After Having Everything Taken Away, She Returns As A God-Chapter 550 - : As Worthy of You, Si Fuqing (2)

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Chapter 550: As Worthy of You, Si Fuqing (2)

Translator: _Min

Amidst his pride, Gu Huiyan couldnโ€™t help but feel anxious, โ€œDo you think sheโ€™s really skilled with computers? What if the Thousand Army Alliance takes notice of her? The old leader there is also looking for a successor. What if he competes with me?โ€

The middle-aged man tactfully responded, โ€œThat would depend on Miss Sits intentions.โ€ ๐”ฃ๐–—๐”ข๐”ข๐”ด๐–Š๐–‡๐–“๐”ฌ๐”ณ๐–Š๐”ฉ.๐” ๐”ฌ๐–’

There was something he didnโ€™t say.

There wasnโ€™t even a competition to speak of, as you havenโ€™t even successfully made it to the starting line yet.

โ€œThatโ€™s true, the girl is not easily swayed,โ€ Gu Huiyan reassured himself, โ€œI donโ€™t believe that old fellow could outsmart me. In that case, give a call to our Northern State branch and have them send some gifts to this young lady.โ€

โ€œIsnโ€™t she filming a xianxia drama? She must need plenty of antiques and weapons, right? Tell her not to be polite with me, borrow whatever she needs.โ€

The middle-aged man agreed repeatedly, thinking to himself that Gu Huiyan had already become a discipleโ€™s servant without even successfully taking Miss Si as his disciple yet.

โ€œDirector, thereโ€™s something else,โ€ the middle-aged man began, โ€œThereโ€™s a reality show about the workplace being prepared by the Great Xia TV. Would you like to attend as a judge?

However, the middle-aged man quickly added, โ€œBut Director, Iโ€™ve heard that

Miss Si has signed up for this โ€˜The Birth of an Employeeโ€™ show.โ€

โ€œOh!โ€ Gu Huiyanโ€™s interest was piqued, and he slowly said, โ€œWell then, I suppose I could make an effort to be a judge. Let me review the programโ€™s documentation. โ€

The middle-aged man could only sigh at the clear double standard.

After completing his report, he went to contact the Heaven Earth Allianceโ€™s Northern State branch.

In the Northern State.

After leaving Yu Xihengโ€™s villa, Si Fuqing successfully acquired a new car with the car key.

The car was a deep red color, grand without being ostentatious.

Yu Xiheng had perfectly captured her preferences, both in terms of the carโ€™s model and its comfort.

Si Fuqing had intended to experience the thrill of speeding as soon as she hit the road, but she quickly realized her miscalculation.

It was a weekend and midday, and An City, being the capital city of Northern State, was jam-packed.

What should have been a twenty-minute drive turned into an hour and a half, as Si Fuqing finally reached Ye Zhenmianโ€™s restaurant.

โ€œAi Qingqing, why didnโ€™t you say you were coming back?โ€ Ye Zhenmian exclaimed, rushing out without even taking off her apron, โ€œCome in, come in.

Havenโ€™t had lunch yet?โ€

Northern Stateโ€™s high schools were on a break, so the restaurant was quiet.

Nian Tingchu was balancing the books, โ€œQingqing, why didnโ€™t you let us know? Your aunt and I would have come to pick you up.โ€

โ€œThere was no need for such trouble,โ€ Si Fuqing sat down, โ€œUncle, are you still working on the construction site? Why donโ€™t you stop and run the restaurant with auntie?โ€

Nian Tingchu smiled, โ€œIโ€™m fine. Thereโ€™s not always work at the site, and besides, manual labor is all Iโ€™m good for.โ€

โ€œLetโ€™s eat,โ€ Ye Zhenmian brought over some dishes, โ€œQingqing, the location youโ€™ve selected is really good. We even hired a few more waiters and chefs. Otherwise, I really couldnโ€™t manage alone.โ€

โ€œBy the way, uncle and auntie, Iโ€™ve bought our new house,โ€ Si Fuqing said while holding her chopsticks, โ€œLetโ€™s move in after this.โ€

โ€œSo soon?โ€ Ye Zhenmian hesitated, โ€œQingqing, youโ€™ve spent too much. Your uncle and I really feel bad.โ€

โ€œAuntie, uncle, you never gave up on looking for me. Iโ€™m already very content,โ€ Si Fuqing said earnestly, โ€œBeing able to support myself, I naturally want to give back to you.โ€

โ€œAlright, letโ€™s eat,โ€ seeing Ye Zhenmianโ€™s eyes welling up, Nian Tingchu timely offered a cola chicken wing, โ€œQingqing, eat more. Youโ€™re too thin.โ€ After the meal, Si Fuqing drove Nian Tingchu and Ye Zhenmian to move into the new house.

