MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 354 hello, have we met

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Gu Lan was too willing to do things, Yan Xiao also knew that Gu Lan was willing, he really wanted to pamper Gu Lan to make trouble, and then, seeing Gu Lan happy, he was happy.

The robot next to the responding little brother didn't expect it, it sounded the alarm, and then two men came with guns...

No, not two, three...

Well, it's four.

Yan Xiao opened his jacket, took a gun from it and threw it to Gu Lan, Gu Lan smiled brightly, the robot felt something was wrong, and the warning sound became louder.

"Warning, warning—danger warning! Warning! Warning—"

Before the robot finished warning, Yan Xiao walked up to a robot, picked up the handle of the gun and smashed it on the robot's head with a cold face, the robot's head immediately tilted to one side, and fell silent.

Yan Xiao said coldly, "You have a malfunction, it's time to report for repair."

Seeing Yan Xiao doing this, Gu Lan also shrugged, facing the robot who kept "warning" and "warning", Gu Lan said politely.

"Sorry, I think your neck is a bit straight."

Then, Gu Lan crooked the robot's neck.

Yun Zhe came over to have a look, his hand resting on the neck of the robot, and said to Gu Lan.

"Master, I can change their programs."

Gu Lan circled the gun around her fingertips, with a slight smile in her eyes, "Yun Zhe, I'll leave it to you."

On the other side, Hua Yin pulled the robot in front of him. He looked at the broken neck of the robot, raised his hand and gently wiped the liquid flowing from the opposite neck with his fingers.

This robot seems to have some bionic characteristics, so there are some special liquids in it. Hua Yin narrowed his eyes when he saw this liquid, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes.

"Yunzhe, play with one, I'll play with this one. It seems quite fun."

All of this made the little brother who was supporting him feel horrified.

Why are these people who came back from the laboratory different from others... It seems that something is not quite right.

The robot guarding the door sounded an alarm, and soon Yan Xiao's communication equipment rang. Yan Xiao turned it on, and seven or eight men and women inside appeared on the virtual display in split screens like a video conference.

Yan Xiao's face was indifferent, but these people's attitude towards Yan Xiao was angry.

A woman in her fifties slammed the table hard and scolded loudly.

"Yan Xiao, do you know what you are doing? You have seriously violated the laws we set! Hand over the people brought from the laboratory and hand them over to us for unified management! You are the leader, but the few of us have the right to deal with you!"

Another smiling man with a round face in his sixties sat on a chair with his hands folded. From the background, his room was very large, which was considered a super-class mansion. From the window, he could see the super-large display screen in the city.

He said with a smile, "Yan Xiao, it's not right for you to do something like this. Everyone trusts you very much. If you do this, you will live up to everyone's trust in you. If this continues, we have to..."

Before the old man finished speaking, Gu Lan couldn't help but said, "Can you stop talking so weird all the time, don't you think it's tiring?"

The smiling old man: ...

The old man was silent for a while, this smiling face that looked like a good old man suddenly became a little ferocious, and then his ferocity disappeared quickly, and became a little gentle again.

"It's wrong for you to say that. You are Gu Lan, you can't put your personal feelings above the interests of the people. If you continue to do this..."

Gu Lan blinked, turned her head and said to Yan Xiao, "It seems that our Chinese civilization has not been broken. This Sichuan opera face-changing has been passed down, and there are successors."

After Gu Lan finished speaking, there was a silence in the air.


System display - "Deputy leader Lu Yuding exited the room"

Gu Lan shrugged, "Hey, why did you leave like this? If you leave, who will help Yan Xiao understand that he can't vent his feelings and can only serve you wholeheartedly? You didn't finish your sentence Ah You…"

The system showed that many people had left the room.

Gu Lan raised her head to look at the sky, then turned her head and asked Yan Xiao again, "Why did they leave, or the deputy leader? Who is responsible for this place after they all left."

Now Yan Xiao wanted to laugh when he heard "de" and "de", he held back his smile and said, "I'll be responsible when they leave, you don't have to worry about it so much, let's go."

Yun Zhe and Hua Yin took the two robots away.

The little brother who was responding didn't know what to say at this time. He felt that something was wrong, but he had already boarded the "thief ship" inexplicably, and it seemed that he couldn't escape now... and if he escaped, he would be silenced.

The little brother who responded looked at Hua Yin's back and swallowed his saliva.

Hua Yin... is really different from what he imagined, the filter of idols is broken, he feels that his dream of chasing stars for many years is collapsing!

Hua Yin's house has collapsed! What is he going to do with Huayin's house collapsed! He never thought that the idol he had worshiped for so many years turned out to be a pervert!

ah... ah...

The demonic voice echoed in the mind of the responding little brother, echoing...

