MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 122 The foreigner's article -05

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The foreigner's article -05

Drew sent a building to the warehouse as a mech warehouse. It was only tentatively trying to please his wife. I did not expect this practice to accidentally touch Berg.

Since the first estrus, the two men have completed the mark of each other, Drew and Berg have always been in a "closed friendly distance", Drew usually can not even touch Berg's hands, always cold after the dinner Cold and rushed to go to the next bedroom to sleep, over time, sleeping in the study has become Dru's habit.

After a long time, the marriage was over, and after the gift was given, Berg’s attitude was obviously shaken. Drew looked down at the white face of the man in his arms, his heart pounding, and the night wind was so drunk. .

Although I wanted to hug with Berg for a long time, I was afraid that he would blow up and cool, and simply picked him up and turned back to the bedroom.

Berg didn't struggle, but when he was taken to bed by a man, his face was not very natural, and his ears were slightly reddened.

Seeing that the time for sleeping is coming, Berg turned over and lie down against the man sideways, whispering: "The time is not early... rest."

This is the usual "I want to rest, go back." Although it is only a few words, the meaning is very different.

Drew stunned and immediately responded that Berg would leave him in the house tonight, excitedly in addition to clothing, put on his pajamas, carefully climbed into the bed and got into the bed, gently hugged from behind Lived in Berg.

Berg's body is obviously stiff, and the man behind him is holding him stubbornly, giving him no chance to escape.

The sensitive ear is contained in the mouth by the man. Berg is trying to hide, but he hears the low voice from the other side: "I miss you..."

Berg: "...",

Berg's heart suddenly softened.

This man's mouth is stupid, and there is no technical content in his speech. It is such a simple and straightforward expression that he can always hit Berg's weakness.

The prince of Berg, who was originally proud and indifferent, never thought that he would one day be soft on the man who was only married for political marriage, and even because of the simple words of this honest man.

Drew didn't know Berg's volatility at the moment. Berg ignored him. He continued to say, "I have been thinking about you every day for three months. I often dream of you at night... ...I am talking about it, I miss you..."

Berg: "..."

The lines of numbness are spoken by Drew's serious tone, but they are extraordinarily sincere.

Berg's heart was soft, but he was embarrassed to respond to Drew's confession. In the past few months, in fact, he will occasionally think of this man, worried that Drew will be in danger on the front line... However, Berg’s proud personality is impossible to say these words, just relax the body. Gently leaning against the man's arms, looking for a comfortable posture and closing his eyes. .

Drew noticed Berg's relaxation, his arms across his chest tightened tightly, holding Berg tightly into his arms, plucking the back of Berg's neck and sucking his nose, smelling him. The refreshing smell is only satisfying and stable.

- This is his omega, the person he likes. They will soon welcome a child who has a **** bone. What is more happier than this?

To be a father's Drew mood is very excited, the action at the bottom of the hand is very careful, holding Berg in his left hand, his right hand moved to his soft belly, gently put the warm palm up, feel the place there The little life that was born.

I have been away for too long. When I came back, my child was more than four months old. Berg had already passed the stage of fainting in the early stages of pregnancy. Now everything is stable. His body shape is thin and he can’t see anything. After undressing, I found that the abdomen was very obvious. Drew put his hand on it. Occasionally, he could feel the active little guy in the belly greet his father and kicked and kicked.

Drew felt very magical. He moved the other hand down and gently massaged Berg's waist with both hands. He whispered seriously and asked, "Ber, is it hard to get pregnant?"

Berg: "..."

Drew said: "I haven’t been able to take care of you in the past few months. I won’t be in the future. I will apply to stay with the military to stay in the capital star and stay with you until our children are born.”

Berg: "..."

Drew gently pressed Berg's waist and smiled and said, "I know a good doctor. I will accompany you to the hospital to check it out tomorrow."

Berg: "..."

Drew’s hand moved to the raised abdomen and tentatively touched it. “Yes, guess this time it’s a son or a daughter? It’s so bad, should it be a kid?”

Berg: "..."

Drew said: "No matter son or daughter, it looks like you are... We give the child a name, Bled Blaize? Or Brian? Which one do you think is good?"

Berg: "..."

Berg had not responded, and Drew looked down and found that the man in his arms had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Unlike the indifference and alienation in the weekdays, Berg looks asleep and gentle.

He had a good look, and at the moment, under the warm yellow light, the white face was like a good jade. The thick eyelashes cast a faint light and shadow on the eyelids, breathing evenly, the lips gently squatting, and looking relaxed in Drew's arms, it seemed to sleep very comfortably under Drew's massage, even the brows Stretched open.

Drew looked at him slyly. After a long time, he took his hand off his abdomen, helped him cover the quilt, and then leaned over his forehead to gently print a good night kiss.

"Ber, I love you..."

"I love you……"

The whispered confession did not receive any response. Drew feels very happy and satisfied when he looks at the man who sleeps relaxed in his arms.

- As if he had this man, he has the whole world.


