MTL - A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 115 A Little Greeting from the Instructor

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  Chapter 115 A little greeting from the mentor


   "Next is the benefits you can enjoy—"

  David introduces skillfully:

   "The top priority is of course the application quota for advanced topics. Every winter, you can submit research projects for the next year to the alliance and apply for funding for related topics at the same time.

  Based on your current situation, you can apply for at least 1 A1, 3 B2 or 4 B1, and more C or D-level projects each year.

  Once these projects are approved, you will receive substantial financial and resource support.

   You just saw that too, those enthusiastic apprentices—

This is the most enticing part of A1. The pre-entry apprentices are usually D1 or D2. They can only apply for topics of the level of "how to change the luminous color of the fireball technique" or "how to enhance the effect of the shaving technique" every year .

   It’s okay to have a small amount of money, and even if it produces results, no one cares about it, and there is no way to accumulate knowledge points.

   So you can take advantage of that and squeeze the value you want out of those apprentices, whatever.

   Again, don’t be too reserved, everyone does it.


   I forgot to introduce to you, "knowledge points" are a very important resource in the alliance, and they are more precious than gold.

   Its source can only be obtained by giving gifts from others and doing research.

  You can use it to exchange for any trendy magic theory or spell model in the alliance's self-developed spell library.

  Believe me, the results of spell research within the Seven Saints Alliance are beyond the reach of the outside world, especially the "Battle Spell" series, which has been frantically played by the group of perverted researchers in "Forbidden Land".

  If you have enough knowledge points, I strongly recommend you to enroll in a "Crash Course in Combat Spells".

  No offense intended, but it quickly makes you realize the huge gulf that exists between a wild mage and an orthodox mage. "


  Matthew nodded solemnly.

  Every word David said was remembered in his heart.

  Although Matthew does not intend to take the orthodox mage route, it is always right to learn more.

   "The second page of your spell license will display the knowledge points updated in real time. Look, it's here. It's currently zero."

  David pointed to a corner of the license and introduced:

"Usually it takes 1~3 knowledge points to redeem a combat spell. The latest version of "Spell Counter" is 1.5, "Spell Rebound" is 2.5, and the "Natasha Laughter" which is more effective in actual combat costs 3 points. "

  Natasha Laughter?

  As soon as Matthew heard the name, he knew that its function was similar to that of the cough staff.

  He couldn't help feeling a great curiosity about the alliance's self-developed spell library.

  The spells he is learning independently are all current versions, that is, the versions sorted out by the goddess of magic in the Enlightenment Age.

  Although there is no such thing as outdated magic, compared with the self-developed spells of the Seven Saints Alliance, it may already belong to the "ancient spells".

  Matthew is eager to see what "modern magic" looks like!

  It's a pity that the balance on the spell license made him calm down.

   "We can only wait until the Mark of the Dead is settled."

  Matthew thought helplessly.

  At this time, David took out a large bunch of golden keys, and then took Matthew into a room full of cabinets.


  David shouted.

  The goblins from the ceiling flew down:

   "Such a young A1-sama? Do you need the services of fairies? It only costs 100 gold per hour, hehe."

  David waved and scolded:

   "Bring something here!"

  The goblins left with grimaces, and soon, they flew back holding a box with difficulty.

  David took out a crystal key and opened the box.

   Matthew was immediately blinded by the golden light in the box.

  The chest is full of gold coins!

   "Don't be too happy, Mr. Matthew."

  David reminded with a smile:

"Only the top layer is gold coins, so there are not too many in total. This form of storage originated from the bad taste of a master of Tongtian. He felt that gold coins should be used to severely torture the ambitions of newcomers. If you want more If you want money, you can work hard for the alliance!"

   "Check it yourself. This is the list of items that A1 should have. By the way, you came at a coincident time. The spring benefits haven't been distributed yet. I'll get them for you."


  He walked towards the back of the room.

  Matthew bent down to count the items.

  In addition to 500 gold coins, there are two sets of mage robes of different thicknesses in the box. What makes Matthew wonder is that the standard mage robes issued by the alliance actually enhance the charm!

  The enchanting spells on the mage's robe are also "radiant" and "daily cleansing".

  The former can slightly improve a person's appearance and make people look more energetic;

  The latter provides an automatic cleaning spell once a day.

  In comparison, Matthew still feels more comfortable taking a bath.

   In addition, there is a blank spell book, a 100-point borrowing coupon (for the Alliance Great Library), a thick "Alliance Encyclopedia" and an old-fashioned blanket.

   No, not a blanket.

   It's a magic carpet!

  Matthew shook the blanket, and the latter floated in the air. He tried to sit on it, but the magic carpet slid away!

  If it weren't for Matthew's agility, he would have fallen right this time.

