MTL - A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 125 Is this also alien knowledge? (seeking a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 125 Is this also alien knowledge? (seeking a monthly ticket)



  The sharp friction sound came one step ahead of the picture. At that moment, it seemed that there were thousands of brushes brushing the clean floor in unison.

  Matthew immediately reminded:

   "Be careful, it's a swarm!"

  Samantha and Clegg's reactions were also not slow. Almost at the same time, Samantha's body began to skyrocket. Two seconds later, a sturdy wildkin with shiny feathers was stuck at the gate.

  She took the initiative to meet it, and endured the first wave of shock from the larvae!

   And Craig's body is lit up with two kinds of strange lights, red and blue.

  Red light is the external characteristic of the orc's unique "Brazilian Art", and berserk can make an orc stronger.

   Only the blue light was something that Matthew had never seen.


  「Insight: You noticed that Craig (candidate Juggernaut) used "Level 1 Madness" and "Jugmaster Meditation".

   Level 1 Berserk: Craig's Strength +2/Agility +1, related judgments increased by 20%, and gained "Vulnerability" and "Recklessness".

  —Vulnerability: When Clegg takes damage, he will lose an additional 15% of his health;

  —Recklessness: Craig can gradually lose his sanity in combat.

  Meditation of Juggernaut: Practitioners of the way of Juggernaut have stronger self-control than ordinary orcs. Even during the period of berserk, they can maintain a calm mind and a clear state during meditation.

   "Reckless" on Craig has been removed. "


   This is equivalent to enjoying the high attribute bonus brought by madness, and immune to the biggest side effect of madness.

   As for "vulnerable".

   Juggernaut is not a tank at first, it is a serious class with high damage, high resistance, high immunity, good melee but crispy skin.

   Don’t look at Clegg as an orc and look burly, in fact, her life value is not much higher than Matthew’s after quantification.

  The real strength of Juggernaut is that he is a triangle fighter with full dodge, resistance and output.

   Therefore, in a group of people.

  The only one who is qualified for the front row is Samantha's Moonkin.

  The two girls have obviously cooperated for a long time.

  The moonkin was stuck near the gate, resisting the first wave of impact, and Craig swung her two long and thin knives back and forth through the swarm.

  She kills bugs very efficiently, just like a meat grinder chops meat.

   Not for a while.

   She crushed the first wave of bugs.

  But everyone didn't relax, because the movement in the gate was still going on. Not only were there larvae approaching, there was a high probability that many infected bodies and even the guards of the Kuangse were gathering in this direction.

  In order to relieve the pressure of the female orc Craig.

  Leila and A Bing went forward, each stuck in one direction, and while sweeping the formation for Samantha and Clegg, they were also responsible for killing some fish that slipped through the net.

   Of course, Matthew was not idle.

  As early as the first time Samantha transformed, he began to tear the scroll—

  The tenacity of bears; the strength of bulls; the elegance of cats; the wisdom of owls...anything that can improve attributes, all go to the orc female sword master.

  Sword protection; Negative energy shield; Thorn shield... In terms of frankness, Matthew also gave Samantha full.

  Plus the "Hardened Feather" that Samantha possesses.

  The Moonkin's "Natural Armor" is close to 13 points, and it is almost close to the shield guard with the small shield.

  Just tearing off this scroll will cost 200 gold coins.

   It must be a lie to say that I don’t feel distressed.

   But once the battle breaks out, Matthew will never save money, not to mention his pockets are still full because of the A1 project.

  A few days ago, he went to the Alliance Mall to buy goods, and found that the prices of the items there were indeed cheaper than those in the Crucible House, and the quality was good.

  In addition to adding a bunch of scrolls for combat.

  Matthew also took down the "Dragon Fire Amulet" that he had been thinking about.

   With this thing, Matthew's winning rate against mage units will increase a lot.

   Just after tearing the scroll.

  Matthew suddenly found that he had nothing to do—

  The gate was too deadly blocked by the moonkin, and his vision was limited. Apart from adding buffs to his teammates and symbolically throwing a "Frost Path" on the ground to slow down the speed of the bugs, he really couldn't do much.

   Of course, Matthew has no guilt about this.

  He knew that the scrolls he tore off would greatly improve the combat power of the front row.

  "The fighting style of a real spellcaster should be so boring but elegant."

  Matthew rowed the water with peace of mind.

   However, this scene was quickly captured by Ella.

   "Matthew, you seem as laid-back as I am."

   She stopped on Matthew's shoulder and beeped softly.

  Matthew immediately retorted:

   "How can there be!"

   Just in time, at this moment, a guard with a few rusty door panels rushed out of the gate!

  Though the door panels were rusty, they were unexpectedly strong. Coupled with the terrain, the orc female sword master couldn't kill it for a while!

  Samantha's owl beast fought against it a few times, and its figure was a little staggering.

