MTL - A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 113 "Where's my dad?"

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  Chapter 113 "Where's my dad?"


  After sending away the assessment duo, Matthew continued to plant trees.

   Before I knew it, another three days passed.

  After the end of the new week, Matthew has accumulated a considerable number of enhancements to 13 times.


  He recruited Renee Smee and fired 13 rounds into her body in one go.

  After the wonderful strengthening light flashed.

  Miss Zombie's level has been raised from LV9 to LV12 in one go, and she has already stood at the peak of the third level, which is enough to be on an equal footing with Matthew.

  As for keywords, the luck of this enhancement is quite satisfactory, a total of two purples, three blues, three whites and two grays.

   Look at these keywords in different colors.

  Matthew felt that he had accumulated some balance elements.

  This time, he still chose to look at purple and gray first.


  「Concentration Contract (Purple): Renesme will get an additional concentration bonus (currently +1) when aiming at the enemy.

  Specially, she will share this focus bonus with the nearest companion. "

  「Clinger (Grey): Renee Smee lacks a sense of security and longs for company. She needs at least two hours a day to see her master (you).

  Once unsatisfied, a layer of "confusion" will appear in her soul fire.

   When the number of layers of confusion exceeds a certain limit, her loyalty to you may decrease. "


  Focusing on contracts is a good thing.

  The most important attribute for a mage is concentration, which is so crucial to casting spells.

  In the previous few battles, Matthew would rather use the wilderness form to kill the enemy more than choose to use spells, because the wilderness form has very low requirements for concentration.

  Many times, he was distracted and calculating other things, and he had to brew his emotions for slightly higher-level spells.

   This is the drawback of lack of focus.

  In fact, he doesn't have much advantage in this area, so he can only accumulate slowly.

   With just this one keyword, Matthew decided to keep Renesmee by his side for a long time in the future. She is also a sharpshooter, so it is not a loss to use it as a focus charging pile!

  As for "sticky spirit".

   Matthew thinks it's okay.

  At least no wage increase is required.

   It is only natural for the undead to follow the necromancer every day.

   What's more, Matthew is now at the third level.

  Among his spells to be learned, mirror image is also a very important spell.

  In the future, if I want to travel far and cannot bring Miss Zombie with me.

   Just pinch a mirror image for her to play with at home.

  Compared to real living people.

   The undead are still too easy to fool.

   Between thoughts.

  Matthew looked at the second group of purple and gray.


  「Spell Enlightenment (Purple): Renesmee has awakened part of the memories of her previous life, and she has obtained a small amount of memories of Storm Shooter-related spells. In future battles, she may gradually recall more of her own spells.

  Specially, if she can fight the enemy on a stormy ship, Renesme may awaken more past life spells.

  Currently recalled spells: water into wine, magic trap"

"Bar villain (gray): Renesme loves to wrestle with others, and is willing to bet with the other party. If she loses, she will be slapped three times; if she wins, she will be slapped three times. She I never got tired of it during my lifetime, and I still don’t want to give up this hobby after my death.”



  Matthew let out a long sigh of relief.

  The stone fell to the ground.

   No keyword that caused his myocardial infarction appeared.

   Likes to find people to wrestle wrists, slap the face, etc., in Matthew's view, it is too light and flirtatious.

   There are so many zombies and skeletons, she can play as she pleases.

   She can't slap all the undead all over the place, can she?

   As for "Spell Enlightenment".

   is also a keyword with great potential.

  It does not represent an ability, but the awakening of a type of ability.

   "It seems that Storm Shooter is not a purely long-range physical profession. She also needs to master some spells to assist shooting."

  Matthew realized that the storm shooter might be an advanced class for rangers.

  Although the rangers are proficient in each of them, they can also learn a little magic.

   Renee Smee currently seems to be an unconventional ranger who is developing towards the sea.

   It’s time for the blue sky and white clouds.

   Matthew decided to start with bittersweet, and look at the white one first.


