MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 303 their love

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This scene is actually pretty awkward.

Hmm, very embarrassing.

The girl who turned into a lantern ghost thought she was monologue in her heart, she was laughing at fate, but in fact, she was already crazy... A madman will never find out that he is really crazy...

The reason why the girl who turned into a lantern ghost is full of love for God, and at this moment, her mind is suddenly full of love is because she...has reached the limit of what she can bear.

Gu Lan has reincarnated 217 times, but it doesn't mean that Gu Lan only suffered 217 injuries.

Every word "death" here is a method of death, but it is obvious that the densely packed "death" characters in the sky show that Gu Lan did not die because of a single method of death. Six times before dying.

Putting this kind of experience on a normal person will drive the other party crazy, and putting it on a lunatic—this kind of thing, No. 001 has the most say.

No. 001 evaluation road inner evaluation road—

"This thing has been completely scrapped. Her body and nerves subconsciously avoid all kinds of pain, so the subconscious mind began to divert attention. But she seems to know a lot..."

"What did the **** say that Gu Lan had been reincarnated 217 times, but none of them had a good death. Among them, 216 times were all thanks to him. It was him who made Gu Lan experience so many pains...? "

The girl who turned into a lantern ghost was bewildered in the sky and muttered to herself, falling into the eyes of the villagers and the living dead on the ground.

Their kindled hopes were extinguished.

This guy couldn't bear these horrible deaths at all, and became crazy... Heh, thanks to him/they thought this guy could be useful, but they didn't expect it to be a sensational monster, and it became such a waste after becoming such a big body!

Negative emotions are constantly spreading here.

Here is the fermented soil of malice, tragedies are constantly reincarnated, malice and kindness, worship and loathing will be reversed in an instant...

Also because of the failure of the lantern ghost, the monsters in this place will not believe in the so-called lantern ghost at all, and they don't want to become a lantern ghost. The person they most want to Gu Lan.

Become the truly powerful "monster" that seals them in the sky.

The old lady who brought Gu Lan over hid under the tree, looking at the sky cautiously, tears kept streaming down her eyes, and her legs were already kneeling on her knees.

"She still hasn't forgiven us... Even if she loses her memory, we still can't escape from here... How can we see the dawn in this place?... We are all evil monsters... But she... also changed herself here become a monster..."

There seems to be no honesty between people.

The old lady also used the amnesiac Gu Lan, or rather, the whole village was using the amnesia Gu Lan, they wanted to see Gu Lan fall, to see whoever made the world dawn...

They have never repented of the sins they committed in the past, but they still do not forget "hope" and "survival".

If the mental hospital where Jing Yunkui and No. 001 are located is a place where normal people and perverts are tortured together, then the cage created by Gu Lan is a **** on earth, and Gu Lan is not sure what is locked here.

This is Gu Lan's dream. Gu Lan's dream is not "cocooning herself", but using her own pain as a cage, sealing those evils inside, using her own dream as a boundless purgatory, so that they can live again only when they understand pain .

Perhaps when Gu Lan sealed the monster, he did turn himself into a monster covered in bruises.

When Hua Yin heard the girl's "accidentally said" monologue, she also understood.

His dream may not be Gu Lan's dream, it is likely that the so-called "god" imitated Gu Lan's real dream, and the purpose of the imitation is to cultivate monsters who hate Gu Lan and kill Gu Lan.

As for the monsters imprisoned by Gu Lan here, they don't "hate" Gu Lan, they only have fear of Gu Lan, and that fear has been engraved into their souls. The former Gu Lan was definitely not a "good person".

This girl who turned into a lantern ghost was sent in by that god, with the purpose of "stealing" all of Gu Lan's pain in Gu Lan's world, and becoming a new Gu Lan...

Gu Lan is irreplaceable.

Gu Lan's world is full of pain, it can't be like this...

Hua Yin was thinking, he looked at Gu Lan standing in front of him quietly, then, he grabbed Gu Lan's fingers and motioned Gu Lan to use his fingers to plug the hole in her neck.

Hua Yin wanted to do something very much, this impulse was extremely strong!

Yun Zhe only sees the pain...the pain that the master has experienced...

If what the girl who turned into a lantern ghost said is true, then why did the master reincarnate so many times? If he knew the master earlier, he could protect the master and prevent the master from being tortured like this...

The world is quiet and quiet, the monsters are cursing in their hearts, and the girl who turned into a lantern ghost is muttering. Gu Lan really wants to feel something, but besides the pain in her body, she doesn't know why she feels a kind of sadness.

"Oh... Invincible, how lonely..."

She is really a fierce person, she has been reincarnated for so long and is still so strong...

Just when Gu Lan was about to continue to sigh, suddenly, a ray of bright light appeared in a small corner of the world.

