MTL - A Star Reborn: The Queen’s Return-Chapter 1367 How did she come?

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She bent down and picked up the debris from the trash can and asked, "What happened?"

Jiang Yu and Jin Linger discovered that the things on her hands also changed their faces. Jiang Yu looked at Jin Linger, and Jin Linger was very guilty. She didn't look carefully when she burned it yesterday. About the quality of the invitation was too good, and the middle part was not completely burned.

She was crying and sulking, saying to Xia Wei: "That, oh, this is a piece of ordinary waste paper..."

"Are you stupid or stupid?" Xia Wei said.

Jin Linger was so painful that she wanted to scratch the wall. It was too bad to lie.

Still wanting to say something, Jiang Yu has already recognized: "I let Jin Linger burn it. It doesn't make sense to keep this kind of garbage."



"Invite me to go?"


Xia Wei coveted, staring quietly at the piece of the wolf, there was a burst of irritability in his heart. She didn't know what happened to her. There seemed to be a voice crying in the darkness: "Go - go! Go!" The voice was so strong that she could not ignore it.

Even Jin Linger found an abnormality and cautiously asked, "Hey, you don't want to go?"

Xia Wei was silent for a moment and looked up: "Go, why don't you go? People's gauntlets are down to my face. How can there be a way to escape?" Although reason tells her that there is no need to go, it is decided to make a break with Wei Lingnan. I can't make a fire for this little provocation. But the voice in the darkness was so strong that it spurred her, encouraged her, and let the militant factors in her body boil.

She threw down the small piece and went into the living room and looked at the wall clock and said, "Time is too late, jingle, borrow your dress, and cosmetics and car. I will go straight." ”

Jin Linger was crying and sullen: "You can't go!"

Xia Wei was a very strong girl since she was a child. Anything she wants to do will be reached anyway, and she will turn to go to the bedroom.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Jin Linger quickly caught up.

Xia Wei rummaged through his mobile phone: "Call Tan Ying, ask him to pick me up, and bring a dress by the way."

"Tan Ying will not promise you to go!" Jin Linger did not give up.

"Then I will go by myself." Xia Yan ironed his heart.

Jin Linger had to cry, and turned to look at Jiang Yu who stood at the door of the room: "Ginger Brother, you are going to persuade you!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yu, who witnessed all this, said: "Don't call Tan Ying, hey, I will go with you."

Jin Jinger was stunned by the whole person, and immediately mad: "I told you to persuade her! It is not for you to go crazy with her!" These two are all taking the wrong medicine, and rushed to the door to be People are fallen!

Even Xia Wei, looking at Jiang Yu wrongly.

Jiang Yu’s voice is mild and steady: “Gu Jinxiu invites you to go, just want to see your jokes. Under the broad public, what is your shape like a single shadow? I am with you, no one can laugh at you.”

Jin Linger only understood what he meant.

If Tan Ying stayed with him, at best, only the agent accompanied his artist, and he was still a frustrated predecessor in the eyes of other guests. However, it is not the same as Jiang Yu. They have been rumored recently, and Jiang Yu’s face and worth are dazzling. It is possible to give Xia Hao a long face and let those who want to see jokes shut up.

"Ginger Brother, you are so good for you..." Jin Linger was moved to cry.

Xia Wei also understands Jiang Yu’s meaning and says, “Thank you.”

Jiang Yu smiled: "You make up here first, I will arrange the car, and let the assistant send a few suits." This is his thoughtful, more than a few suits of different colors, no matter her clothes from the golden bells. What kind of dress is picked out in the cupboard, both of them can be harmonious. Anyway, the preparation process for men before going to the banquet is far simpler than that of women, not afraid of being too late.

He even noticed that Jin Linger was not driving a car that was too good, and arranged it.

At this time, Xia Wei felt that it was a very comfortable thing to have a friend who was a good friend. Nod and said good.

Jin Linger saw the two of them go crazy together, knowing that they couldn’t stop it, and they had to sigh and help the summer to find a dress.

Soon after she debuted, she did not take any important roles. The dresses in the closet were so poor that there were only two pieces in the wardrobe. One was a versatile short black dress, and the other one was very color. Elegant temperament fairy skirt.

In this kind of occasion, it is obviously inappropriate to wear a little black dress. Xia Wei did not think about choosing the fairy skirt, but it saved a lot of choices.

She and Jin Linger are similar in size, and although they are slightly looser, they are generally suitable. With the help of Jin Linger, she made a delicate and bright makeup, and the puff was swept to add a natural blood color to her cheeks. Jin Linger also helped her with her hair, a very elegant hairstyle with fine jewelry, and a beautiful woman with a radiant appearance was born.

"Hey, you are so beautiful." Jin Linger looked at her and admired, "It must be able to smash the crowd."

Xia Wei stood up and gently took care of his skirt, Yan Yanqun? She doesn't want to smash the crowd, as long as she is alone, it is enough. What if the woman is a bride? Doesn't she want to see her joke?

Who is joke who is not necessarily!

She pushed the door open and walked closer to the living room.

In the living room, Jiang Yu’s assistant has already sent his suit to the suits. The sets prepared by the big movie masters are extremely expensive and sophisticated hand-made custom boutiques. You don’t have to look at the styles, and the texture and color are not uncommon. He looked at Xia Wei and his eyes flashed a stunned look. He stood up from the sofa and walked up to her: "You are beautiful."

Xia Wei’s face showed the first smile on this day, although it was courteous: “The clothes you prepared are also very good.”

Jiang Yu smiled: "Of course, it is worthy of yours." According to Xia Wei's style and color, he chose a set of beige suits to match, and soon changed them. The two stood together so dazzling, let people move Do not open the line of sight.

"You look so good," said Jin Linger. "Hey, mad at the dogs and men."

"Let's go." Xia Wei and Jiang Yu went out.

At the door, Jiang Yu’s car, Lamborghini, is limited, and the extremely elegant body is expensive and luxurious.

He pulled the door for her, got on the bus, and headed for the wedding scene of Wei Lingnan and Gu Jinxiu.

The wedding scene was selected on the outskirts of Nanshan, where the peach blossoms were in full bloom, and all kinds of luxury cars and VIPs were in constant stream. They were all celebrities with faces in the city. Jiang Yu stopped the car and helped Xia Yu out. When the two appeared, it caused a commotion in the door.

"Look," the lady took her husband's arm and whispered, "The one over there is Xia Wei? How did she come?"

Read The Duke's Passion