  「Seagull Trap (White): Renee Smee has experienced the great famine during sea adventures, so she is very good at making special traps that can be used to hunt seagulls.」

"Canning (White): Renee Smee experienced a severe sepsis epidemic during her adventures at sea, so she learned from an old sailor how to make and preserve canned tangerines, this sweet and delicious food. Help her and her crew resist that dreadful death."

  「Compass usage skills (white): As a former captain of a pirate ship, Renesmee can use a compass as a matter of course. She can easily tell the direction of the sea on a starry night.」


   "The essence of strengthening is indeed to tap the ability of the previous life."

  Matthew felt a little emotional.

   Unexpectedly, Miss Zombie was an imposing captain of a pirate ship during her lifetime.

  Combined with the characteristics of love to wrestle wrists and slap hands.

  Maybe he had a bad personality when he was alive.

  This completely overturned Matthew's quiet and dazed image when she first met.

  The above three white keywords are all unpretentious.

   In certain occasions, they can definitely come in handy.


  「Consecutive back jump (blue): When Renesme is approached by someone, she will use continuous back jump to quickly distance herself from the enemy, and use her bow and arrow to repel the enemy as much as possible.」

"False Surrender (Blue): If the enemy gets close and cannot get rid of it in a short period of time, Renesme will choose to pretend to surrender, and then take advantage of the unpreparedness, or run away, or cooperate with "continuous back jump" to pull away from the body and fight back against the enemy people."

  "Medium Enlightenment (Blue): Renesme has the mind of an eight or nine-year-old human child.

  She can understand almost everything you say, but due to the physical structure of the undead, she can often only speak some simple words.

  In particular, Renee Smee is eager to learn languages.

  At the same time, she is also eager to communicate with her master (伱) or others. "


   False surrender and continuous back jump?

   You can make your sea debut as a sinister and cunning duo with A Bing.

   Matthew complained in his heart.

   Moderately enlightened, though, is good.

  A Bing had only a "primary enlightenment" before, and after strengthening it once, he was only able to have a mind similar to that of Renesmee.

   "Ah, ah, ah..."

   Renee Smee looked at Matthew with a smirk.

  Matthew wiped her saliva skillfully, and her deep desire came from the undead contract.

  Matthew knew that she wanted to speak, but it is not that simple for zombies to speak the common language of mankind.

   So he tried to communicate with Renee Smee:

   "Don't worry, say it word by word, for example, me?"

   He points to himself:

   "I am your "Master". "

   "Yes, Master."

   "Call Master."

   Renee Smee opened her mouth wide:

   "Ah, ah, ah..."

   Matthew tried for a few minutes, but Miss Zombie still only said ahhhhhh, which made him gradually lose interest in teaching.

   Night gradually fell.

  An owl flapped its wings and flew over from the moonlight:

   "Matthew, I've kept my promise, and I'm giving birth to you!"

  Matthew expressed a strong welcome to Ella's arrival.

  Miss Owl stopped on his shoulder, looking curiously at the "ahhhhhhh" Renee Smee.

   "Matthew, what are you doing?"

   Ella asked.

   "I'm teaching her to speak the lingua franca."

   Matthew explained.

  He looked back at Renee Smee, and tried again:

   "Call me master."

   Renee Smee said "ahhhhh" a few times, and suddenly her throat rolled, and she yelled crisply:


   Ella suddenly showed a shocked expression.

   Matthew was also taken aback.

  He just wanted to explain to Ella that he didn't teach the word himself.

  Who knew that Ella said to Renee Smee in a serious manner:

   "Then what do you call me?"

   Renee Smee looked at her suspiciously.

   Ella looked at Miss Zombie expectantly:

   "What's the name of the one with mom?"

   Renee Smee was drooling, and suddenly grunted:


   Ella was suddenly full of question marks.


  At night, Matthew and Ella worked in the greenhouse all night, and finally exhausted Ella, and the oak seeds sprouted vigorously, and they will grow into saplings suitable for planting in a short time.

  With Ella's help, Matthew's imminent sapling shortage was finally resolved.

  As for the oak tree seeds, through the official channels of Rolling Stone Town, they can still receive some scattered ones. Although the quality is very average, they can still be used.

  Under the effects of the Temperance Domain, Matthew's mentality has also become more peaceful.

