MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 12 back to reality

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"Damn it, **** it!"

"A mere human can actually hurt me, **** it!"

Oni Mai Tsuji Wu Miserable cut off the burning skin on her body.

But in the blink of an eye, that large wound has recovered as before.

And the severed skin was swallowed up by the flames and turned into pitch-black coke.

At this moment, Tsuji Tsuji was very angry, but he also paid more attention to the two people in front of him.

at the same time.

You Ming and Ji Guoyuan stood side by side.

"How is it, are you injured?"

Ji Guoyuan started to ask.

You Ming shook his head, and then held the knife in both hands: "No problem, just at this level, it won't hurt me."

The voice fell, the two looked at each other, and immediately stepped out!

Almost synchronous speed, in an instant, it was close to Kibu Tsuji Wumai.

The flames of the breath of the sun and the flames of Yang flames attacked from both sides, burning the bare skin of Oni Mai Tsuji Wumai at the same time!

For a moment.

The smell of death is coming!

You must avoid it, or you will die!

This is the signal given to him by Kiwu Tsuji's brain.

Even though he was full of confidence in his own abilities, in the face of the omens of mortal death, he still chose to avoid it.

Accompanied by the roar of flames, a fire soaring into the sky almost illuminated the dark night.

Burning and fiery.

You Ming and Jiguo Yuanyi slowly stepped out of the flames.

The two were shaped like demons, with an ominous aura entwined around them.

Jiguoyuan is like the incarnation of the sun, his whole body is wrapped in the blazing sun.

You Ming perfectly interprets the title of "King of Blood", and the killing breath is almost suffocating.

Even the ghost dance Tsuji Wumai, in front of the aura emanating from the two, is like a baby, and there is no room for resistance.

"Damn! Don't underestimate me!"

Oni Mai Tsuji no miserable roared, like a lost dog, completely lost its initial pomp.

As the final boss of this world, he did not show the momentum he should have. Instead, he was like a clown, constantly jumping up and down in front of You Ming and Ji Guoyuan.

A battle with almost no suspense, completely resolved within half an hour!

The flames engulfed the entire mountain stream.

The battle of the three even burned this deserted village to the ground!

This is not only to deal with the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable, but the more important thing is to prevent the fish from slipping through the net.

Cremation of this village is already their great kindness.

As for the ghost dance Tsuji, there is no misery.

Under the full force of You Ming and Jiguo Yuanyi, the whole person shattered.

His body then flew into the sky.

You Ming and Jiguo Yuanyi almost tried their best to burn it, but they didn't stop it completely.

"Damn, it's just a little bit!"

You Ming didn't know how many pieces of meat he had burned, but he knew that Guiwu Tsuji Wumai must not have died!

He must be hiding somewhere, waiting for him and Ji Guoyuan to leave before he dares to reappear.

Ji Guoyuanyi also felt a little helpless.

He never thought that Guiwu Tsuji Wumai actually had such a trick hidden.

Even if You Ming was prepared, he was stunned by this sudden meat-crushing offensive, not to mention Jiguoyuanyi who was completely unprepared.

"It's a little troublesome..."

You Ming scratched his head and didn't know what to do. Ji Guoyuan was a very bachelor.

Since Kibuki Tsuji didn't die, he will stay in the ghost hunting group until he finds him.

that's it.

Following Guo Yuanyi, who officially joined the ghost hunting group, You Ming mobilized all the members and began to look for the trace of ghost dance Tsuji.

Unfortunately, eight years have passed.

It has been the twenty-fifth year since You Ming was reborn into this world.

There are even two children.

The wife is even more beautiful.

But You Ming was dying.

He has a terminal illness, an incurable disease!

Even if we return to the modern age, severe cancer may not be cured!

So You Ming simply let go of the ghost hunting team and let Ji Guoyuan toss it alone.

On the other hand, I enjoyed the time I spent with my wife and children in the last year.

that's it.

A year later, You Ming died of illness.

At the same time, his spirit also returned to the interface of the simulator, and then slowly returned to his original body.

'The reality simulation is over. ’

'This reality simulation often survives: 26 years, please continue to work hard! ’

'The rewards for this realistic simulation are as follows:

1, or simulated coins: 61.

2. Blue talent [natural leader].

3. Blue talent [Dragon and Phoenix]

4. To obtain intermediate swordsmanship, sell it to get 21 simulated coins (half price recovery).

'Currently holding analog coins: 294. ’

'Dragon and Phoenix: My child must be a dragon and a phoenix. ’

'Natural leader: will definitely become the leader of a certain force. ’

'Life cannot be repeated. ’

'I wish you a happy game! ’

"The reward this time is not bad, but the only fly in the ointment is that the next realistic simulation is only a mere 6 points of simulation coins.

This feeling is the same as when I played lol in my previous life and ended up stuck at 99 LPs. "

You Ming couldn't help but complain.

Then he began to examine his body, and then glanced at the clock on the wall.

But he soon shook his head in disappointment.

Originally, before starting The Sims, he deliberately glanced at the clock and wanted to record the time.

But the result was unsatisfactory. UU reading www.

Although the system will help You Ming to solve the sequelae caused by crossing, so that he will not be affected by the simulated world.

The effect is similar to that of the 'Bone King', forcing calm.

Although the memory will not disappear completely, it will be compressed deep in the brain and will be forgotten at any time.

Unless something really happened, something unforgettable, or the system is set like this, it is also for the host's good.

Otherwise, every world has to be recorded again, and no matter how much human brain capacity is, it will not be enough.

like now.

You Ming completely forgot what time was before The Sims.

"Forget it, next time you start the Sims, just use a stopwatch to time it so you won't forget it."

You Ming found a solution, then glanced at the calendar and the sky outside the window.

The date has not changed, and the sky is still blue.

It wasn't even time for lunch.

In other words, the time spent in this crossing must be within an hour.

It's not that You Ming never thought that time would be stopped when he was simulating his life.

But he always felt that it was unrealistic, so he still waited for the next time crossing to conduct experiments.

And You Ming also discovered that if he formed a force in the simulated world.

Then the other subordinates in his power, those ghosts that were exterminated, can't be counted on his head.

This is also the reason why after he simulates in reality, the number of simulated coins will decrease.

At the same time, in the world of Ghost Slayer Blade, only killing ghosts will give you simulated coins, and killing people will give you no reward at all.

After figuring this out, You Ming opened the system interface again, preparing for a system automation simulation.

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