MTL - Abe the Wizard-Chapter 1500 Wizard Spirit

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Chapter 1500: Wizard Spirit

Abel was unaware of the plans of the two fledglings. He was looking at the eighteen divine wizards at this moment, hesitating in his heart what to do.

"Master Dragon God, what do you think these god-level wizards should do?" He asked, leaning towards Dragon God, who was looking at him with a different look.

"Abel, don't call me Lord, call me by name Louis!" Dragon God bowed back and said earnestly, and after he stood up and looked at the eighteen god-level wizards, he continued: "They didn't Do evil, and let them swear allegiance to you! "

"Master Albert, my McAfee wizard is willing to be loyal to you. If you violate it, the world will punish him!" When the McAfee wizard heard the words of the dragon god, the first one kneeled in front of Abel in the air. , Shouted.

Just now, he saw what he thought was an invincible existence, and the Wizardry Guild President Basham God-level wizards fled, leaving them as god-level wizards, and fled.

This reflects that the Basham **** wizards have no feelings for them, they help him fight when needed, and leave them alone to escape when dangerous.

It also reflects the power of Abel. Both Basham wizard and archangel Tyrrell can only run away in front of Abel, so who else can defeat Abel in this world.

From the first appearance of Abel in this world to the invincibility of today, it was only over ten years.

With such existence, he had no hesitation in being loyal to a little divine wizard.

Coupled with the first to be loyal to Abel, it would benefit the most.

He doesn't think that other god-level wizards dare to swear allegiance, and in the face of life and death choices, believe that god-level wizards will not have a second choice.

Immortal existence, more afraid of death, only after having eternity, did I know the short-term fear.

Abel heard the allegiance of the McPhee wizard, and he couldn't help but hesitated. The dragon **** just mentioned it, and the **** wizard immediately loyalty.

However, he immediately responded that this was the main force of the Wizarding Guild. As long as these god-level wizards were restricted by vows, at least the Basham god-level wizards would lose control of the Wizarding Guild.

Maybe he can directly accept the Wizarding Guild and become his power.

"Macpherd Wizard, I accept your allegiance!" Thinking of this, he stepped forward and put his hand on the shoulder of Macpherd Wizard, said Shen.

During the conversation, a strange power poured into the body of the McFay Sorcerer.

"This is a world power from a different world. When you are in danger, you can protect you or notify me!" He said with a smile, seeing the doubts on the face of Macfi's god-level wizard.

"Thank you, Albert!" Even if McFee the Wizard knew that the power of the world would not be that simple, he thanked him.

With the demonstration of McPhee's god-level wizards, the other seventeen god-level wizards also stepped forward and swore allegiance, and the same Abel entered a power of the world in each of them.

As Abel said, the greatest power of this world power is that when they meet the Barsham **** wizard, they will not be affected by the high-level suppression of the other party, and at least it will not be a problem to escape.

And after the power of this world senses Basham's divine wizard and archangel Tyrrell, he will pass the coordinates to him, so that he can come immediately.

Of course, if any god-level wizard dares to break the vow, then the power of this world will also punish those who break the oath.

The eighteen god-level wizards here are all understanding people, and they willingly accept the power of this world in order to obtain the recognition of Abel.

"Do you, Albert, go to the Wizarding Guild Headquarters and receive it from the Wizarding Guild Headquarters before the Basham God Wizard?" McFee Wizards stepped forward and asked.

"Louis, are you going with me to the Wizarding Guild Headquarters?" Abel turned to ask Dragon God.

"Abel, this is your personal business. Your private forces just need to help when the dragons are in danger!" Dragon God said, shaking his head.

After knowing Abel's strength, he has no intention to interfere with Abel's affairs. With Abel's current strength, even if Abel needs to become the dragon **** of the dragon family, he is willing to give up.

Obviously, Abel didn't mean it, and still respected him. Before making a decision, he should consult him.

"Then I and the god-level wizards will return to the wizard's headquarters first!" Abel bowed to the dragon **** and said goodbye.

This doomsday defensive wall has completely lost its role since today. The wizards here have long been evacuated, and no one needs to be left.

In the future, this place may become a place to visit. It records the history of the mainland's resistance to the devil in the world, and it is also an excellent cultivation place. With thousands of years of continuous investment, the cultivation environment here has reached the top magic tower standard.

Abel entered the wizarding guild headquarters with the 18 magical wizards and the ‘brother’ that he had taken into the space beast ring.

Eighteen god-like wizards gathered around Abel and teleported to the basement of the Wizarding Guild headquarters.

To gain control of the Wizarding Guild's headquarters, you only need to gain Wizarding Spirit authority from the Wizarding Guild.

The wizard's spirit is the greatest secret in the wizarding guild, but for secret wizards, everyone knows it.

Macpherd's **** wizard was the most active. He walked forward and came to a small humble warehouse in the basement.

In this small warehouse, there are some materials that are not very important. Of course, these materials are just to hide the difference here.

In the middle of the small warehouse, the McFee God-level wizard moved forward and removed a carpet on the ground, revealing the chaotic figure below.

He pushed the figures on the ground with his hands, and it took him ten minutes to rearrange the figures into a complete figure.

Abel saw it aside. There was no use of a magic circle here, it was completely the purest organ, and only this organ could not attract the spiritual attention of the wizard.

However, the chaotic graphics here still need to be rearranged for ten minutes if they are informed. Once they are uninformed, it will take longer.

After the figure was complete, there was a slight tremor on the ground. If this tremor came secretly, it would definitely be found by the wizards who were staying at the headquarters of the wizarding guild.

