MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 69 Military school student-069

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Chapter 069. Tracking

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Brian and Nishizawa got up and went to the restaurant to meet each other. When they saw the note left on the table, their face suddenly became difficult to look.

——I have a problem with Lin Yuan, I may return later, don't worry.

A sentence is simple and straightforward, quite like Snow's style.

A simple sentence, but completely provoked two alpha repression for several days of anger.

Brian frowned and said uncomfortably, "What the **** are they doing?"

Nishizawa’s heart is also very uncomfortable. His own omega doesn’t tell him that he is acting in private. For the alpha that is extremely strong in possessiveness and protection, such disregard makes him completely intolerable.

Brian certainly has the same feeling.

Even though Snow relied on his posture in his arms that night, he was happy for a few days, even dreaming of happiness and waking up, but after that, Snow suddenly went very close to Lin Yuan, to Lin Yuan. The attitude is also very good, but in the face of Brian, it is still a plain expression, as if everything that night was the illusion of Brian.

Brian’s attitude toward Snow was completely confusing, and even began to eat Lin Yuan’s vinegar. If Xize was present, he would like to pack Lin Yuan’s savvy guy out of the dormitory.

Looking at the note in front of him, Brian finally couldn't help but press the button on the wrist: "Little blue, give me the coordinates of the night snow!"

Nishizawa also whispered: "White feather, immediately sense the position of Suzaku!"

The two alphas were once again in a good mood, and they said this sentence almost at the same time. After that, they looked at each other quite awkwardly.

Two of them are princes, one is the only son of General Behe, and now it has fallen to the point of secretly tracking his own omega, this is a great tragedy.

Xiao Lan and Bai Yu are obedient to the master's orders.

The night snow body was originally installed by Brian's mech tracking system, while Bai Yu and Suzaku were the same as Mr. Aston's works. There were mutual induction between the s-class mechs, and the two mechs were quickly calculated. The coordinates were reported.

Xiao Lan calmly said: "Master, night snow coordinates ... broken military star."

Bai Yu was very excited to say: "Master owner! Suzaku predecessors are breaking the military star, are we going to chase it?"

The coordinates of the two mechs are very close, which proves that Snow and Lin Yuan are very close to each other.

Brian and Nasser looked at each other with a tacit understanding of driving the mech to the coordinate point.


At the same time, Ling Feng finally calmed down and walked out of the bedroom.

Udil saw him go out and immediately went up. He gently reached for his waist and held him quietly. He said softly: "How come you wake up so early? Do you want to go to sleep for a while?"

Snow looked up and looked at Lingfeng puzzledly.

Under the phoenix maple, the ears were slightly red. Udil was too crazy last night. His legs are still shaking. It is a bit difficult to walk in front of his son. If he is seen by his son...

Snow glanced at the faint hickey on his father's neck, and immediately knew it, faintly said: "Dad, go to rest."

Udil smiled and said: "Have you heard? The son will let you go back to rest."

"..." Ling Feng looked at Udil and Udy immediately closed his mouth.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and went to the living room to sit down and watched Snow say: "I explained it to you about the memory removal surgery?"

Snow nodded.

Udil also sat back on the sofa and gently slammed the shoulder of Ling Feng. He said softly: "Since all of you are there, I will tell you about my plans."

Because Udyr’s voice suddenly passed up, the two listened carefully.

Udil said: "The wife of the Rose Corps Guardian Camp is about to be born soon. I intend to give him a big holiday for a year and let him go home to accompany his wife and children. It is a dozen with me. The year’s confidant can be trusted.” Udil looked back at Ling Feng. “If you like, you can temporarily dress up like him to come to me. In this way, we can meet every day, I can always protect you."

Seeing that Ling Feng did not respond, Udil went on to say: "My grandfather is old, and now the real power of the Shaman family is in my hands. Give me some time, when I handle the home, I will be bright. I will take you back... You officially become my lover as beta, and Snow continues to go to school as a beta, okay?"

After a moment of silence, Ling Feng said: "No need to do this, I don't mind if I can return to your home, and I can't stay with you."

Udil groaned, "You want to go?"

Ling Feng nodded. "I came here this time, originally to take away Snow."

Udil whispered: "Just for me, stay here... come to me... okay?"

The man clearly with the tone of pleading, so that the heart of Ling Feng could not help but tremble slightly.

Udil’s arrogant person actually lowered his attitude and repeatedly apologized to him, even begging him to stay...

Obviously, he is a man he loves deeply. How can Ling Feng refuse to accept it directly? But what if the rain is left? There are Xiaoyuan and Snow...

Ling Feng is hesitating, just then, the voice of the young boy suddenly came to his ear -

"Leave it, Dad."

Ling Feng looked up in surprise and calmed his eyes on Snow.

Snow looked at him and said calmly: "I have discussed with Xiaoyuan, we will not leave with you. I want to continue studying, and he is the same. If you are alone, you are worried, just follow your father's words. Stay with him. He is the general of the military and can receive the news of the military at the first time. You are the safest beside him."

