MTL - 108 Maidens of Destiny-~ Goodbye (big finale)

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Goodbye to the final chapter of the final volume of Su Xing (the finale)

No one thought that Lu Hao’s heavenly steps, “the ancients, the thousands of miles of the mountains and the blood” did not kill Shi Xian but let her make the heavens of the Liangshan continent.

"Xinger, use this book to save lives." Chai Lingyi gave his Danshu shovel to Su Xing without hesitation. Although he did not know whether it was useful or not, Tianguixing could only gamble, and everyone could feel Shixian. The strength of the heavens, no doubt, after the formation, the entire Liangshan continent will be dying.

"It's over." Master Li is desperate. "Song Jiang, only you can deal with Shi Xian!" Tian Yanxing suddenly remembered something, but Tiankui Star Song Celadon was completely stunned.

"Use your best for the day to gather righteousness." A voice suddenly appeared.


The cover of the skull is heavy: "Shi Xian's heavenly steps will ruin the Liangshan continent, and it will be able to break into her heavenly steps by using the Heavenly Way, and she will not stop when she has not fully absorbed hundreds of millions of souls to form the most red blood field. she was."

"I?" Song Qing porcelain.

"You can't go, the final blood field will definitely die." The cover shook his head, Song Celadon was too weak, she couldn't break through the nine **** days, of course, she couldn't do either, whether it was Lin Yingmei or Lu Hao, the higher the realm. The more the military commander could not get close, the final look of the thousand Buddha stars was fixed on Su Xing. "Su Xing, have you said that you want to end the fighting star? If you kill Shi Xian, I believe you can do it. But if you want to stop her heaven, I am afraid..."

"I think only I have to go. Do you want to go with her?" Su Xing is very calm, and will be completely out of life.

"But Su Jun..." Song Celadon was surprised.

Su Xing shook his head. After taking over the girl's way to the righteousness, he said softly: "If I am dead, you promise me to end the fighting star and complete the wishes of your sisters."

Song Celadon was shocked, lifting the face of pear blossoms with rain, Xuan Yunyi was incredulously watching Su Xing. If it was said that Su Xing’s so-called end of the fighting star was just a means of inciting their sisters, now I heard Su Xing without hesitation. I want to replace Song Celadon to go to the land of annihilation. This kind of force makes Xuan Yunyi feel suffocated.

"Do you want to die?"

"The son."


The women of Su Xing are firmly opposed, and everyone is willing to go instead of Su Xing.

"You are just the real spirit. The real body is still on the Mount Liangshan, after going up the mountain, celadon, promised that I must let the heroes and girls safe and sound." Su Xing said seriously.

Song Celadon was staring at Su Xing.

"Promise me!!" Su Xing shouted.

Song Qing porcelain tears flow again, Tian Kuixing did not dare to look again.

"Let me go!" Gong Caiwei stood up. "You can't go to die!"

"I go."

Zhao Hanyan, Hao Yue also said.

"This kind of thing should be done by men."

Su Xing smiled and did not fear death.

He finally glanced at the girls who were present, and they passed all the girls from Lin Yingmei. Even Lu Hao’s eyes are red. The last glance was deep in my mind, and Su Xing did not see much. If he looks at him more and he is afraid of his own disappointment, he is not willing to sacrifice. So, Su Xing did not hesitate to make the smashing method into the final blood field of Shi Xian.

"You must come back, you haven't had a room with you yet." Lu Hao screamed in the back.

All the sounds disappeared.

All the girls are looking sad.

The cover was secluded and sighed. Master Li was moved. She did not think that Su Xing would sacrifice herself to complete the Songjiang River. Tianyan’s heart was in pain, and the phoenix flame faded. Turned into a maid, the scarlet scorpion shed two lines of tears.

"Can't do this..." Song Celadon looked at the star of the birth star, and suddenly remembered the words of Su Xing before, the girl suddenly decided.

By entering the final blood field for the Heavenly Path to gather the righteous Su Xing, it is a boundless world of blood and blood. Shi Xian is far beyond the reach of nine days. The blood of countless creatures in Liangshan has been recruited into the blood. In the field, he converges toward Shixian. Su Xing gritted his teeth. Fly to her.

As if flying for thousands of miles, Su Xing has been unable to walk, the blood around it is thick, and the flight has reached its limit. Su Xing is fully capable of running Star Power. The star symbol is flashing on his forehead, trying to break through the blood. The power of Shi Xiantian is extremely terrifying, and Su Xing feels that consciousness is passing.

