MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 360 old acquaintance

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No. 046 is on the floor where Gu Lan and the others are now, but the door of this room is not the same as the dead white painted steel doors of other rooms. This door is bright red, like blood. The same color stimulates the human retina.

This door is very different, as if the owner of this room wants to make people feel his horror, it is very eye-catching.

As soon as Gu Lan stood at the door, she couldn't help laughing.

"I saw this door when I came here. I didn't expect it, no, no, I thought of it a long time ago. It really is different from this door."

After finishing speaking, Gu Lan looked at Yan Xiao, "Can we interrupt the rest of the people inside?"

Yan Xiao rubbed the center of his brows, "It's not very good."

Gu Lan understood, "It's okay if it's not very good. Yan Xiao and Yun Zhe, you stand behind, if the people inside blame you, help me take the blame, it's all because you didn't stop me."

The little brother who responded was the only one here who wanted to stop Gu Lan, but he was also the one who had the least right to speak.

Gu Lan stepped down hard, the blood-colored door was not broken, but a large piece of the door was obviously dented.

Gu Lan moved her ankles and wrists, "This door is quite strong, but it is not worthy of being called my enemy for life! I will kick it again!"

Gu Lan's strength is so strange, at least, the little brother who responded found that Gu Lan didn't look like a person...

Gu Lan kicked the door where the mentally ill who had escaped from the laboratory was kicked three times, directly making a hole.

The little brother who responded stared at the hole and swallowed his saliva.

What is in this hole, will a **** hand stick out suddenly, or a dead head with a long tongue protruding out of it, or...

Gu Lan put her hand into the hole and opened the door with her backhand.

The moment he saw Gu Lan stretching out his hand, the little brother who responded was suddenly not afraid. He always felt that if a ghost really dared to stick its head out, it would be wrenched off by Gu Lan directly with his hands.

Gu Lan is so fierce.

However, the "sense of security" of the little brother who responded was only for a moment. As the door opened, the red door seemed to be of poor quality.

Then, the simple everything in the house was revealed in the foggy environment in the corridor.

Inside the house, it was blood red.

In the small room, I can only see a big bed, the bed is bright red, the window curtains on the bed are covered, I don’t know if there are any strange things in it, other than that, it’s just a small dressing table , The mirror on the dressing table was covered with a red cloth.

Near the door, there is a pair of very small embroidered shoes no bigger than a human fist.

The little brother who responded saw this blood-stained door, and his legs were trembling non-stop. Humans are afraid of many things, afraid of unknown things, afraid of things that can hurt themselves...

Generally speaking, lunatics only have one thing, that is, they can hurt themselves, so they will feel fear.

But if it is a ghost, it is unknown and dangerous. I don't know when they will appear and how they will kill themselves.

The little brother who responded did not expect that things would start to develop in a more weird direction. He would rather a lunatic with a knife rush out of here, than kick the door open, and the inside would be blood red, like a blood-stained room.

"It's like... a scene from a ghost story..."

The little brother who responded said in a trembling voice.

Gu Lan looked inside, and inexplicably thought of her own dream, the dream where Hua Yin was tied under the bed, making Hua Yin look like a lantern ghost, and another woman who imitated her was sitting on the bed.

The bed in that dream seemed to be as big as it was.

Not only this, even that dressing table looks so familiar.

Gu Lan laughed all of a sudden, she smiled happily, and the little brother who answered her was so frightened that his legs were shaking like noodles, "You...don't laugh, don't you know how scary you are when you laugh?"

Yun Zhe was not happy when he heard this, he said very seriously to the little brother who was responding in a voice without ups and downs.

"Don't talk nonsense, master's voice, the best voice in the world."

Gu Lan added, "Yes, my singing voice is also the best in the world. Yan Xiao, what do you think?"

Yan Xiao doesn't like talking very much, after all, Gu Lan's singing voice is really—

"Good to hear."

After Yan Xiao finished speaking, he added, "It's very nice, the sound of nature, no one can have a voice like yours."

Gu Lan was happy, and the little brother who took care of him was going crazy. He always felt that there was a female ghost hiding in this room secretly watching him, looking at him... a female ghost!

Gu Lan glanced at the cowardly appearance of the little brother who was responding, and Gu Lan still comforted him very considerately.

"What are you afraid of? Red is so festive."

"Buildings in our country basically pay attention to Feng Shui. For example, red belongs to fire and represents happiness, so ghosts and ghosts will be avoided. Many red buildings are made to ward off evil spirits by turning their rooms red."

"So, a red room should be a very festive place. Don't be afraid."

The little brother who was responding heard Gu Lan's words as if he hadn't heard them. Can Gu Lan's nerves be the same as his?

Gu Lan's comfort was also perfunctory, it didn't matter whether the other party listened or not, Gu Lan looked into the room, she took off her shoes outside the room, Yun Zhe followed Gu Lan to take off her shoes, Yan Xiao frowned slightly—

He does a lot of exercise today, will there be a smell when he takes off his shoes?

Yan Xiao struggled, Gu Lan had already finished taking off her shoes, and put them aside neatly, then Gu Lan stood at the door and said politely.

"Hi, sorry to bother you. The house is so clean that I left my shoes outside. I went in. Thank you for your hospitality."

Gu Lan said it very politely.

Yun Zhe imitated the example and repeated Gu Lan's words. Yan Xiao frowned, made up his mind, took off his shoes, and put his shoes next to Gu Lan's shoes. Far.