  Druids are not pure front row after all.

  Even with the protection of "hardened feathers", Samantha couldn't resist.

  Seeing this, Matthew immediately raised his hand, aiming the tip of the dead wood staff at the enemy.

   Next second.

  He tried to recall Rhaegar's face in his mind.


   A gray light shot out smoothly.

   "Dissociation Technique"!

  The gray light hit a door panel, which melted silently, and a large piece of red and white rotten flesh suddenly appeared on the chest of the Kuangse guard.

   Craig rushed over when there was a need, and both knives plunged into the chest of the Kuangse guard, and then smoothly cut out in two directions.

   Whoosh whoosh!

  While the white light flickered, the Kuangse guard was dismembered into pieces by her. Judging from the technique, she was indeed very skilled.

  But in the end, the "Claw of Estel" added by Matthew ended the life of the Kuangse Guard.

   "Look, key damage!"

   Matthew made a joke on Ella.

   Ella curled her lips in disdain.

   Instead, Clegg took the time to look back and boast:

   "Nice job."

   This flattered Matthew.

  But he also felt that the release of these two spells was just right.

  The dissociation technique pierces the armor, and the claw of Estel ends.

  In Ella’s view, this process is an understatement, but only the teammates in the front row know how timely and thirst-quenching this kind of magic support can be.

  Another point that Matthew was pleased with his performance was—

  He gradually mastered the rhythm of releasing the spells he learned in battle.

   For Matthew.

  The spells given by the system are just like pressing skills when playing games, and they are easy to understand, such as those low-level druid spells obtained by doing tasks.

  But the spells you learn must follow the actual law of casting spells when you release them.

   Just as he and Rhaegar described.

  He must maintain a high degree of concentration in battle and overcome various discomforts in order to cast spells smoothly.

   This process is not simple.

  That's why he was more willing to use the wilderness form to fight enemies hand-to-hand.

  But it’s not Matthew’s character to stand still. He wants to master something that belongs to him. He doesn’t want to be a guy who leaves the system and is a waste.

   Looking at it now.

  He is on the right track.

  The rest is the accumulation of time and experience.

   "I hope that when I release the dissociation technique next time, I don't need to recall Rhaegar's face."

   Matthew thought from the bottom of his heart.

  With the concerted efforts of everyone, the battle near the gate gradually came to an end.

   A number of Kuangser guards and infected bodies fell one after another.

   Only a large number of larvae were left continuously crawling out of the tunnel, trying to infect the life forms in front of them.

  Although the Kuangse larva could not cause harm to everyone, it did slow down their progress.

  As more and more insects gathered near the gate, some insects even squeezed towards Matthew.

  Matthew waited and watched for a while, and decided to take action to clean up the mess:

   "I will count to three, and you will hide behind me in a while."

   As he spoke, he took out a black umbrella with the length of a little finger out of his luggage and flicked it lightly.

  The small umbrella was suspended in the air, and it turned over a dozen somersaults, and its size became bigger and bigger.

   not long.

  The black umbrella turned into a translucent bullet-shaped single-sided defensive shield that can cover five to ten people!


  「Reminder: You have used "Roderick's Magic Umbrella", and you have obtained a 180-degree magic shield (the strength is about equal to a level 4 spell


   Roderick's Magic Umbrella.

   This is the second magic item that Matthew recently bought. Together with the Dragon Fire Amulet, it cost Matthew tens of thousands of gold coins.

   This magic item originated from the hands of Roderick, the guardian of the north.

   Roderick is a master of both divination and protection spells.

  The magic umbrella he originally made can resist legendary spells.

  And what Matthew bought was the screwdriver in Roderick's factory—no, it was a high-quality imitation made by the enchanted apprentices.

   But this thing also sells for more than 5,000 gold.

  The magic umbrella has constant reduction and enlargement, so it is easy to carry;

  After unfolding, it can resist 5 purely attacking spells of level 4, and the effect is very solid;

  Magic Umbrella also has the function of camping in the wild.

  After opening, a tent with space folding technology can be conjured on the spot. The space in the tent is not small, and it is convenient to do anything;

   In addition, Matthew also encountered a discount when he bought it—

  Buy the Magic Umbrella and get three free trial coupons for Roderick's Prophecy Castle.

   Matthew has heard about this for a long time.

  Being able to get three prophecy spells for nothing, he naturally wouldn't miss them.

  After the reminder is over.

   The rest of the team agreed.

  Only the orc female sword master said proudly:

   "I know you want to use magic to clear the field, but I'm not afraid of magic, just release it!"

  Matthew didn't persuade her either.

   After calling 321, Laila and A Bing escaped directly into the shadows. Samantha, who had the previous experience, also turned into a leopard and jumped back in time, and Ella even hid behind Matthew.

   Next second.