Oops, you will die if you are not close.

Su Xing tried to stay awake, flying a little bit toward the nine days, but it was getting harder and harder.

Suddenly, Su Xing saw a girl in a golden brocade, and the shadow of the celestial star Yulin 筱 出现 appeared in front of him. The girl smiled and held out her hand and pulled Su Xing. "Good man, my nephew is waiting for you to go to the house, but I have to come back alive." The girl reached out and a powerful force passed into the body of Su Xing. The originally stagnant body immediately flew upwards and did not know. How far is it, the forehead unicorn star character is also dim at the same time, when the Su Xing body shape stops, the figure of the gypsy star Gu Yu is also appearing behind him, and the mother worm roars out of the deafening sound wave.

"Go, my man! Sugar can't be without you."

The sound wave borrowed power to make Su Xing up.

The ground-consuming white horse, white jade sugar, waiting for the watery eyes, looked at his father with pity, and Xiao Loli grabbed Su Xing's fingertips hard. Her heart was Su Xingming, and she suddenly entered the nine-day blood field. .

The fourth appearance is the Tianying Star Xiao Li Guanghua, the elegant woman with a smile of trust, she gracefully grabs Su Xing, and then Su Xing once again breaks through the **** sea, watching the back of Su Xing, the illusion of elegant woman It is also very bleak.

"The rest of you, the Lord."

Immediately after the flower buds appeared, the celestial starwalker Wu Siyou, the glamorous walker and Su Xing gaze at each other, needless to say, the long black hair of Wu Shi is like a ribbon flowing water, which makes Su Xingfei higher.

The eleventh star will be the star of the sky, the white strip Zhang Yuqi holding Su Xing, just like a mermaid in the blood sea, although it is just a fleeting shadow, but Su Xing can still feel the softness of the girl's heart.

"I can understand Su Lang, Yu Qi is so happy..."

Shi Xian is getting closer. The **** sea is getting clearer and more powerful, and the progress of Su Xing is even more difficult. Soft and beautiful, the melancholy shadow of the water mist appears in the **** sea. The beautiful people almost forget this **** landscape. The earth star is a singer of the Qingyin Niangzi, and the whisper of love is like: "The woman is willing to die with her husband." ""

The girl used this feeling to cover Su Xing's arm and sent him into the fifth day of the nine-day blood field.

The eighth day of the Lonely Star Lu Xing, the woman face is like Gujing, the Zen heart does not move, but the eyes clearly reveal the reluctant love, the powerful ruin love uses his own efforts to break the Su Xing into a higher sky.

Then the relay is the earthly star soup.

The sky suddenly burst into a powerful murderous gas that prevented Su Xing from pushing him into the ground. Tian Qiao Xing Yi Yi and the thief star Shi Yuan appeared at the same time around Su Xing.

"Drink and drink."

The girls did not hesitate at the same time. "Miss Ben, but your third star will be, and you are not with Su Xing, this lady is not reconciled." Shih-Yuan’s depressed voice sounded in his mind.

In the end, the blood of the fourth day of the blood field flooded countless swords and smashed Su Xing. An extraordinary little loli suddenly appeared in the sword light, and the little girl gently held Su Xing's hand.

Su Xing is on the third day.

Ling Xing An Su asked to meet Su Xing on the third day.

When Su Xing had no way to go any further, the forehead star symbol flashed again, and the star of the star Wu Jie solved him in front of him. "The hero is waiting for you!"

The last white light flashed in front of you.

It shows a distinctive frost in the blood.

Tianxiong star leopard head Lin Yingmei looked at Su Xing, the girl hugged him and bowed his head.

I still remember the meeting on the Qingyeyuan. The sentence that the girl said seemed to be yesterday. "From today, my leopard, Lin Chong, is your woman..."

"Less master, the hero doesn't want this fighting star. Just want to be the master."

Lin Yingmei gently said, a broken ice cut snow, the girl forced the Su Xing into the nine heavens.

Shi Xianjian is indestructible, and the final blood field that no one can shake is under the resilience of more than a dozen women of Su Xing, and finally let Su Xing break through to the last day. It was not enough. The **** sea on the last floor was like a huge gate, locked in front of Su Xing, leaving him nowhere to go.


