MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 56 Military school student-056

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Chapter 056, Marking

Snow is an omega, and he is also a member of the undercurrent organization. This news has shocked Brian. Although he is not clear about many things in the military, he can still hear the name of the "undercurrent organization". This organization is all owned by omega. In the organization, the omegas in the organization secretly inject inhibitors in the form of beta in the various segments of society.

When the military wanted to completely eliminate the undercurrent organization, and arrested the then organization leader Dr. Sean and some omega, and some of the omegas received the wind in advance to escape, the organization disappeared, and they have not heard of them for many years.

When Brian was born, the story about the "undercurrent" has become a legend.

I didn’t expect that Snow, which he liked, would be an undercurrent member...

Brian’s mood was incomparably complex.

If he takes Snow now, then from now on, he will become an accomplice of the contractor Snow. In the event that Snow’s identity is exposed, he will also be jointly and severally liable. But if you don't take Snow, if Snow's identity is known, Snow will definitely be arrested immediately by the military. The military's attitude toward the undercurrent has never been soft!

Brian was almost distressed and almost collapsed when he thought that Snow had been handcuffed and caught in the military prison.

How could Snow endure the terrible environment of underground prisons?

When you think about it, he is just an injection inhibitor to conceal his identity. He was only 18 years old and was admitted to school as a beta. He did not hurt anyone, he did not harm anyone. He did not kill and set fire. Nothing is doing anything that hurts the world, just because he is an omega, he has to spend his life in prison? This is really unfair to him.

- Never give Snow to the military for disposal!

Even if you know that you are going to make a mistake, it is very likely that you will be ruined. However, Brian prefers to take risks with him when he is arrested.

If you want to hand over the person you like, you can't do it!

The heart made a secret decision, and Brian took a deep breath and turned to push the door.

In the room, Snow just got ready to go to sleep, and Brian suddenly pushed the door in.

Looking up at Brian's complicated eyes, Snow suddenly lost his gaze with a guilty conscience.

Brian glanced at Snow and pulled out a casual suit from the closet and handed it to him. He whispered: "Go and change clothes, I will take you away."

Snow stunned and didn't respond. Brian pulled him up directly and pushed him into the bathroom. He said across the door: "Come on, my dad booked the ticket, and we immediately went back to school."

Brian said that he turned and returned to his room, packed his luggage as fast as he could, and picked up Habib, who was snoring in his nest.

When he turned to the room, Snow had already changed his clothes. Bryan’s dress, Snow, was a little big, and his sleeves were a few centimeters long. At this moment, he was sitting on the bed and hanging his head. The soft hair hangs down on the forehead, and he can’t see the expression on his face. I saw his beautiful jaw, and the pale fingers that were gently tightened on the side of the bed.

He was obviously very upset, and his head was full of alertness, like a small animal in a defensive state.

- Are you worried that you will be arrested?

- Although it is a calm look, after all, it is only eighteen years old. When the identity exposure is arrested, he will be afraid.

Brian suddenly felt distressed, stepped forward in three or two steps, and gently held Snow's hand.

Snow looked up in surprise.

The boy in front of him gazed softly at himself, his face was filled with a smile that was not serious in the weekdays, and his expression was very serious. He held his finger slowly and forcefully tightened, saying one word at a time: "Don't Fear, Snow, I will take you away."

At that moment, Snow’s heart trembled...

The depths of my heart seem to suddenly raise a kind of emotion that can be called "touching". The warmth of the gentlemen in front of the boy is like a sudden flood of water, drowning people one inch at a time, and the whole heart is warm. It’s up.

Snow's gaze on Upper Brian's eyes, for a long time, did not know what to say.

Brian didn't talk nonsense, took his hand and turned and walked out of the house.


At the door of the Bech apartment, Berg had already waited there. When he saw the two coming out, he handed a small space button to Snow.

Snow took it in surprise and saw Berg smile and said, "I think you need this, take it."

