MTL - 108 Maidens of Destiny-v3 Chapter 733 No snow in the world

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At dusk, the sunset glows like a **** sky.

Song Qing porcelain leaned on the column and listened to the news of the Kowloon Palace attendant to send the news of Tianzishan. The other side of the secret room, Jiuzhilong Shijinglun, Tianjianxingjinjiner are all in the process of refining the three volumes of Tianshu. Suddenly, a red star fell into her sight. Song Qing porcelain knows that it is extremely difficult to gather the stars to work together. What she is most worried about is that there are arrogant star-droppers who are arrogant and arrogant to the other stars.

The most worrying thing finally happened.

Song Celadon got up and his expression was a bit serious.

Li Longkui, who is refining the three volumes of the book, also opened his eyes. "sister."

Song Celadon is close to the eyebrows.

Soon after, a message was brought back.

"On the Tianzi Mountain, the singer from the Suzaku World, Lang Jun, Zheng Junran and other people fight."

"White-faced Lang Jun?" Song Celadon vaguely remembered that Dai Xingyue had a description. It seems that the sister's star-dropper is a very beautiful "beauty", but considering that he should have no connection from Zhuquejie and Zilei Devil. I made an invitation, but I didn’t think that the sister would be so bold and squatted.

"Is her star falling?" asked Song Qing porcelain.

Wang Jingzhi replied: "No, I heard that Zheng Zhengran's martial arts is very powerful. Actually defeated Suo Qingshuang, Fan Wei and others."

"This star pendant seems to be near the Tianzi Mountain. Xingyue sister has already seen it."

When I heard that it was not a banquet, Song Celadon was obviously relieved.

"That Zheng Zhengran made trouble, what should I do if my sister looks?"

"She has a martial arts in this generation, let's see what she is talking about." Song Qing porcelain thought about it. The four worlds of falling stars gathered together to have a ghost, and a goal of cohesiveness was in line with her intentions.

"Big sister." Wang Jingzhi said nothing.

Song Qing porcelain smiled and said: "Sister, what else?"

"You let us pay attention to the news of the land Junxing Song Qing." Wang Jingzhi.

"Is it unexpected?" Song Celadon was silent.

Wang Jingzhi nodded and relayed the words of the snake-woman to Song Celadon. Tiankui star is sad. She also went to the Suzaku world to find the traces of the land of the stars, but the Liangshan continent has no boundaries. It is not easy to find a goal. Although Song Celadon has been psychologically prepared, but when he heard the land star, Song Qingxing, he lost his heart.

"Sister. Sister." Wang Jingzhi called.

Li Longkui snorted, and the tall woman walked out when she mentioned the funeral.

"Long Kwai, stand up." Song Celadon returned to God. Whispered.

The black whirlwind Li Longkui turned and sank: "Big sister. Long Kui, this is for you to kill the snake woman to avenge her sister."

"Revenge?" Song Qing porcelain smiled: "Where is the Solanum, do you want to kill you? You can't kill them? Then do you want to kill Su Xing?"

"They stopped their sister from completing the big business, all damn." Li Longkui sounded as steel.

Her will is to make Song Celadon gratified. "If we can kill them, we will take revenge now. But..." Shaking his head, the voice of Tiankuixing became softer. "But our strength is not enough... Which one of the hundred and eight stars will not be our sister? Can those who have fallen stars be able to take revenge?"

"What do you mean by that sister?"

"Up to the top, we must climb to the top of the mountain!" Song Qing porcelain's poetry and scorpion released a kind of light that could not be said, Wang Jingzhi felt that this is the Tiankui star she wants to see.

"The big sister said that it makes a lot of sense. Longkui sister, can not be impulsive, otherwise the sisters who sacrificed for us will be wasted." Wang Jingzhi also advised.

Li Longkui grinds his teeth and eventually puts up the funeral buds.

"But the big sister, the group of star-droppers are all very proud. If you want to form a sorcerer's alliance, who will take the lead? Liu Da Ge is afraid that it is difficult to do it." Wang Jingzhi still has some concerns about this. According to the plan, the sorcerer's Song Celadon is inconvenient to appear, but the group of star-fallers have no heads and there is no sand.

Song Celadon is also annoyed with this matter.

Suddenly this is a golden light in the void.

Liulibao, lotus huā is fragrant.

The lid appears from it.

See her coming out. Li Longkui, Wang Jingzhi and others suddenly became shocked. Shi Jinglun, who was practicing the book in the secret room, was also shocked and rushed in. Tiankui Star Song Celadon is an uncharacteristic calm, and the smile is elegant: "Hey, what do you do?"

"This is to help you this time."

"Helping slaves? You are not afraid to destroy the rules of the Dojo." Song Qing porcelain said with a smile. It is obviously ridiculous to talk about the rules at this time. The so-called rules of the nine generations of fighting stars have long been beyond recognition.

He replied: "This seat does not want to, but this time it can't talk about breaking the rules. One person will come out to help you lead this demon alliance."

"who is it?"

"She has already gone. It should be able to help you. But the final result depends on how you made it yourself. Tiankuixing called Baoyi Songjiang." The cover was meaningful and looked away, and it disappeared.


Liu Tianya arrived with Dai Xingyue. The banquet has been a mess, and the scene is quite chaotic. The scene that was reflected in front of him was a girl in a white daisy. Long hair like snow, holding a Tang knife in the hand is also a clear win; see this girl body 翩跹, Tang knife in the hands of the eyes huā chaos, smashed the white edge. The action is freehand and calm.

Playing against her is the famous golden gunner Xu Ning.

