MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 72 Military school student-072

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Chapter 072. Confession

In front of the Nishizawa expression is very serious, whispered "I like you", as in order to prove the authenticity of this sentence, he also came over and took the initiative to kiss Lin Yuan, and is a real ... tongue kiss.

Lin Yuan was shocked to stay in the same place. The mouth was full of the taste of Nishizawa. The strange feeling of the boy's tongue twirling in his mouth made his scalp numb, until Nishizawa quit and did not return.

After a long while, Lin Yuancai reacted to what happened. He quickly wiped his mouth with his hand and said, "Cough, Nishi, how can you... oh... I always be when you are... the best..."

Nishizawa interrupted him whispered, "Best friend?"

Lin Yuan: "..."

Lin Yuan swallowed swallowing water, although he did not say it, but the innocent eyes clearly indicated - yes, in my heart, you are a good friend who is very loyal.

Nishizawa had some helplessness. He gently put his hand on Lin Yuan’s shoulder and said seriously: "But I am not, Xiaoyuan, I have never regarded you as a simple friend. I have long liked you."

Lin Yuan: "..."

Nishizawa whispered: "All that I have done before is because I like you. Whether it is to practice your mech with you, or to accept your skills as an apprentice on the Internet... I I want to be with you, I want to see you happy, I am worried that you will have pressure after telling you, so I didn’t say anything.” Sizeton paused. “In fact, I have been with you, not Think of you as a simple friend, but because... I like you, I want to stay with you, do you understand?"

Lin Yuan: "..."

Nishizawa bowed his head slightly, his eyes softly looking at the boy in front of him. "Small, I really want to be with you. Give me a chance, let me be your alpha, okay?"

Lin Yuan: "..."

The feeling of being confessed is too strange, and is still confessed by male roommates?

Since sensible, Lin Yuan has always dreamed of marrying a beautiful and kind girl, forming a happy family, and then taking her mother and sister to live a good life. Later, it became inexplicably turned into omega. Although he was uncomfortable for a long time, he had to accept the status quo.

But even if he became an omega, his dreams and beliefs have never changed.

He still wants to continue studying as a beta, and after he graduates, he will take his mother and sister to live a quiet and stable life.

He will not be willing to do alpha accessories because he is an omega. He will be born at home to give birth to a child. Even if he can no longer marry a beta girl, he will not want to marry a man to give birth to a child.

Nishizawa is a very good person. For Lin Yuan, he is a friend, a buddy, a good brother who can fight side by side.

- Only can not be a lover.

After a long silence, Lin Yuan scratched his hair and removed his eyes from Nize's face.

What should I say? In the face of this alpha roommate's confession, how to respond?

It’s really dead...

Good buddies don't do it, don't want to entangle and like not to like this boring question, isn't it guilty?

Lin Yuan frowned and frowned. After considering it for a long time, he looked up at Nishizawa and said, "Xize, you are really important and precious friend to me. We will continue to be friends. Is it not good……"

Nishizawa: "..."

Nishizawa is speechless to the eyes of Shanglin Yuan.

friend? The back neck was bitten by him, and he also had the mark that belongs to him... Is there such a friend? Is it necessary to wait until the person is eaten and wiped to reflect the friend is not so?

The head of this omega little monster is thinking about mech operation and military history all day long, but has no idea about feelings.

A guy who doesn't open up, of course, can't make sense in a moment.

The ignorant teenager in front of him still does not know what he likes, and he has never touched a person. If his emotional history is a blank piece of paper, then Nishizawa will personally paint the color on the white sheet of paper. A strong stroke.

Nishizawa believes that as long as he continues to work hard, Xiaoyuan will accept it sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Nishizawa no longer forced Lin Yuan to give an immediate reply, and shifted the topic: "Don't worry, I won't force you... As for your father's business, you shouldn't be too upset, maybe he doesn't want to See you, but now you have a heavy responsibility, it is not convenient to see you. Your family will always have a chance to meet in the future."

Lin Yuan nodded, "Um..."

Lin Yuan was obviously scared by Nishizawa’s confession, and he has not been relieved until now.

Nishizawa saw his wrinkled face very distressed, but had no choice but to say: "Well, then you should go to bed early, and get up early tomorrow morning."

