MTL - 108 Maidens of Destiny-v3 Chapter 759 Celadon fragile

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() () "Su Jun!" Song Celadon is sober from despair.

"What are you doing, hurry up with your martial arts, want to see Xuanyun 殇 坠 !!" Su Xing is a great drink, Song Celadon returns from the stunned, only to find a heart in Xuan Yun's heart, life in the evening . Song Qing porcelain murmured and said, I hurriedly took out the star of the comet, and settled the star of Xuanyun.

Then Ansu asked to immediately apply the healing to stabilize her wound.

"Qiong Yu!!" Song Celadon saw the earth under the stone sage, the heart is like a knife, but also eager to settle, but has been unable to look back, Jin Qiongyu looked at Su Xing to the head, a smile, the star fell.

"No virtue, you are being beaten." Pang Shu makes fun of it.

Deng Wude stunned his cheeks.

"You are Su Xing?"

Shi Xian raised his eyes and carried his own fierce sword. Although he performed very lightly, he let the feeling of horror.

"You are the subordinate of Fang's family?" 夭罡 煞 煞 煞 五 五 五 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 旋转 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞

Referring to the name of Fang’s family, Shi Xian’s seemingly murderous murder suddenly burst into flames, and the terrible momentum of the competition made Su Xing’s five-line flying swords scream. "The name of Your Highness is what you can call." Shi Xian’s figure changed and Feng Fengjian fell.

Fast speed! !

Su Xing blocked the five-line flying sword, and cāo controlled the flying sword to launch a siege. Shixian took out the second knife, and the knife light ignored the space distance, and the blink of an eye fell into Su Xinghuai.

The Zen heart lotus is broken.

Su Xing is a heavy one.

"All come to die!!" Shi Xian calmly set the sword.

When the third wave of Jianguang was killed, the shadow of two black and white glamorous eyes quickly approached, breaking the sword light.

"The frost is freezing in Kyushu."

"Blood splashes!"

Lin Yingmei Wu Siyou rushed out, two Xuan Zhao around the pinch, at the same time, the flower buds about the rear bow to smash the arrow.

The weapons are connected.

The phoenix sword was horizontal, blocking the cold star cold moon gun and the precious cream demon lotus. Shi Xian looked at the two girls in front of her eyes. "Lin Chong, Wu Song... Hey..."

Lin Yingmei sighed and screamed, shot a little, and rotated out of infinite murderousness. Wu Siyou changed his sword at the same time, and a jade ring stepped out. Shi Xian is not moved, Jianguang suddenly together. The blue silk was cut off, and a **** light bloomed in the chest of Wusi. The walker was directly repelled. The second sword was faster. Lin Yingmei relied on a powerful realm and the seven-star martial arts to resist it, but Shi Xian’s pace was floating.

Leisurely came to the front of Su Xing.

Boring killing.

For these true spirits, Shi Xian had no interest at all, and her anger was all on Su Xing. Jianfeng went straight to the neck, and it was as fast as electricity. Shi Xian had absolute confidence that he would see this intimate male and his first incarnation.

Peng! !

The crisp weapon collision declared that Shi Xian’s expectation was lost, and the laughter killed the surprise, watching Su Xing’s attack stop her attack.

Impossible, even those stars of the true five or six segments will not be blocked.

This male entry actually blocked it.

Su Xing was shocked by a cold sweat. This woman was too fierce. Fortunately, he and the hegemony had already exercised very high levels of combat. Otherwise, they were killed. He has some understanding why the cover is going to test himself, is it because of this woman.

"Inverted the five-line sword array." Su Xing hurriedly picked up the finger. Sixty Feijian swords changed five sès, and quickly unfolded Shixian.


Shi Xian coldly spit out two words.


The blood light blasted on the flying sword, and all the flying swords were shot down. Then the unimaginable killings shrouded the whole body of Su Xing, and the purple gas was completely torn open. "Drink." Yan Niangzi and Dong Junqing arrived in time, double-knife and double-gun interlaced, "Look at the trick!" Dong Junqing shouted, the ground-level dragon and phoenix dance came out.

"Can't go." Su Xing shouted, holding the purple 偃 偃 刀 刀.

Shi Xian sneered, raised a sword, and broke a section of Dong Junqing's ground to cut to the ground. The next sword took Dong Junqing's xìng life, and Zhao Hanyan showed out seventy-two voids and flying the sword. This saved Dong Junqing. . "I want to go to bed, the woman is too strong, you are not her opponent." Zhao Hanyan screamed, giving Su Xing a reassuring look.

"Where to go."

Wu Siyou and Lin Yingmei saw Shi Xian killing his own little master and immediately turned back.

It is said that the seven-star 夭 扈 扈 扈 正 正 正 正 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 石 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤 贤"The realm is good." Yan Feng looked at the innocent, a sword smashed the chest of the scorpion, and the scorpion smashed back.

Wu Xin’s solution to this situation is tantamount to the next party of the Juyi Party. "First kill other!" Wu Xinjie Shizhan eight hardware chain of precautions.

The other three entries of Xianliang Shude also launched an attack.

"Hey, hello, don't ignore us o." Pang Shu unhappy shè out of the stars to express his existence.

"Small B, we will help the other to solve the other entry." Hua Yan about the true sound of Yan Yi, eyes aimed at the shè cold arrow Pang Shu, a road arrow as a meteor shè out.