Snow didn't have time to look at it, and he put the space button into his pocket.

Berg turned his head and said to Brian: "Come on, there are still half an hour, don't be late."

Brian nodded, took Snow a few steps, and turned back without hesitation. "Dad, father over there..."

Berg faintly said: "Reassured, I will handle it well."

Brian called Xiaolan, and took the mech with Snow to the space station as quickly as possible.


When Berg sent two children and turned back to the bedroom, Drew was still not awake.

He injected Drew with a small amount of nerve anesthetic, the effect can only last for half an hour. After half an hour, the spacecraft has taken off. Drew can not directly go to the spacecraft to catch people even if he wakes up, let alone his son. At the side of Snow, Drew’s action, he would only involve his son Brian.

Berg looked at the man who fell to the ground, and suddenly there was a bit of sourness in his heart.

When he married Drew, he had joined the undercurrent organization through the introduction of Ling Yu. At that time, Drew was in his twenties and was a small colonel in the military.

The Long Snake Corps has always been a hereditary legion of the Bech family. When choosing the heirs, it was also extra cautious. The reason why General Becker sent the position of the head of the Snake Legion to Drew, except for his hard work and hard work, the spiritual threshold was There is one more reason for this generation of younger generations... and it is Berg.

Berg is a descendant of the royal family, and his favorite cousin, His Majesty, is the most cousin of his brother, and Drew married Berg, which is a marriage with the royal family.

The five founding fathers of that year were in power, and the five big families lived peacefully on the surface. In the dark, there was a constant contradiction. The practice of the old general of Behe ​​was actually drawing the royal family... and Trand married Berg to Drew. Isn't it also wooing the Bech family?

This politically-loving marriage made Berg very resentful, so that he did not like Drew at first, and even married the Bech family with disgusting emotions.

Just after marriage, this man cares for him, considerate, please, gentle... finally let him soften, and later his son was born, the two have been with each other for many years, and their feelings are getting better and better.

Although Berg didn't say anything, he couldn't put up this man in his heart.

Own alpha...

As the second leader of the undercurrent selected by Dr. Sean, he would also have this dependence on his alpha.

Berg sighed and lifted Drew to the bed, extending his fingers and gently depicting the man's eyebrows.

When Drew woke up, he found Berg sitting at the bed and watching him quietly.

After licking the sore sun, remembering the previous things, Drew immediately turned over and simply controlled Berg's hands, pulled out the belt around his waist, and folded his hands and tied them to the bed.

Berg smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't count you again."

Drew looked at Berg intricately, and after a moment, he lowered his voice and asked, "What about Snow?"

Berg said: "I sent him away with his son."

Drew was silent. "Are you really the leader of the undercurrent?"

Berg nodded and said softly: "Don't be angry, I didn't mean to lie to you. I joined the undercurrent before I got married with you. It was recommended by the rain. In fact, the undercurrent is not what the military said. What is the rebellious organization, it is just that some omegas are united together, secretly manufacturing inhibitors, they do not want to harm people, just want to seek some space for survival for themselves, is this sinful?"

Drew: "..."

For the treatment of the undercurrent, Drew is not very agreeable.

He was still a roommate with Rosen and Ling Yu. Although he was not deeply involved with Ling Yu, he was a classmate for three years. He watched the tomb being executed and Drew felt very sad. At that time, he did not have a voice. These regulations were settled after the discussions of the older generation of generals. Now that he has succeeded the head of the army, he has to go through the consent of several other generals if he wants to change the rules of the military.

Berg was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "I am a lucky omega, because I met you."

Looking at the man sitting on the edge of the bed, Berg's gaze gradually became gentle. "You have been very good to me all these years, respect me, treat me kindly, and even let me give birth because I am not good, even if I am People laugh at you, you don't care."

Drew’s look was a little moving, not too comfortable to start.