Lin Yuan immediately nodded: "Good night."

Can't wait to send the roommate Nishizawa out of the door, Lin Yuan turned around and saw a white hair group lying on the bed, a pair of black eyes staring at him.

Lin Yuan: "..."

Habi this guy actually kept screaming there?

Lin Yuan looked at it helplessly, grabbed it in the nest and poked its ear and said, "Sleep your feelings."

Habib was very happy to shrink into a group to go to sleep.

I was thinking about it. I saw the whole process of Brian marking Snow on the spacecraft a few days ago. Today I listened to the whole process of the confession of His Majesty the West and the owner in the bedroom... Humans always ignore its existence, it really Not intentional.


This evening, Lin Yuan did not sleep well all night.

The "being confessed by a good buddy" is too irritating for him. Although he has just known that he is an omega, he has been developing a beta model for many years. He is still psychologically beta. He doesn't feel that it is a good thing to be confessed by an alpha, especially the other party is his most trusted friend.

The best buddy in my heart suddenly said to him: I like you, I want to be with you.

Lin Yuan’s mood is like being thundered.

Because of the sudden confession of Nishizawa, Lin Yuan put aside the feeling of loss that Dad didn't want to see him for a while, and even dreamed of dreaming that Nishizawa kissed him today.

Nishizawa’s tongue came in overbearingly, sweeping the allergic-sensing oral mucus-film one inch and one inch, and licking his tongue repeatedly and sucking. Lin Yuan only felt that his tongue was kissed to almost lose consciousness, and it was wonderful. The feeling crawled up the back of the back, and the sound of the sound of the water echoed in the ear. The saliva that was too late to swallow slipped down the corner of the mouth and wet the collar of the shirt...

Lin Yuan suddenly woke up from his dreams.

The kiss last night, because I was too shocked and did not think about it, but in the dream, it was once again clearly reproduced.

The taste of Nishizawa, the temperature of Nishizawa, the sizzling lips of Nishizawa, the powerful arm of Nishizawa at the waist, everything, like a movie, was repeatedly played back in a dream. Such a strong and enthusiastic kiss-kiss, like to completely awake the beast buried deep in the body, let Lin Yuan's back fight a battle - Li.

I noticed that the lower body - the official is just about to move, Lin Yuan immediately rushed into the bathroom to wash the cold water.

The picture in the dream is too weird, wrapped in the familiar temperature and breath of Nishizawa, and his body has produced a fierce and fierce reaction - probably just because of the labeling of Nishizawa not long ago, Lin Yuan The omega pheromone is very fond of the closeness of Nishizawa. The kiss of Nishizawa is matched with the mark of the back neck, so that the pheromone in the body wakes up again and again.

In the bathroom, I took a cold shower in the grass and let the body's reaction temporarily cool down. Lin Yuan wiped the body cleanly, carefully attached the mark behind the neck with bio-adhesive, replaced the neat uniform, and turned around.

Still don't want to meet with Nishizawa for the time being...

During the three-month mark period, when the two meet, the pheromones will affect each other, which is not good for both.

However, Lin Yuan thought it easily, but how can he not be seen as a roommate?

God likes to deliberately make a mistake with him. Lin Yuan deliberately got up early for half an hour this morning. When he went out, he happened to meet face to face Nishi, who opened the door.

The two of them had big eyes and small eyes. When they remembered the scene of being kissed by him in the dream, Lin Yuan’s heart suddenly jumped, and immediately calmed down his eyes and turned and knocked on Snow’s door and asked: “Snow, Going to have breakfast?"

After Snow's grooming, he just changed his clothes and heard the knock on the door. He went out and said, "Let's go, I am planning to go out."

Snow looked at Lin Yuan and found his brother's blush, his hair with moisture, and it seemed to have just showered. Snow couldn't help but ask, "How did you get up so early today?"

Lin Yuan made a casual smile and said: "I will learn from you, go to bed early and get up early, and keep a good habit."

Snow did not ask again, slightly raised his lips, and went out with Lin Yuan.

When the two walked side by side and passed by Nishizawa, Lin Yuan immediately lowered his head and pretended not to see.

Nishizawa: "..."

There is such a big man standing there, you drop your head and don’t see you think someone believes?