   "The magic carpet usually has some spirituality. You have to take it back and adjust it for two days before you can use it."

   David walked over with a smile:

   "If you don't like it, you can also switch to a broomstick. The latter accelerates faster and flies higher. It is a flying prop that young people prefer."

  Matthew asked:

   "Are the magic carpets and broomsticks distributed randomly?"

   David explained:

   "Choose one of the two, B1 and above have the right to choose independently, but the default is to issue a magic carpet, unless the user insists on changing it."

  Matthew asked curiously:

   "Why? Is it because the magic carpet is cheaper?"

  David made a very exaggerated gesture:

   "Do you know what the death rate on broomsticks was before the league came up with the "speed reduction order" and the "alcohol restriction order"?


  At least 15% of mages who frequently use broomsticks fall to their death!

   There are still a large number of disabled people. Although spells can heal their wounds, most of them suffer from fear of heights and cannot even sit on a magic carpet.

   Compared with the magic carpet, it is really much safer, and the death rate is only 1%. "

  Matthew asked in disbelief:

   "Will you die if you ride the magic carpet?"

   David explained:

   "Of course, the magic carpet flies very slowly, and it is easy to be regarded as delicious food by raptors or giant dragons in the sky."

   "And the area of ​​the magic carpet is very large, and the carrying capacity is amazing, so some mages take advantage of this, um, it's a lot of fun, in the sky, you know."

"The last time I heard about an accident with a magic carpet, people found a dead baby elephant within five kilometers of the place where the magic carpet and its driver fell. How outrageous they are."

   Speaking of this, David said with emotion:

  "So I personally suggest that small flying props are only suitable for short-distance travel or flirting.

  If you fly a long distance, or go to an unknown area, even riding a magic carpet is very dangerous.

  After all, you don't know if the white cloud floating in the sky ahead is disguised by an evil "cloud dragon".

  The sky of Aindor is far more dangerous than the ground. "

   Matthew deeply agrees.

  He seldom travels in the wilderness form because of safety factors.

  Real birds have the instinct to avoid danger.

  However, human-transformed birds lack this ability, especially if they go to a strange place and fly over in a daze, there is a possibility of sudden death at any time.

  At the moment Matthew put away the magic carpet.

  David took advantage of the opportunity and handed Matthew a cloth bag tied with a rope.

"Here, this is the spring benefit of the A1 title. It contains 500 grams of "Rabbi beans". This magic food comes from the arcane wilderness, and it has been processed by the great goblins of the "Food Hotel" to become more flavorful. and magic. "

   "Every time you eat a rabbi bean, your mana will increase slightly, and there is a small probability that it will increase greatly."

   "The disadvantage of Rabbi beans is that they are prone to constipation. For a few days after eating, it is best to prepare some food or medicine to moisten the intestines."

   Finished speaking.

  David explained to Matthew how to use the Alliance Encyclopedia, how to buy cheaper magic props or materials in the Crucible House, and some unspoken rules within the Alliance.

   Matthew was greatly benefited after listening to it, and thanked him repeatedly.

   David shook his head and said:

   “I’m just doing my job.”

   "If you have counted and put away your things here, let's go."

   Matthew took advantage of the opportunity to cover the box, and then hugged the whole thing.

  David looked at him with some surprise:

   "Are you planning to take this box too?"

  Matthew said in surprise:

   "What's wrong? Can't you bring it?"

  David forced a smile:

   "Of course, you are A1, you can do anything."

   The two left the room.

  David took Matthew to the door of a small black house.

  At this moment, the mechanical gnome introduced in an unprecedentedly solemn tone:

"This room is your last stop in the alliance office today. You should have heard of the "Supervisor Mentor". At that time, I was in the most secure Tower of Ten Thousand Laws in the Floating Void City in the Far North, and I could only meet you with a super-distance mirror image. "

   "The specific content, you will understand when you go in, I can only tell you that the adult is very special, you must be cautious in your words and deeds."

  Matthew nodded.

   As he said that, he was about to push the door of the small black room.

   "By the way, that adult's name is Isabel. I'm sorry, I was so nervous that I almost forgot to mention it."

  The door was half opened, and David's voice came from behind.


  Matthew’s thinking froze for half a second.


  He was shocked, and the origin of the name sounded.

  However, at this moment, a huge force dragged Matthew in!

   A very calm voice came from directly in front:

   "How many people did you kill to worship the Dragon?"


  The door of the small black room closes automatically.

   A silent chill hit, and Matthew couldn't help shivering.


  The light in the room disappeared completely in an instant.

Matthew only felt that he was standing on a piece of water, with the sparkling lake under his feet, and the endless darkness above his head. Only a full moon hung coldly in the sky. On a beautiful woman with white hair.

  The woman's hair is fluffy and long, spreading out around like an upside-down dandelion, completely covering the lake.

