Evolving Silver Dragon-Chapter 192 - : 190 Accept This Gift_l

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Chapter 192: 190 Accept This Gift_l

Translator: 549690339

At this point in the conversation, Otto didn抰 bother pretending anymore, as it would only waste his time.

揗y messenger will arrive soon!

With that, he cut off the communication.

Dain and Ebik looked at each other, finally understanding Otto抯 shamelessness.

Was this guy really a Silver Dragon?

Perhaps the reason he was in the monster-filled Nolan Forest instead of Dawn Forest was because he was so shameless that he had been driven out.

Dain maliciously speculated, but at most, it only made his restless heart feel better.

Meanwhile, on a hidden mountain peak, Otto had just happily cut off the communication magic.

Konoheim, who had been following him, looked at him with a complicated expression.

After a moment, Konoheim said somewhat speechlessly, 揈ven with half of the

Red Dragon抯 bloodline, you抮e really shameless. Even pure-blooded Red

Dragons wouldn抰 go to this extent厰

揥hat, are you going to defend them?

Otto looked at Konoheim amusingly, as he now had a deeper understanding of this Brass Dragon抯 character.

Regardless of whether things were good or bad, as long as they didn抰 involve him, he didn抰 care to intervene and would stand aside like a casual observer.

As Otto figured, Konoheim laughed and said, 揙f course not. I just feel that this trip is really worthwhile. I really want to see the faces of the Silver Dragon elders in Dawn Forest when they see you, the black sheep of their clan.

揑抦 just a pure egoist, plus a little bit paranoid厰

Otto shook his head with a helpless expression.

Konoheim抯 eyes lit up, 揂nother new term, it sounds interesting. Being around you, I always learn about many novel things厰

But what surprised him even more was when, in front of him, Otto grew a new head and then tore it off at the base.

Soon, the wound on Otto抯 shoulder quickly healed, and the severed head on the ground turned into a Silver Dragon-man through its wriggling flesh and blood.

A moment later, the dragon-man opened its eyes and began to move its limbs.

揥hat kind of ability is this?

Konoheim抯 eyes widened in surprise, as this allowed him to witness another wonder.

The Silver Dragon-man suddenly spoke, 揑s this surprise enough to satisfy you? Equivalent exchange, that抯 your belief, right?

揋reed is the nature of dragons, it seems that even you are no exception厰

Konoheim nodded, then said, 揟ell me, what do you want? Gold and Silver treasures, or magic items, or some information or knowledge?

揑 happen to have some questions for you.

As the dragon-man with the silver scales flew towards Red Copper Castle, Otto抯 main body simultaneously talked to Konoheim, 揌ow much do you know about that Storm Titan you frightened away in Nolan Forest?

Konoheim seemed to understand something and smiled, 揇o you think the giant who fought the Black Iron Dwarves below is related to the Storm Titan? Otto nodded in confirmation.

After thinking for a moment, Konoheim said, 揊or me, this is not any valuable information, so telling you doesn抰 matter.

The Storm Titan is named Lars Lait, and he抯 almost a thousand years old by now. Needless to say, with the talent of a Titan, he has stepped into the realm of Legend.

If he抯 really related to those giants below, then I think you better weigh your own strength and not get yourself killed.

Konoheim didn抰 say much more, but even if he did, it wouldn抰 help much.

Although Otto was powerful now, the realm of Legend was still quite distant for him.

Generally speaking, even a dragon would likely have to reach the level of an old dragon to be competitive with a legendary powerhouse.

Storm Titans are the backbone of the Titan race, and only Red Dragons and Golden Dragons among the Dragon race can compare to them.

An almost thousand-year-old Storm Titan would arguably be on par with an ancient Red Dragon.

If the mastermind behind those giants below was the Storm Titan Lars Lait, then Otto must clear his relationship with the Black Iron Dwarves immediately; otherwise, he and the Land of the Soaring Dragon would be in danger.

However, there抯 one exception: if Konoheim was willing to take action.

If that were the case, just like a hundred years ago, Lars Lait would still be scared off by Konoheim in the end.

Perhaps sensing Otto抯 change in expression, Konoheim shook his head and said, 揇on抰 count on me to help you. Regarding this matter, I prefer being an ordinary audience!

揘ever say never!

Otto confidently said, 揃elieve me, when the time comes, I can offer you a satisfactory bargaining chip!

This Brass Dragon was very powerful, almost at the peak of this world, and it was a great resource that was right by his side. If he didn抰 make good use of it, it would be such a waste.

More importantly, Otto had already prepared an offer that Konoheim could never refuse, tailored to his particular fetish.

But all this was yet to come. Right now, Otto抯 special avatar, the silver dragon-man, had arrived near the Red Copper Castle.

To avoid being shot down by the Black Iron Dwarf抯 ballista along the way, Otto obediently landed outside the Black Iron Dwarf抯 defense line and slowly walked over.

Under the dragon-man抯 form, his combat power was about on par with Warwick.

Upon learning that he claimed to be a messenger of the Soaring Dragon Legion, a group of Black Iron Dwarves led him into the Red Copper Castle and brought him before Dain and Ebik.

Ebik was seated on the throne that had once belonged to Red Copper King Sorin, while Dain looked hesitantly at the dragon-man in front of him.

Although Otto had said in the communication scale that his messenger would arrive soon, this speed was a bit too fast.

Or was this guy always near Red Copper Castle, so Otto, the Silver Dragon, had long anticipated that things would turn out like this?

Thinking about this, Dain抯 perception of Otto plummeted further.

He scrutinized the Silver Dragon-man and asked, 揑 don抰 think I抳e ever seen you before厰

Ignoring the question, Otto directly took out two silver scales and said indifferently, 揂s long as you accept the Silver Dragon Lord抯 blessing, the Soaring Dragon Legion will help you deal with those troubles as quickly as possible.

Just as Dain was about to say something, Otto continued, 揑 believe you have seen Link or other Dragonborn Monsters in the Soaring Dragon Land. If you are willing, you can also gain such formidable power.

As I said, this is the Silver Dragon Lord抯 blessing, and only a very few lucky ones in the Soaring Dragon Legion can obtain it!

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freewe(b)nov𝒆l

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