MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 60 Defection? No way to escape!

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"Inside the wall and outside the wall, there are really two worlds!"

"Though the Tianlong people outside the wall are also extravagant, they are still a family and live in a large courtyard.

But here, one or two people live in a yard.

It turns out that even if they are Tianlong people, they will be divided into three, six, nine and so on! "

This is the first time You Ming has discovered that there is also a hierarchy within the Tianlong people.

At least these true rulers know how to enjoy themselves better than the quasi-pig outside, and also have a greater status.

But it doesn't matter.

You Ming smiled as he looked at Mary Joa, who had gradually cracked due to the earthquake.

The whistling sound of the sea kept coming from far away.

Although the waves hadn't come yet, You Ming could already smell the salty sea breeze.

But just after he killed two Tianlong people, a huge lava fell from the sky.

Looking at this familiar trick, You Ming knew who it was without thinking.

"Sakaski, long time no see!"

"Haha! I didn't expect that you, who had high expectations from the marshal, actually chose to betray!

Sure enough, you, the person who brainwashes others everywhere, is not a good person!

It is our shame to have people like you in the Navy! "

Sakaski turned around and looked at You Ming sharply.

at the same time.

A yellow flash appeared in the sky.

This is the second admiral who has come here!

"Hey yo, it's really scary, it's hard to imagine that you can make Mary Joa look like this by yourself.

To be honest, if you choose to take revenge on Marin Vando, maybe our reaction will not be as fast as it is now. "

The two admirals intercepted You Ming from the air and on the ground, not giving him any chance to escape.

And the relationship between You Ming and Sakaski is not very good.

When You Ming gave a speech before, he smashed the stage.

If he hadn't been reprimanded by the Warring States later, it is estimated that he would have killed You Ming at that time.

As for Porusalino, the guy who clocked in at work, You Ming didn't have much contact with him.

It can be said that the relationship between You Ming and the two of them is not very good.

And Kuzan, who had the best relationship, did not appear here.

"Since the two generals are dispatched, then Kuzan should also come?"

You Ming asked tentatively, but what he got in return was Polusalino's ridicule.

"Yoyo, you still miss Kuzan.

But you should just die. He has been temporarily grounded because he has a close relationship with you.

As long as you die, or are captured by us and pushed into the city, the marshal will lift his ban on him.

So if you want to live, just follow us obediently. "

Polsalino actually had a little sympathy towards You Ming.

After all, You Ming's talent is indeed very strong, and his theory of justice has also boosted morale within the navy.

Even catching pirates has become much more active, and corruption has plummeted.

It's just that Sakaski didn't like Yu Ming's theory very much.

Because what he believes in is absolute justice, evil must be eliminated, and those who are enemies of the world government must be eliminated.

Such subjective and unjust justice is what he insists on.

"Polusalino, don't talk nonsense with him, just do it!"

Sakaski didn't want to spare You Ming, so he didn't hesitate to release all his strength, wanting to kill with one hit!

Seeing this, Polsalino shrugged and shot two lasers symbolically.

As a result, You Ming's pressure immediately doubled.

Although he is very confident in his own strength, this is limited to facing a naval admiral.

If it was two people, he could not guarantee that he would not lose.

However, relying on his visual talent, he clearly saw the blood bars on top of Sakaski and Polusalino's heads, in units of 100 million!

You must know that in You Ming's eyes, the average navy only has a few hundred blood bars.

Even a Vice Admiral is only a few million health bars.

But Sakaski and Polsalino are like monsters.

You Ming's attack hits them, causing a high amount of damage every time!

If you were an ordinary person, you would have been killed in seconds.

But for them, this is completely painless.

Gua Sha's extreme damage made You Ming unable to see any hope of defeating them.

However, just when they were fighting to a white-hot stage.

A sharp slash appeared in the sky!

The knife light passed by, and You Ming was instantly hit by a knife in the back.

A large amount of blood was sprayed out, and the whole person staggered for a while, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Polsalino was stunned for a moment, and stopped in time.

He really didn't want to kill You Ming, but Sakaski didn't think so.

Taking advantage of people's illness to kill people!

This is the way he fights!

So a large amount of lava poured into his fist in an instant, and immediately penetrated You Ming's chest.

You Ming coughed dryly, and blood gushed along his five senses.

As for the penetrated abdomen, you can feel the incomparably hot pain.

This was the most serious injury that You Ming suffered when he simulated in reality.

Even in the previous fall from the cliff, he just felt the darkness in front of him, and then the simulation ended.

But now, he could clearly feel that such severe pain was spreading all over his body.

The lava is burning his internal organs.

The wound on the back is even more bleeding, and it can't be stopped at all!

"A mere brat, who dares to come to Mary Joa to be wild, I really don't know whether to live or die!"

An old man's voice appeared behind You Ming.

Seeing this, Sakaski and Polsalino immediately took a step back and gave a military salute.

You Ming took his last breath and turned around to see a bald old man in a samurai uniform standing in front of him with a knife.

This is one of the five most powerful stars!

You Ming didn't expect that he not only chose to appear at this time, but even made a sneak attack that didn't talk about martial arts!

Otherwise, You Ming wouldn't have lost so quickly.

"Hehe, five old stars, right? It's ridiculous!"

"Humph! Laugh, you laughed at this moment, because you will die soon!

But what you have done is really amazing.

All the slaves have been rescued by you, and even the periphery of Mary Joa has caused such huge damage.

If it wasn't for someone in CP0 who could suppress earthquakes and block sea water, I'm afraid Mary Joa would have been destroyed by you.

It's really a good calculation! kid!

But unfortunately, you are going to die here now! "

Said, Wu Lao Xing slowly raised his hand, UU reading Samurai sword with endless demonic energy.

You Ming's face was a little unsightly, because the plan to destroy Mary Joa didn't work out.

But it also let him know where he could start next time.

And killing 112 Tianlong people in total is enough.

Although I don't know how many simulated coins there are, it is definitely not less than what Ghost Slayer gives.

What's more, he also killed hundreds of black bodyguards.

But in the end, You Ming still wanted to fight!

He took out the [Golden Apple] talent from his space backpack and gave him a golden apple.

This thing, just like the literal description, is golden and splendid, with endless temptation!

Without any hesitation, You Ming directly stuffed it into his mouth.

Melting at the entrance!

The bald-headed five old star felt that something was wrong, and immediately waved his knife!

'Because you ate the golden apple, triggering a 50% chance of immediate death, you are dead! ’

A 'click' sounded.

The head fell to the ground.

Before being beheaded by the enemy, You Ming left this world first.

At the same time, the Five Old Stars looked at You Ming's head, the golden apple transformed into it, completely unable to bear its temptation, and stuffed it into his mouth without thinking.

It still melts at the entrance.

However, at the moment when the bald-headed five old star did so, he immediately fell to the ground and died, and his body became a golden apple in a golden light.

Such a scene made Borusalino and Sakaski, who witnessed the scene, immediately panicked.

Time freezes and the screen stops.

The perspective of You Ming after his death stayed at the moment when the two of them showed fear, and immediately left the simulation world.

Read The Duke's Passion