This light is not the same as the sunlight seen when those arms are held high. This is a gentle sunlight that only makes people feel warm...

How can there be light in this caged world?

Gu Lan looked along the light—

There, Xu Huanwen was covered with scars all over his body, and those blood letters were deeply embedded in his flesh like shackles. His face with scratched facial features faced Gu Lan, as if he wanted to elicit a smile.

When the others were protecting Gu Lan and monitoring Lantern Ghost for fear of an accident, Xu Huanwen was already stealing the house...

He endured at least 70 or 80 words of "death", each of which was accompanied by a deep pain, but to Xu Huanwen, this was not pain, it was Gu Lan's memory.

The girl who turned into a lantern ghost was born to bear pain, but after she endured a small amount of pain, she was already insane.

Xu Huanwen has endured so many words of "death", he can bear more.

Xu Huanwen really wants to bear all the pain here... Maybe he can't relieve Gu Lan's pain like this, but he wants to feel the same way as Gu Lan!

Xu Huanwen has also been reincarnated again and again.

He wants to get rid of his past life because he wants to live. For him, "freedom" is more important than anything.

He never thought he would do such a thing for someone else...

At this time, his whole body hurts so much that his teeth chatter, but his heart is unexpectedly happy.

He is a pervert who has never felt love.

But at this time, he discovered that more powerful than hate...

In the cage where the sky was full of "death", Xu Huanwen brought a beam of light, and he stood gently in front of the light, his scratched facial features seemed to be softened, and the painful blood marks all over his body seemed to be shining softly—

This made the other roommates jealous.

They thought so too, but only a step slower.

Not long after, something happened that puzzled and shocked the monsters in the entire East and West Villages...

The five monsters scrambled to absorb the terrifying and painful blood.


This world surrounded by darkness, and beyond the darkness, there are cages, ushered in sunshine.

Gu Lan is not used to this light. She looked at her roommates who were desperately trying to share the joys and sorrows with her, like a mouse eating cheese. Don't be afraid to hold yourself to death...

Gu Lan found that the corners of her eyes were a little hot.

Funny, the pain doesn't make her eyes go red, but these fools make her soft inside and make her nose itch like she's about to cry.

Gu Lan doesn't want to cry, why are you crying...

She still had one hand stuck in her throat, her fingers were thinner than Hua Yin's, so there was still some gaps, Gu Lan thought about it, she didn't die like this, her body was still bleeding, what the **** was she...

It doesn't matter what it is, quantum entanglement has been confirmed in this world, why is she still obsessed with it.

Gu Lan quietly pulled her finger out of her throat, and said with a smile at the same time.

"I originally wanted to bring light to your world, but I didn't expect that in the end, you brought sunshine to my world..."

Gu Lan didn't finish her words...

The men who were fighting for Gu Lan's "memory" were also stunned.


After Gu Lan pulled out her finger, her throat started to spurt blood crazily, spraying Gu Lan's face, it looked like Gu Lan was about to die!

Gu Lan: ...

Yan Xiao: ... Alas, you are a little fool

Yan Xiao quickly flew towards Gu Lan.

No. 001: Huh...huh...?

No. 001 ran towards Gu Lan.

Xu Huanwen: ... Gu Lan didn't cover it and was still looking at her blood fountain?

Xu Huanwen wanted to speak but couldn't speak and died in a hurry!

Yun Zhe: Master Master, I am coming!

Yun Zhe anxiously turned into a shadow and moved quickly on the ground.

Huayin:'s all my fault

Hua Yin's heart is full of guilt. In his eyes, Gu Lan is still the man he hates, but he, a guy who is obviously full of hatred in his heart, now... has a completely different place in his heart...

Gu Lan's dream is full of scars and death.

But the gentlest sunshine is bred here...and, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com roommates' love for Gu Lan?

Gu Lan didn't care whether she liked it or not, when her dormmates rushed over, she blocked her finger back and smiled brightly with blood on her face.

"Haha, isn't it fun?! Don't be nervous, I'm such a disrespectful person?"

After Gu Lan finished speaking, Yan Xiao, Xu Huanwen, Hua Yin and No. 001 nodded in unison. Yun Zhe's shadow climbed directly onto her body and skillfully climbed to her back. Yun Zhe's ghost quietly stretched out his hand He wanted to cover the hole in Gu Lan's neck.

Gu Lan found that her roommates were really in the same mind like never before.

Is she really inappropriate? No, she regrets her life!

Gu Lan's world slowly brightened up.

Gu Lan woke up from her dream, she opened her eyes, and just about to say something, she saw five handsome guys around her, all looking at her with distressed faces... This scene made Gu Lan suspect that she was dead .

Read The Duke's Passion