She was wearing a thin robe, her eyes were indifferent, her facial features were three-dimensional and stern like a knife carving, a silver-gray necklace was hung on her slender and fair neck, and the pendant of the necklace went deep into her chest. Orange-yellow gemstone.

  The white-haired woman and the bright moon in the sky are the most shining existences in this space.

  Although the light of the bright moon seems to be white and hot against the backdrop of the boundless darkness, it is not one ten thousandth of the charm of the white-haired woman.

  Matthew tried to gather his composure, and related memories flooded his mind.

  He knew that the woman in front of him was one of the three giants of the alliance, a former Tongtian mage with a level above LV28, the honorary title of a **** mage, the founder of Dragon Worship, and the teacher of Ronan and Blinken—

   Ms. Isabel.

   "Need I ask a second time?"

  Isabel's voice didn't fluctuate.

  Matthew hurriedly replied:

   "I don't remember clearly."

  Isabelle said "Oh":

   "I didn't remember it specifically, so it means killing countless people?"

  Matthew looked at her strangely.

  Isabelle took the initiative to meet Matthew's gaze. Her eyes were clear and bright, as vast and deep as the Milky Way, making people fall into them with just one glance, and be deeply fascinated by her.

   That's not a charm spell.

  It is the natural attraction of the knowledge condensed into the law to the caster.

  Matthew hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look any further.

   "You don't need to be too nervous, although I have defected from the alliance, I am not a villain in the traditional sense.

  I don’t kill people easily, I’m just mentally ill—

   Actually, this is the sentence they gave me.

  I myself think I am normal.

  If my appearance makes you nervous, I can talk to you in a different appearance. "

  Matthew immediately looked up and said:


  However, his words were only halfway through, because the scene in front of him had changed. The woman sitting alone on the lake suddenly put on a pair of jet-black glasses, and her clothes also changed into a teacher's professional attire.

  Her hair is much shorter.

   What surprised Matthew even more.

  The lower body is actually a hip skirt and black silk!

   "Please forgive me for grabbing a little bit of your memory and hobbies at random. Although this dress is not so comfortable to wear, it is still very good-looking."

  Isabel asked solemnly:

   "Does the way I look make you relax?"

  Matthew burst out of shame instantly.

  He knew that the whole world of the costume in front of him could only be imagined in his mind.

   But this feeling of social death still makes his heart beat faster:

   "No, there's no need, it looked pretty good just now."

   He gritted his teeth.

  Isabel's tone remained unchanged:

   "You really picked it?"

  Matthew choked for words.

   Fortunately, this eccentric mentor changed back in time.

  Matthew let out a long breath.

   "Let's get straight to the point. The reason why I mentioned Dragon Worship first is because I want to tell you that I don't care about you and Blinken at all. In fact, I don't care even if the entire Dragon Worship is dead.

  The interesting thing about this matter is that the Dragon Worshipers also know that I don't care about them. Only people in the alliance think that I care about the life and death of the Dragon Worshipers.

   I'm not interested in bringing that up with them.

   Don't they like to guess.

  Let them guess. "

   Isabel said casually.

   Matthew couldn't judge the authenticity of this passage, so he could only nod his head.

   "Do you know why they locked me up?"

   asked Isabelle.

   Matthew shook his head.

  The reminder to be cautious in words and deeds is still in my ears.

  Until he fully understood the temper of this big boss, Matthew tried not to speak.

  Isabel said to herself:

  "Because I saw what they couldn't see, the world is dead, we are all zombies walking in the decayed world, it's just the illusion of magic that makes us think we are still alive.

   In fact, everyone has long been reduced to walking dead.

  Humans, elves, any race; Mage, Seven Saints, even Tianlun Palace, all life has died!

  However, someone deceives our eyes, making us repeat what has happened.

   Don't you think this is a tragedy? "

   Matthew pondered for half a minute after listening.

   Then he answered honestly:

   "Sorry, I didn't understand."

  Isabel also seemed surprised by Matthew's answer.

  She was silent for half a minute, and cursed:


  Matthew could only bow his head and be scolded.

   "Forget it, I really can't blame you, you are too weak now."

   Isabel said with disgust.

  Matthew apologized one after another.

   "No need to apologize. Before you entered this small dark room, you were too weak because of your background. But after you came in, if you are still so weak, then it is my problem."

  Isabelle looked cheerful and said:

   "Your main research field is immortality?"

  Matthew nodded obediently like a chick.

   "Give up, there is no future."

  Isabel decided:

   "Learn evocation or prophecy from me, you can choose it yourself, I guarantee that you can become a legend, you can learn both, but whether you can be a legend in two domains depends on your own talent.

  You better not reject me, that idiot Blinken made a mess of himself because he chose not to die.