Udil really wants to take a look at his son's head. This son is really sensible.

Seeing that Ling Feng has obviously shaken, Udil immediately pursued the victory, saying softly: "You can rest assured that you stay with me, the military has any change, you can receive the news the first time, there is me, I Will not let anyone move you."

Ling Feng: "..."

Udineton paused and said: "And, after I go back, I will submit an application with the military to let the entire army of the squad turn to the broken star field. Snow is here to study. You will have the opportunity to meet him at any time. ""

Ling Feng: "..."

Looking back at Snow, I saw Udil again...

The joint persuasion of the two big fathers and sons, Ling Feng really has no way to refuse. Moreover, if Udyr really transferred the army to the broken star field, he could take care of the two children Snow and Lin Yuan at any time...

After a moment of silence, Ling Feng said: "Let me think about it."

Seeing Ling Feng turned back to the bedroom, obviously the heart was soft, Udil couldn’t help but smile and touched his son’s hair, appreciating: "Son, good, actually knowing to stand on my side and advise your father to stay. This time I will give you a great deal of work."

Snow said quietly: "I just said the truth."

Udil: "..."

Suddenly I feel that my cold and faint son is also very cute. Although he is not as soft as himself when he was a child, Snow, who is independent and calm after he grows up, is his father's pride.

Udile secretly vows in his heart -

Starting today, my own baby son must absolutely take good care in his hand.

Who dares to bully Snow, he will certainly let that person survive and die.

Brian, who was rushing to the side, suddenly made a big sneeze.


After Lingfeng went to the bedroom, he locked the door and connected the communication device of Lingyu with a password.

The young military officer who appeared on the screen looked cold and faint. After seeing him, he just nodded slightly and said, "Brother, what is the situation? Have you seen Snow and Xiaoyuan?"

Ling Feng whispered: "They don't plan to leave with me, they want to continue studying at school... I also saw Udil."

Ling Yu asked: "Is Udyr recovering the memory and recognizing you?"

The heart between the twins has a conscience, so that Ling Yu guessed the reason from his brother's expression.

Ling Feng had to say the truth: "He remembered everything and wanted me to stay with him, but..."

Ling Yu calmly interrupted his brother: "Leave it. I know that you have never forgotten him in these years. Moreover, you are not suitable to stay here. I have already thought about having the opportunity to let you down." Cepheus, right now, you just stay by Udy."

Ling Feng stunned and couldn’t help but said: "If I stay here, are you not left alone?"

In these years, their brothers have been supported by each other. Ling Yu as a general, although his character is decisive and resolute, but when he is tired, he also wants to talk to people.

Ling Feng has been accompanying this younger brother, taking care of him as a brother, giving him a shoulder to rely on when he is tired.

Although he wanted to reunite with Udir and Snow's family, but the indifferent and incomparably younger brother, Ling Feng was reluctant to leave him alone on the planet of the Iswell galaxies.

Ling Yu apparently guessed the idea of ​​his brother. He smiled slightly and said decisively: "Brother, do what you want to do. I don't need your care. I am a soldier. There are many brothers who are born and died here. Stay with me, you can rest assured that I will not have anything."

Ling Feng was silent for a moment, "So... Xiaoyuan?"

Ling Yu paused and said calmly: "I believe Xiaoyuan can make the best decision. If he asks me, he will say... I am fine. Let him not think too much, there will be a chance to see you again later. ""

After the communication was cut off, Ling Feng sat on the edge of the bed and could not calm down for a long time.

Although he and the rain are twin brothers, his character is a singer.

As a brother's Ling Feng, he is gentle and particularly soft. As a younger brother's tomb, he is indifferent and decisive.

Their attitude towards children is also completely different. Ling Feng knows that Snow's whereabouts will come to see his son for the first time, while Ling Yu let his son make his own choice. If Snow falls, Ling Feng will happily hold the child up, and Xiaoyuan falls, and the rain will make him find a way to stand up.

Different ways for children do not mean that the rain does not love Xiaoyuan.

Ling Feng knew that the heart of this younger brother is not as indifferent as the surface. When Xiaoyuan was very young, he also took his son to feed him cakes. He also tossed and turned to sleep on the night he left Xiaoyuan.

However, his general's status makes him unable to be an ordinary father. He has to consider too many things, his mission, his tasks, his team, his comrades... often, and finally, personal considerations. Gains and losses.

He is used to the mentality of a soldier.

Ling Yu knew that Ling Feng had never forgotten Udil. Ling Feng also knew that his brother had never forgotten Rosen.

Rosen is special to him.

The brother who is very slow in feelings may have had a different feeling for the man, but in the days of the war, he was always busy fighting, carrying the army around, and had no time to consider private. The feelings, and later rushed away because of the exposure of identity, he did not even have a positive communication with Rosen.

Whenever I think of this, Ling Feng has no choice but to feel bad for her brother.

This proud younger brother always keeps calm, puts himself in the first place as the emperor, and regards the victory of the emperor as the greatest glory... When will he have the happiness that truly belongs to him?


