MTL - A Star Reborn: The Queen’s Return-Chapter 1407 He will also be afraid

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Xia Wei did not understand.

She went to see Wei Lingnan. Under the artificial sky of Wei's base, the man wore a white shirt and gave her a cup of tea. She had the energy she lacked now. She didn't touch the cup of tea, just looking at Wei Lingnan's eyes: "What the **** are you going to do?"

Wei Lingnan's tone is gentle: "You don't look too small at Jiang Yu. This negative news may make other small stars stunned, but this does not include the big shadow emperor who has been floating in the entertainment industry for so many years. I am just..."

"What is it?"

"Just don't want him to stand by your side." I don't want other men to stand side by side with her and share her glory and dreams.

Xia Wei is very angry: "So you shot the innocent people?"

"He is not innocent," Wei Lingnan's eyes are indifferent. "Auntie, he wants you, it is worthy of me to go straight to this one. You should be glad that this is on the earth, if it is in the Star of Stars, he Will die under my claws."

Xia Wei understands that he is right.

The courtship war on the Star of Stars is a war of life and death. In contrast, the human beings on Earth are much milder.

Wei Lingnan looked at her: "Auntie, if you stay on the earth for a long time, you will become as soft as human beings."

Xia Wei shook his head: "I am human. Wei Lingnan, my body is filled with human blood. If you think they are different, you can use your powerful power to arbitrarily flatten the objects. Sorry, then you will I am an enemy."

Her eyes were cold, and there was no such thing as a joke. She looked at Wei Lingnan and showed her determination.

Wei Lingnan sneaked a little and said: "What is the star of Scartana? Auntie?"

"You traitor is not qualified to ask me." Xia Wei sneered again.

Wei Lingnan extended a long, well-defined hand and pushed the still warm tea to her: "Maybe I am a traitor to the Satana, but not your traitor. Auntie, Drink this energy tea, I will protect you."

She stared at the cup of tea. If she refused, she made a turn and said nothing.

If she loses his help, she is not sure to protect the world from peace.

She held the cup of tea in her hand, but did not immediately go to drink, but asked Wei Lingnan: "You also said, this negative news will not let Jiang Yu slump. You don't want him to stand by me? I don't understand what you mean."

Wei Lingnan looked at the tea that she was holding in her hand: "I said, you will drink?"


"So," he looked at her peacefully, as if he was a gossip. "This negative news will not have a fatal effect on Jiang Yu, but it will be enough for him to spend a lot of time and energy. If I don't remember Wrong, "Star Wars Era 2" will soon start shooting, with his current reputation, can not continue to be the actor, that position, I want."

This is his purpose.

Xia Wei looked at him with horror: "You?"

"I have seen the Star Wars Era, Auntie. You are based on several real events in the history of the Cartana and the history of the universe. Although the traces of the fusion are not obvious, I know." Wei Lingnan Not to mention, "These events have been experienced by you personally. Therefore, in addition to the normal star popularity bonus after the film is released, the audience's worship of the character itself will be partly transformed into energy, covering you. The better the film and the characters in it, the better the real history, the higher the conversion rate of energy. In this respect, I will star in the actor, in the understanding of the role, communication with you will save trouble. A lot of effort."

He said a long passage, and there was a hint of caution in the depths of his eyes, waiting for Xia Wei’s answer.

Xia Wei sneered softly: "I really want to play well."

Wei Lingnan said: "This is good for you, aunt."

"The benefits to you are even bigger," she poked him mercilessly. "Wei Lingnan, don't you just want to create opportunities to get close to me? How can you get along with me? The broken feelings are irreparable. I am this now. Reply, and later."

"Since you are so confident in yourself, why not use me?"

She calmed down and looked at the man who was going to fight him.

Wei Lingnan smiled calmly: "Since emotions are not affected, I should use me, isn't it? I am so popular now that I can bring this film to a new height, plus the fit with the story... ... why not do this cost-effective thing?"

Xia Wei was speechless and turned his head to the side.

"Auntie," Wei Lingnan said slowly, "As long as you promise, I will help Jiang Yu to settle everything and even send him to a new height."

Her heart moved, even if he did not ask him to settle everything, as long as he is not embarrassed Jiang Yu, everything will be said. It is foreseeable that if she insists on using Jiang Yu as the second male lead, Wei Lingnan will definitely find him in trouble. If she loves Jiang Yu, she can face everything with Jiang Yu, but she does not love him and does not want to hinder his career for her sake. ”

"Okay, I promise you." She finally compromised. "But you have to promise me one thing - no more shots for people around me."

"Of course, my Majesty." Wei Lingnan chuckled softly and slightly spread his hand. "Card is cold, let's drink."

Xia Yan looked up at the tea and put the ice cracked glass on the table: "You have achieved your goal, satisfied? Then don't forget your promise, and... I don't want to see it before the film starts. you."

He looked at her back and left, never looking back, not staying at all.

The look of his face was faintly smiling, and the ensuing was the unspeakable desolate.

He sat in the small garden under the artificial sky, sitting from the afternoon to the sunset, sitting from the sunset to the beginning of the starlight, he looked up, lonely staring at the stars in the night, the night wind slowly blowing his clothes.

"Sir." Suddenly, an old voice came from the ear.

No need to look back, he knows that it is the old week of the laboratory, that served him for a lifetime, even in this base is also a very small number of old people who know his true identity. "You said, will she never forgive me?" He still looked at the stars and said softly.

The old Zhou Gongyi replied: "Your determination is so earth-moving. After so many years, I will be able to win the understanding of Miss Xia."

"Yeah, it has been over for so many years..." His voice was like a sigh. In fact, every time he faced him, he told himself that there must be a way for her to understand and accept her. When she was alone, she could not help but wonder if she would never forgive, what should he do?

He is a smart creature, **** and fleshy, and afraid.

Read The Duke's Passion