Gu Lan turned her head and saw the "obsessive" gaze of the younger brother who responded, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips and said to Hua Yin, "Men and women take it all~"

Then, the little brother who responded felt the extremely eerie warning eyes from his "collapsed house" idol, and the tears in his heart really flowed like a river.

The gate of the third-floor apartment that Yan Xiao brought couldn't be opened, and then Yan Xiao pulled out his gun again, very skillfully, but this time he didn't use the gun to unlock the door, but directly lifted the long gun leg-

Kicked the door open.

Gu Lan's eyes widened, "That's it? Is this the quality of this door?"

The two gates were kicked halfway, Hua Yin watched Yan Xiao "playing cool" here, he also wanted to show his handsome side in front of Gu Lan, so he lifted his foot... and put his foot back .

According to his observation, this door cannot be kicked open by normal or abnormal people. This structure is more bulletproof than bulletproof glass.

Yun Zhe analyzed the structure of this door, then looked at Yan Xiao, and finally at Gu Lan, "Master, you and Yan Xiao are both strange powers..."

Why didn't "Intelligent Brain Yunzhe" design such a super power when designing his body, which caused a generation gap between him and his master.

Yun Zhe is thinking about every day.

Gu Lan also turned her head and picked up a piece of broken glass to look at, she raised her eyebrows, "Yan Xiao, you are very good, everyone in this place is like you, like a super racer?"

Yan Xiao glanced sideways at Gu Lan, thought about it, and explained.

"You don't remember, at that time, you were the biggest Super Saiyan here. Don't you think your strength is abnormal?"

Gu Lan smiled, pinching the shards of glass in her hands, Hua Yin didn't even want to kick the hard glass, which was afraid of embarrassment, and turned into ashes in Gu Lan's hands.

Her strength has always been great.

She thought it was the result of moving around for a long time, but now it seems that this is not the case, Yan Xiao whispered in Gu Lan's ear.

"Your strength is the greatest. This is the result of my training. don't remember that you knew me. At that time, you told me that 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 100 Kilometer long-distance running, and in order to exercise willpower, the air conditioner cannot be turned on in summer, as long as you stick to it, you can become stronger."

"I have persisted for three years, and it has indeed become a lot stronger."

Gu Lan: ...

Gu Lan always felt that these words seemed familiar. She touched her hair subconsciously and realized.

— Isn’t this the training method of Mr. Saitama in “One Punch Man”?

Saitama-sensei became One Punch Man, he became stronger, but also bald...

Could it be that she is actually Teacher Saitama? ! Such nonsense? !

After Gu Lan was stunned for a long time, she felt that what she had experienced was not too nonsense compared to Teacher Qitama. Anyway, everyone was the same nonsense. What if she was really the balder and stronger Teacher Qitama in her previous life?

As Gu Lan said, she turned around and looked at Yan Xiao when she entered the apartment, and said with serious eyes.

"Xiao, tell me, did I look different from now?"

Hearing these words, Yun Zhe, Hua Yin and Yan Xiao all stopped at the same time, and even the younger brother who was connected to Ying suddenly froze. The younger brother glanced at Yan Xiao quietly, and did not dare to speak.

Yan Xiao subconsciously pursed his thin lips, he didn't know why Gu Lan would know this question...

Gu Lan used to look different from now.

The former Gu Lan...

It's crazy.

Yan Xiao sighed deeply, his deep eyes fixed on Gu Lan, his dark eyes seemed to **** Gu Lan into the bottom of the whirlpool, after a long time, after Gu Lan subconsciously touched the top of his head, Yan Xiao said.

"You remember, don't you?"

Gu Lan nodded cautiously, "Yes!"

The little brother who responded suddenly didn't dare to speak. He pursed his lips and quietly moved to Yan Xiao's side, as if Gu Lan was a time bomb. As long as Gu Lan started the detonation process, they would all be blown into fly ash.

Hua Yin and Yun Zhe didn't know what Gu Lan was like. In the database Yun Zhe left for Yun Zhe, Gu Lan was a gentle redemption. Gu Lan was a person who cared about the world and made himself suffer .

Therefore, Yunzhe felt that there was nothing to think about, the master was a good man—(The three thousand words of admiration are omitted below).

Hua Yin is also interested in what Gu Lan was like before, but now, it seems that it is not the time to be interested...

"What is that in front of you?"

Hua Yin tilted his head, and his straight black hair slid down to his shoulders. He looked at the four fully armed men standing in front of him. They looked different from normal people. They Their legs are longer than the average person's, and each of them is nearly two meters tall.

Gu Lan also followed Hua Yin's gaze and saw weird people standing at the stairs on the first floor of the apartment with an ax in their left hand and an ax in their right. Gu Lan looked at them, and they also looked at Gu Lan.

The four men were obviously taken aback when they saw Gu Lan, and then they pursed their lips, their bodies trembling unceasingly, they didn't know whether it was because of anger or excitement, in short, they looked very dangerous.

