MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 334 It's okay to hurt good people

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The sound of people gasping for air rang out again, and Gu Lan heard everyone's shocked and noisy voices.

"What's going on?! What happened!"

"Ah—blood! It's all blood!"

"Help! Let us out! Let us out!"

"Husband, husband, save me, save me!"


"Call to the police...Who call the police...Blood...There are murderers here!"

"Son, where are you, son! Come to mother, son!"

Gu Lan wanted to speak, but she said, "...", her lips were moving, but there was no sound coming out of her mouth, Gu Lan tilted her head, regardless of these, she first looked at the surrounding environment.

Hmm... full of blood.

Blood all over the place, I don't know whose blood it is.

Many people fell on the ground, and they all seemed to be dead, and they died in various ways. Some of them seemed to have been scratched to death by scratching their faces, and some were bleeding from footprints and internal organs from being stepped on.

There are also many, many people with different scars on their bodies when they died, and they were stabbed to death.

Obviously, the guys here have different weapons, some are unarmed, and some come in with murder weapons.

Gu Lan narrowed her eyes, she really didn't like the feeling of being dominated by others, especially since Yun Zhe was gone, and the little brother policeman was also gone, Gu Lan didn't see their bodies or their people.

There are about 30 people left in the hall, and they all know that this hall is full of murderers.

People's eyes are crazy and timid, alert and terrified.

Gu Lan turned her head to look at the guy next to her who was holding a shield as a shield.

This is a middle-aged man, his hair is a lot bald, he is wearing a suit, the suit has been torn into a mess in the tugging just now, his tie has been completely ripped off, his nose is bleeding non-stop, and he is breathing hard .

However, this thing is obviously a living person, which is different from the pulse and body temperature that Gu Lan felt.

"Now there is a three-minute break. Next, we will have a new game session."

The voice and smile resembled the voice of No. 001 guy. Gu Lan and everyone looked towards the place where the voice came from. They only saw a man in a black cloak standing in the hall where light and darkness intertwined. His face is completely hidden under the cloak, mysterious and dangerous.

When she saw her, a young woman screamed like crazy, and rushed towards the man in the cloak, screaming at her.

"Where is my child! What have you done to my child! My child has asthma, I brought him to the doctor! But now I can't find him, where is my child! Where is my child! I want my child!"

The man in the cloak watched the woman rushing forward without moving, and he even spoke slowly.

"If you want it from me, why don't you go to the ground and pick it up, if it's not here, it might be on the ground—"

Before he finished speaking, the screaming of the woman became louder. She rushed towards the man trembling with tears streaming down her face, "No! My child won't! He won't! Give my child back! You madman!—”

Before the woman rushed to the man in the cloak, a neutral and handsome boy with a wolf tail blocked her way, grabbed her wrist, and dragged her into the crowd.

The woman screamed to scratch the boy's wrist.

The boy opened his mouth, but she couldn't speak.

Gu Lan was also very helpless, she really wanted to talk but her strength didn't allow her, so Gu Lan could only beat her unconscious and carried her back on her shoulder when this woman became the chicken that the cloaked man "killed chickens to scare monkeys".

The man in the cloak was still standing at the junction of darkness and light, his face was completely hidden in the darkness, as if the cloak was a black hole, and all his emotional eyes could not peep.

After Gu Lan took the woman away, there were bursts of voices from the crowd.

"This woman is really crazy."

"She doesn't know that this situation will get us in trouble? Who's going to negotiate with that guy in the cloak?"

"What is she doing when she comes back? Just go over to see what the cloaked man looks like! Anyway, she is also a crazy woman, and women are the most savage, maybe she can grab the man's cloak off."

"Mom...Father...what the **** is this place? I just came to the hospital to see a doctor, why did it become like this..."

"I can understand child is gone too, my husband is dead...who killed my husband, I killed him! Who killed my husband!"

"My child, where is my child... My child is still in a wheelchair, whoever killed a thousand dollars...! Killed my son!"

"F*ck! Why is I so angry! What the **** are you!"

There was a man with a big arm and a round waist, his face was flushed, and there was a scar on his face. His body was a little bent, as if he had been carrying a heavy load for a long time, so he couldn't straighten up. He looked at the man in the cloak with red eyes, and rushed towards him with his fists clenched.

The cloaked man just stood there quietly...

Gu Lan sighed, she wanted to speak but couldn't speak, but no one had time to look at her mouth shape to guess what she was talking about, so Gu Lan simply stopped talking and stretched out her hand to stop the other party.

At this time, it seems that the cloaked man appeared, but the enemy is still in the dark and they are in the light.

Unless this group of people were all killed by the cloaked man, there are still many murderers hiding in the crowd, waiting for the victims to be provoked to provoke the rules, so that they can reap the benefits.

Gu Lan stretched out her hand to stop the man. She was still carrying a comatose woman on her shoulders. The man she had used as a shield just now took advantage of this and hid in the crowd, not daring to let Gu Lan find him.

With red eyes, the stout man glared at Gu Lan like an enraged bull.