A door was then separated on a wall of the small warehouse.

There are some cryptographic organs on the door, which are also pure organs. At the same time, the materials here are extremely special and cannot be destroyed to break into the door.

Of course, this door is not indestructible, but after it is forcibly destroyed, it loses access to the next institution.

After passing through six different institutions in a row, McFay's god-level wizard brought Abel and the god-level wizard into a room. In this room, there was only one teleportation circle.

A spirit was placed next to the teleportation matrix, and it appears that this spirit controls the teleportation matrix.

"Albert, you need to control this spirit in order to use this teleportation matrix. This teleportation matrix is ​​very special. It is the only teleportation matrix that can enter the wizard's spirit. The entrant cannot choose the target and is controlled by the spirit. "McFay God-level wizard pointed at the spirit.

Abel looked at the teleportation array, looked at the spirit again, and examined the room again.

This room uses a completely insulated material, which is often used in important places such as treasure troves, and is just here to hide a teleportation array.

And this spirit is also very special. In his perception, this spirit should be a special spirit, but I don't know what special ability it has.

"How do you drive this spirit?" Abel asked.

"This spirit is an abnormally generated spirit. There is no way to forcefully change permissions from the outside world. The only way is to have the majority of god-level wizards agree at the same time to change its ownership!" McPhee God-level wizard smiled. .

Abel did not believe that his spiritual power was connected to the elders around his waist and ordered the war commander to invade the spirit in front of him.

It was only very soon that he received a reply from the war commanding spirit in his spiritual power. This spirit had a natural defect, and had no external interface, so it could not be connected.

He shook his head. There are really strange spirits in this world. Normally, such a spirit is a waste spirit.

It can neither integrate into the spirit system nor communicate with other spirits, and it is extremely difficult to learn some knowledge.

But here, it is the best spirit. Through cultivation, you only need to learn how to control the teleportation matrix and reach a certain number of god-level wizards to change user permissions.

"Macpherd Wizard, you are responsible for changing the user permissions to mine!" Abe commanded to Macpherd Wizard with a smile.

"Yes, Lord Albert!" McPhee wizards bowed.

He came to the spirit, chanted a spell in his mouth, and then a god-level wizard came forward, chanting the same spell, while exuding his own breath.

When the fifteenth god-level wizard did the same thing, the spirit glowed a blue light.

"Master Albert, you connect your spiritual power to your spirit!" Reminded the Macfi's **** wizard.

Abel's spiritual power was connected to the spirit, but he found that he could not enter the spirit, but the spirit produced an acknowledged message. This spirit could not even reply to the complete language.

"Master, you can use the teleportation circle to go to the wizard's spirit, and then we can't help you!" Said McFee the wizard.

Abel nodded. His current strength is not afraid of any ambush. In addition, these god-level wizards have the power of his world, and the consequences of dare to deceive him are beyond the reach of these god-level wizards.

He stepped on the teleportation matrix step by step, and then the spirit flashed. He sensed that the teleportation matrix was activated, and he disappeared into the teleportation matrix.

When he reappeared, he felt extremely strong heat around him, and he saw that it was a room without doors and windows.

The floor, walls, and top of the room were red, which was red that was burned by fire.

If a weaker person enters here, they will be directly affected by the heat here, and they will be killed by heat at most in a few seconds.

Abel's body was extremely strong, he just felt the heat, but not to the extent that it affected his body.

However, he activated the 'Frozen Armor', and immediately the heat disappeared.

In the room, except for the teleportation arrays under his feet, the rest are densely packed. These arrays are all related to spiritual control. At the center, a huge fiery red spirit is being placed.

This huge fiery red spirit is full of one person tall and the size of a human being. This is the largest spirit he has ever seen.

"You are Abel. You did not qualify as the President of the Wizarding Guild. Exit immediately, otherwise I will detonate myself with you!" Just as Abel looked, a voice passed the sound reinforcement method in the matrix. The burst came out.

This was the first time Abel was threatened by a spirit. From this, we can also know that the wizard's spirit is extremely intelligent.

He expanded his mental power and felt everything around him. He found that it was in underground magma, even if his spiritual power could be 70 kilometers away from the outside world, but here in the underground, especially the magma. The distance is at most a few kilometers.

Anyway, at this time, his mental strength cannot detect the ground, and other things that can make signs.

He didn't know how the Basham God-level wizards put the wizard spirit here, but he could only lament the means of the Basham God-level wizard.

If it isn't for the Basham God-like wizards to give a glimmer of hope to other god-like wizards, he will set up a teleportation spirit that can enter here, and can be appointed by 15 god-like wizards at the same time.

He could never find it here and see the wizard spirit.

In fact, Basham God-level wizards do not believe that there are fifteen God-level wizards joining hands. In addition, he is very confident in his own strength, that is, who has snatched the post of the Wizarding Guild, and he can easily return to Of recovery.

All that he did opened the way for a stronger Abel.

Abel didn't pay attention to the threat of the wizard spirit, but once again contacted the war commander spirit spiritually.

"War command the spirit, give me the highest authority to get the spirit in front of me!" He ordered.

He doesn't believe that this wizard spirit is like the previous teleportation spirit, and cannot be connected. If it is really impossible to connect, then the wizard spirit cannot have such a powerful ability to control the entire wizard society and the entire central continent.

He saw the red light on the wizard spirit flashing constantly, and he seemed to be fighting the commander of war, but the aggressiveness of the commander was unmatched.

Maybe the wizard spirit can deal with the war command spirit for a few streets, but in terms of frontal battle, the war command spirit, an ancient war spirit, has unparalleled talent.

(End of this chapter)