wang Shu?"

Berg nodded and said with ease: "Czeze, immediately take a small distance to the Oman planet and meet with Brian, someone will meet you there, and tell Xiaoyuan that his father is not dead... Come to Naimi to see me, as soon as possible!"

Lin Yuan stunned and widened his eyes. "I, my father is not dead?! What is this?"

For him, this news is undoubtedly a transition from **** to heaven. He didn't know Berg, but since Xi Zeze called this man Wang Shu, this person must have a lot of weight!

Berg said: "Small, I don't have much time to explain to you, and I will go to Osman to go to Oman to find Brian."

Although Nishizawa’s heart was shocked, he was calmed down as a heir to the throne. He nodded and said, “I understand, Wang Shu, let’s go.”

Berg nodded and hanged up the communicator. He seems to be hiding in a corner and secretly sending messages. Obviously, the situation is quite serious. Although Nishizawa did not know what had happened, he was keenly aware of a huge crisis of lurking.

Nishizawa put away the communication device, turned and took Lin Yuan’s hand and whispered, “I am going to tell your mother and sister that we are going back to school. You are going to pack your luggage. We will leave after ten minutes.”

Lin Yuan immediately nodded, "Good!"


At this time, the planet of Oman.

Brian has been living with Snow in the small house he rented for the past two days.

The size of the house is small, and the small space of more than 20 square meters is separated by a small bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Brian can hardly imagine that Snow has been living alone in such places for years.

No parents, no relatives, from the age of thirteen to eighteen, Snow must rely on himself to support himself. He went to various shops to work as a handyman. The little child relied on the doctors left by Dr. Ward. Bo’s savings and a pair of diligent and dexterous hands struggled to survive.

Moreover, he is still an omega, and he still has to worry about his identity being discovered while maintaining his livelihood.

The reason why Snow chose to test the St. Romiya Military Academy is also very simple. Although the school has the highest admission score, it can be free of charge and living allowance. For the orphans who can’t afford the tuition, only the test He went to this school and he had a way out.

In order to get into the medical school of this school, Snow had a lot of hard work. There was no study room in the small room. He only made a simple bookshelf on the bedside with a paper box. The bookshelves were filled with books. Books and exam materials...

Brian looked at the rudimentary bookshelf and was so distressed that he didn't know what to say.

When he first saw Snow, he was attracted by Snow's handsome appearance and his proud and indifferent temperament. He thought that Snow's pride was because the family conditions were too good for him. Until then, Brian really understood. Snow is indifferent to people because he is used to protecting himself with a thick, cold shell.

The so-called indifference and arrogance are just to protect themselves...

Today, accompanied by Snow to sweep the tomb of Dr. Ward, and noticed the low mood of Snow, Brian was even more distressed.

Brian could hardly imagine that after the death of Dr. Ward, the little Snow alone managed to support himself with his own hands, how much suffering he suffered...

Looking at Snow's rudimentary house and the carton bookcase stuffed with medical books, Brian's heart suddenly rose into a crazy thought--to protect this person, keep him in his arms, never let He suffered a little damage.

The strong possessiveness and desire to protect in the alpha nature reached its peak at this moment.

Looking at the teenager in front of me, it seems that even the blood in my body will boil.

Snow's heart is actually very awkward. This small house is the secret that he hides in his heart. He has filled his entire childhood experience and dreams. Now he comes back with Brian, just like the deepest ** and scars in his heart. All uncovered to give Brian the same observation.

Snow felt that Brian would definitely not get used to it. After all, it was small and cold, and it was completely incomparable with the big apartment of Becker.

I wanted Brian to live in the hotel. Unexpectedly, Brian not only did not deny it, but was very happy to live here. Brian, who was still a rule last night, suddenly used the excuse of being too cold. Hold Snow tightly in his arms.

I noticed that the boy in his arms had stiffened in an instant, and Brian gently touched his back and whispered to him: "Snow."

Snow responded with a sigh: "What is it?"

Brian tightened his arms and said softly: "I didn't expect that you have experienced so much before..."

Snow was busy interrupting him. "Those are past tense and don't need to sympathize with me."

Brian smiled and kissed Snow's forehead and said to his lips: "Not sympathy... I want to say, no matter what you have experienced before - you will be there by the side."

Snow: "........."

Brian said: "I won't leave you, even if you drive me away, I will stick to you."

Snow: "........."

Looking up at Brian, this usually unruly, very owed boy, the eyes are very serious at this moment, seriously to let Snow's heart suddenly tremble.

- In the future, there will be me around you.

--I will not leave you.

The simple two sentences actually make him feel warmer than "I love you."

Yes, there is always a cowhide sugar that can't keep going, and Snow doesn't worry about being a person anymore.

When there is cold, there will be such a person holding him.

When I came back late in the cold night, there would be someone who was holding the lights and waiting for him.

Is there anything more rare than this truth?

Snow was silent for a long time, finally lowered his eyes and gently hugged Brian, leaning his face against his chest and whispering, "Well."