A green light bloomed on the chest of Su Xing, and the shadow of Zhao Hanyan appeared on the side. Zhao Hanyan smiled slightly, and a green light came out. It was the millennium about the double-edged sword. Even the double-edged sword broke out an unimaginable resonance, and the **** sea gate was opened.

Finally, he served the firewood of Yifeng Huangquan.

The Queen finally sent Su Xing to the void with a proud gesture.

boom! ! ! !

The endless **** sea gives off an ancient atmosphere. Above the **** sea, the stone sages who kill God are standing in front of their eyes. The woman's eyes are red. Red blood, thousands of miles, shocked to see Su Xing actually layer after layer to break through the field of her heavenly steps, this is what the Highness is difficult to do.

"Even if you do this, how can you let Liangshan mainland and you bury it!!!!"

Shouted Shixian. The **** seas converge in her sword and burst into a strong red light, covering the entire four sides of the Liangshan continent in fear. Su Xing Yang took up the righteousness to prepare for the same day, but at this time, the shadow of Song Celadon appeared strangely. The girl shook the star of the birth star and said, "Su Jun, please go up the mountain with celadon!"

The two were combined into one, and in an instant, Su Xing’s mind was shocked.

I saw Su Xing killing Shi Xian, one hand and the virtual hand. Actually, I want to face my own heavenly steps with empty hands, then I will die without a place of burial. Shi Xian sneer and prepare to meet, but at this moment, the scene is abrupt.

A line of light fell into the void around Su Xing, and each light was actually a star Wu.

Jinxianlian life ring, Qingdi too sickle, colorful geese knives, frosty moonlight, frosty moonlight knife... Whether it is an opponent, an ally, or a partner, all star girls’ star Wu appeared in the Soviet Union The sky is around the sky.

Lin Yingmei and others were surprised to feel the power of their own star, and the girls looked at each other without hesitation and released their own star.

Cold star cold moon gun, gold unicorn spear, precious cream demon lotus, gold wind jade dew and so on, star Wu up straight, into the Jiuyi Yunhai land around Su Xing. Not only they, Xuan Yunxiao also feels that his own star is stupid, and the enchanting bow and arrow are not hesitant.

Dong Junqing, cinnabar. The star of Zhang Yuyu and others followed, and the star Wu of Zhao Hanyan also sacrificed.

Along the female Liangshan, there are a series of colorful lights that are flying again and again, and they are constantly gathering with Su Xing.

As if the star of the entire star girl was summoned, even the cover was stunned.

The crispy fragrance walked barefoot in the desert soil, and it was already close to the female Liangshan. A red light flew from her back and flew to the **** sea of ​​the sky. Crisp does not understand what happened, but also feels that Star Wu, who defeated the star girl in the Stars Bag, is eager to move, and the scent of the scent is hesitant. It seems that she feels something, she is a little bit better.

Still put these stars out.

White night engraved dragon sword. The golden hook smashes the soul gun, the 100,000 yan dragon axe, asks the road Huang Quanshi, etc., and turns into a rainbow of various colors.

"This is..." Shi Xian’s eyes are round and can’t believe.

There are 108 pieces of Xingwu around Su Xing. These stars and martial arts have turned out to be the masters of various weapons. Yang Zikai holds the Qing Emperor's Scythe, and holds the Zihuang 偃月刀, Shi Xiuxiu holds the colorful geese knives, and Liu Qinger holds 炙Nine nine prison knives. Even the dog star Jinxian Lianhuan also appeared with a cute girl, whether it was against Su Xing. Still inadvertently fallen or the star of Su Xing.

One hundred and eight pieces of Star Wu appeared. Although every girl was just a little phantom, it was vivid and touching.

The world of romance! ! !

Shi Xian shocked and shivered. "Impossible, impossible..." The woman yelled and suddenly waved the final blood field.

Su Xing is also a void, and the 108-star girl of Niangshan is turned into a stunned offensive and Shixian’s Tianshi final blood field.

The blood and the stars collided with each other, drowning the heavens and the earth, and affected the four worlds.

The whole Liangshan Mountain has fallen to the ground, only to feel the tinnitus, and spit a big blood.

The blood of the sky finally disappeared. The world is clear.

Shi Xianmu looked at Su Xing in front of her eyes and couldn't believe her heavenly steps were actually lost. The illusion of the one-hundred-eight-star girl behind Su Xing is like an invincible legion. Is this the existence that the female emperor wants to pursue? Shi Xian thought so.

