MTL - Abe the Wizard-Chapter 1431 theft

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Chapter 1431 Stealing

Abel hesitated to control Pirate God Milton.

He was indeed greedy by the treasure in front of him, but no matter who, when facing such a treasure, how could he inadvertently develop the idea of ​​having it.

Maybe someone who doesn't know the role of the "world stone" doesn't understand it, but he really knows part of the function of the "world stone".

Every time he turns on the "Stone Fragment of the World", he can get the ability of dynamic vision, and the ability of super calculation and analysis, which makes his close combat ability greatly enhanced.

Although he has rarely used ‘Stone of the World’ to enhance combat effectiveness since he fought as a wizard, that does not mean that ‘Stone of the World’ is useless.

On the contrary, the more powerful he is, the more he feels the horror of ‘Stone Fragments of the World’.

Before, he was ignorant and fearless. When he possessed the divine covenant, he understood the power of the **** better.

‘Stone Fragment of the World’ has given him the power of a **** in the dark world, and on the continent he has cleaned up, it is like the land of his faith.

If it weren't for the low energy in the "Stone Fragment of the World", he would be able to achieve a level completely different from that of the gods on those continents of the dark world.

But before reaching for the "Heart of the World Stone", he had to consider the reaction of the Wizarding Guild after losing this treasure.

First of all, he is definitely the first to be suspected, because he has a super thief like the **** of thieves Milton, and he has also had a precedent to invade the wizards' headquarters.

He doesn't know how many people in the Wizarding Guild know the preciousness of the Heart of the World's Stone, and he has to consider the subsequent revenge of the Wizarding Guild.

I believe that anyone who knows the role of the "heart of the world" will recover the "heart of the world" at all costs.

Therefore, before taking the ‘heart of the world’ stone, he must consider how to get rid of his suspicion.

Before he came, he actually made some arrangements. If he wanted to steal some **** bodies again, as long as he was given some time to resurrect them, he could completely suppress the wizarding guild.

It was then found that he had stolen into the Wizarding Guild again, and the wizard wizards of the Wizarding Guild had no way to take him.

But the theft of such a heavy treasure is completely different.

The foundation of the Wizarding Guild is definitely not just the dozen or so god-level sorcerers, the mysterious president, or even the god-level sorcerers who may have more than thirty-eight levels.

He did not consider giving up the ‘Heart of the World’. He put such a treasure in front of him and did not take it.

There was a hint of resoluteness in his eyes, and he didn't hesitate anymore, but he didn't grab the 'heart of the stone' indiscriminately. Stone Heart 'together, sent into their own space items.

It was also at the moment when he put away the "Heart of the World Stone" that the entire Wizarding Guild headquarters issued a stern sirens.

He didn't panic. He knew very well that he had to enter the second basement level, and it was impossible to enter using ‘momentary movement’. The only way was to enter from the entrance.

He still had time, but he looked at the twelve gods with a pity, this time he couldn't take them away.

Although he took away the "Heart of the World Stone", it did not affect the operation of the entire huge magic circle.

He didn't dare to take the shot without knowing this huge circle. Just thinking about the nodes used by the twelve gods to operate the circle, he lost the idea of ​​trying.

He also understands why the last level of God Level 2 felt the danger here. On the one hand, God Level 2 is the divine spirit of the divine paladin. In fact, the huge magic circle here is indeed against God. Has a deadly threat.

With the small body of Thieves Milton, as long as he dares to touch this huge magic circle, its power can absolutely make him dead without a corpse.

Although he was thinking, his figure didn't stop. He left the huge circle at a steady speed and did not move towards the entrance, but stopped.

He took out the "Town Teleportation Matrix" from the space objects, his mental power was activated, and a water-blue portal opened. He stepped into it, and when he stepped in, his mental power swept through the portal and teleported. The door then closed.

The Blur divine wizard is a divine wizard sitting in Roaring Castle. As usual, he sits in the center of the roaring castle and feels the movement of the kingdom of God at any time.