In the summer of the following year, in the vip ward of the Capital Star Empire Central Hospital, a healthy and lively little baby boy was born in the expectation of everyone. His Majesty and his Queen finally married three omegas and finally ushered in one. The prince of alpha - named Nishizawa.

The birth of Nishizawa made the whole royal family overflow with the atmosphere of joy. After all, the queen gave birth to three omegas, which made the royal family a very headache. Finally, there was an alpha prince, at least the inheritance of the emperor did not worry.

The feelings of Berg and Trande are as deep as their brothers. They are very happy with the little prince. He is also very happy. On the second day after the birth of Nishizawa, Berg, who is Uncle Wang, prepared some gifts, personally. Go back to the palace to visit.

Berg was pregnant more than a month later than Queen Anne. It is reasonable to say that he and Drew’s children should be born one month later than Nishi, but on the day when Berg went to visit the Nishizawa in the palace, he suddenly suffered from abdominal pain. , accidental premature delivery. The little prince hadn't seen it yet, and his grandfather sent Berg directly to the hospital.

After receiving the news, Drew immediately went crazy to the Central Hospital. At that time, Berg had already closed his eyes in bed and was being sent to the operating room by the doctor.

He only had time to look at Berg, and the door of the operating room isolated his view.

However, it was that one eye that was enough to make Drew’s distressed almost collapsed. Berg’s forehead sweated like a rain, his body hurts, but he struggled to stop talking, his lips were bitten out of his blood, his face was pale. Like paper, it is as weak as it seems to be deflated at any time.

The doctor said that Berg's physique is special, this time the dystocia will be quite dangerous, please ask the family to be mentally prepared.

Drew is going crazy when he hears this!

As the heir to the Bech family, Drew was considered to be the second generation of the army, and he never feared anything, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered how much he was afraid of losing this person...

He is afraid of losing Berg and is terrified.

Among the three groups of abo, omega has the highest chance of pregnancy, and the offspring are also the easiest, and some omegas are likely to die because of physical problems.

In case... in case of Berg’s accident...

Drew simply did not dare to think about that.

He stood stiffly outside the operating room, and the intense fear made his whole body blood cool. He could only hold his fist tightly and pierced his nails deeply into his palm. The bottom of my heart is like a broken ice, and the numbness almost loses consciousness.

When the elders of the Bech family heard the news, they were all scared by Drew's expression - they had never seen such a painful look on Drew's face. The man is young and calm, and he is honest and loyal. He is very popular with his elders. Even on the front line, the expression on this man's face is always calm.

But at this moment, he was like a wounded beast, staring at the indicator light on the operating room, his eyes covered with bloodshot, as if he could go crazy at any time...

Drew stood out as a statue outside the door of the operating room for a whole night.

Every second is as long as a century. He looks at the nurses and looks in and out in a hurry. He looks at the fresh blood that is being sent to the operating room. He even... dare not go up and ask Berg. Happening.

Near the early hours of the morning, General Barnard, the head of the Snake Legion, also heard the news and patted the shoulders of the scorpion and comforted him: "You don't worry too much. Now the medical level is so developed, Berg is not There will be something."

After a moment of silence, Drew whispered: "Whether this is a child, then... I don't want to have any more children."

Barnard looked at Drew with surprise. He saw a firm look from the eyes of this blind man. He was as firm as he said at the time, "Uncle, I want to marry Berg, I like him."

In the empire, especially the family of the Bach family, alpha has to leave a large number of descendants for himself and the family, so as to choose the most suitable heir. Drew said that he does not want to have children anymore...

Barnard frowned and lowered his voice. "You are the successor of the Long Snake Corps. Don't be mad at it! How can we have a child at the Bech family?"

Drew whispered, "Uncle, you don't understand..."

——You don’t understand what it’s like to look at someone who loves deeply but can’t do anything. You don’t understand what it means to me if you lose him... I won’t let him suffer this kind of suffering anymore, I can’t afford it. just in case.

Drew clenched his fist tightly and said seriously and firmly: "Don't persuade me, I have already decided. When this child is born, he will be my only child."

General Barnard also wanted to say that at this time, the doctor suddenly came out and held a small baby in the nurse's hand. The doctor took off his mask and walked to Drew's face. He smiled and said: "Reassured, father and son are safe."

In a word, let Drew's moment go from **** to heaven.

The doctor said: "The son is born, the gene is an alpha, it is eight pounds, very healthy."

When he spoke, he told the nurse to show him the child. Drew shuddered and took the little baby from the nurse's hand. The little guy was crying out loud and grinning. The crying was very loud and it looked very healthy and strong.

Drew trembled and asked: "What about Berg?"

The doctor said: "I have already sent it to the vip ward. The body is still very weak, so I can save it."

Drew nodded and glanced at the little crying little guy in his arms. He turned to the ward and went to see Berg.

Berg had just been transferred to the vip ward. As the doctor said, it was very weak. It was like a serious illness. He was lying on the bed pale, with a bunch of monitoring instruments attached to his body and a bottle of nutrient solution hanging from the back of his hand.

Drew walked to his bed and sat down, shaking his fingers, and repeatedly kissing on his lips. He whimpered and said, "You're fine... nothing... just fine..."