"His Royal Highness has been handed over to you..." Shi Xian’s eyes stunned and turned into dust, leaving only a bleak phoenix to mourn in the Chuchu.

An unspeakable sadness filled the heart of Su Xing.

He looked back at the true spirit of the 108 star girls behind him and nodded at them.

These girls smiled and the spirits dissipated. Only left the star Wu.

Su Xing returned to the female Liangshan.

His lady had already waited for him, and he was relieved to see him safe. Lin Yingmei was holding Su Xing and kissed in front of the sisters.

"Everything is over?" Su Xing said.

Song Celadon and Xuan Yunxiao came.

Su Xing brows a wrinkle. "how?"

The cover is over and the words are stopped. Sighed: "Song Celadon is a righteousness, and the righteousness and contract cannot go up the mountain at the same time."

"What do you mean by this..." Su Xing's eyes were cold, and his murderousness was that the cover began to be cold.

"Then you don't have to go up the mountain? Do the fighting stars go on like this?" Lin Yingmei asked, of course, the girl did not mind this.

"The Dou Xing star will be handed over to Su Jun. Su Junyuan cares more about our sister than celadon." Song Qing porcelain smiled.

"In fact, as long as the sisters of Cuizhen's Juyi are left, they can also dispel the righteousness."

Everyone has a glimpse.

At present, the only one of the sisters of Song Celadon, the ugly county Ma Xuanyun, laughs and laughs. "Yun has long said that he should not be married to his sister, and he has towed his legs."

"I won't kill you." Su Xing shook his head.

Things have grown to this point, and Su Xing doesn't want to see any casualties anymore, especially this.

"You don't have to be sad. The gods of the Earth's spirits can resurrect as long as they have realized the heavens."

"Don't say it again." Su Xing interrupted her.

Xuan Yunxiaohe smiled and walked to the front of Su Xing. The beautiful face of the ugly county horse was full of complicated gaze: "I think this is good. To be honest, Yunxiao should go with her sister."


"You can still remember that the Crystal Dragon Palace banquet owes you a kiss, so if you go up the mountain and end the fighting star, if the cloud is still alive, I will give it back to you." Xuan Yun smiled.

"I have already reached this step. Is it because my unrelated outsiders have lost a lot of money? Can you afford them for those sisters?" The ugly county horse shook his head and stopped Su Xing’s persuasion.

"The sky is a dream, the flower festival is with the wind... I wake up the sisters. The stars are gathering together..."

Xuan Yunxiao looked up at the sky, slowly recited, the figure quickly dimmed, the red star fell into the body of Su Xing, leaving only the charm.

Everyone burst into tears, and Song Qing porcelain had a pain. As Xuanyun’s comet solved, Juyi failed.

"Slave sisters are sorry." Song Qing porcelain regrets not.

"Now don't say this kind of thing, isn't it covered? If you go up the mountain, let the person ask for help." Wu Xinjie said comfort.

"Now I still sign a contract with the lesser master. Celadon." Lin Yingmei said.

Su Xing walked over, and Song Celadon closed his eyes.

Su Xing bowed his head and kissed the lips of Song Celadon. The girl shuddered and choked out of the throat, and the sky was shining.

"Our good people are not kisses..."

Lu Hao asked the sisters.

The women are ashamed.

As a result, the sky has exactly seven red stars, just seven stars.

No, there is one less.

The eyes of the people looked at the last star girl of the ninth generation of the fighting star - Tianguixing Xiaofengfeng Chai Ling.

Being gazing at the fire, Chai Ling's face was red. The queen is ashamed of his eyebrows.

"This time there is no way to alarm the world, but Linger. Would you like to be my mother?" Su Xing asked affectionately.

"You can't be your first one to be your last one." Chai Ling was light and unspeakable, and the girls snickered.

The two kissed, it was not the first time to kiss, so the kiss was quite lingering.

"Right, this is your last lady, right?" Chai Ling was ashamed.

"I see Chai Ling, your wish is afraid to fall through." Zhao Hanyan smiled low.

Just then, the sky suddenly flashed a white light.

Fang and his monk appeared.

All the women are enemies.

Fang’s family looked at the phoenix in the hands of Su Xing, and he was sad, but the girl said: “Major, please cherish her. A family is waiting for you in the astrology.”

"Yeah." Su Xing cautiously responded.

Fangmou looked at the stars of Su Xing and smiled. The girl turned and walked into the female mountain.

"Some of my Highness, wait for us, we want to follow you, unparalleled, we can finally go home." Wu Xiaoniang ran over.

