I Signed-In For A Billion Dollar Mansion From The Very Beginning-Chapter 505 Wedding Day!

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After saying that, Lin Fan left the venue silently.

Countless audience members cried.


"Lin Fan, Lin Fan, Lin Fan!"

"So Lin Fan is going to be a father too… Lin Fan is finally going to marry Xia Wanqiu." f𝗿𝗲e𝒘e𝚋n૦𝘃𝙚𝑙.com

"Lin Fan, I love you! I love you!!!"

What was worth mentioning was…

Hua Qingqing and Liu Yiyi had already become Lin Fan's most reliable subordinates.

In addition to being the best in the movie industry, Jiaxing Entertainment crushed Hollywood.

In terms of driverless technology, Jiaxing Entertainment had completely pushed it to the world!

Then… Jiaxing Entertainment's market value had already exceeded one trillion, two trillion… three trillion!

Jiaxing Entertainment even launched 5G technology. After that, Jiaxing Entertainment finally successfully promoted mature driverless technology to the world!


Why didn't Su Xiaoyu have a good relationship with her mother?

It was because Su Xiaoyu's mother had never seen Su Xiaoyu when she was young.

She rarely looked at Xia Wanqiu.

Because… she worked in the country's most confidential place.

That place… was radioactive.

Finally, there were results this year.

From then on, China's technology and aerospace standards had all reached the peak of the world!

Su Xiaoyu's mother contributed greatly but also suffered from cancer because of this.

In front of the bed, Su Xiaoyu's mother held her hand and cried, "I'm sorry… It's just that all the work I've done in my life is for the country and the future of China…"

Su Xiaoyu and Xia Wanqiu were both crying by the bed.

"Mom, you didn't even see us get married…" Xia Wanqiu cried as she held her mother's hand.

"Mom… I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you angry. I shouldn't have refused to see you…" Su Xiaoyu's eyes were red. She had been very lonely since she was young and had no motherly love. She had always hated her mother.

She had always felt that she was very awesome. After all, she had made her father the richest man in the world.

But Su Xiaoyu finally knew what a great existence her mother was. 𝐟𝘳𝑒𝗲𝘸e𝒃𝘯𝒐𝐯e𝚕.c𝒐𝒎

What her mother did was a hundred times, a thousand times better than what she did.

"Xiaoyu, Wanqiu, I'm sorry for not giving you a happy and complete family. I'm sorry…"

"Wanqiu, the person I've let down the most is you. I can't see your wedding with Lin Fan. I can't see…" Su Xiaoyu and Xia Wanqiu's mother was very weak.

"Mom, what about me?" Su Xiaoyu cried. "I also want Mom to see my wedding."

Su Xiaoyu's mother patted her head and smiled. "Be good. My daughter is the most outstanding. In the past, I said that I would let the two of you be with Lin Fan because I was angry. My daughter is so outstanding. She can find all sorts of men. She will definitely be able to find someone more outstanding to marry."

Other than Xia Wanqiu and Su Xiaoyu, no one else knew that Xia Wanqiu and Su Xiaoyu were together with Lin Fan.

At this moment…

Lin Fan was here.

"Auntie, Jiaxing Entertainment's latest medical technology has been successfully researched and the clinical trial has been successful."

"You can try the special medicine to treat cancer." Lin Fan brought the medicine over.

"Lin Fan, can it really be cured? Really?" Su Xiaoyu looked at Lin Fan and grabbed his arm tightly.

"Mmm, of course. Trust me," said Lin Fan with a smile. When the system was released, it left Lin Fan with such technology. Therefore, Lin Fan immediately activated the medical team and started making it three years ago.

Now, he had finally succeeded. Not only cancer but other terminal illnesses could also be treated with special medicine!

However, the price of this special medicine was very expensive. The materials needed were also very scarce and could not be used on a large scale.

Lin Fan believed that there was still so much time in the future. It would definitely be able to be promoted on a large scale.

Then… Su Xiaoyu's mother took the special medicine.

Seven days later.

Su Xiaoyu's mother's illness had miraculously recovered!

The medical world was shocked!

The entire China was shocked!

Every industry of Jiaxing Entertainment was too awesome…

Now, he had even solved the biggest problem in the medical world! pany's Hua Qingqing and Liu Yiyi.

Everyone came to the wedding venue.

Lin Fan's parents and Old Master Xia were also there.

Today was really wonderful.

Xia Wanqiu was wearing a wedding dress and Lin Fan was also wearing his wedding clothes.

They had already taken their wedding photos and were looking forward to this beautiful day.

After going through all sorts of complicated procedures, the final moment finally arrived.

Under the cheers of countless people, Lin Fan held Xia Wanqiu's hand. Xia Wanqiu was like a kitten as she stuck to Lin Fan's side and smiled happily.

The host also looked at Lin Fan. "Lin Fan, are you willing to marry Xia Wanqiu?"

Lin Fan nodded and looked at him with deep love. "Of course."

The host looked at Xia Wanqiu again. "Xia Wanqiu, are you willing to marry Lin Fan?"

Xia Wanqiu nodded shyly. "I'm willing."

The host smiled and said, "Then give him a kiss!"

"Kiss him!"

"Kiss him!"

All the guests and friends were cheering.

Xu Yang and Lin Jingjing were among them.

Lin Fan kissed Xia Wanqiu.

After that was…

"First bow to the world!"

"Second bow to your parents!"

"Husband and wife bow to each other!"

"Into the bridal chamber you go!"