MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 283 special patient

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  Chapter 283 Special Patients

   Steven hopes that Song Baozhu can help him treat his niece.

   He has a niece, who was fine when she was born, but suddenly fell ill. Now she can only sit in a wheelchair and cannot walk with her legs.

  I looked for a lot of doctors at home, but there was no way.

   Just now he met Song Baozhu, and he wanted Song Baozhu to help him take a look.

  What he didn't say was that this niece was Evan's daughter. Although he hates Evan, the elder brother who always despises him, he still likes his niece Liya.

  Lia is like a little angel, cute and kind, and very beautiful.

  If she can't walk in the future, it's too cruel to her.

  Song Baozhu looked at Steven's pitiful plea, and had no opinion on treating one more patient, not to mention that the other party was a little girl.

   Just something to be clear.

   "You can bring her here, but I may not be able to cure her. And I will go back to China in a while, you have to promise that no matter what the result is, you will not mess around."

  Although Shen Xuan's friends helped, she is not very worried about Steven messing around now.

   But what needs to be said must be said first.

   If Steven agrees now, but then breaks his promise, then she can't be blamed.

   Does she really think that she is simply treating their illnesses?

   She can heal them and make them crippled.

  Steven did not refuse, he agreed.

   However, Shen Xuan on the side was not at ease. He directly wrote an agreement for Steven to sign.

  Steven looked carefully, then signed.

   After that, he discussed the treatment with Song Baozhu.

  His niece isn't here, but it doesn't matter, it's actually pretty quick to get here by plane.

   After the two sides agreed on the treatment time, Steven left with the younger brothers.

  In the afternoon, two cars came from outside Shen's house.

   After the door opened, Steven who was sitting in the car in front quickly jumped out of the car.

   Immediately after the door of the second car opened, a tall man got out of the car, took out the wheelchair from the car and put it away, took out a beautiful little girl from the car, and put her on the wheelchair.

  The little girl had big eyes and was as pretty as a doll.

   She looked around curiously, neither crying nor making trouble, looking like a little angel.

   And she is also very young, she looks only seven or eight years old.

   Such a cute child has to sit in a wheelchair, and her family is very distressed.

   No wonder Steven showed that appearance in order to beg her for treatment.

   Shen Xuan personally led people in, but stopped Evan's bodyguard from the door.

  These bodyguards are tall and sturdy, they look very difficult to mess with, and they are taller than Shen Xuan.

   He was not afraid at all, just looked at Evan indifferently.

  Evan then ordered the bodyguards: "You stay outside."

   Today, whether he is here to treat his daughter's illness, he also wants to strengthen that powerful oriental woman, and he doesn't want to conflict with her.

   In fact, after his daughter got sick, he has been looking for a powerful doctor, so he heard about that big man.

  Unfortunately, the identity of that person is too high, and the contacts are also very rich.

  If you want to see him, you have to make an appointment with his assistant first.

   However, the man was very busy, and the schedule was very full. He made many appointments and failed to make an appointment.

   Recently, he is begging those rich people who have already made an appointment, intending to pay some price and ask the other party to give him the opportunity.

  Unfortunately, those people either refused outright, or the lion opened his mouth, and were not willing to give up the opportunity at all.

   He was devastated by this matter, but who would have known that the **** younger brother who had nothing to do and liked to make troubles on weekdays actually brought him such a surprise.

   If this woman can do anything, then he will never have to ask for help from that big man.

  Evan's mind turned, and after entering the room, he calmly looked at Song Baozhu.

   Even though he had already heard about Song Baozhu's situation from Steven's mouth, he couldn't help but beat the drums in his heart when he saw her too young appearance.

   Such a powerful woman actually looks as tender as a junior high school student, it's really weird.

   Is it because she is young and tender, or does this woman possess the magical magic to maintain youth?

  Although it is said that all Orientals have tender faces, this woman is even more extreme than those people.

   Also, her skin is too good.

  Evan felt more and more frightened the more he looked.

   Now Shen Xuan is upset: This man stares at his wife as soon as he enters the house, what does it mean?

   So he took out a prepared document unhappy and handed it to Evan: "Your Excellency, take a look at this first, and if you have no opinion, just sign it."

  Evan quickly retracted his gaze and looked at the document in his hand.

   On closer inspection, this is an agreement.

The    agreement stated that Song Baozhu did not guarantee that people could be cured, but she could guarantee that they would not be cured, so no matter what the result was, they could not do anything too extreme.

  Evan had no opinion and signed it directly.

  This agreement means little to him. If something happens to his daughter, then he naturally cannot let the two Orientals go.

   Shen Xuan accepted the agreement, and then said lightly: "Then let's talk about the condition now."

  Evan nodded and talked about his daughter's illness.

  His daughter had a sudden onset of the disease three years ago, and there were no symptoms at all before that.

   In the past three years, he has sought countless doctors and exhausted all kinds of methods, but there has been no progress.

   Song Baozhu listened carefully, and then gave Liya a pulse.

  Liya has also been in contact with Chinese medicine before, so it is not surprising, she calmly let Song Baozhu feel the pulse.

   Just kept looking at Song Baozhu and asked in confusion, "Sister, are you also a doctor?"

  Song Baozhu felt a little amused when she saw her disbelief, and couldn't help but ask, "What? Don't I look like a doctor?"

Liya is very able to say: "Yeah, you don't look alike at all. The doctors I've seen before are much older than you, many of them are old grandparents, you look too young and super beautiful , not like a doctor, like a big star."

  Song Baozhu was directly amused by her.

Soon she took Liya's pulse, then checked Liya's legs, and finally said: "I can't guarantee that it will be completely cured, and even if it is to be cured, it cannot be cured immediately. I can try acupuncture for her. , let's see the effect first."

  Evan had already thought about it before he came, so he accepted it quickly.

   He had no objection, just asked Song Baozhu's specific treatment plan and plan.

   Then took out a thick document and handed it to Song Baozhu: "This is the treatment plan of those doctors before, you can refer to it."

  Song Baozhu looked at the thickness of this document, her expression was inconvenient, but she was a little surprised.

   With such a thick document, one can imagine how many doctors the other party has found.

   However, this man has found so many doctors, and now he is still well-dressed and looks like a big boss. It seems that his business is doing very well.

   Such a character, it is natural to not offend or try not to offend.

   (end of this chapter)