Uesugi Wusui also went.

"Thank you." Su Xing thanked her.

Uesugi has unparalleled eyes, and his eyes are stunning and indifferent. The woman nodded, her hair grew like water, and she walked into the female mountain.

"I don't think you really killed Shi Xian, it's amazing. That party is really amazing. How can you beat the monks?" Wu Hao showed a bold smile. "Linger, you have a man, it's not bad."

"Sister." Chai Ling blushes. Suddenly, Chai Ling found that the atmosphere was a bit stiff. She looked at Su Xing and their expression was grim.

"As the eighth-generation hegemon, if you don't die, you can't go to the mountains." Wu Hao shrugged.

"Predecessors." Chai Ling changed his face.

"The unicorn snow shines red, the white wave rises from the golden wind, the moon invites a cup of drunkenness, the broken arrow is a beautiful man, and the sound is in a thousand years of faintness - no her, just a dream of Huang Wei." Wu Hao smiled, "now this prophecy Only the monks are left."

"Can't you sign a contract?" Chai Ling asked anxiously.

The answer is naturally impossible. The eighth generation of Wu Song is not among the ninth generation of fighting stars. Signing is naturally an illusion, and because of her existence, other people can't go up even if they are in the seven stars.

"Broken Arrows and the beautiful man's impeachment, then come from the rest." The flower buds walked out and took out the jade cracking star short gun.

"Okay, pick up." Wu Hao smiled.

The body swayed and rushed over. The flowers were about two short guns in the hand. Two swords were stabbed. The flowers and the short guns were unloading each other. Tianyingxing took a graceful step and avoided the attack of the nine-star noble cream demon. The elegant short shot, no one thought of a scene, the monk did not hide and not let the two short guns pierce the body.

"Hey seniors?" Everyone did not think that the monk would give up.

"The wish of the monk has been satisfied, and there is nothing to be reluctant to do. It is time to see her." Wu Hao's natural refers to the eighth generation of the fighting star and her life and death, but ultimately the death of other leopards. Nowadays, the growth of Su Xing has reached the point where even the monks must be out of reach. With the phoenix sword that laughs and kills the singer, Wu Hao believes that this man will eventually take his wish in the astral world.

Although it is a pity that I can't go to the stars in person, at least she has witnessed a legend.

Everyone has a high respect for this predecessor.

The monk finally dissipated.

Su Xing stood under the female Liangshan waiting for the Seven Stars to be righteous, Zhao Hanyan. In the month of Haoyue, Gong Caiwei was with him, and the dragon girl quickly came to the foot of the mountain from the moon palace, and saw that Su Xing was also a glimpse. The crispy fragrance is far away. She used the sinister means of the 10,000 soul umbrella to make a few people hate her, but she finally released the star martial arts to help Su Xing complete the unprecedented "world romance". One thing, other things can only go up the mountain and then do the calculations.

"There is still one who doesn't know who it is." Zhao Hanyan looked at the last red star in the sky.

Su Xing is looking at the double short knife frost in his hand, which is very regrettable and painful.

"Liangliangshan will definitely see you again." Lin Yingmei held Su Xing's hand.

"I will see you again." Su Xing firmly said.

Soon, a girl with a burning eye in the distance was careful and reluctantly came to the foot of the mountain. Seeing Su Xing and others was also scared. Seeing this girl, Su Xing laughed.

She is not the sinister Yan Yan of Suzaku Mountain.

"Integration, we have to see you again." Takuya took a sniff.

The star of the star, the fire of the eye, Deng Rongxin took out the angry star fire hammer: "First kill me and say!!"

Zhao Hanyan blinked and thought they were really cute.

The original contract had long lost its effect, but Su Xing still had a good impression on her. Su Xing smiled and said: "Tuo Yanyan, go up the mountain together."

"Ah, do you know me?" Takuya was cast in confusion.

"You are that man?" Deng Rong was stupid.

Su Xing smiled. Turn around.

"Yes, are you ready?" Su Xing asked them.

"Let the stars get a big surprise!" The girls laughed.

Then everyone walked into the female mountain.

Once entered the female mountain. A mist surrounded it, and Su Xing felt that his body became very light and had been rising. During the ascent, Su Xing saw the starry sky as if it were at his fingertips. The dazzling star in front of him opened a beautiful picture of the Milky Way, and the girl images of the national color were gazing in the picture. He, some of the British are compelling, some are resentful like the sea, some are warm and jade, and some are prosperous...

