MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 81 Nuke face wash, angry Thanos!

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"What just happened?"

"Why do we fight with our own people?"

"Hey! Who are you, release me quickly!"

"The Green Goblin has appeared! Come to support, come to support!"

Because the mind scepter was controlled by You Ming, its ability to control the mind was completely lifted.

In addition, the superstar was killed by Loki, so her initial mental control was all lifted.

Hawkeye, who was fighting with the black widow, slowly let go of the waist that hugged him, showing an embarrassed look.

Natasha shrugged indifferently, and immediately punched the unsuspecting Hawkeye to the ground.

"This punch is given back to you. I never dared to hit you hard before, but now I don't have that concern anymore!"

" hurts..."

Hearing Natasha's words, Hawkeye didn't know how to complain.

He could only kneel on the ground, clutching his stomach, enduring the pain of tumbling in his stomach alone.

However, Natasha still helped him up, then put one hand on her shoulder and led him away slowly.

At the same time, the other agents also stopped killing each other.

Those who are under control take the initiative to capture, because they know their situation.

Although it is controlled, it still retains the memory of fighting with its own people before.

The only difference is that they do not understand why they defected on the spot.

After this incident, some agents with poor psychological endurance are likely to turn directly to civilian jobs.

After all, they didn't want to suffer a second runaway.

On the street not far away, the hundreds of agents who were jointly subdued by Little Spider, Jessica, and Harry were desperately shouting for support.

Too bad no one paid them any attention.

The little spiders even felt annoyed and blocked their mouths with spider silk.

In this way, they can't hum.

And then their target, only the sky is left to blame, the group of free-flying Kiritas.

It's just that most of these Kirita people abandoned the ground attack, and turned their heads and flew towards You Ming in the sky.

Sol, who was not far away, lifted the ice block at the same time, and then secretly scolded his own carelessness, then waved the hammer and prepared to go to the sky for support.

But the next second.

Looking at the darkness of death, the sky was completely shrouded.

Sol immediately turned the direction of the hammer and smashed it towards the war beast not far away.

With just one blow, it will be shattered to pieces!

The powerful force attracted countless thunders, and instantly sent dozens of Kirita soldiers to hell.

"Almost, just like that, I went over to die.

This death power is really untouchable! "

Sol said with some fear.

Although he was very confident in his own strength, he was still far from dealing with You Ming's divine power of death.

What's more, the two are teammates, and there is no hostility at all.

Then, he felt the earth tremble.

Turning around, Sol saw the huge Hulk, tearing up the behemoth of war.

"Wow! Is this also a human on Earth? Exaggeration!"

Sol has never met Hulk, and this is the first time the two have met.

Neither of them found hostility in the other.

In addition, they are both dealing with the Kiritas, and they can consider each other as teammates for the time being.

So Sol stretched out his hand and simply touched Hulk's thigh.

Hulk also roared, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Sometimes friendships come out of nowhere.

Like Thor and Hulk.

It was obviously the first time we met, but there was a look of sympathy.

Then they joined forces to attack, and together they wiped out about half of the Kiritas on the ground.

And the rest, most of them were solved by the little spider trio.

at the same time.

Tony Stark, just finished, those who invaded his building.

Thirteen of these unidentified guys took wingtip poison and committed suicide.

The remaining two were stunned by Stark in advance, and then Jarvis helped them remove the poison and locked them in the small dark room.

There were fifteen intruders in total, but in the end there were only two alive, which made Stark very depressed.

But since there are clues, the rest of the torture is easy to say.

Although he is not an expert in this area, if he handed it over to S.H.I.E.L.D., at least one more hit.

But when he finished dealing with these things, he immediately discovered the vision in the sky.

He didn't choose what to do in the sky, because he knew that You Ming could do it all by himself.

Only at this moment.

In the entire laboratory, a red alarm suddenly sounded.

"Alert! Alert!"

"A nuclear warhead has been detected, fast approaching.

Its explosive power is enough to flatten the entire city!

If it is allowed to explode, tens of millions of civilians will be sacrificed! "

"Damn bastard, come out to make trouble for me at this time!"

Stark's face was a little heavy.

Fortunately, he has been letting Jarvis monitor the situation on the Congress side, the purpose is to prevent them from stabbing their own people at such a time.

It's all tradition.

As long as something happens, it must be someone who stabs someone with a knife!

Although it will also achieve the purpose of destroying the enemy.

But the first to be destroyed is his own people.

As for human rights?


In the eyes of those people, there is no such thing as freedom and human rights!

All they want is their own safety.

It is precisely because of this that Stark hates those guys so much.

"Sooner or later, this group of people will destroy the world!"

Tucao returns to Tucao, what should be done is still to be done.

Stark immediately covered his entire body with nano armor and flew out.

According to Jarvis's guidance, he soon came to the area where the nuclear warhead was located.

This missile carrying a nuclear warhead flew towards the city at a very fast speed.

Just give him another three minutes or so, and he can land safely, then destroy the entire city and kill tens of millions of people!

But Stark immediately put his body on the missile, and the nano armor immediately exerted force and fixed it on his body.

Accompanied by a roar from Stark, and the sound of 'zizi' on the nano armor.

The entire missile turned off abruptly, and at the same time, it was turned by Stark and rushed to the position of the sky!

"You Ming! This is a nuclear warhead, I've figured out a way to deal with it!

Whether it is thrown into the universe, or detonated in the atmosphere, it must not fall on this city!

When it's done, I'll pay you for your help! "

Stark didn't care about anything, and shouted directly through the loudspeaker that came with the armor.

Because he knew that You Ming could solve the nuclear warhead, he shouted it out without any scruples. At the same time, it was a shock to other people, lest those who were watching here would continue to act as demons.

You Ming was originally dealing with the miscellaneous soldiers, and he was a little shocked to hear Stark's voice at this moment.

He did not expect that under such a clear situation, there will be a nuclear bomb.

This made You Ming more and more disgusted with those people.

Without any he dodged directly in front of Stark, grabbed the nuclear warhead with one hand, and flew into space!

Just after You Ming leaped out, he saw a huge spaceship floating in the sky.

This is the mothership of the Kiritas, and it is also the fleet sent by Thanos!

Without thinking too much, You Ming threw the missile directly, and at the same time released the virtual flash as a push, allowing the nuclear warhead to accurately hit the warship!

explosion occurs.

The dazzling light is so brilliant in the universe.

The explosion brought by the nuclear bomb completely destroyed the entire mothership!


You Ming immediately fell back to Earth, and then immediately used the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to close the space channel.

However, the moment he returned to Earth, he seemed to hear someone's roar.

It's like an illusion, but it's very real.

Read The Duke's Passion