MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 281 No matter how crazy they are, can they be as crazy as me?

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The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: [Aibilou]https://The fastest update! No ads!

Gu Lan didn't bother to care if it was the owner or not.

But since she came here, even if she is not the master of this dream, she still has to rule this dream.

Gu Lan is very glad that she is still herself here, even though her body is bruised, she is still clear-headed.

The old lady was obviously stunned when she heard what Gu Lan said, and then blood spattered on the old lady.

People in this place seldom bleed, and everyone doesn't know if it's a human or a monster...

But Gu Lan's blood made her feel scared.

The old lady raised her eyes full of whites and stared at Gu Lan who was standing in front of her. Her breathing became tighter due to tension, and the sound of her breathing became rough instead.

The old lady cried to Gu Lan and said, "Whoever you are... go away, they are all crazy... they are all crazy!"

Gu Lan, who had half of her face covered in blood-colored tattoos, raised the corners of her lips. Blood flowed down her back and arms, and the blood was absorbed by the blood-colored tattoos.

Gu Lan revealed a kind of incomparable madness, she said to the old lady.

"No matter how crazy they are, can I be crazy?"

After finishing speaking, Gu Lan hugged the old lady with one hand and pushed her body aside, then Gu Lan turned sideways to block the hatchet that was coming.

Gu Lan moved very quickly, much faster than other villagers expected. She was obviously covered in curses and was obviously tired, but her spirit was very strong.

It's just that there are too many people in this place, and Gu Lan doesn't have so much energy to spend with them.

This place cannot be beaten, so Gu Lan simply ran away with the old lady.

The old lady couldn't run, so she carried the old lady on her shoulders.

The old lady was in a daze from the beginning to the end. She was carried on Gu Lan's shoulder like a sack before she realized that she shouted loudly and patted Gu Lan's shoulder lightly.

"You let me down, I'm your burden...and, you can't escape..."

Gu Lan smiled and ran fast.

"Ah, it's not up to you to decide whether to run or not. My physical education teacher is very optimistic about my ability, so don't worry."

The old lady froze for a moment...

What do you mean by physical education teacher? Can running in physical education class be the same as this time?

Before the old lady could figure it out, Gu Lan was already running fast, and she ran directly to the West Village.

The red-eyed villagers chased after him.


"Stay here! You must die here!"

Gu Lan thought it was exhausting when they talked, she was able to chat with the old lady without blushing or panting.

"How much do you know about West Village? Do you know where the village chief's house is?"

When the old lady mentioned Xicun, she trembled uncontrollably for a while. She didn't dare to look back, nor did she dare to look forward.

She was carried away by Gu Lan, she was obviously scared, but maybe she was scared to the extreme, but she felt a strange kind of peace of mind.

The old lady said to Gu Lan in a low voice.

"The... tallest house belongs to the village chief's house. The village chief's house has a three-story building. It used to be very beautiful..."

"Many people in the village escaped from the West Village and fled to the West Village. Maybe they won't follow them anymore."

Thinking of this, the old lady didn't know what to say.

From one wolf's den to another... But it should be a good thing for the man who looked at her, as long as he can hide it well.

The old lady was very considerate of Gu Lan, and she didn't know why, the more she got along with Gu Lan, the more familiar she became.

She said to Gu Lan, "The village head's family is the most dangerous. His family members are all lunatics. Their son is in poor health and has a perverted personality..."

"On the contrary, the farther away from the village chief's house, the safer the place. I know a small path, and we can pass by it. That's how our group escaped from the West Village back then."

The old lady was very thoughtful, but she didn't expect that Gu Lan would directly reject her suggestion after hearing it.

"No need. The group of guys behind the small path you came out of are Yemen Qinger, and going there may block the escape route of others from the West Village. Of course, I guess the people in the West Village have already discovered there."

The old lady felt that what Gu Lan said was also reasonable, but that was already the safest way...

The old lady said to Gu Lan, enduring the uncomfortable feeling of being squeezed by Gu Lan's shoulder.