Berg continued: "A lot of omegas are not as lucky as I am. They are only responsible for giving birth at home, and even lose their human rights. Those alphas treat them like pets... Can you appreciate their feelings?"

Drew is silent.

"Snow is only 18 years old. If you hand him over to the military court, his life will be ruined. The child has not made any big mistakes. As an omega, it must be very hard in these years. You will have the heart to do this. Is a child living in a dark prison for a lifetime?"

Drew moved his lips, "I..."

Berg whispered softly: "This time, just look at your son's share, let me and Snow, let's go?"

Drew: "..."

The military order, the identity of the lover, the infatuation of the son...

Drew’s heart is full of contradictions. As a general, he should abide by military regulations and arrest undercurrent members. As a husband, how can he get his hands on Berg's body? As a father, how can he put his son's favorite person in jail?

Berg, this person who has accompanied him for more than 20 years, is usually not enough for people who have pains on their apex...

How is he willing?

How are you willing?

The two looked at each other. After a long time, Berg suddenly said: "Drew, come over..."

Drew hesitated for a moment, thinking that his hands were tied up, and he should not use his anesthesia needle to tie himself...

Then I came together with confidence and asked, "What?"

Berg smiled and kissed the man's ear, and whispered, "...I love you."

"..." Drew's eyes widened in shock.

After so many years of marriage, Berg never said this. When he was chasing him, Drew actually knew how reluctant Berg was when he came over. This cold and proud prince finally took the initiative to say what he wanted to hear when he dreamed...

Drew looked at him intricately.

Berg smiled and said softly: "As long as you don't take me into jail, how can you punish it later, will you?"

"..." said everything to this point, Drew can only accept his fate, and stretched out his strong arm and hugged him. He said with a hoarse voice: "Well, I have never seen Snow today... and know that I can't bear it..."

After saying that it was close to Berg's waist, the punishment generally kissed hard.

The heartbeat of the heartbeat was soon heard in the bedroom.


Brian didn't think of it at all. In order to convince his father, Dad said, "Punished with you" is a **** one.

At this moment, Brian and Snow just rushed to the space station, and another day is the celebration of the 600th anniversary of the Empire. The space station of the Capital Star is very strict, although it is already 2:30 in the morning, the space station is still crowded.

The two men passed the check together, and Habi, who slept very well in Brian's arms, was awake by a doctor at the serum monitoring station, and looked up at Brian with tears, but found Snow also standing coldly. The face is somewhat unnatural pale.

Habib waved his paws to Snow, and Snow looked away from his eyes and squinted.

Habib had to retreat back to Brian’s arms and continue to yawn.

The check of the interplanetary pass passed smoothly. The two men boarded the Pearl spaceship with their pets. Berg ordered a VIP ticket. Unlike the ordinary boat cabin of four people, this vip ticket is a double. The two beds in the cabin are much larger than the beds in the ordinary cabin, as well as sofas and tables, which are very warmly arranged like a temporary hotel.

It was only after the spacecraft finally took off and left the capital star that Brian had a long sigh of relief.

As long as he leaves the capital star and returns to school, Snow is temporarily safe. With Dad, Brian believes that Dad can certainly convince his father to let go of Snow... Although General Drew’s temper has always been straightforward, after all, Snow is only 18 years old, has not done anything bad, just because of the identity of omega was arrested. It is too unfair to go to jail.

Looking back at Snow, I found that Snow was sitting on the bed with his head down and wondering what he was thinking.

Brian walked over to him, and Snow felt a shadow over his head. He was about to look up. Brian suddenly reached out and lifted his chin, and kissed him.

Snow was caught unprepared and stared in shock. "You...hey..."

The moment he was surprised at opening his mouth, Brian's tongue immediately sneaked in.

Snow stiffly straightened his back and extended his hand to push him. Brian had already expected it. He immediately grabbed Snow's hand and pressed it down. He pushed Snow directly onto the bed, and his hands crossed and folded over his head. .

Brian's tongue licked the gums, sweeping through the oral mucosa, smothering Snow's tongue and sucking it up.

"Oh... oh yeah..."

The surrounding area was too quiet. The sound of his tongue across the mouth was infinitely magnified in the ear, the mouth was blocked by the knot, and between the lips and the teeth, the saliva that was too late to swallow flowed down the corner of the mouth, and soon the clothes were wet. collar.

He was wearing his clothes, and the loose casual clothes had opened the placket in the struggle. The delicate collarbone was exposed. The boys who were pressed on the body were extraordinarily heavy. Snow wanted to resist, but the rich alpha atmosphere. But let him completely lose his strength.


Snow lay there stiffly, with Brian's deep kiss, his fingers trembled, but he couldn't help but get the nerve anesthesia hidden in his sleeve. He knew that as long as he took out the anesthesia needle and gently licked Brian's skin, Brian would be immediately put down. However, for the eyes that Brian had almost fired, Snow suddenly didn't want to do this.

Brian seems to be angry... Did he know it?

Because he didn't want to be in trouble with Brian, Snow did not resist and obediently accepted the kiss.

The long kiss is like letting time suddenly come to a standstill.

The frequency of the heartbeat was so fast that Brian's scorching breath was all on his face. The rich pheromone of alpha surrounded him, and Snow's fingers tightened hard, and the eyelashes kept shaking.

A strong battle - the feeling of chestnut is as straight as the current, the legs are soft and the mind is blank.

Snow felt that he was almost suffocating.

Brian still kissed unsatisfiably. At the moment when Snow lost his heart, he suddenly turned Snow over, pulled down his collar and kissed Snow's white skin.

"..." Snow stunned his eyes wide open, and the moment the sensitive part of the back neck was kissed, the whole body seemed to be suddenly overpowered, and the strong stimulation caused the body to bounce directly from the bed!

Brian gently pressed Snow's body, sticking his tongue out and slamming through the back neck. Snow's body almost immediately softened. The original white skin beneath the slender neck quickly changed under Brian's kiss. It became a seductive pink.

Snow began to struggle fiercely, and a hoarse voice was heard in his mouth. "Don't... don't touch there..."

The part of the back of the neck that hides the gland is a sensitive band of the omega body.

He really is omega...

Brian stopped in a complicated mood and looked at the skin that was smashed into pink in front of him. The omega gland was hidden under the skin. It was the source of the omega pheromone, as long as it bites down...

Brian heard the sound of his heart pounding.

There is a voice in the brain that is shouting, biting down, biting him, he is yours, marking him, he can't escape...

However, Snow’s fierce struggle with desperation almost made Brian’s heart suddenly unable to bear.

- This is his Snow, is his favorite Snow, how can he be willing to force him?

For omega, such a strong mark is no different from being a strong-violent. Although the body of omega is not an opponent of alpha, it may even obey because of the influence of pheromone, but the psychological damage is incalculable.

Brian took a deep breath and calmed his emotions, turning Snow over.

Snow's lips had been bitten out of the blood, and there was a mist in his eyes. Brian snorted and immediately lifted him up, soothing and gently following his back. "I'm sorry... I, I don't. Will force you... I just wanted to confirm..."

Snow's eyelashes trembled fiercely. After a while, he whispered, "Do you know?"

Brian nodded. "Um..."

Snow suddenly tightened his hand, as if he was determined, he voluntarily lowered his head and let his white and slender neck completely violent - exposed in front of him, whispered: "... Mark me."

Brian snorted. "What?"

Snow: "..."

This Brian, didn't you really want to bite? Now let you take the initiative to let you bite, why are you so shocked? !

Snow is silently silent, "Mark me" is so bold and active, he is embarrassed to say a second time.

Fortunately, Brian only reacted for two seconds and immediately reacted. He was surprised to see the teenager who had voluntarily lowered his head and exposed his slender neck. He reached out and gently touched the part of his back gland. His fingers were a little trembling.

