Heidi and the LordChapter 158 (END)

The year 1847 The four Empires have stayed unchanged for centuries, vampires having the upper hand and being the master puppeteer of all. But conflicts have begun to rise-an internal war between the two empires, Bonelake and Woville. Heidi was an adopted child, where one of the Duke had been generous enough to take her in. A girl, who when grew up had no idea that she would be the political bridge between the two empires. A marriage with the East Lord’s relative. Lord Nicholas with his gentle appearance and behaviour made him the White King of the Empire. A man who was the kindest to the souls around him, with only a few who knew what laid beneath that beautiful mask. What happens when a girl is responsible for bringing out the worst and the best out of him? Especially when it’s his cousin’s fiancee.

Valerian EmpireChapter 127 Persuasion to go

“But he is a good man,” she argued to see his eyes narrow at her words. “And I could be a bad man,” he warned, “Until you’re under my wing, I expect you to behave and listen to what I say. Do not let any man kiss you, Katherine. We don’t want you falling into wrong hands like before so play along.” “I’m not yours to listen,” she blurted out and felt her face flush with embarrassment for the second time in the evening, “I mean you can’t-” “So disobedient,” he murmured before his hand moved from her waist to her back pulling her close to him and he whispered, “Would you want to be mine?” Year 1834 A dark time when the shadowed creatures descended the peaceful human lands, making their existence known slowly. The time when empires were ruled by the human’s conspiracy, betrayal, and hate but unaware that they were just mere puppets. The actual puppeteers behind the scenes were the shadowed creatures, having the power to crush anything in their way. What happens when a little human girl catches the eye of one of the pureblooded Lord? Will she survive the political affairs between the lands when there is a handsome Lord involved and not to forget the ghost that’s followed her back home.

The Demon's SoulChapter 80 Epilogue- Part 2

She leaned down to look inside the well and sighed. Tucking back her hair behind her ear as the evening wind blew. “I told you not to be a curious cat,“ she scolded looking at the well to receive a small “meow“ from it. Her cat had stepped on the edge of the well no matter how many times she placed it back on the ground and as expected it fell inside it, “You know what I“m goin...