  He was so confused by that bitch, and he hasn't become a legend until now, which is simply a shame to me.

   You know, his aptitude is not much worse than Ronan's. "

  So domineering.

  Invisibly, Matthew felt a strong coercion.

  He could barely say no.

   Tens of seconds later.

   Matthew said out of breath:

   "I am deeply rooted in the way of immortality, and I can't give up."

  Isabel taunted ruthlessly:

   "How deep? Let me see?"

   "Oh, I entered the realm of the undead just once, and it was so short. If you look at it according to the standards of goblins, it is indeed very deep."

   Matthew was sweating profusely.

  He was struggling to resist the coercion that was automatically released by Isabel's words.

  That is the natural suppression of the lower ones by the existence at the top of the food chain.

   "Huh? Do you have other domains?"

   Isabel suddenly became interested:

   "Nature? Plague? Temperance? You also created a domain, tauren? What is that?"

   "The one who almost got started was Balanced. You want to follow the path of the Sioux? That is the path that was condemned by God!"

   "Fortunately, Aindor's high-dimensional space has been washed by "Yin", so it's not too dangerous for you to go this way now. "

  Matthew asked suspiciously:

   "Yin? Wash?"

  He didn't quite understand.

  Isabel said calmly:

"Yin is her name, the natural disaster mage in the title-this title is actually the slander of the gods on Yin. They compared her to a natural disaster, so she got this nickname. It is ridiculous that after Yin left, the mages Competing to spread her stigmatized title, as for her real name, few people know."

   "But this has nothing to do with me, I wish there would be more people who slander her."

  She doesn't seem to intend to explain how the Scourge mage cleans the high-dimensional space.

   Probably felt that Matthew couldn’t understand it.

   "Master of Scourge is a stigmatized name?"

   Matthew's heart skipped a beat.

   "And what about the Scourge?"

  He noticed this detail a long time ago, and at first he thought it was just a coincidence, and it was just a coincidence when they were named.

   Now it seems that this is most likely part of the stigmatization link!

  After all, the Scourge Church is doing evil everywhere. After a long time, people may subconsciously hate the name "scourge", and even the Scourge Mage may be mistaken for some heinous existence by people who don't know the truth.

   This is by no means alarmist talk, but something that is very likely to happen.

  In the transmission chain, once the information is processed by people with ulterior motives, after the taste changes, it will soon attract a carnival of ghosts and snakes.

   This was a common occurrence in Matthew's previous life.

   "Have you walked out of the legendary way?"

  Isabel changed the topic, and her tone seemed a little annoyed:

   "Damn it, I thought I could raise a little guy who completely suits my taste from scratch, but I didn't expect to be another stinky man who rebelled before he even got started!"

   "I'm very upset right now!"

  Her tone was cold and light, as if she was saying that today's dinner was not good.

   Matthew's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he couldn't even speak.

   "Wait for me, I'll vent my anger."

   Isabel suddenly rolled up her sleeves and walked to the left.

  Matthew vaguely saw her open a door, and a white-robed mage immediately went up to meet her. He seemed to want to stop Isabel, but when Isabel waved his hand, the white-robed mage stuck to the wall next to her involuntarily.

   This scene lasted a full 15 minutes.

   Until Isabel came back covered in blood.

  The ends of her hair seemed to be fished out of a pool of blood, dragging on the floor, brushing blood all the way, leaving a fan-shaped trace on the star-like ground.

   "I'm in a better mood!"

   "Sure enough, killing people helps to recover from mental illness."

   "Don't be nervous, Ekmond, I have kept my agreement with you, and I don't use spells."

   During the conversation.

   She grabbed at the void, and the white-robed mage was thrown out by her like a cotton doll.

   Do it all.

  Isabel said to Matthew nonchalantly:

   "The 7th floor of the abyss, the king of terror, I gave you his heart as a gift."

  Matthew was surprised:

   "You killed an abyssal demon king? And you don't have spells?"

  Isabel said naturally:

   "When a divine mage is promoted, he can solidify 3 divine spells for himself."

  "The first magical spell I solidified for myself was "Legendary Warrior Power". This spell gave me the top melee ability equivalent to a 28th-level legendary fighter. "

   "You don't think mages can't fight, do you?"

   During the conversation.

  A huge teleportation array appeared in front of Matthew.

   The stench of the wind hits the face.

boom! boom! boom!

  A demon heart with the height of three people, flowing with blood and magic power appeared in front of Matthew.

at the same time.

  He also felt the heat from the spell license on his chest.

  Matthew opened it and took a look.

  But seeing that the column of knowledge points suddenly changed to 10,000 points!

   "This is also part of the meeting ceremony."

  Isabel lazily sucked her index finger:

   "By the way, do you have a girlfriend?"

   "How many times a day do you defend yourself?"


  (end of this chapter)

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