  "Hint: You cast a concocted spell—

  Corpse Explosion (Reconcile Moonfire): During each corpse explosion, the corpse will splash a ball of moonfire around and cause burning damage to all attachments! "



  The white light symbolizing moonfire and the gray light representing corpse explosion blend together.

   Immediately, a melodious movement was composed near the gate.


  A large amount of blood plasma and body fluids are happily spraying in the air.

   Ten minutes later.

  The magic umbrella in front of Matthew has been painted with red and green abstract paintings.

   And on the ground.

   There is not a single living worm left.


  「Hint: You released a perfect corpse explosion, you got the following elements—

  Corpse Explosion*6 (Death Domain)

  Profane*2 (Holy Domain)」


   "Profanity actually belongs to the sacred domain?"

   Matthew was puzzled.

   But what confuses him even more is that he used magic to reconcile corpse explosion and moonfire, and it turned out that he had blasphemed—

   Then it was the corpse explosion that desecrated Moonfire.

   Or did Yuehuoxu desecrate the corpse explosion?

  Matthew didn't like to think about this kind of philosophical question, so he just glanced at it and brought his attention back to reality.

  At the moment, he put away Roderick's magic umbrella.

  Go towards the gate.

  When passing by the orc female sword master, Matthew did not forget to throw a "clean spot" on her.

  The slightly embarrassed expression on the latter's face was immediately relieved.

  Samantha chuckled and whispered to her.

  Matthew stood at the gate and looked inside.

   Right in front of it is a hall. The bugs in the hall have been killed, and a passage extends out from the left and right sides of the hall.

  The passage on the right-hand side is deeply stuck in the underground rock formation, and it is probably impossible to get through.

  The only way they can go is the passage on the left.

   That passage is more like a corridor.

   There are rooms arranged symmetrically on both sides. Some rooms have their doors open, while others are closed.

  The hallway is full of decaying smell.

   But there are not many corpses here, probably because all the flesh and blood that can be parasitized have already become part of the Kuangser Zerg.

  Everyone discussed for a while, and decided to proceed step by step. First, clean up the rooms on both sides of the corridor to ensure that no fish slipped through the net.

   Craig and Samantha are on the left.

   Matthew and Lila are on the right side.

  A Bing and Ella are in charge of guarding.

  The four quickly started to act.

  Matthew pushed open the first door next to the corridor. The furnishings in the room were fairly neat, but the furniture was covered with a layer of dust.

  This is probably the staff dormitory of the laboratory.

Entering the door is a separate shower room, and there is a small cooking table on the left, and a few steps forward, there is a single bed, a small bookcase, and a desk of 1.5 meters, which constitute the room. Most of the bauble.

   Lyra did a quick search.

   Except for some personal items, there is nothing to gain.

Matthew found a stack of green banknotes in the drawer. This is obviously the currency of the Antu Empire. It is temporarily useless in Aindor, but Matthew still keeps it in his pocket, maybe it will be useful in the future when.

  The two left quickly and went to the second room.

   Then the third and fourth...

  Walk through the rooms one by one.

   Bugs did not meet one.

  The harvest is very little except for a few stacks of green paper money.

  But Matthew is very patient. He knows that this is part of the battle, and he must ensure that his defense is safe in order to move forward better.

  Finally, things turned around when he reached the ninth room.

  As soon as he entered the door, Matthew noticed that this room was much larger, almost two to three times the size of the previous rooms.

There is a bathtub in the shower room, and there is a living room a few steps ahead. There are several flower pots in the center of the living room. The flowers in the flower pots are naturally withered, but the two oil paintings hanging on the wall show the status of the owner of the room. .

   On the master bedroom side, the bed is also a double bed, at least it seems to be a senior researcher.

  Matthew searched expectantly, and found some things for him!

  In the open safe.

  He found a large bundle of green paper money, two gold bars the size of a thumb, and lots of dusty jewels.

  Matthew put them in his bag, knowing that the two hundred gold coins he just tore off had returned, and at the same time, he didn't forget to ask Lila to take away the safe as well.


  He also found a very miniature flashlight, a pen without ink, a diary, and a very miniature figure of the undead on the desk.

   After a brief perception, Matthew knew that these things were extraordinary.


  「Hint: You have obtained a psychic flashlight (unidentified/spiritual knowledge);

  You got a fully automatic fountain pen (commemorative model for the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Antu Empire);

  You obtained the diary of the deputy director of the laboratory;

  You have obtained "Constructing Undead" (reduction technique is constant


   This thing is not a figure!

   This is a real Constructed Undead!

Matthew looked carefully and found that his base was a skeleton soldier with a thin layer of exoskeleton armor on the outside. There were construction runes on the armor. It was unclear whether it was magic or technology. .

   "If the reduction technique is constant, I have the opportunity to enlarge it and study its specific structure."