The warm liquid quickly wet the back of the hand.

Berg groaned and looked up, only to find that the man actually cried.

At that moment, Berg's heart slammed like a hammer. He never thought that there would be a man crying for him, and that man was still alpha.

The tears on the back of the hand, the burning temperature seems to burn the heart.

Until this moment, Berg felt that this man is so deeply in love with him.

The painful production process almost killed his life, but at that moment, Berg actually felt very warm.

At the moment when the man was crazy and holding his newborn son into the ward, the man repeatedly said "you are fine" when the man sits on the bed and holds his hand and tears. that moment……

Inexplicable in my heart, very warm.

It’s like when his parents died, he was alone and lived alone in the capital’s other courtyard. His wife, who had just stepped into the throne, took him to the palace and said, Berg, don’t worry, there is a brother, here It is your home.

At that time, Berg thought that the Imperial Palace would be his home for the rest of his life, and His Majesty Trand was the closest family member of his life.

On the day he left the palace and married Drew, his heart was cold, because he would have been alone since then.

But now, he suddenly found out that he seemed to find another place that made him feel warm and at ease.

- That is Drew.

- Deru, who loves him deeply and who will cry in front of him.

Drew's tears wet Berg's entire back, and the little guy in his arms was crying tired, stopped crying, staring at the blue father's big eyes curiously turning his head and looking at the two fathers.

Drew finally calmed down, wiped his face indiscriminately, took a deep breath, held his son in front of Berg, and said softly and softly: "Ber, you see, our son is very healthy, the doctor said he has eight The weight is heavy. The eyes are like me, the others are like you..."

Berg looked at the little baby in Drew's arms. In fact, such a small child couldn't see the five senses, but the blue eyes did inherit the characteristics of his father Drew. It looked like a miniature version of Germany. Lu.

Berg couldn't help but poke the little guy's fleshy face with his fingers. The little guy was poked unhappy. Wow cried again. Berg smiled and touched his son's head and whispered: "You must take him to the baby room first. I am too tired to sleep for a while."

Drew quickly stood up, turned and took his son to the baby room and handed it to the nurse. Then he went back to the bed and sat down, gently holding Berg's hand and said, "Let's sleep, I am here to accompany you."

Berg said: "No, you go back to sleep."

Drew clenched Berg's hand and said stubbornly: "I am here to accompany you."

On his resolute gaze, Berg had no choice but to smile and gently closed his eyes.


The strange thing is that this man is with him. He slept very well this night.

When I woke up at noon the next day, Berg looked down and saw a furry head at hand. Drew was so asleep at the bedside, and a tall man squatted on the bed and looked like a group. Quite sad, Berg couldn't help but reach out and touch the man's head. The man's hair was short and hard, just like his direct and candid temper.

Some of the hard and hard hair is tied, but the feeling of the bottom of the heart is soft.

Berg patiently helped him straighten out the messy hair. Just finished half of it, Drew woke up and looked up at Berg's line of sight. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Are you awake? Sleeping Ok?"

Berg: "... um."

I don't know what's going on, just such a simple confrontation, but Berg feels special peace of mind and calm.

The morning sun sprinkled through the window screen. The young man who had just become a father, his face was handsome and dazzling. He leaned down and kissed his lover's forehead and whispered, "Wait a moment, I am going to show my son to you."

After a moment, Drew pushed the crib to Berg's ward.

The little guy woke up early in the morning, was fed by the nurse, and couldn’t do it. He shook his head and looked left and right. Drew pushed the crib to the bed of Berg, and lifted Berg to give him the back. Padded a pillow.

Berg picked up his son, shook his son's little hand, and whispered to Drew: "Is the name taken?"

Drew said: "The father and the uncle have come over last night. The elders discussed it. According to the tradition of the Bach family, they took a few names and chose which ones to use. I told them to wait for you to wake up. Come and decide."

Drew took a few alternative names to Berg, and Berg glanced at it and thought, "It's called Brian."

Drew immediately nodded: "Well, it's called Brian."

Seeing Berg playing with a child, Drew smiled and said, "I am going to buy lunch for you, what do you want to eat?"

Berg said: "Well, whatever."

Drew came over and kissed Berg's forehead, pinching his son's face, and then turned and went to buy lunch.

Berg looked up at the tall back of the man who turned away, and looked down at the blue eyes of his son's sparkling eyes. The lips couldn't help but raise a faint smile.

He knew that from this moment on, there were two people whose names were deeply engraved into his heart.

One of them is Drew and the other is Brian.

They will be the most important of Berg's life - the family.

The author has something to say: I am coming back~ will continue until the end, oh everyone!

123 romance is a little pumping these days, if you can't brush it, please change it to my try.

Berg wrote so long because of the fact that Lieberg’s plays were few and there were more pits left. Others should not be written so long. The Berg article is still about 2 chapters. The next is Snow, Ling Yu, Lin Yuan, and Ling Feng and Udil can write a chapter. .

The big prince's new article opened on the 19th, welcome everyone to follow up:) 2k novel reading network

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