“夭英星?” Pang Shu’s eyes lit up and saw that her arrow had all been hit. "Look at the level." Pang Shu danced in the air, and the thin body pulled the giant bow into the full moon in the air. "Donghai is difficult to fill!!" The arrow of the roaming light came over, as if plowing the ground, the whole Qixian Lin was plowed again, and the flower 婉 夭 夭 夭 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 和 ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì

It’s just that Pang Shu’s realm is superb, and several arrows have penetrated the body of the flower.

"Go to death, Yingyingxing." Pang Shuzhen smiled, and the second arrow came again.

Just after the rainbow was scattered, an indifferent maid suddenly appeared in front of her. Pang Shu was shocked and saw that Yan Yi’s true double fist yīn Yang flowed, two squid swam away, Pang Shu shipped a powerful The true phoenix bird spreads out and wants to force back Yan Yi, but Yan Yi is really faster.

Yan flashes back down.

Bao Niang wants to help Pang Shu, but she is faced with the first man-in-law of the mana and the emperor. The public phoenix draped in the Phoenix Qixia clothing, the hand danced the pine-grained ancient sword, and constantly used the star method, thunder, storm, flames and dances, and constantly smashed the girl.

Bao Xing's star method is strangely a ghostly white sè spirit, these spirits can capture the three souls and six hexagrams, the emperor and the phoenix are also entangled.

"The phoenix is ​​extremely smashed!"

Gongsun Huang applied a ground level and turned it into a phoenix.

Bao Niang’s low-pitched and charming eyes, the white sè painted dragon on the silk cheongsam that only covers the thigh roots, the white thighs walked in the void, and the body was turned into a white dragon by countless spirits. Rushing past, and the phoenix is ​​extremely smashed.

"Yes, this star is beautiful, look at this palace to reward!"

Chai Ling appreciated and gracefully touched the stars.

A huge golden light was ejected from the mouth of the star, which also formed a real dragon entity of gold.

The two big moves meet, and the girl is somewhat unbearable, and the woman is somewhat annoyed. "The old lady wants to make all these true spirits into a smash!"

"Good idea, see reward."

Oh, the gold that blocks the line of sight suddenly hits the face.

Deng Wude is facing the murderous sentiment. After drinking the Yaochi Moonlight, the singular star is recovering from the strange force. The two women competed with the caduceus for a while. After the scepter was knocked out, you punched me with a punch. Deng Wude The strength is also great, her realm is higher than Lu, if it is not in the Xuan Yun 殇夭 step was hurt, there is enough strength to suppress.


Lu’s slap in the face defeated Deng Wude and restored some injuries.

"Just rely on you to enter and want to block me!" Deng Wude right fist hit, the chain of the arm slammed, black air lingering around the box to swallow the space, the murder is not good to pick up, hurriedly retreat, but the body Being dragged by a black gas can't move, this is the position of Deng Wude's land.

However, at this time, the five-line flag was launched around Deng Wude, and then a round of bright moon rushed out of the line to end her attack. Deng Wude was helpless and swallowed up the moon.

Then the ice soul snow flies flying sword, the water moon hole 夭簟 pattern flying sword turned into a beautiful sword array.

"There are us."

Gong Caiwei, cinnabar, and the moon appeared.

Qixianlin, a melee.

Song Celadon and Xuan Yunxiao looked at it.

"This man is so strong." Xuan Yunxiao said with difficulty, she was seriously injured and could not fight again.

"I'm sorry..." Song Qing porcelain cried his eyes, and had already passed the poetic elegance of the past. She looked at her sister and then starred in front of her, but she could do nothing.

The beautiful face of Xuan Yun's beauty is just silent. In fact, things are far beyond her imagination. I didn't think of when there was such a terrible enemy ambushing them. "Your Lang Jun is afraid that he will not be able to stop her." Xuan Yun sighed, and the ugly county horse was sad and self-talking. "After all, I still can't change the fighting star..."

"I am going to help Su Jun." Song Celadon recruited the Kowloon Seal and wanted to deal with Shi Xian but was asked by Ansu. "Sister, can't go." Ansu asked to shake his head.

"The slaves can no longer watch them die." Song Celadon has been holding the heart of jade.

"Sister, I believe my brother, don't go. As long as you go up the mountain, you may end the fighting star. If you die, your brother's trust in you will fall short." Ansu asked not to let go.

"Only the slaves can end the fighting star?" Song Qing porcelain.

Ansu asked a serious nod: "In short, please protect your sister, this is also the request of my brother. Come with us up the mountain..."

"In the end, slaves can't do anything?!" Song Celadon was very depressed.

Although cruel, but this is the fact, Song Celadon's two stars, Wu Xing Xingsheng, and the squatting road, there is no indication that they can fight, and the Kui Kui star to fight is nothing more than death.

"Lord, let me take you back to the Longevity Palace to take refuge." Nine-tailed fox flowers ran to Song Celadon and Xuan Yunxiao.

Although Song Celadon did not want to escape ~ ~ but also know that he can only become a burden now, and Hua Xue to go to the Palace of Life.

On the other hand, Shi Xian saw Song Celadon want to escape, how can he be willing, "First kill Song Jiang to solve the aftermath, and then come and play with you." Shi Xian burst into a dull smile on Su Xing.

not good!

Su Xing’s heart sank and hurriedly tried to block the ranks of the moon knife, but it was already late.

Shi Xian took a step forward.

A step-by-step walk, it seems unremarkable, Lin Yingmei, Wu Siyou even think that she can kill her, but after this step, everything is reversed. Shi Xian has disappeared instantly under their encirclement. When he returns to God, Shi Xian has already come to the face of Song Celadon.

"The fighting star can be over."

The woman smiled and a sword penetrated the chest of Song Celadon.

Xuanjie finally made it out.

Not return! ! ! !