Lin Yuan apparently deliberately avoided Nishizawa. Nishizawa estimated that he did not want to face himself for the time being, and he did not stop him.

Nishizawa turned and took out milk and snacks from the refrigerator. These snacks were Lin Yuan’s sister Lin Yao’s courier from Ryan’s planet. The vacuum package sent a large box. Lin Yuan took it out and put it in the refrigerator to let the roommates Just take it, Nishizawa also took a few pieces to be a breakfast - by the way, taste the skills of my sister.

When Brian came out, he saw that Nishizawa was sitting there for breakfast. Snow and Lin Yuan’s door was open. Obviously, he had already left. Brian simply sat down in the restaurant and picked up Nishizawa. The pastry took a bite and asked in confusion: "Nishizawa, don't you go to the dining hall with Lin Yuan today?"

I usually go in and out together, and it is very unusual to solve breakfast in the dormitory today.

On the doubtful look of Brian, Nishizawa continued to eat the half-eaten peanut cake and drank a few hot milk, which calmly said: "I confessed with Xiaoyuan, he is hiding from me. I saw that I didn't see it when I saw it."

"Oh..." Brian's milk was sprayed on the table, and he coughed a few times. This is funny. "You confessed? How did Lin Yuan answer? I guess, ah, is it... ..."

Brian squeezed his neck and learned Lin Yuan’s innocent tone. “Sorry, Nishi, I am only a friend when you are.”

Nishizawa: "..............."

Seeing the face of Nishizawa, Brian laughed with sympathy. "Haha, I guessed it? Well, you are really tragedy. Lin Yuan’s nerves are too thick, they are all You have marked it, but you are still a friend."

Nishizawa also smiled helplessly and whispered: "He is a little slow...but he can't hide for a long time."


Nishizawa is right, Lin Yuan can't hide for a long time.

Both of them are students of the command department. They are in the same class. The two students are connected together and the seats are tied together...

How can you hide?

Lin Yuan said that he can use the spirit to hide - saw the pretense not to see, you are by his side, when you are the air, the selective disregard of ** was played by Lin Yuan very well.

In the morning of four classes, Lin Yuan kept staring at the podium without squinting. He listened attentively to taking notes and put on a good student attitude, which led to several teachers being embarrassed by him. He called to answer the question.

Because of his thoughts on the lectures, Lin Yuan was answered every time he was asked questions, and he received a thumbs up from the teachers.

As soon as he was out of school, Nishizawa had not had time to sort out the notes. Lin Yuan immediately stood up and smiled and went to the front row to shoot Baker's shoulder and said, "Baker, go have lunch, I will treat you."

The red-haired boy who was taken care of by the squad leader was flattered and stuttered: "Old, boss, how do you suddenly want to treat you?"

Lin Yuan said with a smile: "I didn't take a lot of scholarships before the school mech contest? I haven't asked you to eat."

Bosa beauty also came over and smiled and said: "The squad leader treats me, do I have any share?"

Carl also stood up and joined in the fun: "Come on me by the way?"

Lin Yuan said coolly: "No problem, let's go!"

A group of people walked toward the dining hall.

Nishizawa raised his lips slightly behind Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan looked for a way to hide him by excuses, making him feel a little ignorant and cute. The little monster wants to excuse me to think of it, and it’s really hard for him... I don’t know how many excuses he can come up with?

Lin Yuan didn't know at all. At the moment, in the eyes of Nishizawa, it was like the scope of the hunter's tail. The prey that had already been fancy was trying to find it everywhere—the hunter was watching it with gusto.

Anyway, Nishizawa felt that Lin Xiaoyuan’s classmates were slow, and there were no powerful competitors around him who would **** the little monster. He had already marked him. Lin Xiaoyuan would be his own sooner or later, and he was not in a hurry.

Before the confession, Nishizawa was not in a hurry.

After the confession, Nishizawa was also very patient.

He likes the people, he will not force, will not press, he will only step by step, let the other party completely unloading defense, really, willingly fall in love with him.


From that day on, Lin Yuan managed to avoid direct contact with Nishizawa. He took all his attention on the podium during class and took the initiative to go to the dining hall with Baker. The relationship with Baker was getting better and better. .