Snow was so touched by him that his body could not help but tremble.

The two looked at each other. Brian slowly slid in. First, he gently kissed the skin near the gland. When he saw that the body was stiff but did not resist, he was happy and could not help but whisper. Asked: "... is it ok?"

Snow didn't answer, and closing his eyes gently was a kind of acquiescence.

Brian no longer hesitated, opened his mouth and bit hard!


There was a hoarse scream in Snow’s mouth.

The skin of the back neck is bitten by the teeth, and the blood and saliva blend together. The gland is completely immersed in the pheromone of the alpha boy in front, and the strong alpha pheromone invades rapidly from the bitten gap. The entire body's defense line almost collapses instantly!

The omega pheromone, which has been hidden for a long time in the body, flows like a sudden activation, greedily greets it, and the alpha pheromones happily blend with each other.

The strong fast-sensing brushed through every pore like the current, and the clothes were soaked in sweat almost instantly.


The process of marking seems to be extraordinarily long, and the wave of pheromones in the body makes Snow's body tremble fiercely.

Brian's teeth slammed the gland of the back neck, leaving a clear mark on it, and Snow's trepidation in his arms made his heart suddenly rise to a strange satisfaction.

If it is not rational, he really wants to bite through Snow's body and swallow the whole of Snow!

It wasn't until five minutes later that Snow finally couldn't bear it, pushing Brian hard. "Enough... enough..."

Bite again, is he trying to bite the piece of meat directly?

Brian paused with satisfaction and kissed Snow's lips gently. He smiled embarrassedly and said: "The first time I mark it, I don't know how long it will take... Is this all right?"

As he spoke, he reached out and touched the mark on Snow's neck. Sure enough, the mark was very standard, clear and profound.

Snow was touched by him, his body trembled a little, and his face suddenly floated red.

For omega, the mark on the back neck is the same as the body-like **** of the body. It is the most sensitive part of the body. It is marked by its own alpha touch. In addition to the comfort, it can also be used as a kind of emotion. s method.

Snow was touched by his body and it was soft and almost fell directly into his arms.

It was Brian who loved the imprint, touched it, and kissed it, making Snow very incomparable.

Snow couldn't help but blush: "Good, good."

Brian was pleased to take back his hand and happily hugged Snow, whispering in his ear and saying, "Snow, I like you..."

Snow didn't respond, and Brian kissed him again and whispered, "You like me too, right?"

Snow: "..."

On the look he looked forward to, Snow suddenly found that he could not say the word "no".

Originally selected Brian, just to let him mark himself in a special case, so as not to cause other alpha attention to cause unnecessary trouble.

The batch of drugs that I brought out from the dungeons will take a while to make inhibitors. The pheromone in the body has been unstable for a few days. Since Brian already knows his identity, let him mark himself and suppress it. The fluctuation of pheromone in a j□j is also the best of both worlds.


At the moment when Brian stroked the mark left by the back neck and said softly, "I like you," Snow suddenly felt that his heartbeat was out of control, and he didn't even dare to look forward to the alpha look in front of him... ...

At that moment, he suddenly had a strange idea -

Choosing Brian is the best decision he has ever made since he was a child.

The author has something to say:

The fathers have a strong sense of existence, cough, because the protagonists are only 18 years old now, domineering side leakage is a bit too fictional, the fathers have experienced a lot after all, mature uncle also has a cute point~

This copy can be summarized as: Lin Yuan and Snow go to Cepheus together, and come back with a bite on the neck~


Ps: Round from sleep in 2013 to 2014, give him the best sleep award!

As the first protagonist, I was hiding 5 chapters in the snow. In order to compensate, I decided to give the meat of 10,000 words in the round:)

Lin Yuan was awakened by the author, and the next chapter was finally dawn! 2k novel reading network

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