Knife Mang filling, Xu Ning's treasures of gold light, put these knives to melt. The hook and rifle in Xu Jingshu's hand is also playing with the sound and the color. The gunshots are wide open and big. Every attack is like a wave, and the banquet is shaking.

"Hello, you can't think of it as a strange star. It's amazing." Xu Jingshu's addictive, haha ​​laughed.

Zheng Xiaoran’s eyes were calm and he constantly robbed Xu Jingshu’s gun. Xu Jing's sudden shot, rubbed the right side of Zheng Ruran, the ground is different, the foot is slippery, the handle is buckled, the backhand is a knife, "scissor and water cut", the knife light is a simple diarrhea, squatting in Xu Jingshu's Baochao On the other hand, if the ordinary star has already injured this knife, but the golden gunner with the geese ring gold armor and strong defense talent is only shocked. Zheng Xiaoran snorted and turned and continued to storm.

Zheng Yanran challenged the group, and other star-droppers were all on the wall and watched the good show.

"Is this a variation of the earth star? The force is strong. Bilu. Anything?" Nothing to look forward to no feather arrows.

Zhang Bilu was also defeated by Zheng Xiaoran, but it was because the abominable white-faced Lang Jun suddenly attacked her. Zhang Bi was unable to prevent being chopped. The famous name was to try to attack the sneak attack like a hidden weapon. The temperament of Zhang Bi was going crazy. If this is not a banquet for the purple thunder devil, there is no way to shoot.

Of course, not only is there no feather arrow, Zhao Heng’s star will be a pioneer. The dragon and the devil of the Lord of the Lord, Fan Fan, and the bowed flea tiger Chen Zhanlu and others were defeated.

Other star-droppers are attracted by Zheng Ruran's beautiful posture. The middle of the girl is the long hair of the girl, the long dress that dances.

"Frost, do you think you can beat her in a few tricks??" Xie Changan asked.

The five tigers admired Hu Yanshuang's mouth. "There is a good-sounding sister. The mourner is a bit reluctant to defeat her. But she can actually take a long time with Xu Jingshu, so that the mourner is very admired." Hu Yanshuang has an unprecedented six-star Tianwu, In this feast, it can be said that there is no rival. The only thing that makes Hu Yanshuang feel a little trouble is Xu Jingshu.

Both the Golden Gunner and her star-faller Hu Mi are a powerful opponent.

If she can kill the purple thunder, she will no doubt be the biggest obstacle.

Hu Yanshuang is also watching Xu Jingshu and Zheng Ruran fighting carefully. I don’t know if Xu Jingshu is avoiding people or others. Although some of them are invisible, the two of them are extremely exciting in fighting. It is an episode for everyone to be a banquet. It is also very enjoyable to watch, even overlooking Zheng’s sharp eyes.

"Please also stop the two."

Liu Tianya interrupted the two, but when he saw two people martial arts, the Juggernaut also hesitated, did not dare to shoot.

"Now is not the time to fight." Liu Tianya said loudly.

"Jing Shu." Hu Mi was soft.

Xu Jingshu, who is suppressing Zheng Xiaoran, has a tick: "Sister martial arts is good. I will teach you this before." He said that he would withdraw later. Zheng Xiaoran said coldly: "That will give you a ride." The knife flashed, and a flash of erratic ribbon was drawn.

The touch banged on Xu Jingshu's shoulder.

The woman stunned and looked at her shoulder with a cold knife wound. However, the Golden Gunner just smiled and nodded. He saw Zheng Xiaoran’s strange steps and did not counterattack. He leisurely retreated to Hu’s side.


Zheng Xiaoran stopped and closed the knife.

"The two girls are really interested, and I have to deal with the purple thunder devil in the future. There are still many opportunities for discussion. Now let us sit down and talk about this demon society." Liu Tianya reveals the most hearty smile.

"Ha ha ha, you are the leader of the devil's club? Disrespectful, disrespectful." Fang Xin solid fist.

"I am honored to come." Liu Tianya looked around the banquet. Seeing people almost arrived, just about to talk about the devil. Suddenly this time. Zheng Xiaoran walked toward him with a walk of water. "Slow, there is a question I want to ask you."

"what is the problem?"

"There are seven people in the Seven Stars Juyi, and there is only one person in the Purple Lei Devil. Is it worthwhile to join us to kill?" Zheng Yuran buckled his handle and walked.

"It is true, but there is only one overlord on the female mountain. What is the use of the Seven Stars? What do you think is said next?" Liu Tianya asked.

Everyone should answer.

"Of course, I feel that the purple thunder devil may not care about the overlord. Lin Chong, Wu Song is not the best example to follow him? I do not believe that they are the title of overlord. Cousin, are you saying yes?" Zheng Xiaoran turned back A smile ~ ~ cousin, said that it is reasonable, but also think so. Fang Xinjian nodded.

"How can the devil trust?" Liu Tianya sneered.

"There is a way to make him believe."

"any solution?"

Zheng Xiaoran smiled like huā, Bai Mei circulated, the girl suddenly pulled out the knife, the knife light out of the sheath, I saw the snow rushing down, an extreme pale freezes the whole space time, Liu Tianya life, but there is no way to keep up with the girl The speed of the knife, in his eyes, the white line is like a wave, and the snow of Zheng Xiaoran behind the real phoenix bird wings out, the arrogance is hundreds of times.

The girl lightly opened her red lips.

Liu Tianya heard the last four words of the life and the most thrilling and cold.

Really beautiful, the order.

"There is no snow in the world!"

Ps: In the second half of the month, I will try to give some strength, and the last plot is over (to be continued)! ~!