"Then what way should we go? People from the West Village won't let people from the East Village come over. If we go directly there, we will definitely be beaten to death. And we can't stay in the East Village now..."

The old lady felt so worried that her brows were almost knotted into knots.

But Gu Lan's voice was uncharacteristically pleasant, Gu Lan was even laughing lowly, her neutral voice was magnetic and pleasant, she was clearly out of tune but still had an inexplicable feeling of "everything is under control" .

Gu Lan said with a smile, "Which way to go? Of course at this time, don't take the usual way..."

As she spoke, Gu Lan carried the old lady on her back while running and turned her head.

Half of her face was covered with **** "death" tattoos, her clothes were stained red with blood, and she exuded an ominous aura.

But her smile was very flamboyant, and the villager who was chasing after her looked like she was looking at "garbage".

Gu Lan's disdainful eyes were too blatant, which made this group of crazy villagers even more crazy.

The old lady followed Gu Lan's gaze to look backwards, but she was also startled when she saw the eyes of a group of people who wanted them to be chopped into meat even more frantically.

The old lady didn't dare to look at it, and whispered in fear.

"Namo Amitabha...Buddha bless you, don't let anything happen again."

Facts have proved that the Buddha really has no time to protect her, or in other words, the Buddha can't control Gu Lan at a time like this.

Gu Lan felt that this alone was not enough.

Not exciting enough...

Gu Lan turned her head and raised her other hand, and raised her **** at them, her voice was full of disdain.

"Hey, you are just cowards who escaped from the West Village. The little guys who dare not even face their own fate, it is best to put on a diaper when they go home, and don't be like the social people shouting and killing."

"We'll be in the West Village soon, don't be so scared that you pee your pants."

Gu Lan's two words frightened the old lady's heart so much that her heart almost stopped beating, "You're still **** them off..."

With so many people chasing after him, and talking so loudly, when we got to West Village, people from both sides...

The old lady suddenly understood what Gu Lan meant.

Gu Lan wants people from West Village and East Village to kill each other?


The old lady hurriedly persuaded Gu Lan, "They are also from the West Village in essence. Although they are traitors, the people from the West Village will not deal with them first, they will eat you first."

"You are the living, they are worthless dead..."

Gu Lan listened to the old lady's gentle admonition in her ear, while she continued to mock the people in the East Village to fill up their hatred.

After that, she said to the old lady.

"I don't think the same way as you do. Why should the fisherman take advantage? Why can't I sanction everything?"

"I want to bring this group of guys to the West Village not to kill each other. I want to lead these guys to the West Village and kill them by the way."

"I'm short on time, and I always think of ways to save time."

Gu Lan's words choked the old lady, she didn't know what to say...

This young man is so daring, has he been imprisoned for so long that he is stupid... not yet aware of the horrors of this world.

Gu Lan sighed softly, she ran and saw a piece of iron fence in front of her.

The iron fence is like a line of defense set up to prevent animals from climbing over the wall and crossing the line in some special periods. It is still stained with various blood stains and unknown pieces of meat.

There was a sign hanging on the iron fence. The sign was stained with blood, and the words "Xicun" looked a little blurry.

We're in the West Village.

The old lady's body trembled. UU Reading www.

The footsteps of the lunatics following Gu Lan and the others could not help but slow down.

To the West Village...

The West Village is completely different from the East Village. The East Village at least looks like a village, and there are still people active outside.

On the other side of the iron fence in Xicun, there are piles of corpses, and there are two wild dogs eating people's hands beside the corpses.

The people in the East Village stopped in front of the iron fence, and in the houses near the iron fence in the West Village, there were people who didn't know whether they were people or ghosts leaned out...

Everything is so quiet that it makes people feel creepy. I don't know how many sinister and evil things are watching here from the dark.

At this time, an arrogant and laughing voice broke the silence, as if breaking the rules here.

Gu Lan stood outside the iron fence and shouted.

"Hua Yin! Your father calls you home for dinner!"

Read The Duke's Passion