  He is no longer eager to pursue a temporary promotion.

   Instead, he chose to devote more energy to the basics while ensuring a certain amount of tree planting every day, and steadily improve himself.

  The next morning.

  Matthew went to the Crucible House again, and he submitted the two drafted reports to the alliance through the channel of Tarling 177.

   According to 177.

  He is a B1 leader of the alliance, and has a special fast channel, which can make Matthew's ceremony application approved faster.

   May be in fact.

  Matthew didn't intend to wait for the alliance's permission before performing the scorched-earth ceremony of death.

  His current status is very ambiguous. He has joined the alliance with one foot, but he has not fully joined. This allows him to have the greatest degree of flexibility in interpretation.

  As long as Rhaegar can agree.

  He doesn't care when the alliance will reply!

  Because the oak forest was temporarily settled down, and Matthew heard the news that Zeller was coming back from the South Trading Post today, he read a book in the cauldron room for a while, and then went straight to the Lord's Mansion to go to work.

  However, on the way to work.

  He met the huge albatross again—Sweet Girl.

  Tianniu shook her body awkwardly, letting go of the letter in her mouth.

  Matthew found a place on the side of the road to stand, opened the letter and read it.

   Lorraine's letter is also very long.

  He first explained his whereabouts now—

  After going out to sea on a whaling ship, Lorraine quickly went north with the help of ocean currents, and it didn't take long to arrive at Deep Blue Harbor.

  Deep Blue Harbor is a famous city on the east coast, known for its romance and freedom.

  In the first half of the letter, Lorraine mainly mentioned some miscellaneous events around Deep Blue Harbor.

  For example, the Lion City in the north of Deep Blue Harbor is currently making strenuous efforts, and has annexed seven or eight nearby territories through marriages, wars, and conspiracy to subvert.

   Deep Blue Harbor also seemed to feel the chill from the north.

  The lord of the city and his seven daughters are trying their best to find a way;

   On the surface of the sea, the battle between the Guardian of the East and the evil dragon in the sea triggered a large-scale tsunami, and countless mysterious islands appeared and disappeared.

  The aftermath of this battle even reached the heavens.

  Some people claim to have seen the Eastern Fairyland on the waters of the Endless Ocean.

  Some people say that it is the floating city of the ancient Naga.

   Some people even think that it is part of the ruins on the cloud, where several gods of the Enlightenment Age also fell;

  The Society of Astrologers on the east coast publicly announced that changes in the celestial phenomena will lead to intensified activities of giant dragons. At present, there are indeed several giant dragons active on the continent of Aindor.

  The cities on the east coast have always been famous for their wealth, and the owners of many city-states have begun to make plans to deal with the dragon disaster.

   All of these, but he didn't leave any news in the bard's hands.

  This surprised Matthew.

  I am afraid that the news in this letter is more complete than Rhaegar's Alliance Weekly!

   It's just the second half.

  When referring to Lorraine's personal life.

  The painting style suddenly changed.

  Lorland described his experience in Deep Blue Harbor in this way—


  「...When I was young, I had an indissoluble relationship with this city. Every corner here allows me to see the figures of those couples back then—

  That was me and them when I was young.

Yesterday, when I passed the Corridor of Fallen Leaves, I saw a couple of young men and women laughing and playing on the lawn. Their shadows were stretched continuously on the lawn. In a trance, I seemed to have returned to the ignorant and high-spirited age.

  I seem to see their shadows chasing and frolicking with me on the lawn.

  But when I subconsciously walked over and reached out to touch those shadows, they laughed and pushed me away, saying that I was too old to play with them.

  I can only watch them disappear in front of me.

  Of course I know that's just my hallucination.

  I also know that with my current attractiveness, it is equally easy to find a young girl for a sweet relationship.

  But I seem to have suddenly lost the motivation to do so.

  I suddenly don't know why I want to return to this city.

  When I was at sea, I was so eager to set foot on the land of Deep Blue Harbor.

   But now, it's a completely different state of mind.

  How should I describe this feeling?

   This is like a delicacy that you recall very much. It originally only existed in your perfect memory, but when you trek through thousands of mountains and rivers and overcome all difficulties to come to it.

  You will find that it doesn't seem to be that delicious.

  Deep Blue Harbor is still the same Deep Blue Harbor.

  It's full of young, beautiful girls.

  But Deep Blue Harbor doesn’t seem to be the same Deep Blue Harbor it was back then.

  Probably because the girls who were willing to accompany the young me to do ridiculous things are no longer there.

   This feeling is so distressing to me that I am compelled to write to you.

   If you can understand this feeling, please write back and let me know as soon as possible.

  At present, I have found a serious job in Deep Blue Harbor, and I will not leave in the short term. If you consider visiting Deep Blue Harbor, I welcome you anytime!


  —yours, Lorraine”


   After reading it, Matthew hurried to his office.

  He took up his pen and wrote—


  「I am very grateful for the information about Deep Blue Harbor.

   Forgive me for not being able to empathize with you.

  If I have to comment on the soft and tactful emotions in the second half of your letter.

  I can only give a one word answer—


  ——Matthew the Outspoken”


   Matthew certainly couldn't empathize with Lorraine.

  Although he is also very popular with the opposite sex, but most of them are not normal human beings.

   And he doesn't intend to waste energy on love in the near future.

   After writing.

  He handed the envelope to the albatross waiting at the window, all in comfort.

   "Give my regards to Lorraine."

  Matthew said casually.

  Unexpectedly, Tian Niu actually said:

   "I forgot to take that ceramic bottle back last time, and Lorraine told me specifically, where is the bottle?"

  Matthew said in surprise:

   "Can you talk?"

  Tianniu nodded:

   "Of course I will, but you didn't talk to me last time, so I'm embarrassed to speak up. After all, I'm just an albatross, and I can't behave too abnormally in human society.

   So what about the bottle? "

  Seeing that he failed to change the topic, Matthew could only hand over the ceramic bottle used to contain the plague field to Tian Niu.

  Albatross didn't hesitate and took off directly.

   Matthew sighed.

   After a while, Rega in pajamas walked over excitedly:

   "Matthew, you have no idea what I just saw!"

   He still held a thick copy of the League Weekly in his hand.

  Matthew said lazily:

   "Good morning, my lord, what can make you make such a fuss?"

  Rega said mysteriously:

"Do you know Deep Blue Harbor? It's a beautiful and rich city on the east coast. I read on the news that due to the pressure of the war in the Northern Lion City, the owner of Deep Blue Harbor publicly chose a son-in-law. Do you know how many people he has?" a daughter?"

  Matthew replied calmly:


  Rega said in astonishment:

"how do you know?"

  Matthew smiled:

   "Is there any other news?"

  Rega glanced at him suspiciously, then looked down at the contents of the newspaper:

   "Affected by the fierce battle between the evil dragon in the sea and the guardian of the east, a tsunami appeared in some areas of the east coast. Some people saw a city in the clouds above the endless ocean. Many people speculated..."

  Before he finished speaking, Matthew added:

   "People speculate that the city may be the Eastern Fairyland, the Naga Floating Void City, or the ruins on the clouds?"

  Rega stared and said:

   "Are you peeking at my newspaper? No, it was delivered just now?"

  Matthew smiled triumphantly:

   "You should be happy that your magic consultant has his own intelligence channel, Lord Lord."

  At the same time, he thought that the serious job Lorraine was looking for would not be the editor of Alliance Weekly, right?

   Rhaegar was right when he thought about it carefully.

  So he excitedly asked Matthew:

   "Then do you think there is a man of the right age in our territory who has a chance to catch up with the daughter of the Lord of Deep Blue Harbor?"

  Matthew looked at him strangely:

   "Rolling Stone Town is thousands of miles away from the east coast, why are you thinking about this? It's as if our people have a chance to meet the princess of Deep Blue Harbor."

  Rega just wanted to say something when he heard the words.

  At this time, Zeller walked in hurriedly, interrupting the conversation between the two.

   "The haunting is solved?"

   Rhaegar took the coffee from Madam Wesley, took a sip and asked.

