MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 115 decisive battle!

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Merlot Heaven.

In front of Keisha, the king of angels.

You Ming was wearing formal armor and half-knelt in front of her.

"I, You Ming, officially report to the great holy Kaisha, the King of Angels!"

You Ming's armor is very handsome.

Although Hexi tried his best to let him wear skirt armor and enter Merlot Heavenly Court, You Ming finally gave up, just let Hexi take a second look, and then changed to normal armor.

Over the past thousand years, Hexi has been wearing women's clothes a lot, basically once or twice a month, so that You Ming has become accustomed to it.

Sometimes, even subconsciously wearing a skirt.

It was only recently that he forcibly corrected his conception.

After all, he didn't want to keep that habit after returning to reality.

Otherwise, he would have nowhere to stay.

However, the thousand-year simulation time is indeed a bit long, so that You Ming sometimes forgets real things.

This directness is the longest world he has experienced so far!

However, correspondingly, his own strength has also grown exponentially.

So as long as this time, the task can be successfully completed, the final reward will not be too small.

"Get up, You Ming, as the only male angel in Merlo Heavenly Court, how are you feeling now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Keisha asked.

You Ming blushed slightly and touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly.

No way, the surrounding angels all stared at him.

With that look, I can't wait to swallow myself alive.

The eyes of every female angel are so fiery.

Good thing he's used to it.

"Actually, it's okay, I don't have any problems personally, I just hope that the seniors can bear more.

After all, I'm still young, and some things are not thoughtful, please don't mind. "

As soon as these words came out, many angels laughed lightly.

"You Ming, starting from today, you will temporarily take over the role of the guardian of Angel Yan's left wing.

She has not returned since she was on Earth, and it is indeed inconvenient when there are few guards. "

Keisha's pure intention was to lift You Ming's position to a very high position.

This made You Ming feel incredible, and the other angels did not expect that Keisha would make such a decision.

However, they only whispered, and did not refute.

In their hearts, no matter what choice Keisha makes, it is absolutely correct.

Therefore, they firmly believe that Keisha must have her unique reason for placing You Ming in this position.

In reality, however, she didn't think so much.

In this way, You Ming, who was stunned, was forced to become Keisha's left wing guard.

And You Ming also learned that Angel Yan had been healing on Earth after the fierce battle with the demon Ato, and could not return for the time being.

The most important thing is that the decisive battle between angels and demons is about to start!

This time it wasn't just the Demon Legion that dispatched its main force, and even Angel Nebula attacked with all its strength!

Both of them plan to annihilate each other in one fell swoop!

But in fact, Morgana, the king of demons, that is, the former King of Apocalypse Liang Bing, has her own ideas.

This war is secondary.

The most important thing is to do everything possible to completely solve Keisha!

So You Ming persuaded Kaisha not to take action in person.

But Keisha disagreed.

Because in this universe, Keisha is the most powerful god.

none of them!

There is no strength, worthy of her fear.

So no matter how You Ming persuaded, Kaisha didn't pay attention, but thought You Ming was just a fledgling and a little timid.

Even if You Ming complained to Hexi, she would not think that Keisha would lose.

So there was no other way, You Ming could only go through the system and spend 3,000 simulated coins to buy an unlimited positioning necklace and give it to Kaisha.

With this thing, as long as Keisha is still in this universe, no matter where he is, You Ming can check the exact coordinates through the system!

Then summon the Rainbow Bridge to go over.

Since Keisha didn't believe it, You Ming could only choose this method to protect the King of Angels who had taken care of him for a thousand years.

Although You Ming is not sure, whether his own strength can outsmart Karl, the God of Death.

But at least saving Keisha from the black hole would not be a problem.

It's not a problem to rescue Reina by the way.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is Karl, the **** of death who holds the great clock artifact.

If he were to stop him, You Ming was really not sure whether his plan would succeed.

However, Kaisha didn't know about You Ming's thoughts.

When she received the necklace, she didn't notice anything wrong, but felt that You Ming was very attentive.

"It's a beautiful necklace, although I don't usually wear jewelry, but it was given by you after all, so I'll make an exception to wear it."

Keisha showed a gentle smile and gently stroked the necklace on her chest.

System produced, must be a boutique.

So this necklace, even Keisha couldn't notice any abnormality.

Even Hexi next to him would not notice anything unusual.

It's just that her expression was a little sour.

After all, You Ming only gave Keisha one, but he didn't have anything. This is too sour!

"Don't worry, I have prepared one for you, but I haven't taken it out yet."

You Ming smiled.

He knew that Hexi would definitely be jealous because of this.

So he had already prepared the exact same necklace.

There is also a positioning system.

This is Yu Ming's preparation for the future, she and Hua Ye fight.

After all, You Ming was really worried. After the two of them entered the black hole, they would never come back.

But at this time Hexi, although wearing the necklace, was still a little unhappy.

So she forced You Ming to change into women's clothes, and even Kaisha suddenly became interested, and her eyes were full of brilliance.

Then there was You Ming, who was treated like a doll, dressed and manipulated at will.

He has no love for life, and simply gives up resistance and enjoys the moment.


time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the day came when the angels and the demons had a decisive battle.

The Angel Legion could not say that they were all dispatched, but they also completely pulled the main force over.

On the side of the demon army, they came out in full force.

Even Demon No. 1 is parked not far away, ready to cover fire at any time!

A moment later Demon King Morgana appeared at the forefront of the Demon Legion, looking at the holy Keisha sitting on the throne with disdain, and You Ming beside her.

"Is this the male angel you have been focusing on cultivating?

Haha, I really didn't expect that you, Bichi, would have the day to cultivate male angels!

Aren't you afraid that one day in the future, he will repeat the same mistakes and become the second Hua Ye! "

As a past person, Morgana knew very well the tyranny of Hua Ye at that time.

So she was very unhappy with You Ming, a male angel.

But she also had to admit that even if she saw You Ming's prosperous beauty, she was slightly moved.

"Hehe, this little guy is nothing but his face!"


Read The Duke's Passion