He saw that Gu Lan was still a child, and he didn't want to hit the child, even though his hands were clenched into fists and his bones were cracking, but he still held back, he gritted his teeth and said to Gu Lan.

"Get out of the way! Don't get in my way! I'm going to kill him! He killed my daughter! He killed my daughter! My daughter is only in primary school, and today she has a bad throat, so I took her to the hospital for an examination! He killed my daughter!"

Gu Lan can understand the other person's feelings, but she knows that people cannot empathize.

Gu Lan took a deep breath, she didn't know how to explain this question, so—

She knocked the man out.

Gu Lan's approach made a group of guys who were about to boo and provoke conflicts suddenly silent. None of them thought that Gu Lan looked thin and weak, but he had such great strength.

Gu Lan also doesn't want to show off, it's obviously best to fish in troubled waters at this time—

However, she still didn't want to watch these poor guys die.

The number of dead bodies is obviously not the same as the number of people who disappeared. Gu Lan does not have a photographic memory, but Yun Zhe and the police brother have disappeared, and she did not see the corpses. Gu Lan thinks there must be some people who did not see the important things like her. dead body.

However, the most important person in some people has died.

This kind of differential treatment will cause people to completely divide into different camps without the cloak man continuing to divide, and there will be various reactions.

The man in the cloak stood where he was, watching the farce, and it seemed that he was quite interested in watching it.

Of course, Gu Lan was curious about this guy who was dressed in the same way as the "god" she saw in her brain, but had the voice of No. 001.

She didn't think it was number 001. Of course, even if it was number 001, it had nothing to do with Gu Lan at this time. Gu Lan would not go to the other party to forcefully communicate with the other party to ask for an explanation just because the other party made the voice of number 001.

Gu Lan was leaning against a comatose strong man. She put the woman on her shoulders at her feet. She stood on the left and one on the right. She was like a gatekeeper blocking the man in the cloak and the crowd. between.

But she was standing sideways, and the corner of her eye was always watching the cloaked man's movements.

Of course, the cloaked man knew what Gu Lan was looking at out of the corner of his eye. He stretched out his hand. He was wearing black gloves but his fingers were still slender. He pulled the cloak covering his head and hid his face. Deeper.

He didn't speak, and because of Gu Lan's showy behavior, the crowd obviously focused their anger on Gu Lan. Among the remaining thirty or so people, three or four stood in front and cursed at Gu Lan, spitting at the stars. very high.

"You are the accomplice of this cloaked man!"

"How do you have such great strength, you killed everyone!"

"Everyone stay away from him!"

"It's you who killed my son, it's you who killed my son! I—you must die!"

"Ah - what on earth did we mess with you, why did you do this to me! Why!"

A middle-aged woman took out a mobile phone in her pocket that couldn't be turned on and threw it at Gu Lan. Others also frantically threw things in their hands at Gu Lan. Supplies", there is a scalpel tied to a signing pen.

If it weren't for the bright lights, it would be hard to see.

Gu Lan also noticed the guy who threw this "hidden weapon"...

But it's useless to notice now, a bunch of things are thrown at Gu Lan, Gu Lan subconsciously wants to use the unconscious guys on the ground as a shield, but then thinks that they are all poor parents who have lost their children...

There are so many parents here, they are the first to rush because their children are missing.

They clearly know that it is very dangerous. After all, experiencing the absolute darkness is enough to wear away the solitary courage of a person. In the face of life and death, some people choose their children, and some people choose themselves.

Gu Lan wanted to sigh again, and piles of things were thrown at her, so she could only drag the two people who had fainted to the ground to escape.

Embarrassment is embarrassment, but there is no way, how can she beat more than 30 people with two oil bottles alone, and there are murderers among those people, so Gu Lan ran away from the crowd at this time.

Seeing that she ran away, everyone hit her harder.

Gu Lan is not angry, after all, what she is doing now does not look like a good person, but at this time, she is doing these things, and she is still counting in her heart. After she ran away for a while, Gu Lan turned her head and said said the motionless man in the cloak.

"You said that we only have a three-minute break, and then we will enter a new game session. Now, we have enough rest for three minutes, can the new game start?"

Gu Lan's words are definitely annoying enough. UU reading www.

The man in the cloak seemed to tilt his head slightly, and then he laughed wildly, and he said in a very delicate tone.

"You're right. So, the three minutes are over, and the new game begins—next, who will die? You all stand in your positions and don't move. The new game will take place on the second floor Oh."

The first floor of this general hospital is the outpatient department, and the second floor is the department of infection, nephrology, endocrinology, and gastroenterology. As the man in the cloak finished speaking, the lights on the first floor turned blood red.

With the help of the blood-red light, Gu Lan and everyone saw a few big monsters standing at the entrance of the hospital. They couldn't see their appearance clearly, but their size was definitely not that of a human being...

The monsters outside the door began to hit the door with their bodies again, and the door made a muffled "dong dong" sound again.

The man in the cloak laughed wildly and said in a cheerful voice, "From now on, let them count down. You guys run to the second floor, otherwise, those who stay on the first floor will be eaten by them."

Read The Duke's Passion