Baker is a beta, and the nerve is thicker than Lin Yuan. He has always been Lin Yuan’s beta of fighting power, and his face is like a super small follower behind Lin Yuan. They used to be friends. Lin Yuan looked for it. When he was covering, Nishizawa could not say anything.

Baker is happy to be with Lin Yuan. However, the occasional gaze of Nishizawa has made him somewhat confused. When he was in class, Lin Yuan just took his arm and went outside. Xize swept coldly. He gave a glance.

Innocent Baker scratched his head in confusion and whispered Lin Yuan: "Boss, are you quarreling with Nishizawa? How do I feel that you have been hiding from him recently?" Rao is a thick nerve like Baker. No, Lin Yuan used to go with Xize in the same way. Recently, he has been coming to the classroom in advance and left early, and he does not speak with Nishizawa.

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "No, you want more... Go eat."

Lin Yuan said that he quickly turned and left, and Baker groaned. When he turned around, he saw that Nishizawa was coming over here.

- Is this not deliberately hiding?

On the cold eyes of Shang Xize, Baker smiled and turned to follow Lin Yuan's footsteps.

Lin Yuan walked quickly to the dining hall and felt that Nishizawa followed the line of sight on his back. He only felt that his heartbeat was like a drum.

This must be the reason for marking...

These days, every time Nishizawa gets close to him, he will be very nervous. The whole body can't help but heat up. The pheromone in the body will be active and restless. It seems that he is expecting this person to approach, comfort, hug... even kiss. .

Although the kiss of that day completely stunned Lin Yuan’s shock at that time, but after waking up and recollecting it, he was even more shocked to discover that he didn’t hate that kiss at all, even craving more.

This is the nature of the attraction between alpha and omega?

Is this the powerful effect of the markup?

Lin Yuan was somewhat worried about the strange reaction of the body.

In the past, the so-called estrus period in which omega could not be controlled was just heard. Lin Yuan felt that he was a beta and had nothing to do with himself. But now that he has changed back to omega, he will realize that what is the influence of pheromones and what is truly uncontrollable.

The closeness of Nishizawa makes him feel like a drum and is difficult to control. He can't imagine that if Nishizawa would kiss him again, would his inhibitors collapse directly?

Lin Feng had to continue to hide from Nishizawa.

The strange thing is, Nishizawa does not seem to have an opinion on this? Since the confession that day, Lin Yuan has been deliberately hiding him, and he has not forced Lin Yuan again.


After two weeks of calmness, Lin Yuan put his mind on learning, and the days were very fulfilling.

Just when Lin Yuan was a little relieved...

This Saturday morning, the Knox instructor suddenly summoned all the students to the school gate and used the floating vehicle to transport everyone to the edge of the large forest in Cologne, far from the military academy.

The students who were urgently convened were very inexplicable. Knox’s instructor said with a serious expression: “This weekend is a military training. As a soldier, this is a skill you must master. I am here, the other side of the forest is The end point, the smooth arrival of the end point is considered to pass the assessment, the time limit is two days today, that is, you need to spend the night in the wild tonight."

The classmates looked at each other, but they could not stop excited.

They have been studying the theory of survival in the wild for a month. Many people have been eager to try to come to the actual battle. However, everyone did not expect that the instructor Irene did not give notice in advance, but used the emergency convening military order to take everyone out of the bed early in the morning. Caught out.

Knox glanced coldly at the queue and took out a prepared box and said, "Now, all the students come to the lottery to decide to group, two people. Starting from the students at the end of the student number, Nishi, you first Come."

"Yes, instructor!" Nishi grabbed his hand into the box and looked for a moment in it. Then he took out a note with the student number, opened it and smiled and read, "59800049."

- This is Lin Yuan's student number.

Nishizawa walked back to the queue and stood in front of Lin Yuan. He politely extended his hand to Lin Yuan and said: "Lin Yuan, happy cooperation."

The lips that the boys raised slightly seemed to be saying - I see how you hide?

Lin Yuan suddenly felt black in front of him.

The author has something to say: The day is more than fifty days, and there is no break in one day. Many times it is written in the middle of the night at two or three o'clock. Seeing that I have a positive energy in my diligence? Everyone encourages encouragement of diligent authors ^_^2k

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