MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 317 Encounter with Shan Hai Jing

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Gu Lan is in the excitement of "dreams come true", she doesn't understand what Shi Ruojin means.

"Huh? I'm not human, what else can I be?"

Is it true that neuropathy is no longer a person, but a god?

Shi Ruojin couldn't help but said, "It's not a person, maybe it's like... um..."

Like, interstellar beasts or something?

Can humans have such fantasies?

If this kind of dream can also be called "dream", then it is normal for the top-level humans to have no dreams.

The smelly wind here blows Shi Ruojin's hair, he wears a white shirt so as not to stain his military uniform, but now, after entering this training ground, he realizes that it was a mistake for him to dress like this.

He overestimated his physical strength and underestimated Gu Lan's mental strength.

Shi Ruojin couldn't help thinking of Gu Lan's test report—

Hormone level: A

Mental Strength: S

Shi Ruojin's mental strength is also S, but his S is because the mental strength is S, and Gu Lan's mental strength is S because the upper limit is only S!

Shi Ruojin rode on the huge monster, and Gu Lan sat in front of him, propping his hands on the **** thing under his body, Shi Ruojin struggled for a while, stretched out his hand and quietly hugged Gu Lan's waist—

Then Shi Ruojin was almost overturned by Gu Lan and rolled off the monster.

Shi Ruojin forcibly stabilized her figure by relying on her fighting ability, Gu Lan turned her head and gave him a hand.

"Shi Ruojin, something attacked me just now, right? You were also attacked? Be careful, this is a combat training system after all, and these things must have their own abilities. We can't relax."

Shi Ruojin: ...

Shi Ruojin felt that the most dangerous person was Gu Lan.

But he was also embarrassed to say that he just helped Gu Lan's waist because he wanted to stabilize his body. Shi Ruojin had a dignified expression, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and he sat upright and said.

"Well, I understand. Be careful too. Sit up straight and don't sway."

Gu Lan was as excited as a child. Others sitting on the monster and looking at the endless darkness of the vast universe might feel afraid. Of course, a space warrior like him would not be afraid.

But Gu Lan is not a question of "whether you are afraid or not", Gu Lan can't wait to be excited!

However, the training system he used is really powerful. Even Gu Lan's imagination can be simulated. This kind of ability can be called a brain. Sure enough, the wisdom of people on the ancient earth is boundless.

Gu Lan, Shi Ruojin, and the Lu family who kept speculating about everything didn't know that all of this was operated by the brain.

This is the gentleness of the brain towards Gu Lan—

Make the dream she wants most when she is awake become a reality.

Gu Lan's dream when she was asleep was a cage, so someone would make her see it when she woke up, which was her dream.

Of course, even if Gu Lan's dream was told, most people would not believe it.

Gu Lan was in a very good mood. She dangled her feet on the monster's body, looked at the dark surroundings, and wondered if something would come out. At the same time, she said to Shi Ruojin.

"Okay, this environment is very good. So I am going to train with you the skill of the ancient dragon—Dragon Fist!"

When Shi Ruojin heard this, her heart tightened.

Is Gu Lan finally getting up tight?

Gu Lan explained, "I think there is a reason why this training mode was chosen here. In the ancient earth, in the era when it was rumored that humans had not yet appeared, in addition to scientifically researched creatures, there may also be legendary creatures. "

"The Chinese dragon itself is a legend. What we have to accept now is the inheritance of the ancient Chinese dragon, and what we want to tame is the vast beast of this ancient land. Shi Ruojin, do you have the confidence to lead all of this?!"

Shi Ruojin nodded, "Yes!"

Gu Lan nodded vigorously, and she stood up on top of the monster. As she stood up, the monsters in this place seemed to be startled, and there was a cry of grief from a distant place.

This cry is very similar to the cry of a swan goose. It sounds sad, but it is completely different from that of a swan goose, because there is an ancient **** smell in this cry.

—The reason why the ancient giant beasts cause panic among humans is that most of them cannibalize people.

Both Shi Ruojin and Gu Lan saw things with huge wings flying towards them in the distance. These things were not particularly big, at least much smaller than the monsters they were riding, but they flew very fast .

Gu Lan narrowed her eyes, "Xiao. A monster in ancient legends. It looks like a fox but has wings and sounds like a wild goose. It stands to reason that a fox-like monster should also be a cute monster..."

Before Gu Lan finished speaking, a huge fox head with a sharp jaw suddenly appeared in front of them strangely. Its teeth were sharp, the corners of its mouth were raised as if it was smiling, and its eyes were full of animal ferocity.

Gu Lan realized that she was wrong...

The monster in front of her that may look like "獙" is indeed a fox with wings, but why does this fox look like it can eat too much, its fur is stuck together due to blood stains, it makes a mournful sound, but the corner of its mouth is laughing.

Shi Ruojin pulled Gu Lan back, and the two barely escaped the attack of the winged fox monster, but the monster under them was bitten off a piece of flesh.

The monster under them seemed to be taken aback after a piece of flesh was bitten off—

Then, it was scared to death.

Gu Lan: ...

Shi Ruojin: ...

The flesh of this monster has been gnawed, but it is still drifting slowly in the universe. This is the reason why Gu Lan chose to stay on it. She thinks this monster has a calm temperament and must have extraordinary strength.

But she was wrong!

This thing is the universe sunfish!

The sunfish is known as the stupidest fish in the world. Usually, the sunfish has two fates in the face of predators. Either it is eaten to death, or after a part of the body is eaten, the predator leaves after eating, and the sunfish continues to live. .

It seems that this guy's skin and flesh have been gnawed like this, and the other party is full and left, so it is alive...

But now, the poor fellow seemed to be scared to death.

The body of the frightened monster could not suspend in this universe. It turned over. Shi Ruojin was very experienced in this situation, so he immediately hugged Gu Lan and whispered to Gu Lan.

"I brought a combat device, I will protect you, let's bypass the predator first, and then..."

At this time, Gu Lan said to Shi Ruojin.

"The "Shan Hai Jing" records that although Huo Huo has a pair of wings, he can't fly high or far, no more than 100 meters high, and the distance is no more than one mile. I can't catch it. I always dream that one day I can fly freely like a bird."

"Because they are too jealous, UU Reading They only eat the wings of birds, jealous that they fly higher and farther than themselves. When eating, they even cursed that their wings are rotten."

"Because the aspiration is too high, Xiao is very prone to thirst. Every time he goes to a place, he will quickly drink up the local river and lake water. suffer from drought."

"What Xixi likes to do most is to compete with birds to see who can fly high and far. Knowing their own strength, they can't help but engage in such meaningless competition. They often forget that they are beasts and are hunting birds. When flying birds, they overestimated their capabilities and chased them until they were exhausted and exhausted."

"So, I have a bold idea. If this thing is really 獙獙, then we can exhaust it to death."

Shi Ruojin frowned, looked at Gu Lan's excited face, and said sincerely.

"We have no wings."

Gu Lan looked at Shi Ruojin with burning eyes, "You can have it. We want to give our dreams and bodies a pair of wings~"