At the beginning of the blurred picture, this time the picture of the girl is clear, and the heroic is Lin Yingmei. The grievances like the sea are Wu Xinjie, the Wenyu jade is the Song Celadon, and the Fenghua is the Wushuyou...

Su Xing is amazed, and his heart is filled with warmth.

It turned out to be a shackle when it first broke into the Liangshan continent.

There is no time or length for the road to the astral. Su Xing knows that the next road will be long and hard, but Su Xing does not care. He knows that there are still some people waiting for him on the Mount Liang.

Waiting to see you again!


A hundred years later.

Liang Huang looked at the sky in Jiangshanlou. Like all the other people in Liangshan, they showed a pity, but they were a little happy. His current cultivation is already a annihilation of the stars, and it will take a long time to go to the astral and meet with Su Xing.

I don't know if my daughter is okay?

Liang Huang went to an astrological pavilion.

A purple-haired girl is looking at the sky, and her gestures reveal the softness of the girl. Her cultivation was also ruined by the stars.

"The fighting star did not appear. It seems that Su Xing really did it. He ended the fighting star, haha." Liang Huang smiled.

The girl turned and revealed the face of the city. She was a mighty power.

"Hu Mi knows that he will do it." Hu Mi smashed his hair and smiled faintly. Her thoughts could not help but return to the fighting star a hundred years ago. In the end, she unexpectedly shed the tears of the Weaver Girl and ended the contract. The first person from the Dojo Star since the 9th generation of the Dojo Stars.

"Jing Shu, you must wait for me." Hu Mi said softly.

"Haha, I am really looking forward to how Su Xing will be in the astrology." Liang Huang is very much looking forward to it.

Hu Mi smiled and wanted to see him very much.

She imagined that Su Xing was in the square of the astrology. I heard that there are millions of stars in the astral world. Will it seduce some good girls, or let the tears of the young lady’s temper, or that the stars will be conquered by him? It.

However, no matter what.

That is another story.

(End of the book)

[End this testimonial]

It’s over, it’s finally over. I still remember that a reader friend in the first month of the group said to me: I decided to go with Niangshan for one year. At the beginning, I thought, one year, it was too long. Now I want to come to Niangshan for three years now. For three years, it was all over, and there were many things happening on the way. It’s no use now to regret it.

Just be a lesson.

This novel, which was originally written on a whim, brought me a lot of feelings. I have a lot to say, and suddenly I can’t say anything after the end. I would like to thank you again, all the support on the fan list, and I feel apologetic for the departure and still Xiao Bing, especially Xue Mingxi (84331536) in order to allow me to update my support every day for 100,000 rewards. Oh, it will finally disappoint you.

There is also moujiaa your 108 star girl information is really great ~ ~ Niangshan time is too long, many of you rely on your information to save a lot of time, once you did not have time to update, I thought Hao Bingxin Without the level, I gave her a second level, haha, looking forward to your last 108-star girl.

Finally, when I heard that some of Niangshan’s impressions were very deep, I remember that I didn’t think too much about the setting of Mount Niangshan. There were only a few simple settings. Later, it was only slowly improved during your discussion. The most coincidental thing is Song Jiang. Initially Song Jiang was I plan to make a second debut (that is, Song Lu). Later, when I wrote it, I suddenly changed it to Wu Xinjie. After that, the son of the sea sent a comment about Song Jiang, which led to the most important Songjiang of the Mt. Setting, there are other inspirations that will not be said, and Ms. Niangshan is relying on you today.

As for the ending, I feel very good. The protagonist has defeated the strongest enemy in the astral world. And because this is the story of a Niangshan 108-star girl fighting star, the battle star will end the book. As for the things on the astrology, let's leave some illusions. Later, I will make a continuation of the astrology. I will use the protagonist to describe the story of Su Xing in the astral world. The setting of the astral is also very interesting, but Still don't wait.

In the past three years, ups and downs, intermittent updates have hurt many people. Once separated from the boutique channel, Niangshan can be sent to the honor channel of the boutique channel. In this regard, we apologize for the friends who have spared no support.

In the past three years, the ups and downs are still waiting for the friends who have updated Xiao Bing. Thank you for not leaving yet. Now you can finally enjoy a sigh of relief.

I don't really like to talk. In short, I am very grateful to everyone for their support.

Thank you.

Goodbye. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)