Brian smiled in surprise: "Why do you mean? Did you decide to accept me? Right, you never seem to like me, Snow, in fact, you have my own right? You are just Shy and don't say... oh..."

It wasn't for Brian to squat again, and Snow simply looked up and kissed him gently.

Brian’s words were interrupted by kisses, and the cool touch that came from his lips made his heart ignite a raging fire.

Snow obviously didn't kiss, just kissed Brian's lips, and then he ran back with his red ears. Brian naturally refused to let him go, reached over his waist, and kissed him back with passion. .

If it weren’t too old and cold, Snow’s first time couldn’t be so sloppy. Brian really wanted to wipe out the shy and active Snoo... but unfortunately, I can only kiss and touch it now. thirsty.

The kiss became more and more fierce. Brian's hand darted into Snow's clothes, touched it under the smooth belly, pulled the edge of the **** and slid it in, gently holding the sensitive organ.

Snow’s body suddenly became stiff, and immediately blushing and breathing, “Oh... don’t, don’t touch... oh...”

Brian kissed him and touched his hand. He felt that the sensitive organs were getting bigger in the palm of his hand. Snow's face also had a nice blush, and Brian's movements were even harder.

The sensitivity that has never been touched by others has been skillfully kneaded by Brian. The feeling of being played with the body is extremely shameful. The strong pleasure that can be picked up from the caudal vertebrae almost burns the human mind...

The cold room was getting hotter, and Snow's back ran down a layer of sweat.

Snow stiffly grabbed Brian's hand. "Brian... let go, let go... don't get it, hehe..."

Snow is definitely not very jjj, the body's reaction is very sensitive, the color there is so pink that people can't wait to contain it, Brian thinks of it, simply let go of his hand, drill into the quilt, use the mouth directly Contains the parts that have stood up.


The rushing gasp sounds like a scorpion in the ear.

Brian's mouth contains Snow's sex, and he noticed that Snow's constant tremors, and the happiness of his heart filled him harder, his tongue twitching gently along the outline of the organ, even the tip-sensitive hole. Don't let go, your hands still don't forget to knead the roots of the full meat capsule...

"Ah... oh... cloth, Brian... ah..."

Snow did not expect it at all, just to let him shut up and take the initiative to kiss him, actually evolved into such a consequence.

The strong shame that he pleased with his mouth was mixed with the unfamiliar pleasure of the body, repeatedly rubbing the precarious intellectual wall.

At the moment when Brian sucked hard, Snow suddenly had a blank in his mind, and his body violently twitched, and the burning liquid was all released in Brian's mouth.

Just then, a loud noise sounded at the same time -

The poor little wooden bed finally couldn't bear the weight of the two people, and after a while, the slamming sound was crushed.

Snow: "........."

Brian: "........."

The two men who fell to the ground had big eyes and small eyes.

The reaction was that the small wooden bed was crushed, and Snow's face suddenly turned red, and he didn't know how to be good.

Brian smiled and cleaned the white liquid left on his lips, and said to Snow's lips: "Sorry, collapsed your bed... I will buy you a new one."

Snow: "........."

Because he was ashamed to suffocate himself in Snow in the quilt, there was a kind of cuteness in Brian's eyes.

Stretching out the long arm and quilt together, Brian said happily: "I will buy you a comfortable double bed."

Just then, the communicator suddenly rang.

Brian looked at Berg, who appeared on the screen, and groaned, "Dad?"

Berg glanced at his son faintly and said: "Brian, Nishizawa and Xiaoyuan will come to meet you soon, I will arrange for people to meet, give you ten minutes, and immediately go to the address I said... ..."

Berg hit the address and then simply hanged the communicator.

Brian looked at the address and suddenly stunned—

Less than two days after being alone with Snow, Dad sent two super light bulbs, Nishizawa and Little Monster, to meet?

Although the heart was a little depressed, Berg's serious expression was obviously not a joke. Brian had to open the quilt and pull the blushing Snow from the bed, and he found a clean dress with his hands and feet. He said, "Come on. , Nishizawa and Lin Yuan are coming over, it seems that something is wrong, we are going to meet them."

Snow no longer talks about changing clothes at the fastest speed.

Brian had just turned and went out, but Snow suddenly took him and whispered, "You..."

Brian wondered: "What happened to me?"

Snow blushes and points to Brian's mouth.

Brian understood that he put his tongue out and cleaned the white liquid on his lips and put it in Snow's ear and said, "This is your taste..."

Snow blushes and slams him a punch: "Don't say it!"

It wasn’t for Snow’s anger, and Brian immediately closed his mouth wisely, holding Snow’s hand with a smile and taking him to the place designated by Dad.

The author has something to say:

Ah, I almost couldn’t catch up with the whole job.

After returning to school after the end of the year, the time is a little adjusted, but it’s late tonight~~

Tomorrow will be early, group to go to find Dad! 2k novel reading network