MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 136 The war is on!

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"Mere humans!"

"You are courting death!!!"

Hearing You Ming making fun of him, even making fun of himself, Dormammu was immediately annoyed.

He spared no expense to unleash the power of darkness and condense into exaggerated tentacles!

The power of each tentacle, easily crushing an asteroid is not a problem.

And there are hundreds of thousands of such tentacles!

even more!

The dense attacks left You Ming with nowhere to hide.

But he didn't care, he held the Zanpakutō and slowly advanced.

Death Zanpakutō has become a real slayer.

Even gods can kill them, let alone Dormammu!

He is only the ruler of one dimension, and he can't be regarded as a true god, so the tentacles of Slaughtering Shenwu on him are simply Tianke!

Like chopping melons and vegetables, You Ming cut off Dormammu's tentacles one by one!

As You Ming kept approaching, Dormammu developed an emotion called fear.

He retreated frantically, trying to buy himself time and make a big shot.

But You Ming didn't care, what exactly was Dormammu doing.

He didn't even press step by step, he just walked slowly towards Dormammu as if he was taking a leisurely walk.

But it was such a slow speed that Domamu, from his heart, had the illusion that he was going to be slashed by a thousand knives and was about to be lingered!

Because the pressure You Ming put on him was too great.

Combined with the almost incomprehensible death power and You Ming's indifferent eyes, it makes people seem to see death in person.

After all, Yu Ming's appearance is also very beautiful.

If he were asked to change his clothes, wear a grey dress or something, someone who had seen death would surely admit his mistake at a glance.

After all, death rarely appears in human faces, most appear in the form of skeletons.

But Dormammu was the one who had seen the real body of death once.

He now almost turned You Ming's vision into death.

No way, this breath is too similar, and even he feels that this face is very similar.

Reason tells itself that this is an illusion.

But his eyes and his perception told himself that it was all true!

"Dormammu, is Feio asking you to die?"

You Ming smiled lightly and looked at each other gently.

But before Dormammu said anything.

You Ming waved the knife gently.

The surrounding space is directly cracked!

Everything is swallowed up by death!

Just a moment!

It was as if the whole world had perished.

Dormammu was stupid here, and the entire planet body was instantly reduced by about half because of You Ming's knife.

And next, You Ming will make a second knife!

But Dormammu couldn't help it.

He immediately released his ultimate move, and various dark divine powers emerged from the surroundings, and tightly controlled You Ming, as if he could escape.

But You Ming smiled contemptuously.

Because this kind of restraint is completely ineffective for him!

With You Ming recovering his power, the void space instantly shrinks!

You Ming returned to the outside space.

But Dormammu's body remained in the void space!

The other party was still struggling, but You Ming used the divine power of death to obliterate the other party conceptually!

But if you want to obliterate the existence of Dormammu's level, you need to consume a lot of energy and time!

But what You Ming lacks the most is time!

Because the time gem in his hand is shining brightly.

Crazy acceleration through the time gems!

You Ming calculated that he probably used the time gem to speed up the void space for nearly a thousand years, and this completely obliterated the opponent's concept!

a time.

The dark dimension begins to crumble.

Those creatures controlled by the dark dimension disappeared in an instant.

Strange and the others looked around blankly, not knowing who they were fighting here.

But Strange knew very well that he came here to save his teacher, Master Gu Yi!

However, because Dormammu was obliterated by the concept, this also caused Gu Yi's body to become a little unstable.

Strange didn't know what was going on, but he didn't hesitate, and immediately summoned the Book of Emperor Weishan to help Gu Yi maintain the integrity of his soul.

You Ming knew that it was not suitable to explain to everyone here, but instead he directly summoned the Rainbow Bridge and sent everyone and himself out.

But at the moment of returning to Earth!

You Ming noticed that someone was looking at him from behind!

"Got you!"

An ethereal female voice came from behind, and even You Ming was still in the Rainbow Bridge and saw a white hand bone!

But before he could do anything, the Rainbow Bridge had already sent You Ming and the others back to the earth's courtyard.

The voice disappeared, and the white hand bones disappeared, as if what You Ming saw was just an illusion.

But he is very clear that it is not an illusion, but the body of death, which almost came to the earth along the rainbow bridge!

Fortunately, the Rainbow Bridge is fast enough to transmit such a long distance in only two or three seconds.

To be precise, no matter how far the Rainbow Bridge is, the transmission time is basically the same, just a few seconds.

I have to say that this transmission capability is really convenient.

It's just that death almost came to Earth, which still made You Ming break out in cold sweat.

He said this first, gave everyone a warning, and also said about Dormammu.

Although Strange doesn't remember anything, he knows who Gu Yi was taken away by, and that's why he fell into this field.

Therefore, he completely believed what You Ming said.

Because Hexi is not from this world, although the memory is biased, it has not been completely eliminated, so she quickly recalled it.

As for Danvers, she didn't bother to care about that either.

Anyway, all she knows is that Thanos lacks a strong reinforcement, and that's enough!

"It's time for you to come back!"

"Hurry up and go to the war! You have left the earth, two days and one night!

Although I don't know, what enemy are you going to destroy.

But the Thanos army has arrived, and if you don't come, you won't be able to keep up with the heat! "

This is because Stark detected the return of You Ming and others, so he flew back and told them.

Hearing his words, You Ming looked at the system time and found that he had spent seventy hours in the dark dimension!

Strange was even more shocked, and immediately returned to Kama Taj with Gu Yi who was in a coma.

First of all, he had to settle the ancient one, and then talk about the war.

However, Gu Yi's current situation is not very optimistic. All You Ming can do is to use the Reality Gem to stabilize her body.

Others, he can't help After all, Gu Yi's situation is quite special, even if it is the power of death, it is not completely guaranteed to revive her soul.

However, You Ming also thought of a method, and that is to temporarily seal it in the cage of time.

Let the time inside stand still.

In this way, the soul and body of the ancient one can be completely sealed.

But the problem is, the time gem doesn't work anymore.

At the same time, it is necessary to assign manpower to guard the time gem.

And this heavy responsibility naturally fell on Strange.


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