Go With The Flow Of Love-Chapter Twenty-three (Part 1)

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Chapter Twenty-three (Part 1)

Translated by trungtnguyen123

After a work day Chen Yu Bai took An Xiao Li to the hospital to visit Qin Sang. ๐—ณ๐”ฏ๐™še๐’˜e๐š‹๐˜ฏ๐š˜ฮฝ๐™šl.๐‘o๐™ข

On the way home from the hospital, An Xiao Li was crying because she was sad that Qin Sang was both heartbroken and in physical pain. Chen Yu Bai drove and passed An Xiao Li tissues at the same time. By the time they arrived at his house, her voice was hoarse. He sighed, carried her out of the car and upstairs into his house.

Inside the living room Chen Yu Bai put Xiao Li on the sofa and went into the kitchen to pour her a glass of water. Then he passed her the glass of water and hugged her on the sofa. โ€˜Donโ€™t cry anymore.โ€™

Chen Yu Bai wasnโ€™t a sweet talker nor did he know how to comfort someone else so he didnโ€™t know what to say to comfort Xiao Li. A while later she was still crying, he hugged her tighter and wiped her tears. โ€˜This weekend can you come to my parentsโ€™ house for dinner?โ€™

An Xiao Li cried and shook her head at the same time, she wasnโ€™t in the mood to go anywhere.

Chen Yu Bai was unhappy Xiao Li rejected an invite to eat at his parentsโ€™ house and he pinched her cheek. She bent her head and bit his hand to vent her sad mood. They quietly played around for a while and her mood improved. She rested against his chest. โ€˜Do you think one day youโ€™ll suddenly have a change of heart, find another girl and treat her better than me?โ€™

Chen Yu Bai rubbed Xiao Liโ€™s head. โ€˜If this weekend you come with me to eat dinner with my parentsโ€™ house then I wonโ€™t suddenly have a change of heart.โ€™

โ€˜Then beg me and Iโ€™ll go,โ€™ An Xiao Li said.

Chen Yu Bai became quiet, Xiao Li tilted her head up and looked at him. But his hand pressed her head down so she couldnโ€™t see him. โ€˜Iโ€™m begging youโ€ฆโ€™

โ€˜Begging me what?โ€™ An Xiao Li asked.

Chen Yu Bai never thought thereโ€™d be a day that heโ€™d beg another person. โ€˜Iโ€™m begging you to come with me to my parentsโ€™ house for dinner.โ€™

โ€˜Um,โ€™ An Xiao Li said shyly.

Chen Yu Bai felt an itchy feeling all over, even his teeth itched. He kissed Xiao Li and his breathing was heavy.

It was a cool summer night. After a long time of pleasure, Chen Yu Bai covered Xiao Liโ€™s body with a bed sheet and hugged her. โ€˜Xiao Li, letโ€™s get married.โ€™

An Xiao Li was tired and her body was limp. โ€˜Thatโ€™s too troublesome. Miss Chen and Mr An wonโ€™t agree.โ€™

โ€˜Iโ€™ll find a way to convince them,โ€™ Chen Yu Bai said.

โ€˜It seems your mum doesnโ€™t like me,โ€™ An Xiao Li said. fre๐‘’๐˜ธ๐šŽ๐š‹nเซฆัตโ„ฏl.c๐’๐˜ฎ

โ€˜I like you,โ€™ Chen Yu Bai said.

Chen Yu Bai confessed his feelings in such a casual manner that the whole house was quiet. An Xiao Li widened her eyes, she looked at the dark night and couldnโ€™t believe what she heard. She felt his strong heartbeat against her back.

โ€˜Thenโ€ฆ talk about it later. First Iโ€™ll see if you can convince our families,โ€™ An Xiao Li said softly.

Chen Yu Bai laughed, rubbed his nose on the back of Xiao Liโ€™s neck and hugged her tighter from behind.


At Chen Yu Baiโ€™s parentsโ€™ house, An Xiao Li thought that Chen Yu Bai looked like his dad, minus the beer belly and add a full set of black hair. The moment An Xiao Li saw Chen Yin Jiangโ€™s shiny bald head, An Xiao Li remembered Miss Chenโ€™s advice to scold the โ€˜bald old manโ€™ and An Xiao Li felt her throat was choked with laughter.