Nian Yiโ€™an went to play basketball with friends at the State Sports Center.

He returned home at six and was stunned by what he found.

The house was completely empty, including his computer, which had vanished.

The neighbor across the hall, hearing the commotion, opened their door, โ€œOh, Yiโ€™an, looks like your parents have ditched you. Seems theyโ€™ve got a daughter now and took off with their belongings.โ€

Nian Yiโ€™an: โ€˜

Nian Yiโ€™an took a deep breath and called Ye Zhenmian, โ€œMom, where are you

Returning home to find it empty was bewildering.

โ€œYour dad and I got busy and forgot,โ€ Ye Zhenmian slapped her forehead, โ€œYour sister brought us to the new house today. Come over, the address is Central Garden. Let me know when you arrive, Iโ€™ll come down to fetch you. You canโ€™t get in without an access card.โ€

Nian Yiโ€™an: โ€˜

He might not be their real son.

Nian Yiโ€™an resigned himself to the situation.

He rode his bike to Central Garden.

The new house, spanning 200 square meters, was more than spacious enough for the four of them.

Si Fuqing even thoughtfully designated a small gym and game room.

Nian Yiโ€™an put down his basketball, โ€œSister Qingqing, when are you reporting tomorrow?โ€

โ€œIn the morning,โ€ Si Fuqing replied, โ€œIs there something wrong?โ€

Nian Yiโ€™an hesitated for a moment, โ€œIโ€™ve been feeling unwell. Could you accompany me to the hospital?โ€

โ€œNo problem,โ€ Si Fuqing gestured okay, โ€œYoung man, having your own secrets, I understand. I wonโ€™t tell uncle and auntie.โ€

Nian Yiโ€™an breathed a sigh of relief and took out the exams Lin Jihuan had given him to study.

The next morning.

The new and returning students of Northern State No.l Middle School began to report.

Students arrived unusually early today, some as early as five in the morning, catching the gatekeeper off guard.

โ€œIs Qingqing coming today? I must be the first to see her!โ€ โ€œWho else can boast such happiness, sharing a school with our idol?โ€

โ€œHere she comes, guys, letโ€™s go!โ€

โ€œQingqing, darling, look at me!โ€

Si Fuqing had anticipated this scene. She set down the huge snakeskin bag she was carrying, โ€œNo rush, Iโ€™ve brought plenty. Line up, no shouting, one at a time.โ€

The students were stunned.

Look at other female celebrities, even in casual wear, at least they carry canvas bags.

A snakeskin bag was a first for them.

As worth ofyou, Si Fuqing.

Only she could pull this off.

The students lined up orderly, extending to the playground, with more joining in.

Not all were Si Fuqingโ€™s fans, but many wanted an autographed photo as a lucky koi fish.

The commotion was hard to ignore, even from the academic building.

โ€œLook at this, I told you her presence would distract other students from studying,โ€ Teacher Ai frowned, โ€œNow everyoneโ€™s gathered around her. How is this acceptable?โ€

She might be academically gifted, but disrupting the rules was not something she appreciated.

โ€œRelax, Teacher Ai, todayโ€™s just for registration, no classes. Why so strict?โ€ the sophomore grade leader said, โ€œI think the girlโ€™s quite alright. My grade has many of her fans too, and sheโ€™s not like some celebrities who incite their fans to buy more albums or magazines.โ€

โ€œBesides, the principal mentioned sheโ€™s just registering, not attending classes regularly. Donโ€™t worry, the schoolโ€™s academic performance wonโ€™t be affected.โ€ Teacher Ai had no choice but to sit back down, though still feeling frustrated.

In Class 7, Grade 12, Lin Jihuan didnโ€™t join the crowd but stayed by the window, watching.

Only she and Nian Yiโ€™an were left in the classroom.

She nudged Nian Yiโ€™anโ€™s shoulder, โ€œDesk mate, isnโ€™t my idol beautiful? Doesnโ€™t she look a million times better in person than in photos?โ€

โ€œYeah,โ€ Nian Yiโ€™an responded without looking up, โ€œShe is very beautiful.โ€

โ€œWhy so half-hearted?โ€ Lin Jihuan glanced at him, โ€œArenโ€™t you a male fan? Why arenโ€™t you excited?โ€

Nian Yiโ€™an put down his pen, โ€œTablemate, I have a secret to tell you.โ€

Lin Jihuan was curious, โ€œWhat secret?โ€

โ€œActually, sheโ€™s my cousin,โ€ Nian Yiโ€™an paused, then added nonchalantly, โ€œAnd yes, weโ€™re blood relatives..โ€

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