Although the last attack of the kingdom of God was yesterday, in general, another attack will not come until tomorrow.

But he didn't dare to relax at all. Who knew that the lunatics of the kingdom of God would suddenly change the time of the attack.

In particular, most of the Wizarding Wizards of the Wizarding Guild have participated in the negotiations with Abel. There is only one Wizarding Wizard at the Wizarding Guild headquarters.

He did not want a divine paladin to come at this time, because it would take him a long time to allow the divine wizards involved in the negotiations to return.

Just as he was restless, the liaison circle in front of him heard a harsh alarm sound, which was the unexpected alarm at the core of the Wizarding Guild headquarters.

He didn't even hesitate, and didn't bother about the situation in Roaring Castle. The figure appeared in the teleportation circle, and then disappeared in Roaring Castle.

Regarding the core secrets of the Wizarding Guild's headquarters, Howler Fortress, although important, has not reached the point where it can put aside everything.

He knew very well that as long as he moved fast, the enemies who invaded the core of the wizard's guild headquarters could not escape at all.

Indeed, as soon as he appeared from the Wizarding Guild's teleportation circle, he immediately filled the entire Wizarding Guild headquarters with tyrannical spirit.

At the same time, the Collici-level wizards entangled in the air with the god-level number five also sensed that something had happened at the wizard's guild headquarters not far away.

He didn't pay attention to God-level No. 5, and he didn't even care if God-level No. 5 would kill the staff of the Wizarding Guild's headquarters by mistake.

Divine No. 5 did not hesitate after the Coleridge Divine Wizard left, the figure quickly activated 'momentary movement', and the body disappeared between flashes.

Coleridge Wizard is not far from the Wizarding Guild headquarters. He returned to the Wizarding Guild's headquarters several times, and looked at them with the Blüer Wizard, and then headed towards the basement together. OK.

Abel withdrew his spiritual wisdom. As a result of a world, even the soul chain, there was only a trace of faint induction, and it could not reach the level of control.

However, his mental strength was extroverted and headed towards the sky.

The Wizard of Nemesh, opposite him, had a strange behavior, but when he and the other wizards arrived, he had already discovered the Firefang War Fortress in the sky.

It's just that the Firefang War Bastion has opened its shield at this time. Although stealth has no effect on these god-level wizards, they also cannot see the internal situation.

"Inner Smith's god-level wizard, since we have already talked about it, the wizarding guild has shown enough sincerity, so I'm also honest, I actually hide a god-level combat power!" Abel seemed very embarrassed Said.

At this time in the Firefang War Bastion, a 'Town Teleportation Scroll' was activated by Abel's mental power to form a portal.

Thief Milton silently walked into the Firefang War Bastion from the other end of the space gate. His space items were not brought, but remained in the dark world.

The portal was then closed. Under the cover of the Firefang War Bastion, no one knew that a portal had just been opened in front of the gods.

Abel's words kept Nesmith's god-level sorcerer and god-level sorcerer nervous, and they looked into the sky.

At this moment, the **** of stealth Milton flew out of the Firefang War Bastion, in the eyes of the god-level wizards, just out of the void.

Thief Milton is not invisible. Although the god-level wizards sensed the Firefang War Fortress, Abel did not release the stealth of the Firefang War Fortress. This is his secret weapon. These god-level wizards can only perceive An energy shield exists and its shape cannot be perceived.

"It's a pirate!" Said McFay, a wizard of the wizard, softly.

Today, Milton ’s name is above the legendary level of the Central Continent, and he is very famous.

Many more people changed the name of Milton's **** to the **** of assassination to show the fear of the **** of stealing Milton.

So when the gods saw Milton the Pirate God appeared, they were nervous first, then relaxed.

Because only Milton, a thief who hides in the unknown darkness, is terrible, and there is no threat at all.

"Inner Smith god-level wizard, since you said last time, the evil country has slaughtered the second-tier battlefield cities because of the stealing of Milton.

