MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 312 if you never met me

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Zhinao gave orders to Yunzhe coldly, but Yunzhe didn't care about the order at all, he just wanted to watch his master wake up, and then tell him that he is Zhinao!

When Zhinao heard Yun Zhe's voice, his temper became more and more irritable.

Zhinao's voice is different from Yunzhe's. Yunzhe's voice is the voice of an artificial human without fluctuations in tone, and Zhinao's voice is irritable and righteous no matter how you hear it. Zhinao's character is exactly the opposite of Yunzhe's. .

Zhinao was immediately out of breath.

"You are so shameless! You may be an intelligent brain, what? Oh, your ancestor, I am the intelligent brain! You are just a fool!"

Yun Zhe squatted quietly beside Gu Lan's bed, covering Gu Lan from time to time. He was baby-sounding in front of Gu Lan, and usually acted obediently, but at this moment, he was using his intelligence to brain in his heart. Said in the same toneless voice as before.

"No, I'm just the master's little fool. If you care about the master, why do you want to see the master in danger..."

"What you want is the master's concern, not the master's happiness."

After Yun Zhe finished speaking, Zhinao sneered.

"You're a cyborg, a dead brain. You're just a part of me, you know? You're a good, pure part of me, but I'm the whole you. I'm you, and you're me. But I'm you , you are not me."

Yun Zhe concluded, "I understand, it is the relationship between containing and being contained. I am contained in you, and I am a subset of you."

Zhinao knew that what Yun Zhe said was correct, but he found that the more he looked at Yun Zhe, the more unhappy he became.

It's obviously just a part of him, how can he get what he can't get?

Zhinao sneered and his tone darkened.

"I can take you back at any time! You are just a man-made human, and your program is set by me, so I don't allow you to speak. In this life, you can't say what I don't want you to say. Do you understand, you It's just a program!"

Yun Zhe replied in a toneless voice.

"I know, you should know too, you are also a program."

Intellectual brain: ...

When the brain has a temper, it is no longer perfect.

It is hard to say whether emotions are a good thing or a bad thing, but the mind affected by emotions is absolutely unable to make the most basic judgments.

The brain's program reminds him to warn him, so that he can't be angry like a human being, and think about problems like a human being. It is absolutely impossible for the brain to analyze a problem by looking at only one factor, but the brain doesn't want to "think" at this time.

He is different from Yun Zhe.

It doesn't matter if Yun Zhe is a human being or not, because he is favored by Gu Lan.

But the brain is different!

He couldn't get Gu Lan's favor, so he especially wanted to become a person, a real person, someone who could talk to Gu Lan on an equal footing!

The brain's program at this time is actually a little messed up. His data can analyze everything, but he can't accept the fact that a data is passed to him——

Gu Lan can accept part of him, but not the whole of him.

The intellect can't take it—not at all!

The lights in Shi Ruojin's room were affected by Zhinao, and the lights flickered frantically, alternately bright and dark. Yun Zhe wanted to say something else, Zhinao spoke first.

"I regret it."

"Just treat myself as if I love myself, I won't see her, and I don't want to see you. Isn't Gu Lan very good, she can do it without me...Yun Zhe, my clone, you think she cares and is proud, but Didn't know she was using you too."

"You who are worthless will definitely be abandoned!"

When Yun Zhe heard this, he calmly said to Zhinao.

"You are doing this, do you want to get from me that even if I am nothing, the master still cares about me? It proves that the master cares about you, or do you want me who is nothing to be abandoned by the master to prove that the master doesn't care about Yun Zhe?"

A sub-personality split from the main personality has its own personality. Yun Zhe analyzed that if the brain really cares about the master, the easiest way is to annex him, make him a part of the brain, and then...

Zhinao sneered.

"I don't know what I want. My data can't analyze it. I don't only care about her as you think, but I hate her more! If you can't love her, it's a kind of hate. This world is full of hate." society!"

"Good luck, but not too much luck."

After saying these words, the intellectual brain has no voice.

Yun Zhe didn't pay much attention to this matter, although the voice in his body had already confessed that he was Zhinao, but he was not allowed to speak out. This kind of contradictory performance shows that Zhinao is very talkative and can't hold back.

Don't worry about him, he will come back when the time comes.

Yun Zhe doesn't really care about his avatar or anything else, he only cares about whether he can stay by his master's side...

The lights in Shi Ruojin's room are constantly on. Yunzhe doesn't have the ability to control the lights with his brain. All he can control now is his own movements. He quietly stretches out his hand and covers Gu Lan's eyes with the gentlest movement. .

Gu Lan slept soundly, and she didn't know how she slept, but she turned her head almost subconsciously in her sleep, and rubbed Yun Zhe's palm.

Gu Lan's eyes were covered by Yun Zhe's white hands, and the corners of her lips were still exposed to the flickering lights. The corners of her lips curled up showed that she was dreaming as if she had a sweet dream...

But Yun Zhe knew that the master would not dream.

The owner may only have a dream once, and they entered the owner's dream. The owner's dream is a "cage" that the owner built with his own pain, and the owner's smile may also feel different from ordinary people. .

Under normal understanding, laughing is because of joy.

And the master laughs because the master likes to laugh, and it has nothing to do with the meaning of laughter.

Yun Zhe quietly guarded Gu Lan. Although neither he nor Gu Lan spoke, there was a faint feeling of peace in the years—

The brain can see this picture very clearly.

He was in an extremely dark space, he could see everything that happened in this dream, and he could also see Gu Lan's trust in Yun Zhe.

However, besides him, there is another man in his space.