Chen Yu Bai hugged Xiao Liโ€™s shoulder and his hand moved slightly on her shoulder. She lifted her head and he glared at her.

The kids of the Chen household liked An Xiao Liโ€™s carefree attitude and they showed her around the house. In the living room only Chen Yu Bai and his parents were left.

Mrs Chen senior sighed and looked at her son sadly. โ€˜Yu Bai, I really donโ€™t like her.โ€™

Chen Yin Jiang nodded his head slowly and agreed with his wifeโ€™s thoughts. โ€˜Sheโ€™s a good girl, but sheโ€™s not suitable to be our daughter-in-law.โ€™

Chen Yu Bai comfortably sat on the sofa and drank tea.

Chen Yin Jiang was frustrated with his sonโ€™s attitude. โ€˜Chen Yu Bai.โ€™

Chen Yu Bai lifted his head from his cup of tea and looked coldly at his dad. โ€˜I donโ€™t have an opinion. But if Iโ€™m going to marry, it has to be her.โ€™

Chen Yu Baiโ€™s tone was gentle, but Mr and Mrs Chen seniorโ€™s faces paled.

Compared to Chen Yu Bai marrying a girl that Mr and Mrs Chen senior didnโ€™t like, Mr and Mrs Chen seniorโ€™s main worry was their genius, brilliant, elegant and perfect son โ€“ following principles and not marrying.

Chen Yu Bai put his cup of tea on the coffee table. โ€˜I respect both of your opinions so I brought her here to meet both of you. If you both give your blessings then Iโ€™ll start wedding preparations. If you both really donโ€™t want to give your blessings then forget about me marrying.โ€™

Chen Yu Baiโ€™s tone of voice was firm, Mrs Chen senior succumbed first and pulled Mr Chen seniorโ€™s shirt sleeve. Mr Chen senior felt helpless and angry. โ€˜Insolent kid!โ€™


An Xiao Li felt dinner at the Chen household was a scary sight. At the long dining table there were about two dozen people. It seemed like Chen Yu Bai was an important person in the Chen household, he sat on the left side of Chen Yin Jiang and Chen Yu Bai forced An Xiao Li to sit next to Chen Yu Bai on his right.

The kids that played with An Xiao Li before sat quietly at the dining table, all their little heads were lowered and breathlessly ate their dinner.

An Xiao Li wasnโ€™t used to eating with fancy utensils, she could only make clinking noises with the fancy utensils. Mrs Chen senior stared at An Xiao Li anxiously, finally Mrs Chen senior succeeded and An Xiao Li wasnโ€™t in the mood to try to eat.

An Xiao Li realised little Bai grew up under such circumstances, no wonder he was so cold, she felt he was really pitiful. She tilted her head and with sympathetic eyes she faced little Bai.

Chen Yu Bai cut up all the food on his plate and pushed his plate in front of Xiao Li.

An Xiao Li felt that Chen Yu Baiโ€™s mood improved after the frustrating dinner at his parentsโ€™ house. If any of his family members tried to talk to him, he glared at them and they looked like they were scared to death. Chen Yu Bai only sat for a little while after dinner then he abruptly farewell his parents, stood and left with An Xiao Li.

In the car, An Xiao Li fretted and felt utterly defeated.

โ€˜Iโ€™ll take you out, ok?โ€™ Chen Yu Bai asked happily.

An Xiao Li looked at Chen Yu Bai and she hesitated to tell him about her thoughts for a while. โ€˜Chen Yu Bai, it seems your parents donโ€™t like me, why donโ€™t weโ€ฆ temporarily forget about marriage?โ€™

Suddenly Chen Yu Bai slammed the brakes hard, An Xiao Li flung forward. She almost flew out of the car, her shaky hands gripped her seatbelt and the side of her seat. She slowly turned her head and saw his scary expression so she laughed sweetly. โ€˜Iโ€ฆ was joking.โ€™

Chen Yu Bai relaxed his fisted hands, snorted and let Xiao Liโ€™s tasteless joke slide.


End of Chapter Twenty-three (Part 1)