MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 299 will be turned upside down

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The girl is confused.

What does it mean?

Lord Kami, ohmygod, what the **** are you talking about.

The girl never expected that one day, her **** would not be in the service area.

What she didn't expect was that when her **** forgot her, Gu Lan didn't forget her.

In this cold world, Gu Lan can still give her warmth.

The girl called to the gods, but the gods ignored them. She hid under the bed and suddenly felt that the temperature in the room seemed to drop a bit. The legless ghosts who were tortured and controlled by her seemed to be shivering uncontrollably.

The girl slowly raised her head from under the bed—

She saw Gu Lan's face half covered with blood streaks, and a weird smile that was as exaggerated as No. 001's mouth.

"Hi, see you again."

Just Gu Lan, the girl is not so scared.

The problem is that now it's not just Gu Lan, but a large group of "ghosts" standing behind Gu Lan!

A clown-like man with the corner of his mouth torn apart by a knife bent down. He looked at the girl under the bed with a smile in his eyes. Those eyes were full of madness, and he seemed to pull the girl out to have a closer look at any time.

With this look and this face, it seems that you have entered a mental hospital, and the psychopath is looking at you, and you are the psychopath...

The girl didn't know No. 001, but being scrutinized by No. 001 really made people feel panic. She was breathless for a while and didn't know what expression to respond to.

She didn't think about what expression to put on. Someone grabbed her head and dragged her out from under the bed.

The person who pulled her had no head, or in other words, one hand dragged one head, and the other hand pulled her neck. Due to too much strength, the arm pulling her fell to the ground with a thud. Gu Lan said calmly. He picked up his arm and handed it to Xu Huanwen.

"You dropped your hand."

Xu Huanwen's facial features were all scratched with a knife. These were not the scars on the body itself, but Xu Huanwen's own scratches and disfigurement after occupying the body. He ruined his face just for when Gu Lan saw him , will not think of others.

He would rather have a disfigured face than let Gu Lan see someone else's face when he looked at him.

Men, be tough on yourself.

This time Yan Xiao was a million times more ruthless than No. 001 and Xu Huanwen.

No. 001, Xu Huanwen and even Hua Yin wanted to observe what this guy who was similar to Gu Lan was. After all, this guy had a face that was very similar to Gu Lan. It would be a pity that this face was ruined...

Yan Xiao didn't think it was a pity.

The girl hadn't recovered from the shock at the beginning, a weird and terrifying faceless guy with hands behind her back and a body composed entirely of severed arms of a woman stretched out her hand, and the sharp nails dug through Girl's eyes.

The girl wailed, her voice was exactly the same as Gu Lan's.

Hua Yin, that is, the lantern ghost looked at the girl at this time, and his eyes changed subtly.

When he first came to this world, he regarded this guy as Gu Lan... and wanted to hurt Gu Lan and protect this guy...

Now from his eyes, this girl still has exactly the same face, voice and even expression as Gu Lan.

He just felt sick.

Fortunately, he knew Gu Lan's soul, otherwise, he would definitely make himself regret it for the rest of his life in this place.

Hua Yin thought about reaching out to the girl, but No. 001 moved faster than Hua Yin. He snatched the girl to his side, and pointed at the corner of the girl's mouth with his finger, as if he wanted to tear the corner of her mouth, but he didn't. next move.

Every arc he drew with his finger on the corner of the girl's mouth gave people a great sense of fear.

The girl thrashed her legs and struggled desperately, but the monsters in the yard who obeyed her command and had their legs sawn off couldn't get close to her to protect her.


The courtyard is full of monsters with tearing mouths and laughing endlessly, or monsters with **** tattoos that were dug out from nowhere. Look inside very gossip.

This is almost the strongest remaining force in the West Village and East Village.

The girl's current life-saving straw is not in the service area yet, she is like a little chick being ravaged, her eyes were directly poked and blinded, but there were no tears left in her eyes, as if she was used to this feeling of being tortured.

The pain made her laugh.

"Hahaha... that's all you can do, is that all you can do? Gouged out my eyes... haha, do you think I will feel pain?"

Gu Lan's roommates didn't answer the girl's question, they thought the question was meaningless.

Gu Lan is more humane, she said.

"Actually, no one cares whether you are in pain or not."

girl: ...

Punishing others is generally for the pleasure of being in a high position and controlling the fate of others at will, or the pleasure of revenge.

But Gu Lan is different from her roommates.

Each of them came from hell, pain is commonplace for them, they don't need to use other people's pain to wake up anything, they just feel that this person who looks the same as Gu Lan should be treated like this Just treat it.

The shadow doll behind Gu Lan was obedient and did not speak from the beginning to the end. He was lying behind Gu Lan, as if he wanted to be one with Gu Lan.

Except for Gu Lan, only girls can see her...

The girl's despair does not come from physical pain, but from the injustice of this world.

This is obviously her world...

The girl didn't understand why there were so many guys standing by Gu Lan's side in her world, why would someone appear to protect Gu Lan as a protector...? But she is going to be bullied?

The girl was in pain all over, and she laughed louder. With her laughter, Gu Lan saw that her legs were completely wrapped in the black mist. Then, the black mist spread upwards, and the girl's hands also changed. It became a ghost claw like a lantern ghost.

Gu Lan was watching with fascination.

The girl's laughter stopped suddenly, and then her body suddenly split into two, almost in the blink of an eye, a dark lantern ghost rushed to Gu Lan's side, and the fingertips of the ghost claw stopped at Gu Lan's side. Lan's throat.

At this time, Gu Lan couldn't help but think of a sentence from Journey to the West——

"" At that time, the sword was only 0.01 centimeter away from my throat, but after a quarter of an incense stick, the mistress of that sword will fall in love with me completely, because I decided to tell a lie. "

"Although I have told countless lies in my life, I think this is the most perfect."

So, is it useful for Gu Lan to say that he loves you for ten thousand years?

Gu Lan blinked her eyes, trying to find the lantern ghost's eyes, but she couldn't find them. Maybe the other party's eyes were small, and the ghost's eyes were even smaller, and they couldn't see anything because of the pitch black.

"Hey, UU Reading, do you have ears, can you hear me? Are you the mother of the little lantern ghost beside me?"

Gu Lan was very calm.

Gu Lan's roommates were not calm.

But Gu Lan calmed down, and the girl was even less calm, the girl had already become crazy!

She threatened Gu Lan, and Gu Lan's other roommates did not dare to act rashly, but Yan Xiao, Xu Huanwen, Hua Yin and No. 001 all rushed to the other "body" that the girl left in place, only the person behind Gu Lan Little Shadow stretched out his hand earnestly, intending to yank off the claws of the Lantern Ghost that the girl had turned into.

The girl was surrounded, and her whole body was filled with mist, only the head still maintained a human appearance, and red flames were already burning in her eyes.

She laughed wildly.

"Gu Lan, Gu Lan... I don't understand why you can have friends... You haven't felt the pain I have felt, but you can have love that I have never had!"