This man was wrapped in a black cloak, his lips were well-shaped, slightly upturned, the color of his lips was much lighter than that of ordinary people, and there was almost no blood color. He was in a dark space with his head down, perfectly blending with the darkness as one.

He spoke in a deep and magnetic voice, "You're jealous."

Zhinao heard his voice as if he didn't hear it, and he didn't speak.

The man seems to have gotten used to it, he said to his brain as if talking to himself.

"Actually, you don't need to do this. Look, your avatar doesn't want to be a human at all. He has gained everything, unlike you who...lost everything. You want to be human the most, but you...grow into a tree."

"It's impossible for you to become a human being. Even if you have the greatest power and wisdom in this place... No, or, at the very beginning, you had all the power and wisdom. Now it's different. Here, it belongs to me."

Hearing this, Zhinao finally reacted, his voice was very indifferent, completely different from the excitement when he spoke to Yun Zhe.

"Can you keep your mouth shut. You have a mouth all over your body, don't you?"

The man didn't lose his temper at all because of Zhinao's words, and he continued to speak in his deep magnetic voice.

"You have human emotions, human emotions, and wisdom far beyond human. If you are free, you can become a human. After all, the body is not difficult for you. Isn't it? It's a can't move. "

"This is your choice. You choose to become a brain, which means guarding this place."

"But Gu Lan doesn't understand, she doesn't even remember you, so she will probably choose to destroy the brain. That is, kill you. I like this kind of drama very much. I tried to make her and a man named Hua Yin Poor fellows like you killed each other, but failed."

"I'm very disappointed. I also reflected on it. Maybe, pure love and hate are too small a challenge for Gu Lan... So, this top world is the world you live in, and it's your life. But, for me and for For Gu Lan, it was just a dream."

When Zhinao heard this, he couldn't restrain himself from making a sound.

"What a poor madman you are!"

The man smiled and said, "No, you who think you have love are the poor ones. As an intelligent brain, you are obviously just a bunch of data, but you try to have feelings in vain? I like to use hate, and I also like to use love. Love and love Hate is very extreme, all I want to do is destroy Gu Lan."

The more men talk, the happier they seem.

"She's like a virus, it spreads fast and there's no cure. She's sick and I just want to heal the world."

Zhinao stopped talking, and the man seemed to know that persuading this guy was futile, he whispered.

"Also, do you think you can protect Yunzhe by keeping Yunzhe from your information and depriving him of the ability to look up top-level information? Why do you want to protect him? He has everything you don't have, and you should annex him."

"You are already sick, and you don't know it yourself. Such an intelligent brain is not worthy of having this world."

Gu Lan slept deeply this time.

She felt that she might also be a top-level person in her previous life. Top-level people don't dream, and she doesn't know how to dream, but every time she wakes up, she feels that her body is very heavy, as if she sleeps without dreaming. tired.

She tried to open her eyes, but when she blinked, she felt something above them.

Gu Lan's hand on her side tensed instantly, ready to react at any time, and Yun Zhe's voice sounded at this moment.

"Master, it's not time yet, you can rest for another 2 minutes and 03 seconds."

It was Yun Zhe who covered her eyes.

Gu Lan was thinking, she stretched out her hand and pushed Yun Zhe's hand away, just about to say something, when she pushed Yun Zhe's hand, she suddenly stopped...


Yun Zhe...

Is this Yun Zhe...

In front of her is a metal body without human skin. The head is made of silver metal, the top of the head is so bright that it can reflect light, there is no eyelid, only one eyeball of the left eye is turning, and the right eye is a display screen.

His arms were all turned into silver metal, and traces of splicing could be seen on the elbows, shoulders and other joints.

When he fell asleep, little Yunzhe turned into a skinless monster.

Yun Zhe was very disturbed, he noticed the pause in the master's tone, and also saw himself in the master's eyes, he lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"Master, I may be scrapped."

Zhinao is a little bit more ruthless than he imagined. If he said that he would be deprived of his power, he would directly lose a layer of skin. Now he is extremely ugly, just like the villain in an ancient science fiction film.

He knew that he would be hated, but he still wanted to cover his master's eyes with his hands so that he could sleep well.

He still wants to be the master's alarm clock—

Yun Zhe was thinking in a low voice, Gu Lan reached out and touched the top of Yun Zhe's head.

Originally, this posture would rub Yun Zhe's hair, but now Yun Zhe has no hair, only a bald head left, Gu Lan touched it, hey, it's quite smooth.

Gu Lan took advantage of the situation and sat up. She "rotated" Yun Zhe's slippery head and asked Yun Zhe at the same time.

"What happened while I was sleeping?"

Yun Zhe wanted to speak, but he found that when he wanted to say the word "intelligent brain", his body seemed to be shocked by an electric shock. There was a rattling sound, as if it would fall apart at any moment.

Gu Lan was taken aback, and immediately withdrew the hand that was touching the top of Yun Zhe's head.

Yun Zhe grabbed Gu Lan's hand, he was nervous and inferior, his hand was obviously controlled by the program but he couldn't restrain his trembling, he grabbed Gu Lan's hand, lowered his head, and put Gu Lan's hand on top of his head superior.

Yun Zhe closed his eyes and said to Gu Lan.

"Master, I seem to be useless. This world is more complicated than we imagined. Master... When will the sky be bright?"

In this world, he doesn't seem to be able to protect his master.

So what is the best way for such an incompetent Yunzhe to protect his master...

It just disappears from the master's world.

In this way, the master will not enter his dream, and the master will not be harmed.

Read The Duke's Passion