Both Yun Zhe and Hua Yin stood in front of Gu Lan.

The little brother who responded has already begun to swallow his saliva, " did they let them come here. Let's go first, leader. I think if there is a conflict, we still have to call someone."

Yan Xiao said lightly, "No matter what dangers arise, Gu Lan and I are enough."

"You stand behind me."

Yan Xiao told Gu Lan that the little brother who responded thought Yan Xiao was talking about him, so he sneaked behind Yan Xiao, and Gu Lan looked at these trembling men, and she found—

"What are they wearing on their heads?"

These men were tall and strong, and they all wore helmet-like things on top of their heads, which should be a kind of armor, but Gu Lan saw blood-red light from inside the armor.

Yan Xiao's hand was lightly clenched into a fist by his side, he clenched his hand and stretched it out, and then he grabbed Gu Lan's hand.

Yan Xiao opened his mouth suddenly, and moved his lips close to Gu Lan's ear, using an ambiguous movement to cover up the shape of his lips exposed by the surveillance camera, and said a few words in a voice that only he and Gu Lan could hear clearly. This is irrelevant.

"The maglev car is parked at the door. I set the program and the car will come to you. Yun Zhe and Hua Yin can protect you, but I'm delaying here. Gu Lan, please trust me."

Gu Lan narrowed her eyes, and she patted Yan Xiao's back cooperatively with a smile.

"Well, of course I believe you."

Gu Lan's lips moved close to Yan Xiao's ear, her breath and her words made Yan Xiao's whole body stiff, and the thin breath in the ear seemed to carry an electric current from the ear to the ear, Yan Xiao's whole body It stiffened a bit.

"Gu Lan..."

Gu Lan didn't ask him what to believe in him, but Gu Lan said he believed, he just believed, and Gu Lan would not deceive people on this occasion.

Yan Xiao's thin lips were stretched into a line, and then he handed Gu Lan a gun, "They block the way, we will kill them."

The little brother who responded seemed to know something, his eyes were a little unnatural for a moment, he glanced at Gu Lan as if he was observing Gu Lan's real thoughts, of course, his expression was just a flash, and he concealed it well.

Gu Lan took in all the eyes around her. She didn't believe that there were so-called absolute good people and bad people in this world, and she also knew that all the things that looked cool all the way were actually not normal at all. She also knew what Yan Xiao said, "Please believe me." What does "I" mean.

She didn't feel that these people were kind or that she knew them, but they didn't intend to attack her. Instead, their ferocious movements seemed to break free and tell her something. The flash of light did not escape Gu Lan's eyes.

These tall, unhuman guys in front of me...

She should have known it in the past.

Moreover, it should have a close relationship with her.

The first time they saw Gu Lan, they did not attack, but Gu Lan raised his gun at them. It seemed that this action angered the other party. The eyes of the four men began to turn scarlet, and their heads seemed to be a little bigger than when they were calm. .

Four tall men rushed towards Gu Lan waving their thick arms. They held heavy axes in their hands. The sound of the axes gliding on the ground made everyone feel toothache...

The dangerous man approached Gu Lan, Hua Yin and Yun Zhe both stood in front of Gu Lan, but Hua Yin stared at the faces of these men, he narrowed his eyes and his expression was a little subtle, and the corners of his red lips quietly Up, as if seeing something interesting.

Yun Zhe's eyes fell on the devices on the heads of the four men, his hands were clenched into fists by his side, he understood what...

A lot of people figured out what to do.

A gunshot—

Gu Lan fired.

Her marksmanship was not very accurate, and the bullet landed on the man who was walking in the front, and the top of his head was bleeding instantly. The face is even more terrifying.

The giant ax turned towards Gu Lan, and the four axes were stained with an unknown amount of blood. The blood had solidified into something like a totem, and the swung axes made a sound of piercing through the air.

The men can't even growl, UU reading www.uukanshu. com They opened their mouths to roar angrily, but they couldn't make any sound from their mouths, which made their angry roar look more like howling.

Of course, it might just be what Gu Lan thought. No matter how many "weirds" holding axes, it's impossible for people to think of "wailing", because they are enemies who want to block the way.

Gu Lan's gun didn't stop.

In the eyes of the people watching the surveillance here, Gu Lan is like usual, she loves to play until she is crazy, she shoots with a gun, uses her teammates as a shield, plays and indulges happily, and lets other people's blood splash on her face On the road, her smile became more and more insane—

"Ha ha-"

Gu Lan laughed out loud, and the corners of her mouth rose uncontrollably. At this moment, she seemed to understand why No. 001 was smiling like that.

Is it fate that is laughing, is it the clown-like self or the group of people who treat others as clowns? —

"Hahaha—! Interesting!"

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