Although we were very unhappy with each other due to the Hawthorn divine wizard, I still recalled the stealing **** Milton from the evil country! Abel said with a smile.

The kindness he showed at the moment was enough to show that he wanted to live in peace with the Wizarding Guild.

"Elder Abel, I believe that the Wizards Guild and you will be able to reach a stable and peaceful relationship!" Neith Smith, the wizard, also smiled back.

Just now he and Abel have reached an agreement on the dwarves, and the next step is the Order of the Wizards.

Hearing what Abel was saying at this time, I felt deeply Abel's kindness and could not help but feel peaceful.

Including him and these god-level wizards around him, no one wants to fight against Abel while fighting the kingdom of God.

Just when the atmosphere in the scene reached a rapport, a red-robed law enforcement wizard came over.

The appearance of the Red Robe Law Enforcement Wizard made the inner God ’s God-level wizard look amazing. There were 16 God-level Gods present, plus Abel, the equivalent of a God-level existence. bothering.

But when he saw the anxiety on the face of the red robe law enforcement wizard, he couldn't help but be shocked. This was an accident!

"Elder Abel, please wait!" He bowed and apologized to Abel.

"Please, please!" Abe, however, knew what had happened to his belly, but pretended to smile back with a smile.

Nesmith's god-level wizard came aside, listening to the red-robed law enforcement wizard reporting, the more he looked more gloomy.

All present were god-level, even if Abel was also a demigod, at this distance, it was extremely easy to inquire.

But apart from eight god-level wizards listening, Abel and the two god-level dragons did not overhear to avoid suspicion, but they talked to each other.

"Elder Abel, there is something wrong with the headquarters. Let's end it today, and I apologize to you later!" Neith Smith, the wizard, bowed to Abel.

Without waiting for Abel's response, all the god-level wizards inspired 'momentary movement' and headed towards the teleportation circle.

"The guild of wizards is becoming less and less polite!" Elder Eugene said dissatisfied.

Saying a word and turning away like this is an extremely rude behavior in the social world, not to mention that this is the negotiation process of the top forces in the Central Continent.

"Knowing this, you should ask for more benefits!" Elder Carlos continued.

This time, a lot of benefits have been squeezed out from the Wizarding Guild, so that the dragon-level god-level fire dragon has tasted the sweetness.

"Maybe something is wrong with the Wizarding Guild, otherwise they wouldn't be so anxious!" Abel replied with a smile.

He knew, of course, that the matter was too big for him to dare to disclose anything.

At the same time, his heart also decided that at least before his strength did not reach the **** level, the **** level five can no longer appear.

Fortunately, when he sent the god-level number five, he covered up all the special aspects of the god-level number five. Even the equipment and the like were covered with ordinary wizard robes.

As long as God No. 5 no longer appears and Abel's current God-level number, the Wizarding Guild cannot directly identify him without knowing that he has a resurrected God-level.

Of course, there are some people who know that he can resurrect the **** level, but these people are the few dragons of the dragon family and the goddess of the moon, both of which have the closest relationship with him, and the possibility of betraying him is zero.

Milton, the most suspected thief, was also used by him to expose himself to the wizarding wizards of the Wizarding Guild.

At least it can make the Wizards Guild down a level of doubt, and of course it is impossible to completely doubt him.

Quite simply, in this world, there are only a few forces that can compete with the Wizarding Guild.

The kingdom of God, the dragon race, the god-level sea beast, and the gods alliance are apart from Abel, a separate personal force.

So no matter what Abel does, the Wizarding Guild will put him at the forefront of suspicion. Just to find the corresponding evidence, it depends on the ability of the Wizarding Guild.

"Elder Abel, you are just too kind to speak for the Wizarding Guild at this time!" Elder Carlos shook his head.

The look in Abel's eyes was full of anxiety about Abel, and it seemed that Abel's kindness was harmful to Abel.

Where did he know that what Abel had shown was just to hide the great things he did!

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(End of this chapter)

Read Return of the Mount Hua Sect