When Brian and Nishizawa came to the position near the coordinates, they just saw Lin Yuan wandering downstairs.

Lin Yuan put his hand in his pocket and walked down thoughtfully with his head down, like a small gyro spinning around.

Nishizawa immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: "Small, what are you doing here?"

Lin Yuan looked up at the two in surprise. "How come you?"

Brian walked up three or two steps, looking around and looking around, anxiously asking, "Snow? He is not with you?"

Lin Yuan pointed to the room on the second floor. "He is upstairs."

Brian immediately turned and rushed in. Lin Yuan wanted to call him that he was too late. He remembered that Snow's father, General Udil, looked like a smile. Lin Yuan couldn't help but secretly mourn Brian for a moment.

Nishizawa looked at Lin Yuandao: "Xiaoyuan, you always go out with Snow these days, what happened?"

Lin Yuan avoided his sight and bowed his head to the stone at his feet. He calmly replied: "Nothing, just go out and stroll."

Nishizawa was silent for a moment, gently holding his shoulder and whispering, "Do you not trust me?"

Lin Yuan stunned and looked up at Nishizawa.

Nishizawa’s eyes are watching quietly, his eyes are deep, his voice is soft, and he says clearly, “I have nothing to look at you. Do you have anything to tell me? We trust each other. Can't you do it?"

Lin Yuan thought for a moment...

Also, Nishizawa is his best friend. He is so loyal and will never reveal his secrets.

However, the existence of 舅舅 is something that Dad wants to keep secret. Suzaku said that Ling Feng and Ling Yu are twin brothers, and they involve too many secrets. Even Father Rosen can't tell, Lin Yuan really said to Nishizawa. Do not export.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yuancai made an excuse to say: "In fact, Snow's family came here to see him. I have followed him for a few meals these few days."

Nishizawa stared at Lin Yuan’s eyes seriously. "Is it?"

Lin Yuan removed his gaze and said, "Yeah."

Don't you lie? It’s just a deep sigh of the eyes of Shang Xize, but it’s still a little guilty.

Nishizawa looked at Lin Yuan and whispered: "Small, in fact, I am just worried about you. After all, your identity is special. I am afraid that you will have an accident... If this matter is not dangerous to you, and you do not want to tell I, you can tell me... I don't mind if you have your own secret, but I don't want you to make an excuse to lie to me, do you understand?"

Lin Yuan stunned, and then lowered his head like a blundering student and said, "I'm sorry, Nishizawa, I didn't mean to lie to you... I really don't tell you about it."

Nishizawa smiled thoughtfully, watching the teenager look down in front of her face, and her heart was soft. She couldn’t help but reach out and lick his head. "Okay, I am not angry. Why are you a good student?" I admit the wrong way."

Lin Yuan grabbed his hair and looked up and smiled at Nishizawa. He joked: "I always feel that you have just looked serious and reasoned, and it seems that you are criticizing and educating me."

Nishizawa is laughing.

Criticizing education for your own omega? How can he be willing.

He just doesn't want to create gaps and suspicions between the two. Lies are the most hurtful thing. Even if I say "I can't tell you this thing" directly, it is much better than the excuses that make up the loopholes.

Nishizawa smiled and retracted his hand. "You are not convenient to say, then I will not ask. Let's go and see what Snow is doing." Nishizawa turned and went upstairs to find Brian, Lin. Far suddenly stopped him.

Nishizawa turned back in confusion: "What?"

Lin Yuan said with a smile: "Snow wants to handle private affairs, we are not convenient to blend. I have not eaten yet, accompany me to have breakfast."

Lin Yuan said that he took the hand of Nishizawa and turned and went outside.

Nishizawa: "..."

The first time that Nishizawa, who was actively taken by Lin Yuan, was in a state of turmoil, he had already forgotten the brother of "Brian".

Nishizawa looked at his omega gently, gently holding his hand and walking along the clean street out of the neighborhood.

The warm touch from the fingertips is simply irritating.

Lin Yuan did not notice this at all. Holding Xize on the street was like holding a large pet.

Until he found a shop selling buns, Lin Yuan, who was attracted by food, immediately let go of Nishizawa’s hand, rushed into the store, picked a few buns and paid for it, turned and sat down, picked up a buns. I bite it down.

It tastes good, very satisfying, and eat one more.

Nishizawa: "..."

Sure enough, in the eyes of the hungry Lin Yuan, he is not as good as the few meat buns!


At this moment, Brian, who rushed to the second floor and knocked at the door, was shocked by the person who opened the door.

The man who opened the door had a blond hair flashing into the human eye. The deep eyes were very blue, and the corner of his mouth was slightly bent. He looked at Brian with a smile and smiled: "Brian? Are you having something?"

Brian: "..............."

Who will tell him that the military’s biggest perverted artist, General Udil Sharman, is here?

The author has something to say: every time you write a father, you will feel bad and feel good. Every time you write four young teenagers, you will be happy and happy~

Shake the star field is a transitional volume, after the clear description of the Snow family, the story will return to the youngsters of the protagonist group - Database & Sql Blog Articles

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