  Matthew was extremely excited.

   Immediately, he studied the flashlight and pen again. Unfortunately, like the psionic staff, the former probably needs an advanced identification scroll to see its use, while the latter needs more knowledge of the Antu Empire to judge its value.


  Matthew opened the diary.

  Different from the previous researcher, the deputy director of the laboratory named Standron obviously took a concise and concise way.

  He keeps a diary, but is often lazy.

  His handwriting is even more scary, and at the same time there are many typos. Matthew often needs to read it repeatedly and combine it with the context to know what he is talking about.


   "Corrupt Science Administration!

  As soon as I made progress in the research of Necromancer Construct, those **** from Emperor Planet took away the results.

  They parachuted a new project leader, and they directly transferred me away. I was obviously an expert in constructing undead, but now I was sent to study what kind of **** psychic power!


  I know the psionic power of a fart!

  I must write a letter to report those **** with their real names, otherwise it will be difficult to solve the hatred in my heart!

  Forget it, let’s stay anonymous, I’m a family man, and I can’t be reckless like a young man.

   Forget it, don't write it, if they find me, I may lose my job.

Because of this, my children may not be able to go to a good school, my wife will leave me, I will become a space homeless, and I may eventually be captured by the space necromancer formed by my own research, I will be part of them when I die.

   How ironic.

   Fuck Empire!

   Destroy it! "


  「A new batch of monkeys came to the lab today.

Come on.

   They said they were monkeys, but they were actually a group of unidentified space refugees. Because they had been wandering around the Emperor Star Circle, they were caught as experimental objects.

  Empire will be secretive at first.

   Either say they are volunteers.

   Or say they are death row inmates.

   Now, they stopped pretending, and directly said that this group of people is a special species of monkeys, so let us feel at ease and boldly not to carry out experiments with psychological burden.

  Have you ever seen a monkey that speaks as fluently as a human?

I have not seen.

   Fuck Empire!

   Destroy it! "


  「Tomorrow it is said that a big monkey will come, I don’t know what kind of slang this is.

in a bad mood today.

   Just **** the **** Empire! "


"Oh My God!

   That's not a monkey, it's a creation of God!

  I feel like I've hit an inspiration.

  We seem to have found a shortcut to the people of Giza on the spiritual path!

  God bless.

  I'm in a good mood today, so I won't **** with the empire anymore.

   Only for this day, not for the next day. "


  The diary is here, and the second half is completely empty.

  Matthew didn't know what happened to the deputy director behind.

   But things seemed to take a turn around that time.

   "What kind of divine creation allowed them to find a shortcut to study spiritual power?"

   Matthew was curious.

  He knew that the Antu Empire must have made some progress, otherwise he wouldn't be able to find these psychic items.

   Just don't know why they were wiped out by the swarm attack.

   While thinking, Matthew closed the diary and just stepped out of the room.

  Suddenly, a long singing sound came from the end of the corridor.

  It was dark there, as if a gentle and pitiful woman was calling to herself.

   Matthew was shocked and successfully exempted from the charm and mind control effects attached to the singing.

   can be next second.

  He heard movement in the opposite room, and Samantha suddenly opened the door and came out. She said to Matthew with bright eyes:

   "Did you hear that? The goddess is calling us!"


  She walked steadily into the darkness.

  Matthew and Craig, who came out of the door behind her, exchanged glances.

  The orc female sword master made a decisive decision, rushed behind Samantha and slapped her down.

  Samantha was directly knocked out.

   "Well, this is also a way."

  Although Matthew felt that the attack was a bit heavy, he secretly praised Clegg for his decisiveness.

   "It must be the Zerg Queen!"

   Craig said swearingly:

   "That is a monster that is very good at mind control. Without enough immunity, it is easy to be mind controlled."

   "We have to find a room to tie up Samantha, I'm afraid she will still lose control when she wakes up."

  Matthew nodded:

"give it to me."

   As he spoke, he and Clegg brought Samantha to the deputy director's room. Matthew took out a piece of magic rope and threw it to A Bing.

  A Bing, who got the rope, was blazing with fire. He took a step forward, bent down and started, and bound Samantha tightly in a few tens of seconds!


  「Reminder: Your summoned A Bing has used the ability "Rope Master"」


   Craig silently looked at the bound Samantha, always feeling something strange.

   Ella asked directly:

   "Why does your skeleton soldier have such a binding technique?"

   "Could it be that this is also knowledge from another world?"

   Matthew wanted to answer.

Just at this time.

  The singing sounded again.

   Both Matthew and Craig's expressions changed.

  Because of that voice, it seemed that everyone was getting closer and closer!

   "I'm going to kill her!"

   Clegg took out his two knives and rushed outside.

  Matthew immediately asked Ella and Leila to stay here to guard Samantha, while he and A Bing followed.


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion