MTL - A Naive Short-tempered Girl-v4 Chapter 533 Separation forever ...

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Chapter 533: Forever Separation ...

Chapter 977:


"Passengers, I am pleased to inform you that our airport has been restored. Please register at the designated boarding gates." As the broadcast sounded.

Yaoyao, who was already asleep in her seat, sat up straight with a trembling spirit: "Yanlong !!! Yanlong !!!" She quickly shook the black Yanlong who was asleep beside her.

"what's up?"

"Have you heard? The plane is ready to register, let's go."

"Huh? OK ..." The two got up in a hurry and entered the gate.

Entering the plane one by one, they sat down in the position shown on the ticket.

"Sorry passengers, I'm sorry for delaying everyone for so long. The plane is about to take off in 5 minutes. Please fasten your seat belts." The stewardess stood on the aisle and apologized to everyone.

Yaoyao fastened his seat belt quickly, and he couldn't help but cast his eyes on the position of the window of the plane ...

Counting her, she is about 20 years old, right?

He was in Asland before 4 years old; he arrived in China after 4 years old. Her life has also undergone tremendous changes. In this country, I became an ordinary person, but enjoyed affection, love, and friendship. Maybe she may not have known all three feelings in her life in Aslan.

In her early teens, she fell in love with Feng Chenyi and tangled with him. From breaking up, to getting married, to watching him die, she had loved, sad, heart-broken, and heart-beating.

She has never experienced a moment of regret and Feng Chenyi so much. It can also be said that it is only under the care of this man that she can grow up to 17 years old peacefully and peacefully.

Until ...

At the age of 17, he met Yu Aotian.

At that time, she regretted that she was afraid and she ran away.

At the age of 19, she met Yu Aotian again. She was sad, she was embarrassed, and she was at a loss. Countless times, why did you meet this man? Why did you meet such a terrible man. But going around, she experienced the most with this man, and finally fell in love with her.

It is a pity that the road between them is really extraordinary. It is extraordinary. It has involved a series of issues such as underworld, business, politics, and so on.

Perhaps, it is for this reason that she will be so deep in Yu Aotian.

Isn't it good to say that two people can only see the true feelings when they are in trouble. She really has witnessed the feelings under this misery, but unfortunately ... in the end, it has not been brought to fruition.

But ... she didn't have any regrets and unwillingness. If you have to say that it caused a change in their relationship, it should be k?

However, if there is no k, she will be separated from Yu Aotian.

It was a strange feeling, as if success was also in k, and defeat was also in k, so that she didn't know if she should blame k.

2 years……

2 years with Royal Sky. According to her age in China, she is now 21 years old; according to her real age, she is less than 20. And Yuao Tian is 30 years old.

There has always been a saying in China that men stand in their thirties. Yu Ao Tian just happened to be home at 30, which is pretty good.


Ok. It ’s okay to think so much and remember so much. Yaoyao just feels that nothing in China has made her nostalgic.

For the memories of the past ...

Between Chen Yi and Aotian, delete ... a little bit of deletion ...

As the plane left, it was gradually sealed. However, the sweet and sour bitterness among them is unforgettable in her life ...

Inside the airport, a large number of security personnel arrived and surrounded the airport.

The commander in charge saw Yu Aotian's figure, rushed from a distance, and hurried over: "President Yu.

"Is that plane under control ?!"

"I'm sorry, Chief Executive. When we felt it, the plane had ... taken off for an hour."

"What? !!!" Yu Aotian's handsome face sank, and he grabbed his collar tightly: "I hope to see your resignation letter tomorrow !!!"

"Yu ... Yu director ... long?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... One of the little officials who did not keep his woman was a bit of an inhumane. Long Yu quickly hurried Yu Aotian aside. "Actually, even if Yaoyao is gone, you are buying a ticket to Colombia."

"Huh?" Long said, and Yu Aotian's eyes flashed a flash of light. "You ..." He turned back and waved to the commander who was about to be fired.

"Chairman, what do you command."

"Buy me a flight to Colombia ... wait, send a helicopter directly, I'm going to Colombia."

"Yes, yes ... yes ... I'll do it right away." The little sister went to work as soon as she received the order.

"Look, how good is this?" Long Yan spread his hands.

‘Bell Bell ... Bell ...’ “I answer the phone.” Yu Aotian took out the phone and said, “What is it?”

"Yu ... Chairman Yu, it's bad. Zeng Kairui fled while we were escorting Zeng Kairui."


"Chairman, what now ????"

"You guys came to ask me this kind of thing !!!! Don't you know how to deal with it?" Yu Aotian was already annoying enough now, this little thing should bother him? ?

"Yes ... it's such a chairman. After the Deputy Prime Minister Zeng was arrested, the Deputy Prime Minister suddenly said that he was unwell and went home to recover. Now ... the only person who can do this is you."

If you think about it, the acting Prime Minister is a puppet. Yu Aotian is obviously going to be fierce. He naturally knows how Zeng Kairui will be treated once he is dealt with. He simply resigns and is ill.

The deputy prime minister was also arrested.

The Prime Minister's position has been vacant again.

No. 3 Yu Aotian naturally has to take the position of the boss and the second child. "You ask the Secretary of Defense, Xue, to handle this."

"Yes ... the chairman."

Seeing that Yu Aotian hung up the phone, Long Yu knew what had happened, and quickly asked, "Autumn, what happened?"

"Zeng Carey ran!"

"What ?! Why don't you go hunting in person. Aotian, if Zeng Carey really slipped away this time, wouldn't all your efforts be ..."

Yu Aotian raised his hand and stopped Long Yan's words. "Yes, I have been recuperating for more than ten years. I entered the political world in two years. It took me more than a year to bring down Zeng Kairui. I won, but ... I lost my most Important woman! "

Chapter 978:

If it wasn't for Zeng Kairui, Yuaotian wouldn't marry Qi Yier, and Yaoyao wouldn't divorce.

From the way to Hei Yanlong's home and the way to the airport, Yu Aotian has been asking himself in his heart, is it worth it? It's all worth it or not.

Won the world, but lost her own woman. Is it really worth it? !! !! !!

"This time, I'm going to find Yao Yao. Zeng Kairui is alive or dead, I ... don't care anymore."

Without losing it, he will not know what cherishes; Yao Yao is not dead, he will not know how much he cares about her; Yao Yao is not gone, and he will not know how high Yao Yao is in his heart.

Women may be good at handling emotions in nature; men, however, can only really understand what is emotion in repeated failures.

Yu Aotian has reached the peak of his career, but on the road of love, he is at best even an introductory man ...

12 am China time; on an island in China.

"Cough ... keke ..." Inside the small second-floor room of a homestay. Zeng Kairui was weak on a bed. "Qinger ... Qinger ..."

"Godfather. I'm here." Zeng Qing pushed open the door and walked to the bed with a smile: "What's the matter?"

"Qing'er, listen to me. I have already spoken to the messenger of the Kingdom of Aslan about your geographical location. I believe that it won't be long before they send someone to pick you up. When that happens, you will mix me into your return Within the team, it's all right. "Zeng Kairui was seriously injured when he ran away.

However, he clearly knew that once he could escape to the place where Zeng Qing temporarily resided, he would definitely be rescued.

"Okay, godfather. But ..." Zeng Qing's eyes turned: "Do they really believe that I am Lando? Even if they believe ... Bing Ye will expose me, right?"

"Yes! No one in Aslan has seen Landau who has grown up. And Bing Ye, if he really was willing to take Luo Yaoyao to Aslan, he would have taken it long ago, so we do n’t want to. I called Luo Yaoyao to return to Asland. I have now released the message that Lando is still alive. Therefore, there must be a person to replace the real Lando to return to Asland, and you are the best candidate! ! "

Zeng Qing hesitated for a moment, and smiled strangely, "Goddaddy, you are so thoughtful for me."

"Oh, I have raised you for so many years, and I am waiting for today!" Zeng Kairui has always kept a person similar to Landuo beside him, in order to leave a way for himself.

If he eventually fails, then Zeng Qing is his dependence; if he eventually succeeds, he will also send Zeng Qing to the country of Aslan. In this way, Asland and China will be his world, he can be said to have done everything.


"Thank you, godfather. You can ... rest in peace!" Then Zeng Qing quickly pulled out a dagger from his pocket.

Waiting for Zeng Kerry to react ...

The cold dagger pierced into him.

However, Zeng Kairui will not be counted even if she is exhausted. The adopted daughter he raised will be a more vicious character than him! !! !!

"Qing'er ... you?" Zeng Kairui's eyes widened unbelievably. "I have raised you for so many years, how can you ?!"

"Yes. When you brought me back from the orphanage, I really thank you. But ... I didn't know until I got to you, I'm a substitute for Landau !!"

"I hate the way I am now. I hate the way you plasticized me to Landau. I can't forget it anymore. When the doctor said how dangerous it was to turn me into that look, you said, it doesn't matter, if it fails , Words when going to change someone. "

"I hate it even more, you train every day, you scold every day. I'm a human! Not a puppet! Not even a substitute for anyone !!! Do you understand ?!"

Zeng Qing ...

She was born in an orphanage, but her appearance is not the case. It was Zeng Kairui who adjusted Zeng Qing to his present appearance according to the appearance of Landau as a child. Even Zeng Qing's blood had been replaced with the blood of Aslan. Everything, everything, can be said to be born from copying Yaoyao.

Perhaps the only thing she has is that extraordinary IQ, and this is her. Not even her character ...

"Godfather, have you ever thought about everything your agency has done, it will be today? I thought about it. I was waiting for the moment when you sent me to Aslan, at that time, I It's the queen of a country, and you ... just a prisoner, a dead body !!! "Zeng Qing smiled grimly.

Zeng Kairui stretched out her hands in anger, and grabbed her by the neck: "I'm really a tiger victim. You **** !!!!" He froze Zeng Qing's neck tightly.

She narrowed her eyes coldly, a beautiful swing kick, and opened Zeng Kairui with one. "Keeping tigers in trouble? Oh ... Zeng Kerry, do you really think you only have a tiger beside me?" She turned back with a smile and quickly opened the door: "His Royal Highness, Zeng Kerry has been resolved."

At this time ...

I saw k wearing a British royal costume walking slowly into this **** room.

The moment his reflection was in Zeng Kairui's eyes, Zeng Kairui covered his stomach with his hand and looked at him stupidly ... "Are you ...? Blue? Excellent? Your hair? Your eyes ...?"

"Well, Deputy Prime Minister Zeng, I haven't told you one thing. Actually ... I'm the real k." K, Ye Ye smiled, that smile looked so horrible in this dim room. .

"You !? Is ... k ????? Why ...?"

"Why? It's simple, because ... I can't plug in the politics of your country, but I've been longing for you to die, so ... I can only pretend to be a follower of k, mingling with you, watching you ... Aotian fights. "The tone of K's speech seemed so relaxed, as if all this, he was watching a big show.

"You, want me ... dead?"

"Yes. Think about the people who invaded the land and the people, my father, I was killed. Only you are alive, but you are in China again. I can only wait patiently for others to kill you. Hey ... ... waited so long, I finally waited. "

Zeng Kairui leaned on the icy wall and looked at k with a wicked smile.

It has long been rumored that Duke Charles died shortly after Lando disappeared, and was rumored to have killed his father, his son k.

Zeng Kairui has not been convinced by this rumor. Now, k has confirmed with his own mouth, and ... the reason for killing his biological father turned out to be Landau? ? ? ? How ruthless is this man? !! !!

Chapter 979:

"Heh ... hehehe ..." Zeng Kairui smiled grimly: "Hongyan misfortune, Hongyan misfortune. I admit that I lost to Yu Aotian's hands, and admit, k, you are really Insidious. But the story doesn't end there. I will watch you and Royal Awesome in heaven. I believe that one day, one of you will come to accompany me, or ... both Together !!! "Then he spit out a bitter blood, and then his eyes opened slowly and fell to the ground.

Zeng Qing walked to Zeng Kairui expressionlessly and kicked him coldly. "His Royal Highness, Zeng Carey is dead."


"Sir, what should I do next?"

"Huh?" K frowned at those blue eyes, and looked at Zeng Qing with a wicked smile: "You're not mine, why ask me what should you do?"

"His Royal Highness, from the moment you were rescued from that burrow, my life was given by you. Therefore, I will listen to His Highness k's orders from you later. I will never betray you."

"Oh ..." k slowly put his hands behind his back. How could k see through what Zeng Qing did? This **** woman is now nothing more than a backer, she wants to rely on him. But ... he just needed to take advantage of her. "Then go to Aslan's country as your heir in accordance with Zeng Carey's instructions. If you need any help, just tell me."

"His Highness K? Would you like me to go to Aslan as well ???? Then Luo Yaoyao?" Zeng Qing thought that the appearance of k would help Luo Yaoyao take over.

"She? I won't tell my Lando to go back to Aslan to suffer. I will marry her!" K smiled slightly, turned around, and walked out of the room.

Zeng Qing, standing in the room, instantly sank. "Would you like me to suffer?" She understood that, whether it was Bing Ye, Yu Aotian, or K, they were not incapable of bringing Yaoyao back to Aslan, but they knew exactly that place. Not a good place. They want to give Yao Yao a better place. So, will she substitute Luo Yaoyao to suffer?

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, go there and I can be a queen. Power is much higher than it is now !!!" The gloomy words no doubt heralded Zeng Qing's future rule, but ... Before that, she had to face the current Queen of Aslan, the grandmother who had intended to kill Yao Yao ...

A month later. Colombia……


As time passed, Yu Aotian followed Yaoyao's arrival in Colombia, but there was no news, so he directly contacted the Colombian cabinet president. Ask him to help him find Yao Yao's whereabouts.

"President Wade, is that girl already there?"

"Sorry, I ordered my subordinates to search the entire Republic of Colombia, and never found her whereabouts. I'm really sorry."

With the strength of Colombia and the President's personal order, Yao Yao was not searched. It can be seen that Yao Yao is not in Colombia at all.

The world is big, and it is not difficult to find Yaoyao in the political identity of Yuaotian; but, for fear, Yaoyao is hiding in a remote place or a township. For Yuaotian, It's very difficult to find.

"In addition, Chairman, several of your Chinese political commanders have asked to see you."

"Huh? OK. I see." Aotian met with several commanders and officials of the Political Department under the leadership of President Colombia.

Seeing this, those officials were almost crying ... "Chairman, please, please return home soon. You know, after that cruise ship incident, you are the only one in our country's dominant force. .Many countries have also been fighting because of the leak of secrets. Now, basically every country is worried. If you don't come out to preside over the big picture, I'm afraid our country will fall into collapse.

During the month of looking for Yaoyao, China has sent several documents asking Yu Aotian to return to preside over the overall situation. But they were all torn by Yu Aotian and refused.

Today, the commanders of several military regions have come in person to see that the domestic situation is critical. In addition, the butterfly effect of the Zeng Kairui incident, Yu Aotian refused to go back, it can be said that it was his own destruction of the entire country.


He also said that even if he got the world, without Yao Yao, there would be no fun to say.

One is everyone, a small family.

Yu Aotian has been running for everyone for decades, and has never established his own small family. For him, this may be a regret, but a regret in this life.

However, he knew clearly that he had to go back. Because ... get more rights, it will be more convenient to find the whereabouts of Yaoyao.

"Okay. I see. Let's go back."

When Yu Aotian nodded his promise, those people didn't mention how happy they were. "Okay, okay, chairman, please ..."

Stepping out of the Chinese Embassy in Colombia, Yu Aotian looked at the high-rise buildings in the distance ...

Remember, from Japan to China, she played hide and seek with him for 2 years; now, is this game going to start again?

it is good!

Anyway, this is not the first time, so he will accompany her to the end and see all this ... it will run out of years! !!

Four years later-------

State Council, Prime Minister's Office.

The handsome man is sitting in a gorgeous office, working on a pile of documents. In his bottomless eyes, there was an endless mature man's charm.

In 4 years, Yu Aotian is 34 years old, but years have not left any traces on his face. Instead, this man with a lot of experience has become more manly, and his body has revealed the charm of mature men. Full of majesty and domineering leadership.

‘叩叩 叩’

A knock came. Yu Aotian put down the pen in his hand: "Jin."

"Deputy Prime Minister Yu, this document needs your signature." A young and beautiful assistant came in with a document, and she put the document on Yu Aotian's desk nervously.

He opened the file, signed his name, and handed it to the pretty little girl.

But the little girl stared at him like that, forgetting to pick up documents.

"Huh?" Yu Aotian frowned in doubt.

The girl then responded: "Sorry, sorry ... Deputy Prime Minister Yu ..." Xiaolian blushed and hurriedly took the documents out of his hand to take the door.

Chapter 980:

When he ran out, he accidentally bumped into a man who walked into the office. "Ouch……"

"Little girl, who has taken the liberty just a few days since she arrived, is she trying to get fired?" The man said with a joke.

The girl nodded again and again: "I'm sorry, sorry, Director Lin, I'll pay attention next time." After that, the girl ran away.

Director Lin looked at the back of the girl running away, shook his head helplessly, and walked into Yu Aotian's office: "I said, Aotian, it is not easy to work under your hands."

"What about me?" Yu Aotian leaned on the office chair with a smile.

President Lin pulled out a stool and sat opposite him: "The love between the little loli and the uncle is so popular right now. Your uncle has more than just rights, but also appearance. The main thing is single. You call you under your hand. How can my little girls work with peace of mind? "

Now, there is a word circulating inside the State Council that single women cannot go under Yu Aotian's hands wherever they go. Otherwise, they will fall in love with him if they are not careful, and will only end up in resignation.

"Who said I'm single?" Yu Aotian provoked his hands in front of him.

Chairman Lin heard this. "You finally have a girlfriend?"

"My girlfriend has been here all the time, okay ?!" Then, he twisted a photo on the desk and showed it to Chairman Lin.

Director Lin's look ... immediately showed a helpless look: "Aotian, it's not that I said, Miss Luo has been missing for 4 years, it is estimated that 80% have become home now. Maybe there are children, why are you? So persistent? If she still has feelings for you, she would have come to you for a long time, and she wouldn't wait for you to find her, would she? "

Regarding Yu Aotian's feelings, it is no secret in the State Council.

Everyone knows that he is waiting for Luo Yaoyao's return and is constantly looking for her.


In everyone's mind, a woman who has disappeared for 4 years has refused to appear for a long time. It must be a new family.

"It doesn't matter." However, Yu Aotian didn't mind. His deep eyes cast on Yaoyao's photo, and he started, rubbing lightly on the cute little face in the photo: "I haven't seen her get married for a day, That means she is still single. "

"Don't you deceive yourself?" This director Lin is a figure that Yu Aotian pulled up, and it is also a confidant of Yu Aotian in the State Council. He has repeatedly advised Yu Aotian to give up and give up, but every time This time is the result of no results. "Forget it, change the subject. Aotian, the prime minister's position has been vacant. What are you going to do?"

Four years ago, the civil unrest in China was really too turbulent. Perhaps even Yu Aotian did not expect that the removal of Zeng Kairui would involve countless corrupt officials. The entire State Council has eliminated senior political officials who do not know how many. What is left is basically Yu Aotian's confidante and the leading cadres who have been promoted.

Almost three years ago, Ao Tian was directly promoted to the position of Prime Minister, and the next year was already the Deputy Prime Minister. As for the position of the Prime Minister has always been vacant, but many people understand that this position must be Yu Aotian, but no one dares to propose it.


Yu Aotian is now promoted to the position of Prime Minister only by the outside world, he is a one-man dictatorship.

Yu Aotian himself is very clear about this, after all, he does not have any persuasive background, that is, his origin. To date, very few people know that he is the son of Prime Minister Qilian.

"Just leave empty. At that time, if there is a suitable candidate, just take office."

"Huh? Do you want to let someone out?" Director Lin frowned in doubt. "Aotian, we all support you."

"Oh, I still lack something. Even if you support me, it's useless."

In the case of the Huamei Villa case, several people involved have died today. Zeng Kairui's body was found on an island a year ago; Duke Charles was killed more than a decade ago; the Queen of Aslan died 3 years ago. Perhaps the only person who can testify to Ao Tian is Yao Yao.

Not to mention that Yao Yao is missing now, just to find out, how can he bear to tell Yao Yao to show up and testify to him?

In addition ...

Yu Aotian has also been scattered on the official stage for 6 years. In the past 6 years, he has experienced many ups and downs from the position of political politician to deputy prime minister. The location is not too much of interest.

"Well, let's talk then. By the way, your trip to Albania has been finalized and it will start tomorrow."

"Well, I know."

"Okay, then I'll go back to the office." Then, Chairman Lin left Yu Aotian's office.


"This hairstyle is really beautiful. Thank you, Mr. Yan, Miss Yao." In a small modeling house, a foreign woman thanked the owner of the shop with satisfaction.

Mr. Yan in her mouth ...

It's Hei Yanlong.

That Miss Yao is Luo Yaoyao.

"Hehe, Mrs. Meisha, let's go." Yaoyao politely sent the woman away, just about to sit in a chair.

Hei Yanlong grabbed her arm, turned her body and faced the mirror ...

"What are you doing, Yan Long?" Yao Yao was about to turn around.

Hei Yanlong standing behind her resisted her head: "You're tall again!"

If it weren't for Hei Yanlong, Yaoyao really didn't find that he really grew taller.

Inside the large mirror ...

She stood in front of Hei Yanlong at 1.87 meters, and the height difference between the two was less than half a head. In other words, now Yao Yao must have at least 1.75 meters.

In addition, her straight straight hair, 4 or 6 points, is even more charming and sexy.

In 4 years, Yaoyao changed so much that she changed from a little girl to a big woman.

"Yeah, ha, when I used to look at you, I looked up, and now we are finally equal." Yaoyao turned his head and stood on tiptoes, really maintaining the same height as Hei Yanlong.

Hei Yanlong smiled helplessly, and looked quietly in front of her. There were still some innocent and beautiful girls, and her eyes were so fascinated.

In the past four years, it can be said that Hei Yanlong has taken care of Yao Yao almost in every possible way.

They were afraid of being found by others, so the current name of Hei Yanlong is Yan Long; Luo Yaoyao's current name has become Yao Yao directly. Moreover, a shop was set up in this place three years ago, and it became a design house directly.

This is not difficult for Hei Yanlong, who has always had some accomplishments in the fashion industry.

This book is from reading