   Zeller nodded:

"I found out that the source of the haunting is a group of high-level ghosts, but they don't seem to be very aggressive. I played hide-and-seek with them for a few days, and finally reached a deal with them. They have left the South Trading Post now. They should be They hid in the dungeon, and in the short term, they should stop harassing us."

  Rega wondered:

   "How come things in the dungeon have been running outside recently, is the Underdark so terrifying that even ghosts can't live there?"

   Zeller shrugged.

  Matthew timely handed over his plan about the scorched earth of death.

  After he finished reading carefully, his eyes lit up:

   "I think this plan is feasible, but the actual effect depends on the situation in the test field. What do you think? Rega."

  Rega thought for a while:

   "I have also asked a few old men in the past few days. They don't seem to be very optimistic about it, but they all think it is possible to try it. Since you agree, let's try it."

   "But Matthew, you must remember to be careful. This is Rolling Stone Town. I don't want anything on this land to affect my people's ability to thrive and live and work in peace and contentment. Do you understand?"

  Matthew nodded heavily.

  The three chatted for a while.

   Zeller suddenly asked:

   "How is your Transfiguration?"

  Matthew pointed helplessly at the three sheep on the ground and said:

"It's not going well. I seem to lack talent in the field of transformation. It's strange to say that through these days of hard work, I can clearly perceive what kind of existence a goat is, but I still have no way to transform living things into Whole goat."

   As he spoke, he ran back to the office and brought out a piglet.

  Matthew used malicious transformation on the pig.


  The piglet is covered with white wool, and its limbs have the appearance of a goat, but the ears, nose, and tail are still the appearance of a piglet.

  Matthew spread his hands:

   "Look, that's it, always close."

   Zeller observed for a while, and said strangely:

   "I don't think there's anything wrong with your Polymorph, wait—I know what's wrong!"

  He clapped his hands and asked Matthew:

   "Did you not show even a trace of malice to the target when you cast the spell?"

  Matthew said in amazement:

   "Need maliciousness?"

   Zeller said:


   "Think of the name of this spell, Malicious Polymorph!"

   "If you always use the transformation technique on the target with good intentions, of course you can't change it in place!"

   Matthew suddenly realized.

   It turned out that I was stuck here!

  But soon he wondered again:

   "This little pig looks so cute, it's hard for me to feel bad about it."

   Zeller thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Rhaegar:

   "Regar, help Matthew."

  Rega put down the newspaper and asked inexplicably:

"How to help?"

  Zeller laughed and said:

   "When you were young, you were best at "provoking", don't tell me that you forgot your housekeeping skills. "

  Rega thought for a while:

   "It's not difficult."

   As he spoke, he challenged Matthew:

   "Look at your skinny appearance, you must have never had a full meal since you were a child?"

   "Learning a spell would waste the lives of so many little lambs, why not change careers and become a chef."

   Matthew was expressionless.

   Zeller encourages:

   "Come on, Rhaegar."

  Rega thought about it again, and suddenly smiled lewdly:

   “Your mom said I was great in bed last night!”

  Matthew's face was sullen.

   But soon this anger subsided.

  Because his mother is out of this world.

   Zeller encouraged again:

   "Take out your skill when you challenged the Succubus Queen!"

  Rega had no choice but to put down the newspaper and said:

   "I burned your forest."

   And at that moment.

   A primal rage exploded in Matthew's mind.

   That anger quickly turned into malice.

  He instinctively raised his hand.

  A light flashed.

   There is a goat behind the desk!

   "You did it, Matthew!"

   Zeller congratulated.

  Matthew is also full of joy.

  He was about to say something.

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, a youthful and beautiful figure ran in from the outside.

  She greeted the two of them, then looked around for a while, and asked strangely:

   "Where's my dad?"

   "Isn't he always here at this point?"

at this time.

  The goat behind the desk blew.

   Instantly attracted Sif's attention.


   Tomorrow at two o’clock in the afternoon, there will be nothing more. My heart suddenly feels uncomfortable. Please take half a day off to go to the hospital to have a look. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve written too much recently, I’m too tired, or it’s the sequelae of the new crown. I’m sorry



  (end of this chapter)

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