Gu Lan, Yun Zhe and Yan Xiao looked so polite.

The little brother who is so polite to respond is going crazy!

There are ghosts inside! Obviously there is a ghost inside! Do you have to take off your shoes when you go to a haunted house? !

The problem does not seem to be this!

The question is, Gu Lan, does it make sense for you to kick open the door of someone's house, and then do it again, huh? !

No, no, the question is not right, the question is a haunted house! Are they not afraid! Haunted house!

The poor responding little brother has been driven crazy by them, and Gu Lan's operation made the people watching the big screen in the square completely unaware that when they saw the excitement, they started to give gifts to the anchor room.

"Thanks to the user for sending out the mud but not dyeing it is a rocket!"

"Thank you user, you are a Ferris wheel sent by Zhuzhuzhuzhu!"

"Thanks to the user I love you but you love the ten carnivals he sent!"

Gifts and barrages almost covered the entire screen, so the organizer blocked the barrages. The gifts alone are already dazzling enough. Just looking at this lively scene, it doesn't look like the end of the world, but it looks like prosperity.

Gu Lan's face on the big screen looked so special among the gifts one by one. The gifts were like fireworks blooming in the dark night, and she was in the dark.

Gu Lan walked into the red room.

The room was quiet, Yan Xiao held the gun and said in a low voice.

"The owner of this room is a very happy girl. Her family was very happy and happy at the beginning, but the changes of this era made her lose both her parents and her own leg."

"She was kidnapped into the experiment, but she never wanted to get out of the experiment. After she got out of the experiment, she fell into a state of madness. The reality made her completely crazy. Only the experiment can calm her down."

"In this prison, special patients can also be re-entered into the experimental treatment, and they can return to real life in a step-by-step manner. Unfortunately, as far as I know, this patient..."

Before Yan Xiao finished speaking, there was a sudden burst of laughter in the room.

"Hahahaha—! Someone came to my room again! Did you come to see my jokes too? Did you come to see how deformed my legs are? Hahaha—so funny! You also came to see my legs Is it?!"

"I'm actually beautiful, I can go! I'm not that deformed monster anymore hahahaha!"

Crazy laughter rang out from the room.

To be precise, it came from the direction of the bed.

The little brother who responded was dawdling at the door and dared not go in, but there were other sounds in the corridor, and it seemed that some monster was about to come out, so he could only roll into the bright red room without taking off his shoes. room.


He saw a big spider crawling upside down from under the bed.

Hmm... the upper body of this big spider is a person, a person wearing half clothes, and the lower body is the hairy spider legs, it has eight legs, eight powerful legs...

The little brother who responded fell to the ground with trembling lips, and had no strength left to stand up.

And Gu Lan looked at the other party's face, and the other party also looked at her, that face was an extremely old face, her voice sounded very young, but her face looked at least fifty or sixty years old, and her face was full of wrinkles And the face has drooped down.

Her body was completely deformed, and it was impossible to tell whether she belonged to a human being or the monster Gu Lan saw when she first came to this world.

She let out a hysterical laugh. It could be heard that behind her strong smile, she was extremely inferior. The mirror was covered because she didn't want to take a look at her own appearance.

Her bed is high, but she doesn't sleep on the bed, but hides under the bed... She is like a monster, an animal, an insect, and a human, she is inferior and overly sensitive, she hurts and chooses to hurt others, she closes herself ...letting myself live in the dream again.

Even in this place full of lunatics, she seemed out of place with other lunatics.

At least, the other guys still look like individuals.

Yun Zhe stared at the place where the woman's abdomen connected to the spider's legs. Yun Zhe analyzed the reasons for the formation of this body. In the memory of "Intelligent Brain Yun Zhe", there are many things that look like monsters or people.

"Semi-finished product."

Yun Zhe said to Gu Lan, "This is a semi-finished product of the experiment. Her spirit is extremely unstable and she may go crazy at any time. She is not a product of a failed dream experiment, but a product of gene fusion and tailoring."

On the big screen in the square, what Yun Zhe said was blocked, and no one heard it clearly.

The little brother who responded knew that Yun Zhe should not be allowed to say such things, so he immediately changed the subject, "Ah! It's so scary, what the **** is this? Is it a human or a monster?! Help! Leader Yan, why are you here? There will be such a thing in the confinement room?!"

What the little brother who responded didn't really want an answer.

Rather, the little brother who responded knew that such words could irritate the monster as quickly as possible, so that the monster could start some exciting plots that the audience would like to watch!

The half-spider woman heard the words of the little brother who was responding, and she was furious instantly. Her old face showed an angry expression, her arms were waving, and her eight spider legs were crawling flexibly to meet the little brother. Dismember!

"Shut up! You are laughing at me! You are laughing at me! My legs are beautiful! My legs are very beautiful! You are deformed if you have such legs! You are twisted hahahaha!"

When the half-spider girl was about to climb to the side of the supporting little brother, UU Reading Gu Lan suddenly spoke.

"Hi, long time no see. Eight legs crawl very fast. With these legs, I almost didn't recognize you."

When the half-spider woman heard this, she turned around, her spider legs moved accordingly, and then the half-spider woman stared at Gu Lan with eyes with big bags under her eyes. The moment she saw Gu Lan, her lips trembled .

"You—you are?!"

This face is—!

yes! —

Gu Lan smiled, "Xiao Mian, it really is you. You still wanted to look like me at the beginning, why, now that you see me, do you dare to really peel off my skin and put it on your face? I'll give you a chance."